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Effects of certain environmental factors on growth performances of Kivircik lambs

Yıl 2021, , 106 - 115, 31.12.2021


Determining the growth performance of lambs is essential for producers to supply the lamb meat with the features demanded by the market as soon as possible. Therefore, the study aimed to determine the effect of year, birth type and sex of lamb on body weight and various body measurements of Kivircik lambs. Live weights of 612 Kivircik lambs (299 males and 313 females) were used in the study, which were born in 2014, 2015 and 2016. Body measurements of 47 male lambs and 50 female lambs, randomly selected from 508 lambs born in 2014 and 2016, were used in the study.
Birth year had significant effect on both live weights and body measurements of lambs in various growth periods. Single born and male lambs are significantly superior in both live weight and body measurements over female and twin born lambs. This situation results in being preferred for both meat production and breeding purposes more than their opponents. In order to have a more productive herd structure, female and twin lambs should be reared according to their needs for a better growth performance.
Rump height of single born lambs and chest depth of male lambs were higher than their counterparts throughout the study. Therefore, these two body measurements can be used as reliable parameters for investigation of growth performance of Kivircik lambs.


  • Petrović MP, Petrović Caro V, Ružic-Muslić D, et al. Effect of genetic and environmental factors on the phenotype characteristics of lambs. Biotechnol Anim Husb. 2015; 31 (2), 223-233.
  • Aktas AH, Dursun Ş, Doğan Ş, et al. Effects of ewe live weight and age on reproductive performance, lamb growth, and survival in Central Anatolian Merino sheep. Arch Anim Breed. 2015; 58: 451-459.
  • Ekiz B. The Possibilities of using German Blackheaded Mutton genotypes to get high quality lambs form Kivircik ewes. Ph.D. Thesis Istanbul University, Turkey, Istanbul, 2000.
  • Ptáček M, Ducháček J, Stádník, et al. Influence of selected factors on growth performance of Suffolk lambs and their crossbreds. J Cent Eur Agric. 2015; 16(1):188-196.
  • Rahimi S M, Rafat S A, Jafari S. Effects of environmental factors on growth traits in Makuie sheep. Biotechnol Anim Husb. 2014; 30 (2):185-192.
  • Priolo A, Micol D, Agabriel J, et al. Effect of grass or concentrate feeding systems on lamb carcass and meat quality. Meat Sci. 2002; 62: 179-185.
  • Jafari S, Hashemi A. Estimation of genetic parameters for body measurements and their association with yearling liveweight in the Makuie sheep breed. S Afr J Anim Sci. 2014; 44: 140-147.
  • Yilmaz O, Denk H, Bayram D. Effects of lambing season, sex and birth type on growth performance in Norduz lambs. Small Rumin Res. 2007; 68: 336-339.
  • Cam MA, Olfaz M, Soydan E. Body measurements reflect body weights and carcass yields in Karayaka Sheep. Asian J Anim Vet Adv. 2010; 5(2):120-127.
  • Janssens S, Wimamdy D, Tylleman A, et al. The linear assessment scheme for sheep in Belgium: Breed averages and assessor quality. Small Rumin Res. 2004; 51: 85-95.
  • Afolayan RA, Adeyinka IA, Lakpini CAM. The estimation of live weight from body measurements in Yankasa sheep. Czech J Anim Sci. 51:343-348.
  • Ekiz B, Atalay H, Akin PD, et al. Carcass and meat quality of Karacabey Merino and Kivircik lambs under an intensive finishing system S Afr J Anim Sci. 2019; 49(5): 790-798.
  • FAO: Food and Agriculture Organisation. Live Animals. Accessed June 30, 2021.
  • Ekiz B, Ergul Ekiz E, Yalcintan H, et al. Effects of suckling length (45, 75 and 120 d) and rearing type on cortisol level, carcass and meat quality characteristics in Kivircik lambs. Meat Sci. 2012; 92: 53-61.
