Research Article
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Year 2022, Issue: 050, 254 - 269, 30.09.2022


Fractional order systems (FOS) are one of the subjects that have been studied extensively. Such systems are difficult and complex structures to be analyzed mathematically. The degree of difficulty is even greater when the system has time delay. Considering the studies on FOS, either the transfer function of the system is of fractional order, or the controller has a fractional order structure. Time delay is common in practical systems. Studies mostly focused on classical time delay term. However, time delay can be of a fractional order. Studies for such systems are quite limited as the mathematical analysis part is complex.

In this study, systems having fractional order delay, are examined. By using the stability boundary locus (SBL) method, the necessary equations for calculating all stable PD controller parameters for such systems are obtained. It is necessary to test whether the parameters selected from the obtained stability region provide stability. However, stability analysis of such systems is very problematic. For this reason, an approximation method previously proposed by the author is used. Thus, the system is transformed to a fractional order structure. Then, the stability analysis of the FOS can be easily done. It is seen that the obtained equations and the approximation method proposed by the author for the stability test provide quite reasonable results.


I would like to thank the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Aydın Adnan Menderes University and the Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering for the computer support that enabled me to carry out this study.


  • [1] Zhe, G., Xiaowu, C., Zhai, L., and Ting, L. (2016), Stabilization criterion of fractional-order PD^mu controllers for interval fractional-order plants with one fractional-order term. Chinese Control Conference, CCC. 2016-Augus (1), 10424–10430.
  • [2] Dastjerdi, A.A., Vinagre, B.M., Chen, Y.Q., and HosseinNia, S.H. (2019), Linear fractional order controllers; A survey in the frequency domain. Annual Reviews in Control. 47 (2019), 51–70.
  • [3] Hamamci, S.E. (2008), Stabilization using fractional-order PI and PID controllers. Nonlinear Dynamics. 51 (1–2), 329–343.
  • [4] Podlubny, I., Petráš, I., O’Leary, P., Dorčák, L., and Vinagre, B.M. (2002), Analogue realizations of fractional order controllers. Nonlinear Dynamics. 29 281–296.
  • [5] Dimeas, I., Petras, I., and Psychalinos, C. (2017), New analog implementation technique for fractional-order controller: A DC motor control. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications. 78 192–200.
  • [6] Tan, N. (2005), Computation of stabilizing PI and PID controllers for processes with time delay. ISA Transactions. 44 213–223.
  • [7] Hohenbichler, N. and Ackermann, J. (2003), Synthesis of robust PID controllers for time delay systems. ECC 2003: Proceedings of the European Control Conference; Cambridge, UK, Sept. 1-4, 2003 / IEE. 0 (5), 1222–1227.
  • [8] Ackerman, J. and Keasbauer, D. (2003), Stable polyhedra in parameter space. Automatica. 39 937–943.
  • [9] Tan, N. and Atherton, D.P. (2006), Design of stabilizing PI and PID controllers. International Journal of Systems Science. 37 (8), 543–554.
  • [10] Xu, Y., Hollerbach, J.M., and Ma, D. (1995), A Nonlinear PD Controller for Force and Contact Transient Control. (February), 15–21.
  • [11] Tomei, P. (1991), Adaptive PD Controller for Robot Manipulators Patrizio. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation. 7 (4), 565–570.
