Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2023, , 454 - 472, 30.12.2023



  • Aagaard, J., Stenalt, M. H., & Selwyn, N. (2023). ‘Out of touch’: University teachers’ negative engagements with technology during COVID-19. Learning and Teaching, 16(1), 98-118.
  • Abdulhak, I., Djohar, A., Rusman, & Wahyudin, D. (2018). The development of hybrid learning curriculum model for improving teachers' competencies in teacher education institutions in Indonesia and South Korea. International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, 3(1), 31-35.
  • Acosta-Gonzaga, E., & Ruiz-Ledesma, E. F. (2022). Students’ emotions and engagement in the emerging hybrid learning environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sustainability, 14(16), 10236.
  • Bartolic-Zlomislic, S., & Bates, A. W. (1999). Investing in on-line learning: Potential benefits and limitations. Canadian Journal of Communication, 24(3).
  • Berces, J. A. (2022). Exploring the uncertainties: The experiences of pre-service teachers in the new normal education. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 8(06), 69-73.
  • Biberman-Shalev, L., Broza, O., & Chamo, N. (2023). Contextual changes and shifts in pedagogical paradigms: Post-COVID-19 blended learning as a negotiation space in teacher education. Education Sciences, 13(3), 275.
  • Borthwick, A. C., & Hansen, R. (2017). Digital literacy in teacher education: Are teacher educators competent? Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 33(2), 46-48.
  • Bozkurt, A., Karakaya, K., Turk, M., Karakaya, Ö., & Castellanos-Reyes, D. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on education: A meta-narrative review. TechTrends, 66(5), 883-896. Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2012). Thematic analysis. In H. Cooper (Ed.), APA handbook of research methods in psychology volume 2: Research designs (pp. 57–71). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
  • Buckingham, D. (2007). Digital media literacies: Rethinking media education in the age of the internet. Research in Comparative and International Education, 2(1), 43-55.
  • Buzzetto-More, N. A., & Sweat-Guy, R. (2006). Incorporating the hybrid learning model into minority education at a historically black university. Journal of Information Technology Education,5(1), 153-164.
  • Calderón, A., Scanlon, D., MacPhail, A., & Moody, B. (2021). An integrated blended learning approach for physical education teacher education programmes: Teacher educators’ and pre-service teachers’ experiences. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 26(6), 562-577.
  • Carrasco, B., & Johnson, S. M. (2015). Hybrid language teaching in practice: Perceptions, reactions, and results. London: Springer.
  • Choi, L. J., & Park, M. Y. (2022). Teaching practicum during COVID-19: Pre-Service English language teachers’ professional identities and motivation. SAGE Open, 12(3),1-9.
  • Christiani, N., Tungka, N. F., & Nainggolan, R. (2022). Exploring digital literacy skills of prospective Indonesian EFL teachers. International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research, 3(7), 1413-1422.
  • Cohen, A., Nørgård, R.T., & Mor, Y. (2020). Hybrid learning spaces––Design, data, didactics. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(4), 1039-1044.
  • Creely, E., Henriksen, D., & Henderson, M. (2022). Moving beyond folk pedagogies towards hybrid and blended practices: A reflection on teacher education post-pandemic. In E. Baumgartner, R. Kaplan-Rakowski, R. R. Ferdig, R. Hartshorne, & C. Mouza, A retrospective of teaching, technology, and teacher education during the COVID-19 pandemic (pp. 31-37). USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2013). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. London: SAGE.
  • Darling-Hammond, L., & Baratz-Snowden, J. (2007). A good teacher in every classroom: Preparing the highly qualified teachers our children deserve. Educational Horizons, 85(2), 111-132.
  • Dickenson, P. (2016). The flipped classroom in a hybrid teacher education course: Teachers' self-efficacy and instructors' practices. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 9(1), 78-89.
  • Dixon, T., Christison, M., Dixon, D. H., & Palmer, A. S. (2021). A meta‐analysis of hybrid language instruction and call for future research. The Modern Language Journal, 105(4), 792-809.
  • Eker, C., & Atıcı, M. (2023). Uzaktan eğitim sürecinde sanat eğitimi: Uygulamalı derslerin yürütülmesi hakkında öğretim elemanı görüşlerinin incelenmesi [Art education in distance education: Examination of instructor's views on the conduction of applied courses]. Abant İzzet Baysal University Journal of Faculty of Education, 23(4), 1620-1637.
