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Do Various Conifers Respond Differently to Water Stress? A Comparative Study of White Pine, Concolor and Balsam Fir

Year 2022, , 1 - 16, 31.03.2022


Aim of study: Two-year-old containerized balsam and concolor fir and one-year-old Eastern white pine transplants were grown under variable watering regimes with the goal of identifying plant morphological and some physiological traits under water stress.
Area of study: This experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Tree Research Center on the Michigan State University campus, East Lansing, Michigan.
Material and methods: Relative root collar diameter (RRCD), height growth (RHG), and root length (RRL) were measured as growth parameters. Stem water potential (Ψ), stomatal conductance (gs), net photosynthetic rate (Anet), intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE=Anet/gs), foliar potassium (K+), and calcium (Ca+2) concentration were measured as physiological traits.
Main results: Well-watered transplants had significantly higher RRCD, RHG, and RRL in fir species. Balsam fir and white pine transplants had a higher Ψ than concolor fir under severe stress. Fir species had higher Anet, gs, and a lower iWUE than white pine. White pine had a lower foliar K+ concentration, while balsam fir had the highest foliar Ca+2 concentration. Balsam fir had higher growth and Anet, gs, and iWUE under water stress due to their ability to maintain higher water uptake despite a reduced soil water content.
Highlights: It is concluded that white pine has better drought tolerance because of the ability to withstand water stress through the mechanism of reduced photosynthetic activities and growth, minimize water loss, and increase water uptake.


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  • Andrews, S. F., Flanagan, L. B., Sharp, E. J. & Cai, T. (2012). Variation in water potential, hydraulic characteristics and water source use in montane douglas-fir and lodgepole pine trees in southwestern alberta and consequences for seasonal changes in photosynthetic capacity. Tree Physiology, 32(2), 146-160.
  • Babita, M., Maheswari, M., Rao, L. M., Shanker, A. K. & Rao, D. G. (2010). Osmotic adjustment, drought tolerance and yield in castor (Ricinus communis L.) Hybrids. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 69(3), 243-249.
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Bazı Kozalaklı Türlerin Su Stresine Tepkileri Farklı Mıdır? Beyaz Çam, Balsam ve Concolor Göknarının Karşılaştırmalı Bir Çalışması