  • Yalcintan H, Ekiz B, Kocak O, et al. Carcass and meat quality characteristics of lambs reared in different seasons. Arch Anim Breed. 2017; 60: 225-233.
  • Ekiz B, Yılmaz A, Yakan A, et al. Breed influence on finishing performance and meat fatty acid composition in lambs raised under an intensive production system. Large Anim Rev. 2018; 24(3): 121-124.
  • Alizadehasl M, Ünal N. Some morphological traits of Kilis, Norduz and Honamlı indigenous goat breeds. J Lalahan Livest Res Inst. 2011; 51(2): 81-92 (in Turkish with an abstract in English).
  • Özcan M, Yılmaz A, Akgündüz M. Investigations on Improving the Meat Production of Slaughter Lambs by Crossbreeding Studies between Turkish Merino, Chios and Kıvırcık Sheep Breeds, 1. Fertility, Lamb Survival and Growth of Lambs. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 2002; 26: 517-523.
  • Yakan A, Ünal N, Dalcı MT. Reproductive Traits, Growth and Survival Rates of Akkaraman, Awassi and Kıvırcık Sheep Breeds in Ankara Conditions. J Lalahan Livest Res Inst, 52(1): 1-10.
  • Ceyhan A, Sezenler T, Erdoğan İ, et al. Improvement studies on mutton sheep for Marmara region conditions: I. fertility, lamb survival, and growth traits of lambs. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 2011; 35(2):79-86.
  • Baneh H, Hafezian S H. Effects of environmental factors on growth traits in Ghezel sheep. Afr J Biotechnol. 2009; 8(12): 2903-2907.
  • Staikova G, Stancheva N. Effect of some factors on the live weight in sheep at different ages from the Northeast Bulgarian fine fleece breed – Shumen type. Bulg J Agric Sci. 2009;15: 365-372.
  • Koyuncu M, Kara Uzun Ş. Growth performance of Karacabey Merino and Kivircik lambs under semi-intensive management in Turkey. Small Rumin Res. 2009; 83: 64-66.
  • Benyi K, Norris D, Karbo N, et al. Effects of genetic and environmental factors on pre-weaning and post-weaning growth in West African crossbred sheep. Trop Anim Health Prod. 2006; 38: 547-554.
  • Rashidi A, Mokhtari MS, Safi Jahanshahi A, et al. Genetic parameter estimates of pre-weaning growth traits in Kermani sheep. Small Rumin Res. 2008; 74: 165-171.
  • Kabuga JD, Akowuah F. Pre-weaning performance of Djallonke × Sahelian crossbred lams in Ghana. Trop Agric (Trinidad). 1990; 68: 66-70.
  • Laes-Fettbsck C, Peters KJ. A comparative study of performance of Egyptian goat breeds. II. Growth performance and productivity. Arch Tierz. Dummerstorf. 1995; 38: 563- 575.
  • Ekiz E, Demirel G, Yilmaz A, et al. Slaughter characteristics, carcass quality and fatty acid composition of lambs under four different production systems. Small Rumin Res. 2013; 114: 26-34.
  • Ekiz B, Kocak O, Yalcintan H, et al. Effects of suckling duration on growth, slaughtering and carcass quality characteristics of Kivircik lambs. Trop Anim Health Prod. 2016; 48:395-401.
  • Riva J, Rizzi R, Marelli S, et al. Body measurement in Bergamasca sheep. Small Rumin Res. 2004; 55: 221-227.
  • Olatunji-Akioye AO, Adeyemo OK. Liveweight and chest girth correlation in commercial sheep and goat herds in Southwestern Nigeria. Int J Morphol. 2009; 27(1): 49-52.
  • Shirzeyli FH, Lavvaf A, Asadi A. Estimation of body weight from body measurements in four breeds of Iranian sheep. Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 2013; 35 (5): 507-511.
  • Costa Júnior, GS; Campelo, JEG; Azevedo, DMMR, et al. Caracterização morfométrica de ovinos da raça Santa Inês criados nas microrregiões de Teresina e Campo Maior, Piauí. Rev Bras Zootec. 2006; 35(6), 2260-2267.
  • Lindenfors P, Tullberg BS, Biuw, M. Phylogenetic analyses of sexual selection and sexual size dimorphism in pinnipeds. Behav Ecol Sociobiol. 2002; 52: 188-193.
  • Aghaali-Gamasaee V, Hafezian SH, Ahmadi A, et al. Estimation of genetic parameters for body weight at different ages in Mehraban sheep. Afr J Biotechnol. 2010; 9 (32): 5218-5223.
Yıl 2021, , 106 - 115, 31.12.2021



