Research Article
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Year 2018, , 41 - 54, 30.03.2018



  • Agrawal, S. and Das, M.L. (2011). Internet of Things – A Paradigm Shift of Future Internet Applications, Instıtute of Technology, 978(1), 382481.
  • Akbulut, M. (2015). The Adoption Of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems In Enterprises And The Effects Of Extended Technology Acceptance Model Based On Evaluatıon. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Institute of Social Sciences, Departmant of Management Information Systems, M. Sc., Osmaniye.
  • Aktaş, F.; Çeken, C. and Erdemlı,̇ Y. E. (2015). Transmission of Physiological Signals With Quality of Service Support By Using Wireless Body Area Networks. In Medical Technologies National Conference (TIPTEKNO), (1-4). IEEE.
  • Alçın, S. (2016). A New Theme For Production: Industry 4.0. Journal of Life Economics, 3(2), 19-30.
  • Atzori, L.; Iera A. and Morabito G. (2010). The Internet of Things: A Survey, Computer Networks, 54, 2787-2805.
  • Aydın, F. (2015). Bilgi Sistemleri ve İletişim Teknolojileri Kullanımının Teknoloji Kabul Modeli ile İncelenmesi ve ESOGÜ Hastanesi Çalışanları Üzerinde Bir Uygulama. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sağlık Yüksekokulu Sağlık Yönetimi Bölümü, Lisans Tamamlama Tezi, Eskişehir.
  • Ceylan, H. H.; Genç, E. and Erem, I. (2013). Evaluating the Factors Affecting the Internet Banking Adoption of Consumers Using Structural Equation Model. Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences. 143-153.
  • Chau, P.Y.K. and Hu, P.J. (2001). Information Technology Acceptance by Individual Professionals: A Model Comparison Approach, Decision Sciences, 32(4), 699-719.
  • Davis, F.D. (1986). A Technology Acceptance Model for Emprıcally Testing New End-User Information Systems: Theory and Results. Master’s Thesis, Massachusetts Instıtute of Technology, Massachusetts.
  • Davis, F.D. (1989). Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use and User Acceptance of Information Technology, MIS Querterly, 13(3), 319324.
  • Doğan, M.; Şen, R. and Yılmaz, V. (2015). Investigation of Behaviors Related to Online Banking Using Theory of Planned Behavior and Technology Acceptance Model with a Proposed Structural Equation Model, Uşak University Journal of Social Sciences,8(2), 1-22.
  • Durmuş, B.; Yurtkoru, E. S. ve Çinko M. (2013). Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS’le Veri Analizi (5. Baskı).İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım.
  • Gao, L. and Bai, X. (2014). A Unified Perspective on the Factors Influencing Consumer Acceptance of Internet of Things Technology, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 26(2), 211- 231.
  • Goldsmith, R. E. (2002). Explaining and Predicting Consumer Intention to Purchase Over the Internet: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 10(2), 22-28.
  • Greengard, S. (2017). Internet of Things (1st Edition). İstanbul: Optimist Publishing.
  • Güğül, G.N. (2008). Smart Home Design and Application. Master’s Thesis, Gazi University Instıtute of Science And Technology, Ankara.
  • Gürbüz, S. ve Şahin, F. (2016). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri: Felsefe, Yöntem ve Analiz (3. Basım). Ankara: Seçkin Yayınları.
  • Hu, P.J.H.; Clark, T.H.K. and Ma, W.W. (2003). Examining Technology Acceptance by School Teachers: A Longitudinal Study, Information and System Management, 41(2003), 227-241.
  • Karahanna, E.; Agarwall, R. and Angst, C.M. (2006). Reconceptualizing Compatibility Beliefs in Technology Acceptance Research, Management Information Systems Research Centre, 30(4), 781-804.