Year 2022, , 1 - 16, 31.03.2022


Çalışmanın amacı: İki yaşındaki tüplü balsam ve gümüşi göknarı ile bir yaşındaki beyaz çam fidanlarının su stresine altındaki morfolojik ve bazı fizyolojik etkilerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla farklı sulama rejimlerinde yetiştirildi.
Çalışma alanı: Bu çalışma Michigan State Universitesi kampüsündeki Ağaç Araştırma Merkezi serasında gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Materyal ve yöntem: Büyüme parametreleri olarak bağıl kök boğazı çapı (RRCD), bağıl boy büyümesi (RHG) ve bağıl kök uzunluğu (RRL) ölçülmüştür. Fizyolojik özellik olarak ksilem su potansiyeli (Ψ), net fotosentez (Anet), stoma iletkenliği (gs), içsel su kullanım verimliliği (iWUE=Anet/gs), yaprak potasyum (K+) ve kalsiyum (Ca+2) konsantrasyonları ölçüldü.
Temel sonuçlar: Göknar türlerinden iyi sulanan fidanlarında daha yüksek RRCD, RHG ve RRL değerleri tespit edildi. Şiddetli stres altında balsam göknarı ve beyaz çam fidanları gümüşi göknar fidanlarına kıyasla daha yüksek Ψ ölçülmüştür. Göknar türleri beyaz çam fidanlarından daha yüksek Anet, gs ve daha düşük bir iWUE'ye sahiptir. Düşük yaprak K+ konsantrasyonu beyaz çam fidanlarında gözlenirken en yüksek yaprak Ca+2 konsantrasyonu balsam göknarında ölçülmüştür. Balsam göknarı topraktaki su içeriğinin azalmasına rağmen daha yüksek su alımını sürdürme yeteneklerinden dolayı, su stresi altında beyaz çamdan daha iyi bir büyüme ve daha yüksek Anet, gs ve iWUE değerlerine sahiptir.
Araştırma vurguları: Azalan fotosentetik aktivite ve büyüme mekanizması, su kaybını en aza indirme ve su alımını artırma yeteneği yoluyla su stresine karşı koyma beyaz çamı iki göknar türüne göre daha yüksek kuraklık toleransına sahip olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Allen, C. D., Macalady, A. K., Chenchouni, H., Bachelet, D., McDowell, N., Vennetier, M. Kitzberger, T., Rigling, A., Breshears, D. D., (Ted) Hogg, E. H., Gonzalez, P., Fensham, R., Zhang, Z., Castro, J., Demidova, N., Lim, J.-H., Allard, G., Running, S. W., Semerci, A. & Neil, C. (2010). A global overview of drought and heat-induced tree mortality reveals emerging climate change risks for forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 259(4), 660-684.
  • Andrews, S. F., Flanagan, L. B., Sharp, E. J. & Cai, T. (2012). Variation in water potential, hydraulic characteristics and water source use in montane douglas-fir and lodgepole pine trees in southwestern alberta and consequences for seasonal changes in photosynthetic capacity. Tree Physiology, 32(2), 146-160.
  • Babita, M., Maheswari, M., Rao, L. M., Shanker, A. K. & Rao, D. G. (2010). Osmotic adjustment, drought tolerance and yield in castor (Ricinus communis L.) Hybrids. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 69(3), 243-249.
  • Bartels, D. & Sunkar, R. (2005). Critical reviews in plant sciences drought and salt tolerance in plants drought and salt tolerance in plants. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 24(1), 23-58.
  • Becker, C. A., Mroz, G. D. & Fuller, L. G. (1987). The effects of plant moisture stress on red pine (Pinus resinosa) seedling growth and establishment. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 17(8), 813-820.
  • Bhattacharjee, S. & Saha, A. K. (2014). Plant water-stress response mechanisms. In Approaches To Plant Stress And Their Management, 149-172. Springer, New Delhi.
  • Brendel, O., Pot, D., Plomion, C., Rozenberg, P. & Guehl, J. M. (2002). Genetic parameters and QTL analysis of δ13C and ring width in maritime pine. Plant, Cell & Environment, 25(8), 945-953.
  • Brodribb, T. J., Feild, T. S. & Jordan, G. J. (2007). Leaf maximum photosynthetic rate and venation are linked by hydraulics. Plant Physiology, 144(4), 1890-1898.
  • Brodribb, T. J. & McAdam, S. A. (2013). Abscisic acid mediates a divergence in the drought response of two conifers. Plant Physiology, 162(3), 1370-1377.
  • Buckley, T. N. (2005). The control of stomata by water balance. New Phytologist, 168(2), 275-292.
  • Cakmak, I. (2005). The role of potassium in alleviating detrimental effects of abiotic stresses in plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 168(4), 521-530.
  • Camarero, J. J., Franquesa, M., & Sangüesa-Barreda, G. (2015). Timing of drought triggers distinct growth responses in holm oak: implications to predict warming-induced forest defoliation and growth decline. Forests, 6(5), 1576-1597.
  • Ciais, P., Reichstein, M., Viovy, N., Granier, A., Ogée, J., Allard, V., Aubinet, M., Buchmann, N., Bernhofer, C., Carrara, A., Chevallier, F., Noblet, N. De., Friend, A. D., Friedlingstein, P., Grünwald, T., Heinesch, B., Keronen, P., Knohl, A., Krinner, G., Loustau, D., Manca, G., Matteucci, G., Miglietta, F., Ourcival, J. M., Papale, D., Pilegaard, K., Rambal, S., Seufert, G., Soussana, J. F., Sanz, M. J., Schulze, E. D., Vesala, T. & Valentini, R. (2005). Europe-wide reduction in primary productivity caused by the heat and drought in 2003. Nature, 437(7058), 529-533.
  • Cregg, B. M. (2016). Choosing the right Christmas tree: Balsam fir. [accessed August 01, 2018). Cregg, B. (2005). Conifer nutrition. Conifer corner. Michigan State University (MSU). Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory, 42-45.
  • Cregg, B. M. & Zhang. J.W. (2001). Physiology and morphology of pinus sylvestris seedlings from diverse sources under cyclic drought stress. Forest Ecology and Management, 154 (1-2), 131–139.
  • Domec, J. C., Lachenbruch, B., Meinzer, F. C., Woodruff, D. R., Warren, J. M. & McCulloh, K. A. (2008). Maximum height in a conifer is associated with conflicting requirements for xylem design. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(33), 12069-12074.
  • Egilla, J. N., Davies, F. T., & Boutton, T.W. (2005). Drought Stress Influences Leaf Water Content, Photosynthesis, and Water-Use Efficiency of Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis at Three Potassium Concentrations. Photosynthetica, 43(1), 135–140.
  • Farquhar, G. D. & Sharkey, T. D. (1982). Stomatal conductance and photosynthesis. Annual Review of Plant Physiology, 33(1), 317–345.
  • Fernández, M., Novillo, C. & Pardos, J. A. (2006). Effects of water and nutrient availability in Pinus pinaster Ait. open pollinated families at an early age: growth, gas exchange and water relations. New Forests, 31(3), 321-342.
  • Frank, R. M. (1990). Balsam fir. Silvics or North America. USDA Forest Service, Ag. Handbook 654. (26-35).
  • Gilliam, F. S. (2016). Forest ecosystems of temperate climatic regions: from ancient use to climate change. New Phytologist, 212(4), 871-887.
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There are 68 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