  • Gherheș, V., Șimon, S., & Para, I. (2021). Analysing students’ reasons for keeping their webcams on or off during online classes. Sustainability, 13(6), 3203.
  • Gurley, L. E. (2018). Educators' preparation to teach, perceived teaching presence, and perceived teaching presence behaviors in blended and online learning environments. Online Learning, 22(2), 197-220.
  • Hodges, C.B., Moore, S.L., Lockee, B.B., Trust, T., and Bond, M.A. (2020, March 27). The difference between emergency remote teaching and online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  • Hooft Graafland, J. (2018, September 12). New technologies and 21st century children: Recent trends and outcomes (OECD Education Working Papers No. 179). OECD Publishing.
  • Howard, S., Tondeur, J., Hutchison, N., Scherer, R., & Siddiq, F. (2022). A t(r)opical journey: Using text mining to explore teachers’ experiences in the Great Online Transition. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 930-935). USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
  • Karadağ, E., Çiftçi, S. K., Gök, R., Su, A., Ergin-Kocatürk, H., & Çiftçi, Ş. S. (2021). Covid-19 pandemisi sürecince üniversitelerin uzaktan eğitim kapasiteleri [Distance education capacities of universities during the Covid-19 pandemic process]. Journal of University Research, 4(1), 8-22.
  • Karagözoğlu, N., & Gezer, U. (2022). An investigation of the relationship between digital literacy levels of social studies teacher candidates and their attitudes towards distance education. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 17(1), 218-235.
  • Koi-Akrofi, G. Y., Owusu-Oware, E., & Tanye, H. (2020). Challenges of distance, blended, and online learning: A literature-based approach. International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education, 9(4), 17-39.
  • König, J., Jäger-Biela, D. J., & Glutsch, N. (2020). Adapting to online teaching during COVID-19 school closure: teacher education and teacher competence effects among early career teachers in Germany. European journal of teacher education, 43(4), 608-622.
  • Kuleto, V., Ilić, M. P., Šević, N. P., Ranković, M., Stojaković, D., & Dobrilović, M. (2021). Factors affecting the efficiency of teaching process in higher education in the Republic of Serbia during COVID-19. Sustainability, 13(23), 12935.
  • Kumagai, Y. (2023). Moving from physical to virtual learning spaces: Learning a foreign language during the COVID-19 pandemic in a Zoom classroom. In S. Völkel and N. Nassenstein (Eds.), Performative linguistic space: Ethnographies of spatial politics and dynamic linguistic practices, (pp. 93-121). Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Kusuma, P. C., Pahlevi, M. R., & Saefullah, H. (2021). EFL teachers’ perception towards online classroom interaction during COVID-19 pandemic. ETERNAL (English Teaching Journal), 12(2), 68-79.
  • Lin, O. (2008). Student views of hybrid learning: A one-year exploratory study. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 25(2), 57-66.
  • Linder, K. E. (2017). Fundamentals of hybrid teaching and learning. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2017(149), 11-18.
  • Moskal, P. D. (2017). Evaluating the outcomes and impact of hybrid courses. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2017(149), 19-26.
  • Mumford, S., & Dikilitaş, K. (2020). Pre-service language teachers' reflection development through online interaction in a hybrid learning course. Computers & Education, 144, 103706.
  • Müller, A. M., Goh, C., Lim, L. Z., & Gao, X. (2021). Covid-19 emergency eLearning and beyond: Experiences and perspectives of university educators. Education Sciences, 11(1), 19.
  • Ngao, A. I., Sang, G., & Kihwele, J. E. (2022). Understanding teacher educators’ perceptions and practices about ICT integration in teacher education program. Education Sciences, 12(8), 549.
  • Oblina, B. G. C., Oblina, A. C., & Potane, J. D. (2022). Barriers and merits of hybrid teaching in Vietnam amid Covid-19. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications (IJMRAP), 5(3), 145-155.
  • Olapiriyakul, K., & Scher, J. M. (2006). A guide to establishing hybrid learning courses: Employing information technology to create a new learning experience, and a case study. The Internet and Higher Education, 9(4), 287-301.