  • Karahanna, E. and Straub, D. W. (1999). The Psychological Origins of Perceived Usefulness and Ease-of-Use. Information & Management, 35(4), 237-250.
  • Kaş, E. (2015). The Examination of Online Hotel Reservation Websites Through Technology Acceptance Model. Master’s Thesis, Balıkesir University Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Balıkesir.
  • Keller, C. (2005). Virtual Learning Environments: Three Implementation Perspectives, Learning, Media and Technology, 30(3),299-311.
  • King, W. R. and Hu, J. (2006). A Meta-Analysis of the Technology Acceptance Model. Information & Management, 43(6), 740-755.
  • Kocagöz, E. and Dursun, Y. (2010). How Can Perceived Behavioral Control Be Positioned in The Ajzen’s Theory: Alternative Model Analyses, KMU Social and Economic Researchs Journal, 12(19), 139-152.
  • Koç, E. (2007). Tüketici Davranışı ve Pazarlama Stratejileri: Global ve Yerel Yaklaşım (1. Basım). Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Kutup, N. (2011). Nesnelerin İnterneti; 4H Her Yerden, Herkesle, Her Zaman, Her Nesne İle Bağlantı. 16. Türkiye’de İnternet Konferansı inettr’11.
  • Ma, W. W. K.; Andersson, R. and Streith, K. O. (2005). Examining User Acceptance of Computer Technology: An Empirical Study of Student Teachers. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21(6), 387-395.
  • Malhotra, N. K. (2010). Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation (6th Edition). New Jersey: Pearson Education.
  • Menzi, N.; Nezih, Ö. and Çalışkan, E. (2012). Investigating Educational Researchers' Views of Using Mobile Technologies for Educational Purposes Based on Technology Acceptance Model. Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 13(1).
  • Mutlu, H.M.; Çeviker, A. and Çirkin, Z. (2011). Consumer Ethnocentrism and Intention of Foreign Product Purchase: A Comparative Analysis on Turkey and Syria. Socioeconomic Journal, 14(14), 51-74.
  • Özbek, V.; Alnıaçık Ü.; Koç F.; Akkılıç M. E. and Kaş E. (2014). The Impact of Personality on Technology Acceptance: A Study on Smart Phone Users, International Review of Economics and Management, 2(1), 36-57.
  • Özer, G.; Özcan, M. ve Aktaş, S. (2010). Muhasebecilerin Bilgi Teknolojisi Kullanımının Teknoloji Kabu lModeli (TKM) İle İncelenmesi, Journal of Yaşar University, 5(19), 3278-3293.
  • Sekeran, U. (2002). Research Methods for Bussiness A Skill Building Approach, 4.Edition, Hermitage Edition.
  • Serçemeli, M. and Kurnaz, E. (2016). Investigation of Using Information Technology Products with Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in Auditing. Istanbul University Journal of the School of Business, 45(1), 43.
  • Tonta, Y. and Küçük, M. E. (2005). Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Society, Governance, Management and Leadership Approaches in the Light of the Technological Developments and the Information Age. Türk Kütüphaneciliği, 19(4), 449464.
  • Turan, A.H. and Çolakoğlu, B.E. (2008). Faculty’s Acceptance and Use of Technology in Higher Education: An Empirical Assessment At Adnan Menderes University, Doğuş University Journal, 9(1), 106-121.
  • Xia, F.; Yang, T.L.; Wang, L. and Vinel, A. (2012). Internet of Things, International Journal of Communication Systems, 10(1002), 1101-1102.
  • Yiğitbaşı, Z. H. (2011). Key Predictions for the Concept of Objects Internet and Machine Mechanics-IPv6 Conference, 103-108.
  • /Access date: 30.11.2017.
  • Access date: 26.03.2017.
  • Access date: 03.04.2017.
  • Access date:10.12.2017.
  • Access date: 18.12.2017.
  • Access date:04.09.2017
  • Access date: 12.11.2017.
  • Access date: 12.11.2017.
  • Access date: 12.11.2017.