İsmail Koç This is me

Pascal Nzokou This is me

Publication Date March 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Koç, İ., & Nzokou, P. (2022). Do Various Conifers Respond Differently to Water Stress? A Comparative Study of White Pine, Concolor and Balsam Fir. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 22(1), 1-16.
AMA Koç İ, Nzokou P. Do Various Conifers Respond Differently to Water Stress? A Comparative Study of White Pine, Concolor and Balsam Fir. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. March 2022;22(1):1-16. doi:10.17475/kastorman.1095703
Chicago Koç, İsmail, and Pascal Nzokou. “Do Various Conifers Respond Differently to Water Stress? A Comparative Study of White Pine, Concolor and Balsam Fir”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 22, no. 1 (March 2022): 1-16.
EndNote Koç İ, Nzokou P (March 1, 2022) Do Various Conifers Respond Differently to Water Stress? A Comparative Study of White Pine, Concolor and Balsam Fir. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 22 1 1–16.
IEEE İ. Koç and P. Nzokou, “Do Various Conifers Respond Differently to Water Stress? A Comparative Study of White Pine, Concolor and Balsam Fir”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1–16, 2022, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.1095703.
ISNAD Koç, İsmail - Nzokou, Pascal. “Do Various Conifers Respond Differently to Water Stress? A Comparative Study of White Pine, Concolor and Balsam Fir”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 22/1 (March 2022), 1-16.
JAMA Koç İ, Nzokou P. Do Various Conifers Respond Differently to Water Stress? A Comparative Study of White Pine, Concolor and Balsam Fir. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2022;22:1–16.
MLA Koç, İsmail and Pascal Nzokou. “Do Various Conifers Respond Differently to Water Stress? A Comparative Study of White Pine, Concolor and Balsam Fir”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 22, no. 1, 2022, pp. 1-16, doi:10.17475/kastorman.1095703.
Vancouver Koç İ, Nzokou P. Do Various Conifers Respond Differently to Water Stress? A Comparative Study of White Pine, Concolor and Balsam Fir. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2022;22(1):1-16.

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