  • Rachmadtullah, R., Subandowo, M., Rasmitadila, Humaira, M. A., Aliyyah, R. R., Samsudin, A., & Nurtanto, M. (2020). Use of blended learning with Moodle: Study effectiveness in elementary school teacher education students during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 3272-3277.
  • Raes, A. (2022). Exploring student and teacher experiences in hybrid learning environments: Does presence matter?. Postdigital Science and Education, 4(1), 138-159.
  • Roman, M., & Plopeanu, A. P. (2021). The effectiveness of the emergency eLearning during COVID-19 pandemic. The case of higher education in economics in Romania. International Review of Economics Education, 37, 100218.
  • Saboowala, R., & Manghirmalani Mishra, P. (2021). Readiness of in-service teachers toward a blended learning approach as a learning pedagogy in the post-COVID-19 era. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 50(1), 9-23.
  • Singh, J., Evans, E., Reed, A., Karch, L., Qualey, K., Singh, L., & Wiersma, H. (2022). Online, hybrid, and face-to-face learning through the eyes of faculty, students, administrators, and instructional designers: Lessons learned and directions for the post-vaccine and post-pandemic/COVID-19 world. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 50(3), 1-26.
  • Singh, J., Steele, K., & Singh, L. (2021). Combining the best of online and face-to-face learning: Hybrid and blended learning approach for COVID-19, post-vaccine, & post-pandemic world. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 50(2), 140-171.
  • Shohel, M. M. C., Roy, G., Ashrafuzzaman, M., & Babu, R. (2022). Teaching and learning in higher education in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 pandemic: Learning from the challenges. Education Sciences, 12(12), 857.
  • Solihati, N., & Mulyono, H. (2017). A hybrid classroom instruction in second language teacher education (SLTE): A critical reflection of teacher educators. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 12(5), 169-180.
  • Snart, J. A. (2010). Hybrid Learning: The perils and promise of blending online and face-to-face instruction in higher education. USA: Praeger.
  • Swenson, P. W., & Redmond, P. A. (2009). Online, hybrid, and blended coursework and the practice of technology-integrated teaching and learning within teacher education. Issues in Teacher Education, 18(2), 3-10.
  • Şen, O., & Kızılcalıoğlu, G. (2020). COVID-19 pandemi sürecinde üniversite öğrencilerinin ve akademisyenlerin uzaktan öğretime yönelik görüşlerinin belirlenmesi [Determining the views of university students and academics on distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic]. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry, 4(3), 239-252.
  • Udeogalanya, V. (2022). Aligning digital literacy and student academic success: Lessons learned from COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Higher Education Management, 8(2), 54-65.
  • Van Nuland, S., Mandzuk, D., Tucker Petrick, K., & Cooper, T. (2020). COVID-19 and its effects on teacher education in Ontario: a complex adaptive systems perspective. Journal of Education for Teaching, 46(4), 442-451.
  • Vininsky, H., & Saxe, A. (2016). The best of both worlds: A proposal for hybrid teacher education. McGill Journal of Education, 51(3), 1187-1196.
  • Wut, Tm, & Xu, J. (2021). Person-to-person interactions in online classroom settings under the impact of COVID-19: a social presence theory perspective. Asia Pacific Education Review, 22(3), 371-383.
  • Yazgan, Ç. Ü. (2022). Attitudes and interaction practices towards distance education during the pandemic. Education and information technologies, 27(4), 5349-5364.
  • Zhu, X., & Liu, J. (2020). Education in and after Covid-19: Immediate responses and long-term visions. Postdigital Science and Education, 2, 695-699. 001263

Post-Pandemic Teacher Education: Opinions of English Teacher Educators on Hybrid System

Yıl 2023, , 454 - 472, 30.12.2023


The wave of change in the educational landscape started with Emergency Remote Teaching due to pandemic and followed by the hybrid system adopted in higher education institutions. The present study is an attempt to evaluate the effects of hybrid system on English teacher education and get the reflections of English teacher educators regarding its post-effects on teacher candidates. To this end, 18 English teacher educators from 10 different state universities were reached to evaluate post-pandemic teacher education. Adopting a qualitative research design, the participants were asked to complete a survey which included nine questions about different learner types emerged due to online instruction, effects of hybrid system on teacher educators and teacher candidates, and survival tips for teacher educators. The data were analysed through thematic analysis and the findings were reported under the categories of overall evaluation, post-effects of hybrid system, crucial factors and survival tips, and learner types. The findings are discussed in line with the related literature and some implications for education faculties are presented.


