Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 203 - 215, 20.12.2022



  • Albrecht, G., (1991). “ÈVom Kšnigsweg zum Marterpfad? Soziologische Frage-stellungen und Methoden der Filmanalyse”, in Filmanalyse InterdisziplinŠr, edited by H. Korte, and W. Faulstich, 73Ð89. Gšttingen; Hunziker, P., Medien, Kommunikation und Gesellschaft. EinfŸhrung in die Soziologie der Massenkommunikation. Darmstadt, 1988;
  • Bal, M., (2002). Kulturanalyse. Frankfurt a. Main: Suhrkamp;
  • Banks, M., (2007). Using Visual Data in Qualitative Research. London: SAGE;
  • Barthes, R., (1981). Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography, New York: Hill and Wang;
  • Bergera, I. (2016). On The Surface: Photography And Architecture, Crossing Borders Shifting Boundaries – interview Paollo Rosselli, Scopio Network. Online 21/08/2020,
  • Benjamin, W., (1983) “The author as Producer”, in M. Jenning (Ed.), Walter Benjamin: Special writings Vol. 2, 1927-1934, 768-782. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press;
  • Bollinger, K., Medicus, F. and Kiesler, P.W., (eds) (2015). Endless Kiesler. Birkhäuser, Edition;
  • Bourdakis, V., (1997). "Virtual reality: a communication tool for urban planning." CAAD-towards new design conventions : 45-59;
  • Denzin, N.K., “ÈReading FilmÑFilme und Videos als sozialwissen-schaftliches Erfahrungsmaterial”, in Qualitative Forschung. Ein Handbuch, U. Flick, E. v. Kardoff, and I. Steinke (Eds), 416Ð428. Reinbek bei Hamburg, 2000;
  • Gadanho, P., (2014). Filip Dujardin: Fictions. Berlin: Hatje Cantz, 2014;
  • Koutamanis, A., Ongoing research project on architectural representation, (Delft: University of Technology), 1997. online at;
  • Loizos, P., (2000). “Video, Film and Photographs as Research Documents”, in Martin W. Bauer & George Gaskell (Eds.), Qualitative researching with text, image and sound. A practical handbook, 93-107. London: Sage;
  • Margolis, E. and Pauwels,L. (2011). The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods, London: SAGE;
  • Neto, P., (2003). “Design communication: Traditional representation methods and computervisualization”, Visual Resources19, no. 3, 195–213;
  • Neto, P. ; Silva, E., (2019). “Visual Spaces Of Change: Metodologia de Estudo e Comunicação da Cidade e da Paisagem Urbana Através da Fotografia Documental e Artística de Arquitecturas, Cidades e Territórios”. 3ª Conferência Internacional Ética, Política e Cultura. NOVA FCSH, Colégio Almada Negreiros, Lisboa, 2019. online at content/uploads/2021/07/I_3ConferenciaInternacionalEPC_BookofAbstracts.pdf
  • Pallasmaa, J., (2008). The Architecture of Image: Existential Space in Cinema. Helsinki: Rakennustieto Publishing;
  • Pauwels, L., (2010). “Visual Sociology Reframed: An Analytical Synthesis and Discussion of Visual Methods”, in Social and Cultural Research: Sociological Methods & Research, 38, 545–581.
  • Princen, B., (2019). “Ringroad (Houston), 2005: The Construction of an Image”. Sophia Journal, V.4 (1), pp 37-46;
  • Rebelo, C. (2016). On The Surface: Photography And Architecture, Crossing Borders Shifting Boundaries – interview Philipp Schaerer, Scopio Network. Online 21/08/2020,;
  • Rose, D., (2000). “Analysis of moving pictures”, in Martin W. Bauer & George Gaskell (Eds.), Qualitative researching with text, image, and sound. A practical handbook, 246-262. London: Sage;
  • Rose, G., (2012) Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to Researching with Visual Materials. London: Sage;
  • Samuel, F. (2010). Le Corbusier and the Architectural Promenade. Basel: Birkhäuser;
  • Schnettler, B., (2013). “Notes on the history and development of visual research methods”, InterDisciplines: Journal of History and Sociology, 4(1), 41–75, ;
  • Sontag, S., (1977). On Photography, New York: Penguin;
  • Stierli, M. (2015). Montage and the Metropolis. Yale University Press. Yale, 2018; Galofaro, L. An Atlas of Imagination. Amesterdam: IdeaBooks;
  • Teixeira, S. (2018). Interview Paulo Catrica. Scopio Network, Online 21/08/2020:
  • Uluoglu, B., Ensici, A., Vatansever, A. (eds.), (2006). Design and Cinema: Form Follows Film, Cambridge Scholars Press;
  • Van Leeuwen, T. and Jewitt, C. (Eds) (2001). Handbook of Visual Analysis, London: Sage;
  • Van Leeuwen, T. and Jewitt, C. (Eds), (2001). Handbook of Visual Analysis, London: Sage;
  • Ventura, S., A ambiguidade da fotografia de arquitectura enquanto prática artística, 2019. Online 21/08/2020 fotografia-de-arquitectura-enquanto-pratica-artistica

