Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 661 - 674, 16.06.2017



  • 1. Fauquet C, Fargette D. African Cassava Mosaic Virus: Etiology, Epidemiology, and Control. Plant Disease 1990. 74 (6): 404–11. DOI:10.1094/pd-74-0404
  • 2. Gbadegesin MA, Olaiya CO, Beeching JR. Africa cassava: Biotechnology and molecular breeding to the resue. Br Biotechnol J. 2013. 3(3):305-317. DOI:10.9734/BBJ/2013/3449.
  • 3. IFAD/FAO. Proceedings of the validation forum on the global cassava development strategy: A review of cassava in Africa with country case studies on Nigeria, Ghana, the United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda and Benin. 2013. 2:1-66.
  • 4. Chiwona-Karltun L, Tylleskar T, Mkumbira J, Gebre- Medhin M, Rosling H. Low dietary cyanogen exposure from frequent consumption of potentially toxic cassava in Malawi. Int. J. Food Sci. Nutr. 2002. 51:33-43.
  • 5. AOAC, Official methods of analysis (14th Edn.) Arlington, VA: Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 1984
  • 6. Oluwaniyi OO, Dosumu OO, Awolola GV. Effect of cooking method on the proximate, Amino acid, and Fatty acid Compositions of clarias gariepinus and Oreochromis niloticus. J Turkish Chem Soc Section A: Chemistry (JOTCSA). 2017. 4(1): 115 - 132. DOI:10.18596/jotcsa.53143
  • 7. Osborne, DR, Voogt P, The analysis of nutrients in foods. London. Academic press. 1978. 251 p. ISBN 0125291507
  • 8. Sahrawat KL, Kuaar GR, Rao JK. Evaluation of triacid and dry ashing procedures for detecting potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese and copper in plant materials. Communication of Soil Sciences and Plant Analysis, 2002. 33(1): 95 – 102.
  • 9. Okwu DE, Iroabuchi F. Phytochemical Composition and Biological Activities of Uvaria chamae and Clerodendoron splendens. 2009. 6(2): 553-560.
  • 10. Obadoni BO, Ochuko PO. Phytochemical Studies and Comparative Efficacy of the Crude Extracts of some Homeostatic Plants in Edo and Delta States of Nigeria. Global J. Pure Appl. Sci. 2001. 8: 203 208.
  • 11. Bohm BA, Koupai-Abyazani MR. Flavonoid and condensed tannins from Leaves of Hawaiian Vaccininum vaticulum and V. calycinum Ericaceae. Pacific Sci. 1994. 48(4): 458-463.
  • 12. Harborne J B. Phytochemical Methods, A Guide to Modern Techniques of Plant Analysis. Chapman and Hall, London. 1973. PP. 113. ISBN: 978-94-010-8956-2
  • 13. Reddy NR, Sathe SK, Salunkle DK. Phytates in Legumes and Cereals. Adv. Food Res. 1982. 28: 1-92.
  • 14. Day RA Jr, Underwood AL. Quantitative Analysis 6th edition, Apprentice- Hall Publication 199. 685p. ISBN-13: 978-0137471553
  • 15. Kayode RMO, Sani A, Oladoye CO, Annongu AA, Arekemase MO, Obalowu MA, Abdulsalam KO. Physico-chemical and anti-nutritional characterization of the kernels of some mango (Mangifera indica) cultivars grown in Western parts of Nigeria Food Science and Quality Management. 2013. 22: 1 – 8.
  • 16. AOAC, Official Methods of Analysis, 15th Edition, Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, DC., Arlingto n, Virginia. 1990. ISBN: 0-935584-42-0.
  • 17. Steel RG, Torrie JH, Dickey DA. Principle and Procedures of Statistics: A Biometrical Approach. 3 Sub edition. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. 1996. 672 p. ISBN-10: 0070610282.
  • 18. Onabanjo OO, Oguntona CRB, Bussie Maziya-Dixon, Olayiwola IO, Oguntona EB, Dixon AGO. Nutritional evaluation of four optimized cassava-based complementary foods African Journal of food science. 2008. 2 (12): 136 – 143.
  • 19. Montagnac JA, Davis CR, Tanumihardjo SA. Nutritional Value of Cassava for Use as a Staple Food and Recent Advances for Improvement. Comp. Rev. Food Sci and Safety 2009. 8(3): 181 – 194. DOI:10.1111/j.1541-4337.2009.00077.x
  • 20. Sarkiyayi S, Agar TM. Comparative Analysis on the Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Contents of the Sweet and Bitter Cassava Varieties. Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 2010. 2(6): 328-334.
  • 21. Madziga HA, Sanni S, Sandabe UK. Phytochemical and Elemental Analysis of Acalypha wilkesiana Leaf. Journal of American Science. 2010. 6(11): 510-514.
  • 22. Okwu DE, Nnamdi FU. Evaluation of the Chemical Composition of Dacryodes edulis and Raphia hookeri Mann and Wendl Exudates used in Herbal Medicine in South Eastern Nigeria. Afr J Trad Complement Altern Med. 2008. 5(2): 194–200.
  • 23. Stray F. The Natural guide to medicinal herbs and plants. Dorset House Publishing Co Inc; 2nd Edition edition. 1991. 223p. ISBN-10: 0880298286
  • 24. Kar, A. Phamaocgnosy and Pharmacobiotechnology 2nd Edition. Anshan Publishers, New Delhi, 2007. 880p. ISBN-10: 1905740735.
  • 25. Akpabio UD, Akpakpan AE, Udo UE, Essien UC. Physicochemical Characterization of exudates from Raffia Palm (Raphia hookeri). Adv. Appl. Sci. 2012. Res., 3(2): 838-843.
  • 26. Kangas-Dick A, Khan U, Awoniyi O, Waqar S, Tun NN, Viswanathan K, Wong C. A Case of Chronic Calcific Nonalcoholic Pancreatitis. Case Reports in Gastrointestinal Medicine. 2016 (2016), Article ID 2963681, 3 pages.
  • 27. Adeboye AS, Babajide JM. Effect of processing methods on antinutrients in selected leafy vegetables. Nigerian Food Journal, 2007. 25(2): 77-87.