  • Aagaard, J., Stenalt, M. H., & Selwyn, N. (2023). ‘Out of touch’: University teachers’ negative engagements with technology during COVID-19. Learning and Teaching, 16(1), 98-118.
  • Abdulhak, I., Djohar, A., Rusman, & Wahyudin, D. (2018). The development of hybrid learning curriculum model for improving teachers' competencies in teacher education institutions in Indonesia and South Korea. International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, 3(1), 31-35.
  • Acosta-Gonzaga, E., & Ruiz-Ledesma, E. F. (2022). Students’ emotions and engagement in the emerging hybrid learning environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sustainability, 14(16), 10236.
  • Bartolic-Zlomislic, S., & Bates, A. W. (1999). Investing in on-line learning: Potential benefits and limitations. Canadian Journal of Communication, 24(3).
  • Berces, J. A. (2022). Exploring the uncertainties: The experiences of pre-service teachers in the new normal education. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 8(06), 69-73.
  • Biberman-Shalev, L., Broza, O., & Chamo, N. (2023). Contextual changes and shifts in pedagogical paradigms: Post-COVID-19 blended learning as a negotiation space in teacher education. Education Sciences, 13(3), 275.
  • Borthwick, A. C., & Hansen, R. (2017). Digital literacy in teacher education: Are teacher educators competent? Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 33(2), 46-48.
  • Bozkurt, A., Karakaya, K., Turk, M., Karakaya, Ö., & Castellanos-Reyes, D. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on education: A meta-narrative review. TechTrends, 66(5), 883-896. Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2012). Thematic analysis. In H. Cooper (Ed.), APA handbook of research methods in psychology volume 2: Research designs (pp. 57–71). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
  • Buckingham, D. (2007). Digital media literacies: Rethinking media education in the age of the internet. Research in Comparative and International Education, 2(1), 43-55.
  • Buzzetto-More, N. A., & Sweat-Guy, R. (2006). Incorporating the hybrid learning model into minority education at a historically black university. Journal of Information Technology Education,5(1), 153-164.
  • Calderón, A., Scanlon, D., MacPhail, A., & Moody, B. (2021). An integrated blended learning approach for physical education teacher education programmes: Teacher educators’ and pre-service teachers’ experiences. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 26(6), 562-577.
  • Carrasco, B., & Johnson, S. M. (2015). Hybrid language teaching in practice: Perceptions, reactions, and results. London: Springer.
  • Choi, L. J., & Park, M. Y. (2022). Teaching practicum during COVID-19: Pre-Service English language teachers’ professional identities and motivation. SAGE Open, 12(3),1-9.
  • Christiani, N., Tungka, N. F., & Nainggolan, R. (2022). Exploring digital literacy skills of prospective Indonesian EFL teachers. International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research, 3(7), 1413-1422.
  • Cohen, A., Nørgård, R.T., & Mor, Y. (2020). Hybrid learning spaces––Design, data, didactics. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(4), 1039-1044.
  • Creely, E., Henriksen, D., & Henderson, M. (2022). Moving beyond folk pedagogies towards hybrid and blended practices: A reflection on teacher education post-pandemic. In E. Baumgartner, R. Kaplan-Rakowski, R. R. Ferdig, R. Hartshorne, & C. Mouza, A retrospective of teaching, technology, and teacher education during the COVID-19 pandemic (pp. 31-37). USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2013). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. London: SAGE.
  • Darling-Hammond, L., & Baratz-Snowden, J. (2007). A good teacher in every classroom: Preparing the highly qualified teachers our children deserve. Educational Horizons, 85(2), 111-132.
  • Dickenson, P. (2016). The flipped classroom in a hybrid teacher education course: Teachers' self-efficacy and instructors' practices. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 9(1), 78-89.
  • Dixon, T., Christison, M., Dixon, D. H., & Palmer, A. S. (2021). A meta‐analysis of hybrid language instruction and call for future research. The Modern Language Journal, 105(4), 792-809.