Visual Spaces of Change: Self-reflection on Architecture and Urban Change Through Photography

Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 203 - 215, 20.12.2022


This paper synthetizes theoretical aspects of photography related to architecture, city and territory, as well as the case studies coming from the research project Visual Spaces of Change, focusing on the use of photography to investigate the dynamics of architecture and urban change. The project proposed to engage researchers and artists from the fields of architecture, art and image in the creation of visual narratives that promote public debates and a new understanding on urban change.

The methodological framework adopted an integrative approach regarding Architecture, City and Territory integrating a series of open talks, public presentations and exhibitions of contemporary photography projects related to the subjects of Architecture, City and Territory during the years of 2019 and 2020 on several public spaces of Oporto City. A pedagogical experiment was also taken that builds up on previous research and had as base the several impressions from the students collected through quantitative and qualitative survey.

The potential of visual methods for communicating the identity and transformation of architectures and public spaces are made clear through the discussion of photography (including its uses, methods and approaches) as a valuable research tool and technique to disseminate architecture and public space problematics in contemporary cities. The paper presents the results of the qualitative survey made to the audience of four site-specific exhibitions comprehending visual narratives produced in the context of the research project, as well as the survey made to students of Architecture from third year (1ºcycle) in the Faculty of Architecture of University of Porto (FAUP). 