Comparative Studies on the Phytochemicals, Nutrients and Antinutrients Content of Cassava Varieties

Year 2017, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 661 - 674, 16.06.2017


The aim of this research was to investigate and compare the nutritional, antinutritional, and phytochemical composition of two varieties (TME 9 (olekan–aga) and TME 7 (oko–iyawo)) of Manihot esculenta (cassava) tubers at different ages (6 months and 12months). The result of proximate analyses showed that 12-month-old samples of both varieties had higher moisture contents (44.3±0.24, 44.7±0.47) compared to the 6-month-old samples (34.8±0.62, 37.5±0.71). A 12-month-old sample of TME 7 had the lowest ash and protein contents of 1.33±0.24 and 2.28±0.21 respectively with highest carbohydrate contents of 90.38±0.7 among the four samples analyzed. The result of mineral analysis revealed that the predominant mineral is Ca (1,209.5, 1,273.3, 1,276.8 and 1,178.5 mg/kg) for the 6-month-old TME 9, 12-month-old TME 9, 6-month-old TME 7 and 12-month-old TME 7 respectively), followed by Na, Fe, and Mg in that order. Quantitative phytochemical analysis showed that the 12-month-old samples have the largest quantity of alkaloids and saponins (16.03±1.70, 21.44±0.56 mg/100 g and 4.41±0.31, 3.54±0.25 mg/100 g respectively) for both varieties compared with 11.69±0.43, 12.49±0.53 mg/100 g and 2.39±0.23, 1.84±0.12 mg/100 g recorded for the 6-month-old samples of both varieties. Flavonoids and tannin contents are lower in the 12-month-old samples (2.1±0.64, 2.07±0.34 mg/100 g and 0.14±0.03 and 0.13±0.04 mg/100 g) compared with the 6-month-old samples with 3.5±0.57, 3.73±0.19 mg/100 g and 0.22±0.05, 0.21±0.02 mg/100 g respectively. Antinutrient contents - oxalates, cyanogenic glycosides and phytates are high for both species at 12 months while the 6-month-old samples recorded the lowest content. The results suggest that the 6-month-old samples are more desirable in terms of higher nutrient contents (especially carbohydrate and energy) as well as lower antinutrient contents.


