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The role of consumer innovativeness in gastronomy: Bibliometric analysis and future research trends

Yıl 2024, Sayı: Special Issue 2 - Sustainability, Innovation and Changing Dynamics in Tourism: From Local to Global, 79 - 91


Consumer innovativeness is an emerging research area in gastronomy. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the evolution of trends in consumer innovativeness since its inception and highlight the importance of consumer innovativeness in gastronomy and culinary arts. To achieve this, 152 academic studies published Scopus database between 1974 and 2024 with the term “consumer innovativeness” in their titles were analyzed. The articles were analyzed using multidisciplinary document co-citation analysis and R Studio-Biblioshiny software to identify the theoretical foundations, research topics, contexts, and methodologies of previous studies. The study examined the number of articles by year, most cited articles and authors, journals with the highest publication volume on the subject, citation counts for these journals, authors' contributions to the consumer innovativeness literature, common citation networks, countries with the highest publication output and collaboration, word clouds, common word networks, and the findings obtained. The study’s findings contribute to the general understanding of the current literature on consumer innovativeness and suggest future research areas.

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  • Aaker. D.A. & Keller, KL. (1990). Consumer Evaluations of Brand Extension. Journal of Marketing, 54: 27-41.
  • Akyürek, S., & Kızılcık, O. (2019). Determining Tourists’ Propensity to Consume Innovative Cuisine: The Case of Molecular Cuisine. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, 17(6), 519-533.
  • Aldebert, B., Dang, R. J., & Longhi, C. (2011). Innovation in the Tourism Industry: The Case of Tourism. Tourism management, 32(5), 1204-1213.
  • Al-Jundi, S. A., Shuhaiber, A., & Augustine, R. (2019). Effect of Consumer Innovativeness on New Product Purchase Intentions through Learning Process and Perceived Value. Cogent Business & Management, 6(1), 1698849.
  • Alotaibi, S., Shafieizadeh, K., & Alsumait, K. (2022). Customers’ Perceptions toward Service Robots at Restaurants: The Moderating Role of Consumer Innovativeness and the Mediating Role of Perceived Hedonic Benefits. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 1-23.
  • Anning-Dorson, T. & Nyamekye, M.B. (2020). Be Flexible: Turning Innovativeness into Competitive Advantage in Hospitality Firms. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(2): 605-624.
  • Bartels, J., & Reinders, M. J. (2011). Consumer Innovativeness and its Correlates: A Propositional Inventory for Future Research. Journal of Business Research, 64(6), 601-609.
  • Bass, F. M. (1969). A New Product Growth for Model Consumer Durables. Management Science, 15(5): 215-227.
  • Berggren, E. & Nacher, T. (2001). Introducing New Products Can be Hazardous to your Company: Use the Right New-Solutions Delivery Tools. Academy of Management Perspectives, 15(3): 92-101.
  • Biswas, A. & Roy, M. (2015a). Green products: An Exploratory Study on the Consumer Behaviour in Emerging Economies of the East. Journal of Cleaner Production, 87: 463-468.
  • Biswas, A. & Roy, M. (2015b). Leveraging Factors for Sustained Green Consumption Behaviour Based on Consumption Value Perceptions: Testing the Structural Model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 95: 332–340.
  • Bokun, K. & Nazarko, J. (2023). Smart Villages Concept - A bibliometric Analysis and State-of-the-Art Literature Review, Progress in Planning, 175: 100765, 1-23.
  • Brouder, P. (2020). Reset redux: Possible Evolutionary Pathways towards the Transformation of Tourism in a COVID-19 World. Tourism Geographies, 22(3), 484-490.
  • Choo, H.J., Sim, S.Y., Lee, H.K. & Kim, H.B. (2014). The Effect of Consumers’ Involvement and Innovativeness on the Utilization of Fashion Wardrobe, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 38(2): 175-182.
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  • Dohale, V., Gunasekaran, A., Akarte, M.M. & Verma, P. (2020). Twenty-Five Years’ Contribution of “Benchmarking: an International Journal” to Manufacturing Strategy: A Scientometric Review. Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 27 No. 10, pp. 2887-2908.
  • Donthu, N., Kumar, S., Mukherjee, D., Pandey, N., & Lim, W. M. (2021). How to Conduct a Bibliometric Analysis: an Overview and Guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 133, 285-296.
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Yıl 2024, Sayı: Special Issue 2 - Sustainability, Innovation and Changing Dynamics in Tourism: From Local to Global, 79 - 91