  • Eker, C., & Atıcı, M. (2023). Uzaktan eğitim sürecinde sanat eğitimi: Uygulamalı derslerin yürütülmesi hakkında öğretim elemanı görüşlerinin incelenmesi [Art education in distance education: Examination of instructor's views on the conduction of applied courses]. Abant İzzet Baysal University Journal of Faculty of Education, 23(4), 1620-1637.
  • Gherheș, V., Șimon, S., & Para, I. (2021). Analysing students’ reasons for keeping their webcams on or off during online classes. Sustainability, 13(6), 3203.
  • Gurley, L. E. (2018). Educators' preparation to teach, perceived teaching presence, and perceived teaching presence behaviors in blended and online learning environments. Online Learning, 22(2), 197-220.
  • Hodges, C.B., Moore, S.L., Lockee, B.B., Trust, T., and Bond, M.A. (2020, March 27). The difference between emergency remote teaching and online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  • Hooft Graafland, J. (2018, September 12). New technologies and 21st century children: Recent trends and outcomes (OECD Education Working Papers No. 179). OECD Publishing.
  • Howard, S., Tondeur, J., Hutchison, N., Scherer, R., & Siddiq, F. (2022). A t(r)opical journey: Using text mining to explore teachers’ experiences in the Great Online Transition. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 930-935). USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
  • Karadağ, E., Çiftçi, S. K., Gök, R., Su, A., Ergin-Kocatürk, H., & Çiftçi, Ş. S. (2021). Covid-19 pandemisi sürecince üniversitelerin uzaktan eğitim kapasiteleri [Distance education capacities of universities during the Covid-19 pandemic process]. Journal of University Research, 4(1), 8-22.
  • Karagözoğlu, N., & Gezer, U. (2022). An investigation of the relationship between digital literacy levels of social studies teacher candidates and their attitudes towards distance education. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 17(1), 218-235.
  • Koi-Akrofi, G. Y., Owusu-Oware, E., & Tanye, H. (2020). Challenges of distance, blended, and online learning: A literature-based approach. International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education, 9(4), 17-39.
  • König, J., Jäger-Biela, D. J., & Glutsch, N. (2020). Adapting to online teaching during COVID-19 school closure: teacher education and teacher competence effects among early career teachers in Germany. European journal of teacher education, 43(4), 608-622.
  • Kuleto, V., Ilić, M. P., Šević, N. P., Ranković, M., Stojaković, D., & Dobrilović, M. (2021). Factors affecting the efficiency of teaching process in higher education in the Republic of Serbia during COVID-19. Sustainability, 13(23), 12935.
  • Kumagai, Y. (2023). Moving from physical to virtual learning spaces: Learning a foreign language during the COVID-19 pandemic in a Zoom classroom. In S. Völkel and N. Nassenstein (Eds.), Performative linguistic space: Ethnographies of spatial politics and dynamic linguistic practices, (pp. 93-121). Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Kusuma, P. C., Pahlevi, M. R., & Saefullah, H. (2021). EFL teachers’ perception towards online classroom interaction during COVID-19 pandemic. ETERNAL (English Teaching Journal), 12(2), 68-79.
  • Lin, O. (2008). Student views of hybrid learning: A one-year exploratory study. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 25(2), 57-66.
  • Linder, K. E. (2017). Fundamentals of hybrid teaching and learning. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2017(149), 11-18.
  • Moskal, P. D. (2017). Evaluating the outcomes and impact of hybrid courses. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2017(149), 19-26.
  • Mumford, S., & Dikilitaş, K. (2020). Pre-service language teachers' reflection development through online interaction in a hybrid learning course. Computers & Education, 144, 103706.
  • Müller, A. M., Goh, C., Lim, L. Z., & Gao, X. (2021). Covid-19 emergency eLearning and beyond: Experiences and perspectives of university educators. Education Sciences, 11(1), 19.
  • Ngao, A. I., Sang, G., & Kihwele, J. E. (2022). Understanding teacher educators’ perceptions and practices about ICT integration in teacher education program. Education Sciences, 12(8), 549.
  • Oblina, B. G. C., Oblina, A. C., & Potane, J. D. (2022). Barriers and merits of hybrid teaching in Vietnam amid Covid-19. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications (IJMRAP), 5(3), 145-155.
