

“Poultry Studies” is the successor to the “Journal of Poultry Research”. Poultry Studies and has been developed to create a worldwide communication forum for the poultry science research.

Poultry Studies is a refereed open access academic journal published free of charge by Ankara Poultry Research Institute. Poultry Studies was published biannually (June & December). It aims to cover all type of research and developments within the fields of poultry science.

Aim and Scope

The journal accepts English language manuscripts, original research articles, review articles, short communications, case reports, technical notes, and letters to the editor on all aspects of poultry science. Contribution is open to researchers of all nationalities.

It aims to address all poultry studies. Subjects which are primarily covered include breeding, physiology, nutrition, feeding, genetics, diseases, behaviour, husbandry, management, hygiene, biotechnology, food technology, reproduction, environment, poultry products such as eggs, meat and their by-products, etc.

Studies suggesting that animals have been subjected to adverse, stressful, or harsh conditions or treatment will not be processed for publication unless it has been approved by an institutional animal care committee or the equivalent thereof.

The editor and the peer reviewers reserve the right to reject papers on ethical grounds when, in their opinion, the severity of experimental procedures to which animals are subjected is not justified by the scientific value or originality of the information being sought by the author(s).

Last Update Time: 11/30/24, 12:46:55 PM

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This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 
Print ISSN:1302-3209 - Online ISSN:2147-9003

Journal of Poultry Research is indexed by the following national and international scientific indexing services