Year 2018, , 41 - 54, 30.03.2018


Purpose-  Developments in information technology and
digital arena have opened the way for many new applications that will
facilitate everyday life. It is important for producers to know the reasons
behind acceptance, use and rejection of these new applications. The purpose of
this study is to examine the basic factors behind the intention of using
products with internet of things technology that are new to our life within the
technology acceptance model.  

Methodology- The
Multiple Regression Analysis was employed in this study to test the proposed
hypotheses with the questionnaires sampled from 453 individuals living in

Findings-  It is seen that there is a strong correlation
between attitude and intention among perceived usefulness, ease of use,
attitude and intention variables examined in the study. In addition, perceived
ease of use is concluded to have positive and significant effects on perceived
usefulness and attitudes while the variable of perceived usefulness has the
same effect on attitude and intention.  Conclusion- The findings of this study
not only contribute to theoretical aspects, but also arise practical issues for
smart durable goods sellers.  


  • Agrawal, S. and Das, M.L. (2011). Internet of Things – A Paradigm Shift of Future Internet Applications, Instıtute of Technology, 978(1), 382481.
  • Akbulut, M. (2015). The Adoption Of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems In Enterprises And The Effects Of Extended Technology Acceptance Model Based On Evaluatıon. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Institute of Social Sciences, Departmant of Management Information Systems, M. Sc., Osmaniye.
  • Aktaş, F.; Çeken, C. and Erdemlı,̇ Y. E. (2015). Transmission of Physiological Signals With Quality of Service Support By Using Wireless Body Area Networks. In Medical Technologies National Conference (TIPTEKNO), (1-4). IEEE.
  • Alçın, S. (2016). A New Theme For Production: Industry 4.0. Journal of Life Economics, 3(2), 19-30.
  • Atzori, L.; Iera A. and Morabito G. (2010). The Internet of Things: A Survey, Computer Networks, 54, 2787-2805.
  • Aydın, F. (2015). Bilgi Sistemleri ve İletişim Teknolojileri Kullanımının Teknoloji Kabul Modeli ile İncelenmesi ve ESOGÜ Hastanesi Çalışanları Üzerinde Bir Uygulama. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sağlık Yüksekokulu Sağlık Yönetimi Bölümü, Lisans Tamamlama Tezi, Eskişehir.
  • Ceylan, H. H.; Genç, E. and Erem, I. (2013). Evaluating the Factors Affecting the Internet Banking Adoption of Consumers Using Structural Equation Model. Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences. 143-153.
  • Chau, P.Y.K. and Hu, P.J. (2001). Information Technology Acceptance by Individual Professionals: A Model Comparison Approach, Decision Sciences, 32(4), 699-719.
  • Davis, F.D. (1986). A Technology Acceptance Model for Emprıcally Testing New End-User Information Systems: Theory and Results. Master’s Thesis, Massachusetts Instıtute of Technology, Massachusetts.
  • Davis, F.D. (1989). Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use and User Acceptance of Information Technology, MIS Querterly, 13(3), 319324.
  • Doğan, M.; Şen, R. and Yılmaz, V. (2015). Investigation of Behaviors Related to Online Banking Using Theory of Planned Behavior and Technology Acceptance Model with a Proposed Structural Equation Model, Uşak University Journal of Social Sciences,8(2), 1-22.
  • Durmuş, B.; Yurtkoru, E. S. ve Çinko M. (2013). Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS’le Veri Analizi (5. Baskı).İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım.
  • Gao, L. and Bai, X. (2014). A Unified Perspective on the Factors Influencing Consumer Acceptance of Internet of Things Technology, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 26(2), 211- 231.
  • Goldsmith, R. E. (2002). Explaining and Predicting Consumer Intention to Purchase Over the Internet: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 10(2), 22-28.
  • Greengard, S. (2017). Internet of Things (1st Edition). İstanbul: Optimist Publishing.
  • Güğül, G.N. (2008). Smart Home Design and Application. Master’s Thesis, Gazi University Instıtute of Science And Technology, Ankara.
  • Gürbüz, S. ve Şahin, F. (2016). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri: Felsefe, Yöntem ve Analiz (3. Basım). Ankara: Seçkin Yayınları.