  • [12] Haddar, M., Chaari, R., Baslamisli, S.C., Chaari, F., and Haddar, M. (2019), Intelligent PD controller design for active suspension system based on robust model-free control strategy. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 233 (14), 4863–4880.
  • [13] Birs, I., Muresan, C., Nascu, I., and Ionescu, C. (2019), A Survey of Recent Advances in Fractional Order Control for Time Delay Systems. IEEE Access. 7 30951–30965.
  • [14] Stewart, J.L. (1960), Generalized Pade’ Approximation. Proceedings of the IRE. 48 (12), 2003–2008.
  • [15] Ozturk, N. and Uraz, A. (1985), An Analysis Stability Test for a Certain Class of Distributed Parameter Systems with Delays. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. CAS-32 (4), 393–396.
  • [16] Ozturk, N. and Uraz, A. (1984), An Analytic Stability Test for a Certain Class of distributed Parameter Systems with a Distributed Lag. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. AC-29 (4), 368–370.
  • [17] Karmarkar, J.S. (1970), Stability analysis of systems with distributed delay. PROC. IEE. 117 (7), 1425–1429.
  • [18] Chen, Y. and Moore, K.L. (2002), Analytical stability bound for a class of delayed fractional-order dynamic systems. Nonlinear Dynamics. 29 (1–4), 191–200.
  • [19] Hwang, C. and Cheng, Y.C. (2006) A numerical algorithm for stability testing of fractional delay systems. Automatica. 42 (5), 825–831.
  • [20] Mesbahi, A. and Haeri, M. (2013), Stability of linear time invariant fractional delay systems of retarded type in the space of delay parameters. Automatica. 49 (5), 1287–1294.
  • [21] Mesbahi, A. and Haeri, M. (2015), Stable regions in the parameter space of delays for LTI fractional-order systems with two delays. Signal Processing. 107 (2015), 415–424.
  • [22] Atherton, D.P., Tan, N., and Yuce, A. (2015), Methods for computing the time response of fractional-order systems. Control Theory & Applications, IET. 9 (6), 817–830.
  • [23] Ozyetkin, M.M. (2022), An approximation method and PID controller tuning for systems having integer order and non-integer order delay. Alexandria Engineering Journal. 61 (12), 11365–11375.
  • [24] Tan, N., Kaya, I., Yeroglu, C., and Atherton, D.P. (2006), Computation of stabilizing PI and PID controllers using the stability boundary locus. Energy Conversion and Management. 47 (18–19), 3045–3058.
  • [25] Ho, M., Datta, A., and Bhattacharyya, S.P. (2000), Generalizations of the Hermite ± Biehler theorem: the complex case. 320 (2000), 23–36.
  • [26] Datta, A., Ho, M.-T., And, and Bhattacharyya, S.P. (2000), Advances in Industrial Control Structure and Synthesis of PID Controllers. Springer-Verlag London Ltd.
  • [27] Deniz, F.N. and Yüce, A. (2015), SBL Eşleştirme Yöntemi ile Kesir Dereceli PID Kontrolörün Yaklaşık Modellenmesi ve Ters Sarkaç Kontrol Sisteminde Uygulaması. Approximate Modelling of Fractional-Order PID Controller by SBL Matching Method and Application to Inverted Pendulum Control System. TOK’15, 10-12 Eylül, Denizli, 474-479.
  • [28] Astekin, D. and Özyetkin, M.M. (2021), Sürekli Kesir Açılımı Yöntemi Üzerine Genişletilmiş Bir Çalışma, An Extended Study on the Continued Fraction Expansion Method. in: TOK 2021 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Kongresi, Van, Türkiye, 58–62.
  • [29] Özyetkin, M.M., Yeroǧlu, C., Tan, N., and Taǧluk, M.E. (2010), Design of PI and PID controllers for fractional order time delay systems. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 43 (2), 355–360.
Year 2022, Issue: 050, 254 - 269, 30.09.2022