  • Albrecht, G., (1991). “ÈVom Kšnigsweg zum Marterpfad? Soziologische Frage-stellungen und Methoden der Filmanalyse”, in Filmanalyse InterdisziplinŠr, edited by H. Korte, and W. Faulstich, 73Ð89. Gšttingen; Hunziker, P., Medien, Kommunikation und Gesellschaft. EinfŸhrung in die Soziologie der Massenkommunikation. Darmstadt, 1988;
  • Bal, M., (2002). Kulturanalyse. Frankfurt a. Main: Suhrkamp;
  • Banks, M., (2007). Using Visual Data in Qualitative Research. London: SAGE;
  • Barthes, R., (1981). Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography, New York: Hill and Wang;
  • Bergera, I. (2016). On The Surface: Photography And Architecture, Crossing Borders Shifting Boundaries – interview Paollo Rosselli, Scopio Network. Online 21/08/2020,
  • Benjamin, W., (1983) “The author as Producer”, in M. Jenning (Ed.), Walter Benjamin: Special writings Vol. 2, 1927-1934, 768-782. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press;
  • Bollinger, K., Medicus, F. and Kiesler, P.W., (eds) (2015). Endless Kiesler. Birkhäuser, Edition;
  • Bourdakis, V., (1997). "Virtual reality: a communication tool for urban planning." CAAD-towards new design conventions : 45-59;
  • Denzin, N.K., “ÈReading FilmÑFilme und Videos als sozialwissen-schaftliches Erfahrungsmaterial”, in Qualitative Forschung. Ein Handbuch, U. Flick, E. v. Kardoff, and I. Steinke (Eds), 416Ð428. Reinbek bei Hamburg, 2000;
  • Gadanho, P., (2014). Filip Dujardin: Fictions. Berlin: Hatje Cantz, 2014;
  • Koutamanis, A., Ongoing research project on architectural representation, (Delft: University of Technology), 1997. online at;
  • Loizos, P., (2000). “Video, Film and Photographs as Research Documents”, in Martin W. Bauer & George Gaskell (Eds.), Qualitative researching with text, image and sound. A practical handbook, 93-107. London: Sage;
  • Margolis, E. and Pauwels,L. (2011). The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods, London: SAGE;
  • Neto, P., (2003). “Design communication: Traditional representation methods and computervisualization”, Visual Resources19, no. 3, 195–213;
  • Neto, P. ; Silva, E., (2019). “Visual Spaces Of Change: Metodologia de Estudo e Comunicação da Cidade e da Paisagem Urbana Através da Fotografia Documental e Artística de Arquitecturas, Cidades e Territórios”. 3ª Conferência Internacional Ética, Política e Cultura. NOVA FCSH, Colégio Almada Negreiros, Lisboa, 2019. online at content/uploads/2021/07/I_3ConferenciaInternacionalEPC_BookofAbstracts.pdf
  • Pallasmaa, J., (2008). The Architecture of Image: Existential Space in Cinema. Helsinki: Rakennustieto Publishing;
  • Pauwels, L., (2010). “Visual Sociology Reframed: An Analytical Synthesis and Discussion of Visual Methods”, in Social and Cultural Research: Sociological Methods & Research, 38, 545–581.
  • Princen, B., (2019). “Ringroad (Houston), 2005: The Construction of an Image”. Sophia Journal, V.4 (1), pp 37-46;
  • Rebelo, C. (2016). On The Surface: Photography And Architecture, Crossing Borders Shifting Boundaries – interview Philipp Schaerer, Scopio Network. Online 21/08/2020,;
  • Rose, D., (2000). “Analysis of moving pictures”, in Martin W. Bauer & George Gaskell (Eds.), Qualitative researching with text, image, and sound. A practical handbook, 246-262. London: Sage;
  • Rose, G., (2012) Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to Researching with Visual Materials. London: Sage;
  • Samuel, F. (2010). Le Corbusier and the Architectural Promenade. Basel: Birkhäuser;
  • Schnettler, B., (2013). “Notes on the history and development of visual research methods”, InterDisciplines: Journal of History and Sociology, 4(1), 41–75, ;
  • Sontag, S., (1977). On Photography, New York: Penguin;
  • Stierli, M. (2015). Montage and the Metropolis. Yale University Press. Yale, 2018; Galofaro, L. An Atlas of Imagination. Amesterdam: IdeaBooks;
  • Teixeira, S. (2018). Interview Paulo Catrica. Scopio Network, Online 21/08/2020:
  • Uluoglu, B., Ensici, A., Vatansever, A. (eds.), (2006). Design and Cinema: Form Follows Film, Cambridge Scholars Press;
  • Van Leeuwen, T. and Jewitt, C. (Eds) (2001). Handbook of Visual Analysis, London: Sage;
  • Van Leeuwen, T. and Jewitt, C. (Eds), (2001). Handbook of Visual Analysis, London: Sage;
  • Ventura, S., A ambiguidade da fotografia de arquitectura enquanto prática artística, 2019. Online 21/08/2020 fotografia-de-arquitectura-enquanto-pratica-artistica
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Architecture
Journal Section Research Articles

Pedro Leão Neto This is me 0000-0001-6957-5011

Early Pub Date December 20, 2022
Publication Date December 20, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Neto, P. L. (2022). Visual Spaces of Change: Self-reflection on Architecture and Urban Change Through Photography. Journal of Design Studio, 4(2), 203-215.

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