  • 1. Fauquet C, Fargette D. African Cassava Mosaic Virus: Etiology, Epidemiology, and Control. Plant Disease 1990. 74 (6): 404–11. DOI:10.1094/pd-74-0404
  • 2. Gbadegesin MA, Olaiya CO, Beeching JR. Africa cassava: Biotechnology and molecular breeding to the resue. Br Biotechnol J. 2013. 3(3):305-317. DOI:10.9734/BBJ/2013/3449.
  • 3. IFAD/FAO. Proceedings of the validation forum on the global cassava development strategy: A review of cassava in Africa with country case studies on Nigeria, Ghana, the United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda and Benin. 2013. 2:1-66.
  • 4. Chiwona-Karltun L, Tylleskar T, Mkumbira J, Gebre- Medhin M, Rosling H. Low dietary cyanogen exposure from frequent consumption of potentially toxic cassava in Malawi. Int. J. Food Sci. Nutr. 2002. 51:33-43.
  • 5. AOAC, Official methods of analysis (14th Edn.) Arlington, VA: Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 1984
  • 6. Oluwaniyi OO, Dosumu OO, Awolola GV. Effect of cooking method on the proximate, Amino acid, and Fatty acid Compositions of clarias gariepinus and Oreochromis niloticus. J Turkish Chem Soc Section A: Chemistry (JOTCSA). 2017. 4(1): 115 - 132. DOI:10.18596/jotcsa.53143
  • 7. Osborne, DR, Voogt P, The analysis of nutrients in foods. London. Academic press. 1978. 251 p. ISBN 0125291507
  • 8. Sahrawat KL, Kuaar GR, Rao JK. Evaluation of triacid and dry ashing procedures for detecting potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese and copper in plant materials. Communication of Soil Sciences and Plant Analysis, 2002. 33(1): 95 – 102.
  • 9. Okwu DE, Iroabuchi F. Phytochemical Composition and Biological Activities of Uvaria chamae and Clerodendoron splendens. 2009. 6(2): 553-560.
  • 10. Obadoni BO, Ochuko PO. Phytochemical Studies and Comparative Efficacy of the Crude Extracts of some Homeostatic Plants in Edo and Delta States of Nigeria. Global J. Pure Appl. Sci. 2001. 8: 203 208.
  • 11. Bohm BA, Koupai-Abyazani MR. Flavonoid and condensed tannins from Leaves of Hawaiian Vaccininum vaticulum and V. calycinum Ericaceae. Pacific Sci. 1994. 48(4): 458-463.
  • 12. Harborne J B. Phytochemical Methods, A Guide to Modern Techniques of Plant Analysis. Chapman and Hall, London. 1973. PP. 113. ISBN: 978-94-010-8956-2
  • 13. Reddy NR, Sathe SK, Salunkle DK. Phytates in Legumes and Cereals. Adv. Food Res. 1982. 28: 1-92.
  • 14. Day RA Jr, Underwood AL. Quantitative Analysis 6th edition, Apprentice- Hall Publication 199. 685p. ISBN-13: 978-0137471553
  • 15. Kayode RMO, Sani A, Oladoye CO, Annongu AA, Arekemase MO, Obalowu MA, Abdulsalam KO. Physico-chemical and anti-nutritional characterization of the kernels of some mango (Mangifera indica) cultivars grown in Western parts of Nigeria Food Science and Quality Management. 2013. 22: 1 – 8.
  • 16. AOAC, Official Methods of Analysis, 15th Edition, Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, DC., Arlingto n, Virginia. 1990. ISBN: 0-935584-42-0.
  • 17. Steel RG, Torrie JH, Dickey DA. Principle and Procedures of Statistics: A Biometrical Approach. 3 Sub edition. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. 1996. 672 p. ISBN-10: 0070610282.
  • 18. Onabanjo OO, Oguntona CRB, Bussie Maziya-Dixon, Olayiwola IO, Oguntona EB, Dixon AGO. Nutritional evaluation of four optimized cassava-based complementary foods African Journal of food science. 2008. 2 (12): 136 – 143.
  • 19. Montagnac JA, Davis CR, Tanumihardjo SA. Nutritional Value of Cassava for Use as a Staple Food and Recent Advances for Improvement. Comp. Rev. Food Sci and Safety 2009. 8(3): 181 – 194. DOI:10.1111/j.1541-4337.2009.00077.x
  • 20. Sarkiyayi S, Agar TM. Comparative Analysis on the Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Contents of the Sweet and Bitter Cassava Varieties. Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 2010. 2(6): 328-334.
  • 21. Madziga HA, Sanni S, Sandabe UK. Phytochemical and Elemental Analysis of Acalypha wilkesiana Leaf. Journal of American Science. 2010. 6(11): 510-514.
  • 22. Okwu DE, Nnamdi FU. Evaluation of the Chemical Composition of Dacryodes edulis and Raphia hookeri Mann and Wendl Exudates used in Herbal Medicine in South Eastern Nigeria. Afr J Trad Complement Altern Med. 2008. 5(2): 194–200.
  • 23. Stray F. The Natural guide to medicinal herbs and plants. Dorset House Publishing Co Inc; 2nd Edition edition. 1991. 223p. ISBN-10: 0880298286
  • 24. Kar, A. Phamaocgnosy and Pharmacobiotechnology 2nd Edition. Anshan Publishers, New Delhi, 2007. 880p. ISBN-10: 1905740735.
  • 25. Akpabio UD, Akpakpan AE, Udo UE, Essien UC. Physicochemical Characterization of exudates from Raffia Palm (Raphia hookeri). Adv. Appl. Sci. 2012. Res., 3(2): 838-843.
  • 26. Kangas-Dick A, Khan U, Awoniyi O, Waqar S, Tun NN, Viswanathan K, Wong C. A Case of Chronic Calcific Nonalcoholic Pancreatitis. Case Reports in Gastrointestinal Medicine. 2016 (2016), Article ID 2963681, 3 pages.
  • 27. Adeboye AS, Babajide JM. Effect of processing methods on antinutrients in selected leafy vegetables. Nigerian Food Journal, 2007. 25(2): 77-87.
There are 27 citations in total.


Subjects Engineering, Chemical Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Omolara Oluwaniyi

John Oladipo This is me

Publication Date June 16, 2017
Submission Date April 15, 2017
Acceptance Date June 9, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 4 Issue: 3


Vancouver Oluwaniyi O, Oladipo J. Comparative Studies on the Phytochemicals, Nutrients and Antinutrients Content of Cassava Varieties. JOTCSA. 2017;4(3):661-74.

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