  • [1] Zhe, G., Xiaowu, C., Zhai, L., and Ting, L. (2016), Stabilization criterion of fractional-order PD^mu controllers for interval fractional-order plants with one fractional-order term. Chinese Control Conference, CCC. 2016-Augus (1), 10424–10430.
  • [2] Dastjerdi, A.A., Vinagre, B.M., Chen, Y.Q., and HosseinNia, S.H. (2019), Linear fractional order controllers; A survey in the frequency domain. Annual Reviews in Control. 47 (2019), 51–70.
  • [3] Hamamci, S.E. (2008), Stabilization using fractional-order PI and PID controllers. Nonlinear Dynamics. 51 (1–2), 329–343.
  • [4] Podlubny, I., Petráš, I., O’Leary, P., Dorčák, L., and Vinagre, B.M. (2002), Analogue realizations of fractional order controllers. Nonlinear Dynamics. 29 281–296.
  • [5] Dimeas, I., Petras, I., and Psychalinos, C. (2017), New analog implementation technique for fractional-order controller: A DC motor control. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications. 78 192–200.
  • [6] Tan, N. (2005), Computation of stabilizing PI and PID controllers for processes with time delay. ISA Transactions. 44 213–223.
  • [7] Hohenbichler, N. and Ackermann, J. (2003), Synthesis of robust PID controllers for time delay systems. ECC 2003: Proceedings of the European Control Conference; Cambridge, UK, Sept. 1-4, 2003 / IEE. 0 (5), 1222–1227.
  • [8] Ackerman, J. and Keasbauer, D. (2003), Stable polyhedra in parameter space. Automatica. 39 937–943.
  • [9] Tan, N. and Atherton, D.P. (2006), Design of stabilizing PI and PID controllers. International Journal of Systems Science. 37 (8), 543–554.
  • [10] Xu, Y., Hollerbach, J.M., and Ma, D. (1995), A Nonlinear PD Controller for Force and Contact Transient Control. (February), 15–21.
  • [11] Tomei, P. (1991), Adaptive PD Controller for Robot Manipulators Patrizio. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation. 7 (4), 565–570.
  • [12] Haddar, M., Chaari, R., Baslamisli, S.C., Chaari, F., and Haddar, M. (2019), Intelligent PD controller design for active suspension system based on robust model-free control strategy. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 233 (14), 4863–4880.
  • [13] Birs, I., Muresan, C., Nascu, I., and Ionescu, C. (2019), A Survey of Recent Advances in Fractional Order Control for Time Delay Systems. IEEE Access. 7 30951–30965.
  • [14] Stewart, J.L. (1960), Generalized Pade’ Approximation. Proceedings of the IRE. 48 (12), 2003–2008.
  • [15] Ozturk, N. and Uraz, A. (1985), An Analysis Stability Test for a Certain Class of Distributed Parameter Systems with Delays. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. CAS-32 (4), 393–396.
  • [16] Ozturk, N. and Uraz, A. (1984), An Analytic Stability Test for a Certain Class of distributed Parameter Systems with a Distributed Lag. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. AC-29 (4), 368–370.
  • [17] Karmarkar, J.S. (1970), Stability analysis of systems with distributed delay. PROC. IEE. 117 (7), 1425–1429.
  • [18] Chen, Y. and Moore, K.L. (2002), Analytical stability bound for a class of delayed fractional-order dynamic systems. Nonlinear Dynamics. 29 (1–4), 191–200.
  • [19] Hwang, C. and Cheng, Y.C. (2006) A numerical algorithm for stability testing of fractional delay systems. Automatica. 42 (5), 825–831.
  • [20] Mesbahi, A. and Haeri, M. (2013), Stability of linear time invariant fractional delay systems of retarded type in the space of delay parameters. Automatica. 49 (5), 1287–1294.
  • [21] Mesbahi, A. and Haeri, M. (2015), Stable regions in the parameter space of delays for LTI fractional-order systems with two delays. Signal Processing. 107 (2015), 415–424.
  • [22] Atherton, D.P., Tan, N., and Yuce, A. (2015), Methods for computing the time response of fractional-order systems. Control Theory & Applications, IET. 9 (6), 817–830.
  • [23] Ozyetkin, M.M. (2022), An approximation method and PID controller tuning for systems having integer order and non-integer order delay. Alexandria Engineering Journal. 61 (12), 11365–11375.
  • [24] Tan, N., Kaya, I., Yeroglu, C., and Atherton, D.P. (2006), Computation of stabilizing PI and PID controllers using the stability boundary locus. Energy Conversion and Management. 47 (18–19), 3045–3058.
  • [25] Ho, M., Datta, A., and Bhattacharyya, S.P. (2000), Generalizations of the Hermite ± Biehler theorem: the complex case. 320 (2000), 23–36.
  • [26] Datta, A., Ho, M.-T., And, and Bhattacharyya, S.P. (2000), Advances in Industrial Control Structure and Synthesis of PID Controllers. Springer-Verlag London Ltd.
  • [27] Deniz, F.N. and Yüce, A. (2015), SBL Eşleştirme Yöntemi ile Kesir Dereceli PID Kontrolörün Yaklaşık Modellenmesi ve Ters Sarkaç Kontrol Sisteminde Uygulaması. Approximate Modelling of Fractional-Order PID Controller by SBL Matching Method and Application to Inverted Pendulum Control System. TOK’15, 10-12 Eylül, Denizli, 474-479.
  • [28] Astekin, D. and Özyetkin, M.M. (2021), Sürekli Kesir Açılımı Yöntemi Üzerine Genişletilmiş Bir Çalışma, An Extended Study on the Continued Fraction Expansion Method. in: TOK 2021 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Kongresi, Van, Türkiye, 58–62.
  • [29] Özyetkin, M.M., Yeroǧlu, C., Tan, N., and Taǧluk, M.E. (2010), Design of PI and PID controllers for fractional order time delay systems. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 43 (2), 355–360.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Münevver Mine Özyetkin 0000-0002-3819-5240

Publication Date September 30, 2022
Submission Date July 5, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: 050