  • Olapiriyakul, K., & Scher, J. M. (2006). A guide to establishing hybrid learning courses: Employing information technology to create a new learning experience, and a case study. The Internet and Higher Education, 9(4), 287-301.
  • Rachmadtullah, R., Subandowo, M., Rasmitadila, Humaira, M. A., Aliyyah, R. R., Samsudin, A., & Nurtanto, M. (2020). Use of blended learning with Moodle: Study effectiveness in elementary school teacher education students during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 3272-3277.
  • Raes, A. (2022). Exploring student and teacher experiences in hybrid learning environments: Does presence matter?. Postdigital Science and Education, 4(1), 138-159.
  • Roman, M., & Plopeanu, A. P. (2021). The effectiveness of the emergency eLearning during COVID-19 pandemic. The case of higher education in economics in Romania. International Review of Economics Education, 37, 100218.
  • Saboowala, R., & Manghirmalani Mishra, P. (2021). Readiness of in-service teachers toward a blended learning approach as a learning pedagogy in the post-COVID-19 era. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 50(1), 9-23.
  • Singh, J., Evans, E., Reed, A., Karch, L., Qualey, K., Singh, L., & Wiersma, H. (2022). Online, hybrid, and face-to-face learning through the eyes of faculty, students, administrators, and instructional designers: Lessons learned and directions for the post-vaccine and post-pandemic/COVID-19 world. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 50(3), 1-26.
  • Singh, J., Steele, K., & Singh, L. (2021). Combining the best of online and face-to-face learning: Hybrid and blended learning approach for COVID-19, post-vaccine, & post-pandemic world. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 50(2), 140-171.
  • Shohel, M. M. C., Roy, G., Ashrafuzzaman, M., & Babu, R. (2022). Teaching and learning in higher education in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 pandemic: Learning from the challenges. Education Sciences, 12(12), 857.
  • Solihati, N., & Mulyono, H. (2017). A hybrid classroom instruction in second language teacher education (SLTE): A critical reflection of teacher educators. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 12(5), 169-180.
  • Snart, J. A. (2010). Hybrid Learning: The perils and promise of blending online and face-to-face instruction in higher education. USA: Praeger.
  • Swenson, P. W., & Redmond, P. A. (2009). Online, hybrid, and blended coursework and the practice of technology-integrated teaching and learning within teacher education. Issues in Teacher Education, 18(2), 3-10.
  • Şen, O., & Kızılcalıoğlu, G. (2020). COVID-19 pandemi sürecinde üniversite öğrencilerinin ve akademisyenlerin uzaktan öğretime yönelik görüşlerinin belirlenmesi [Determining the views of university students and academics on distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic]. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry, 4(3), 239-252.
  • Udeogalanya, V. (2022). Aligning digital literacy and student academic success: Lessons learned from COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Higher Education Management, 8(2), 54-65.
  • Van Nuland, S., Mandzuk, D., Tucker Petrick, K., & Cooper, T. (2020). COVID-19 and its effects on teacher education in Ontario: a complex adaptive systems perspective. Journal of Education for Teaching, 46(4), 442-451.
  • Vininsky, H., & Saxe, A. (2016). The best of both worlds: A proposal for hybrid teacher education. McGill Journal of Education, 51(3), 1187-1196.
  • Wut, Tm, & Xu, J. (2021). Person-to-person interactions in online classroom settings under the impact of COVID-19: a social presence theory perspective. Asia Pacific Education Review, 22(3), 371-383.
  • Yazgan, Ç. Ü. (2022). Attitudes and interaction practices towards distance education during the pandemic. Education and information technologies, 27(4), 5349-5364.
  • Zhu, X., & Liu, J. (2020). Education in and after Covid-19: Immediate responses and long-term visions. Postdigital Science and Education, 2, 695-699. 001263
Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Esin Dündar 0000-0002-8160-0176

Ali Merç 0000-0003-3061-7899

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Haziran 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Dündar, E., & Merç, A. (2023). Post-Pandemic Teacher Education: Opinions of English Teacher Educators on Hybrid System. E-Kafkas Journal of Educational Research, 10(3), 454-472.

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