
JSCMT journal is officially supported by Yildiz Technical University, and it is a peer-reviewed free open-access journal, JSCMT publishes four issues per year (March, June, September, and December).
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Publisher: Yildiz Technical University
Publishing House: Kare Publishing
Editor-in-Chief: Prof.Dr. Orhan Canpolat
Language of Publication: English
NO PUBLICATION FEES (article processing charges or APCs) to publish with this journal, no publishing fee charges, no proofreading fee charges, full text of papers available free on-line (open access), no page fee charges
Type of Publications: Research Article, Review Article, Case Report, Short Communication Paper, Technical Note, Letter to Editor, Invited Paper, Book review.The Average Time from Submission to Publication: 2 months
Quarterly (4 issues per year)
Publication Type: Online e-version


Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies is open access journal under the CC BY-NC license  (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License)

Based on a work at https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/jscmt

E-mail: jscmt@yildiz.edu.tr