  • Hu, P.J.H.; Clark, T.H.K. and Ma, W.W. (2003). Examining Technology Acceptance by School Teachers: A Longitudinal Study, Information and System Management, 41(2003), 227-241.
  • Karahanna, E.; Agarwall, R. and Angst, C.M. (2006). Reconceptualizing Compatibility Beliefs in Technology Acceptance Research, Management Information Systems Research Centre, 30(4), 781-804.
  • Karahanna, E. and Straub, D. W. (1999). The Psychological Origins of Perceived Usefulness and Ease-of-Use. Information & Management, 35(4), 237-250.
  • Kaş, E. (2015). The Examination of Online Hotel Reservation Websites Through Technology Acceptance Model. Master’s Thesis, Balıkesir University Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Balıkesir.
  • Keller, C. (2005). Virtual Learning Environments: Three Implementation Perspectives, Learning, Media and Technology, 30(3),299-311.
  • King, W. R. and Hu, J. (2006). A Meta-Analysis of the Technology Acceptance Model. Information & Management, 43(6), 740-755.
  • Kocagöz, E. and Dursun, Y. (2010). How Can Perceived Behavioral Control Be Positioned in The Ajzen’s Theory: Alternative Model Analyses, KMU Social and Economic Researchs Journal, 12(19), 139-152.
  • Koç, E. (2007). Tüketici Davranışı ve Pazarlama Stratejileri: Global ve Yerel Yaklaşım (1. Basım). Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Kutup, N. (2011). Nesnelerin İnterneti; 4H Her Yerden, Herkesle, Her Zaman, Her Nesne İle Bağlantı. 16. Türkiye’de İnternet Konferansı inettr’11.
  • Ma, W. W. K.; Andersson, R. and Streith, K. O. (2005). Examining User Acceptance of Computer Technology: An Empirical Study of Student Teachers. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21(6), 387-395.
  • Malhotra, N. K. (2010). Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation (6th Edition). New Jersey: Pearson Education.
  • Menzi, N.; Nezih, Ö. and Çalışkan, E. (2012). Investigating Educational Researchers' Views of Using Mobile Technologies for Educational Purposes Based on Technology Acceptance Model. Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 13(1).
  • Mutlu, H.M.; Çeviker, A. and Çirkin, Z. (2011). Consumer Ethnocentrism and Intention of Foreign Product Purchase: A Comparative Analysis on Turkey and Syria. Socioeconomic Journal, 14(14), 51-74.
  • Özbek, V.; Alnıaçık Ü.; Koç F.; Akkılıç M. E. and Kaş E. (2014). The Impact of Personality on Technology Acceptance: A Study on Smart Phone Users, International Review of Economics and Management, 2(1), 36-57.
  • Özer, G.; Özcan, M. ve Aktaş, S. (2010). Muhasebecilerin Bilgi Teknolojisi Kullanımının Teknoloji Kabu lModeli (TKM) İle İncelenmesi, Journal of Yaşar University, 5(19), 3278-3293.
  • Sekeran, U. (2002). Research Methods for Bussiness A Skill Building Approach, 4.Edition, Hermitage Edition.
  • Serçemeli, M. and Kurnaz, E. (2016). Investigation of Using Information Technology Products with Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in Auditing. Istanbul University Journal of the School of Business, 45(1), 43.
  • Tonta, Y. and Küçük, M. E. (2005). Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Society, Governance, Management and Leadership Approaches in the Light of the Technological Developments and the Information Age. Türk Kütüphaneciliği, 19(4), 449464.
  • Turan, A.H. and Çolakoğlu, B.E. (2008). Faculty’s Acceptance and Use of Technology in Higher Education: An Empirical Assessment At Adnan Menderes University, Doğuş University Journal, 9(1), 106-121.
  • Xia, F.; Yang, T.L.; Wang, L. and Vinel, A. (2012). Internet of Things, International Journal of Communication Systems, 10(1002), 1101-1102.
  • Yiğitbaşı, Z. H. (2011). Key Predictions for the Concept of Objects Internet and Machine Mechanics-IPv6 Conference, 103-108.
  • /Access date: 30.11.2017.
  • Access date: 26.03.2017.
  • Access date: 03.04.2017.
  • Access date:10.12.2017.
  • Access date: 18.12.2017.
  • Access date:04.09.2017
  • Access date: 12.11.2017.
  • Access date: 12.11.2017.
  • Access date: 12.11.2017.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Ece Pazvant This is me 0000-0001-9781-5334

Emel Faiz 0000-0002-1911-7706

Publication Date March 30, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018



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