  • Aaker. D.A. & Keller, KL. (1990). Consumer Evaluations of Brand Extension. Journal of Marketing, 54: 27-41.
  • Akyürek, S., & Kızılcık, O. (2019). Determining Tourists’ Propensity to Consume Innovative Cuisine: The Case of Molecular Cuisine. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, 17(6), 519-533.
  • Aldebert, B., Dang, R. J., & Longhi, C. (2011). Innovation in the Tourism Industry: The Case of Tourism. Tourism management, 32(5), 1204-1213.
  • Al-Jundi, S. A., Shuhaiber, A., & Augustine, R. (2019). Effect of Consumer Innovativeness on New Product Purchase Intentions through Learning Process and Perceived Value. Cogent Business & Management, 6(1), 1698849.
  • Alotaibi, S., Shafieizadeh, K., & Alsumait, K. (2022). Customers’ Perceptions toward Service Robots at Restaurants: The Moderating Role of Consumer Innovativeness and the Mediating Role of Perceived Hedonic Benefits. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 1-23.
  • Anning-Dorson, T. & Nyamekye, M.B. (2020). Be Flexible: Turning Innovativeness into Competitive Advantage in Hospitality Firms. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(2): 605-624.
  • Bartels, J., & Reinders, M. J. (2011). Consumer Innovativeness and its Correlates: A Propositional Inventory for Future Research. Journal of Business Research, 64(6), 601-609.
  • Bass, F. M. (1969). A New Product Growth for Model Consumer Durables. Management Science, 15(5): 215-227.
  • Berggren, E. & Nacher, T. (2001). Introducing New Products Can be Hazardous to your Company: Use the Right New-Solutions Delivery Tools. Academy of Management Perspectives, 15(3): 92-101.
  • Biswas, A. & Roy, M. (2015a). Green products: An Exploratory Study on the Consumer Behaviour in Emerging Economies of the East. Journal of Cleaner Production, 87: 463-468.
  • Biswas, A. & Roy, M. (2015b). Leveraging Factors for Sustained Green Consumption Behaviour Based on Consumption Value Perceptions: Testing the Structural Model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 95: 332–340.
  • Bokun, K. & Nazarko, J. (2023). Smart Villages Concept - A bibliometric Analysis and State-of-the-Art Literature Review, Progress in Planning, 175: 100765, 1-23.
  • Brouder, P. (2020). Reset redux: Possible Evolutionary Pathways towards the Transformation of Tourism in a COVID-19 World. Tourism Geographies, 22(3), 484-490.
  • Choo, H.J., Sim, S.Y., Lee, H.K. & Kim, H.B. (2014). The Effect of Consumers’ Involvement and Innovativeness on the Utilization of Fashion Wardrobe, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 38(2): 175-182.
  • Chow, G. C. (1967). Technological Change and the Demand for Computers. The American Economic Review, 57(5): 1117-1130.
  • Citrin, A.V., Sprott, D.E., Silverman, S.N. & Stem, D.E. Jr (2000). Adoption of Internet Shopping: The Role of Consumer Innovativeness, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 100 No. 7, pp. 294-9.
  • Çalışkan, Ç., Sabbağ, Ç., Dedeoğlu, B. B., & Onat, G. (2019). Seyahat Süresince Gerçekleşen Yemek Tüketim Davranişinda Demografik Özelliklerin Rolü. 4th International Gastronomy Tourism Studies Conference At: NEVŞEHİR, Turkey, 665-670.
  • Damanpour, F., Walker, R. M. & Avellaneda, C. N. (2009). Combinative Effects of Innovation Types and Organizational Performance: A Longitudinal Study of Service Organizations. Journal of Management Studies, 46(4): 650-675.
  • Dearing, J. W. (2009). Applying Diffusion of Innovation Theory to Intervention Development. Research on Social Work Practice, 19(5): 503-518.
  • Divisekera, S., & Nguyen, V. K. (2018). Determinants of Innovation in Tourism Evidence from Australia. Tourism Management, 67, 157-167.
  • Dohale, V., Gunasekaran, A., Akarte, M.M. & Verma, P. (2020). Twenty-Five Years’ Contribution of “Benchmarking: an International Journal” to Manufacturing Strategy: A Scientometric Review. Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 27 No. 10, pp. 2887-2908.
  • Donthu, N., Kumar, S., Mukherjee, D., Pandey, N., & Lim, W. M. (2021). How to Conduct a Bibliometric Analysis: an Overview and Guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 133, 285-296.
  • Ebersberger, B., Herstad, S.J. & Nordli, A. (2021). Hospitality Innovation Strategies: Robustness Analysis of Paths to Firm Performance. Tourism Management, Vol. 85, 104310.
  • Enz, C. A., & Harrison, J. S. (2008). Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Hospitality Industry. The SAGE Handbook of Hospitality Management, 213-228
  • Eryiğit, C. (2020). Consumer Innovativeness: A Literature Review. Marketing and Management of Innovations, (3).
  • Floyd, A. (1962). Trend Forecasting: A Methodology for Figure of Merit. Technological Forecasting for Industry and Government, 95-105.
  • Fourt, L. A. & Woodlock, J. W. (1960). Early Prediction of Market Success for New Grocery Products. Journal of Marketing, 25(2): 31-38.
  • Foxall, G.R., Goldsmith, R.E. & Brown, S. (1999). Consumer Psychology for Marketing. International Thomson Business Press, London.
  • Fu, F. Q. & Elliott, M. T. (2013). The Moderating Effect of Perceived Product Innovativeness and Product Knowledge on New Product Adoption: An Integrated Model. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 21(3): 257-272.
  • Gaviria-Marin, M., Merigó, J. M., & Baier-Fuentes, H. (2019). Knowledge Management: A Global Examination Based on Bibliometric Analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 140, 194-220.
  • Goldsmith, R. E. & Hofacker, C. F. (1991). Measuring Consumer Innovativeness. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 19: 209–221.
  • Goldsmith, R. E., Freiden, J. B., & Eastman, J. K. (1995). The Generality/Specificity Issue in Consumer Innovativeness Research. Technovation, 15(10), 601-612.
  • Gomezelj, D. O. (2016). A Systematic Review of Research on Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(3), 516-558.
  • Groos, O. V., & Pritchard, A. (1969). Documentation Notes. Journal of Documentation, 25(4), 344-349.
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Nurgül Boz 0000-0003-0779-2015

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 15 Ekim 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 15 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Sayı: Special Issue 2 - Sustainability, Innovation and Changing Dynamics in Tourism: From Local to Global

Kaynak Göster

APA Boz, N. (2024). The role of consumer innovativeness in gastronomy: Bibliometric analysis and future research trends. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Tourism(Special Issue 2 - Sustainability, Innovation and Changing Dynamics in Tourism: From Local to Global), 79-91.

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