  • Petrović MP, Petrović Caro V, Ružic-Muslić D, et al. Effect of genetic and environmental factors on the phenotype characteristics of lambs. Biotechnol Anim Husb. 2015; 31 (2), 223-233.
  • Aktas AH, Dursun Ş, Doğan Ş, et al. Effects of ewe live weight and age on reproductive performance, lamb growth, and survival in Central Anatolian Merino sheep. Arch Anim Breed. 2015; 58: 451-459.
  • Ekiz B. The Possibilities of using German Blackheaded Mutton genotypes to get high quality lambs form Kivircik ewes. Ph.D. Thesis Istanbul University, Turkey, Istanbul, 2000.
  • Ptáček M, Ducháček J, Stádník, et al. Influence of selected factors on growth performance of Suffolk lambs and their crossbreds. J Cent Eur Agric. 2015; 16(1):188-196.
  • Rahimi S M, Rafat S A, Jafari S. Effects of environmental factors on growth traits in Makuie sheep. Biotechnol Anim Husb. 2014; 30 (2):185-192.
  • Priolo A, Micol D, Agabriel J, et al. Effect of grass or concentrate feeding systems on lamb carcass and meat quality. Meat Sci. 2002; 62: 179-185.
  • Jafari S, Hashemi A. Estimation of genetic parameters for body measurements and their association with yearling liveweight in the Makuie sheep breed. S Afr J Anim Sci. 2014; 44: 140-147.
  • Yilmaz O, Denk H, Bayram D. Effects of lambing season, sex and birth type on growth performance in Norduz lambs. Small Rumin Res. 2007; 68: 336-339.
  • Cam MA, Olfaz M, Soydan E. Body measurements reflect body weights and carcass yields in Karayaka Sheep. Asian J Anim Vet Adv. 2010; 5(2):120-127.
  • Janssens S, Wimamdy D, Tylleman A, et al. The linear assessment scheme for sheep in Belgium: Breed averages and assessor quality. Small Rumin Res. 2004; 51: 85-95.
  • Afolayan RA, Adeyinka IA, Lakpini CAM. The estimation of live weight from body measurements in Yankasa sheep. Czech J Anim Sci. 51:343-348.
  • Ekiz B, Atalay H, Akin PD, et al. Carcass and meat quality of Karacabey Merino and Kivircik lambs under an intensive finishing system S Afr J Anim Sci. 2019; 49(5): 790-798.
  • FAO: Food and Agriculture Organisation. Live Animals. Accessed June 30, 2021.
  • Ekiz B, Ergul Ekiz E, Yalcintan H, et al. Effects of suckling length (45, 75 and 120 d) and rearing type on cortisol level, carcass and meat quality characteristics in Kivircik lambs. Meat Sci. 2012; 92: 53-61.
  • Yalcintan H, Ekiz B, Kocak O, et al. Carcass and meat quality characteristics of lambs reared in different seasons. Arch Anim Breed. 2017; 60: 225-233.
  • Ekiz B, Yılmaz A, Yakan A, et al. Breed influence on finishing performance and meat fatty acid composition in lambs raised under an intensive production system. Large Anim Rev. 2018; 24(3): 121-124.
  • Alizadehasl M, Ünal N. Some morphological traits of Kilis, Norduz and Honamlı indigenous goat breeds. J Lalahan Livest Res Inst. 2011; 51(2): 81-92 (in Turkish with an abstract in English).
  • Özcan M, Yılmaz A, Akgündüz M. Investigations on Improving the Meat Production of Slaughter Lambs by Crossbreeding Studies between Turkish Merino, Chios and Kıvırcık Sheep Breeds, 1. Fertility, Lamb Survival and Growth of Lambs. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 2002; 26: 517-523.
  • Yakan A, Ünal N, Dalcı MT. Reproductive Traits, Growth and Survival Rates of Akkaraman, Awassi and Kıvırcık Sheep Breeds in Ankara Conditions. J Lalahan Livest Res Inst, 52(1): 1-10.
  • Ceyhan A, Sezenler T, Erdoğan İ, et al. Improvement studies on mutton sheep for Marmara region conditions: I. fertility, lamb survival, and growth traits of lambs. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 2011; 35(2):79-86.
  • Baneh H, Hafezian S H. Effects of environmental factors on growth traits in Ghezel sheep. Afr J Biotechnol. 2009; 8(12): 2903-2907.
  • Staikova G, Stancheva N. Effect of some factors on the live weight in sheep at different ages from the Northeast Bulgarian fine fleece breed – Shumen type. Bulg J Agric Sci. 2009;15: 365-372.
  • Koyuncu M, Kara Uzun Ş. Growth performance of Karacabey Merino and Kivircik lambs under semi-intensive management in Turkey. Small Rumin Res. 2009; 83: 64-66.
  • Benyi K, Norris D, Karbo N, et al. Effects of genetic and environmental factors on pre-weaning and post-weaning growth in West African crossbred sheep. Trop Anim Health Prod. 2006; 38: 547-554.
  • Rashidi A, Mokhtari MS, Safi Jahanshahi A, et al. Genetic parameter estimates of pre-weaning growth traits in Kermani sheep. Small Rumin Res. 2008; 74: 165-171.
  • Kabuga JD, Akowuah F. Pre-weaning performance of Djallonke × Sahelian crossbred lams in Ghana. Trop Agric (Trinidad). 1990; 68: 66-70.
  • Laes-Fettbsck C, Peters KJ. A comparative study of performance of Egyptian goat breeds. II. Growth performance and productivity. Arch Tierz. Dummerstorf. 1995; 38: 563- 575.
  • Ekiz E, Demirel G, Yilmaz A, et al. Slaughter characteristics, carcass quality and fatty acid composition of lambs under four different production systems. Small Rumin Res. 2013; 114: 26-34.
  • Ekiz B, Kocak O, Yalcintan H, et al. Effects of suckling duration on growth, slaughtering and carcass quality characteristics of Kivircik lambs. Trop Anim Health Prod. 2016; 48:395-401.
  • Riva J, Rizzi R, Marelli S, et al. Body measurement in Bergamasca sheep. Small Rumin Res. 2004; 55: 221-227.
  • Olatunji-Akioye AO, Adeyemo OK. Liveweight and chest girth correlation in commercial sheep and goat herds in Southwestern Nigeria. Int J Morphol. 2009; 27(1): 49-52.
  • Shirzeyli FH, Lavvaf A, Asadi A. Estimation of body weight from body measurements in four breeds of Iranian sheep. Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 2013; 35 (5): 507-511.
  • Costa Júnior, GS; Campelo, JEG; Azevedo, DMMR, et al. Caracterização morfométrica de ovinos da raça Santa Inês criados nas microrregiões de Teresina e Campo Maior, Piauí. Rev Bras Zootec. 2006; 35(6), 2260-2267.
  • Lindenfors P, Tullberg BS, Biuw, M. Phylogenetic analyses of sexual selection and sexual size dimorphism in pinnipeds. Behav Ecol Sociobiol. 2002; 52: 188-193.
  • Aghaali-Gamasaee V, Hafezian SH, Ahmadi A, et al. Estimation of genetic parameters for body weight at different ages in Mehraban sheep. Afr J Biotechnol. 2010; 9 (32): 5218-5223.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Research Articles

Pembe Dilara Akın Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1151-179X

Nurşen Öztürk 0000-0002-0091-5812

Rüya Coşkun Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-0440-2202

Bülent Ekiz 0000-0001-6458-5747

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2021
Kabul Tarihi 20 Ekim 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Akın, P. D., Öztürk, N., Coşkun, R., Ekiz, B. (2021). Effects of certain environmental factors on growth performances of Kivircik lambs. Journal of Research in Veterinary Medicine, 40(2), 106-115.
AMA Akın PD, Öztürk N, Coşkun R, Ekiz B. Effects of certain environmental factors on growth performances of Kivircik lambs. J Res Vet Med. Aralık 2021;40(2):106-115. doi:10.30782/jrvm.980628
Chicago Akın, Pembe Dilara, Nurşen Öztürk, Rüya Coşkun, ve Bülent Ekiz. “Effects of Certain Environmental Factors on Growth Performances of Kivircik Lambs”. Journal of Research in Veterinary Medicine 40, sy. 2 (Aralık 2021): 106-15.
EndNote Akın PD, Öztürk N, Coşkun R, Ekiz B (01 Aralık 2021) Effects of certain environmental factors on growth performances of Kivircik lambs. Journal of Research in Veterinary Medicine 40 2 106–115.
IEEE P. D. Akın, N. Öztürk, R. Coşkun, ve B. Ekiz, “Effects of certain environmental factors on growth performances of Kivircik lambs”, J Res Vet Med, c. 40, sy. 2, ss. 106–115, 2021, doi: 10.30782/jrvm.980628.
ISNAD Akın, Pembe Dilara vd. “Effects of Certain Environmental Factors on Growth Performances of Kivircik Lambs”. Journal of Research in Veterinary Medicine 40/2 (Aralık 2021), 106-115.
JAMA Akın PD, Öztürk N, Coşkun R, Ekiz B. Effects of certain environmental factors on growth performances of Kivircik lambs. J Res Vet Med. 2021;40:106–115.
MLA Akın, Pembe Dilara vd. “Effects of Certain Environmental Factors on Growth Performances of Kivircik Lambs”. Journal of Research in Veterinary Medicine, c. 40, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 106-15, doi:10.30782/jrvm.980628.
Vancouver Akın PD, Öztürk N, Coşkun R, Ekiz B. Effects of certain environmental factors on growth performances of Kivircik lambs. J Res Vet Med. 2021;40(2):106-15.