In this study, the optimum advances for parameters such as specific fuel consumption, emissions were investigated in ignition advances below 100 EA and above 100 EA. Cylinder pressure was measured for calculating the heat release rate. 13B MSP (Multi Side Port) single rotor and port fuel injection Wankel engine was used in the experiments. In this context, single rotor Wankel test engine was operated at 2000, 3000 and 4000 rpm engine speed, part loads and λ = 1 condition. The optimum ignition advance is based on the value at which the maximum torque is obtained. Thus, the effect of ignition advance was investigated on Wankel engine. As a result, it is observed that ignition advance has a significant effect on emissions, in-cylinder pressure and fuel consumption in Wankel engine.
This study was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey -TÜBİTAK (Project No: 115M690)
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hydrogen enrichment on combustion characteristics of a gasoline Wankel engine at full
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Ansdale R. F., 1968, The Wankel RC Engine, Iliffe Books Ltd., London, England.
Bensinger W.D., 1973, Rotationskolben-Verbrennungsmotoren, Berlin, Deustche: Springer-Verlag.
Cihan, Ö., 2017, Experimental and numerical investigation of the Wankel engine and skip cycle
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Process of Spark-Ignited Aviation Wankel Engine”, Energies, 12(12), 2292, pp. 1-11.
Froede, W.G., 1961, “The NSU-Wankel rotating combustion engine”, SAE paper, 610017, pp. 179-
Froede, W.G., 1965, “The Rotary Engine of the NSU Spider”, SAE paper, 650722, pp. 414-436.
Froede, W.G., 1968, “NSU's Double Bank Production Rotary Engine”, SAE paper, 680461, pp. 1-10.
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port locations on the combustion performance of a simulated rotary engine”, Journal of
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Iskra, A., Babiak, M., 2007, “Real possibilities of construction of CI Wankel engine”, Jour, pp. 1-6.
Ji, C., Shi, C., Wang, S., Yang, J., Su, T., Wang, D., 2019, “Effect of dual-spark plug arrangements on
ignition and combustion processes of a gasoline rotary engine with hydrogen directinjection
enrichment”, Energy Conversion and Management, 181, pp. 372-381.
Kohno, T., Lto, R., Morita, M., Mizuno, N., 1979, “Analysis of light-load performance in rotary
engines”, SAE paper, 790435, pp. 1637-1652.
Kutlar, O.A., Cihan, Ö., Doğan, H.E., Demirci, A., 2018, “The effect of different intake port
geometries of a single - rotor Wankel engine on performance and emissions at part-load
conditions”, Journal of The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University,
Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 809-819.
Ohkubo, M., Tashima, S., Shimizu, R., 2004, “Developed Technologies of the New Rotary Engine
(RENESIS)”, SAE technical paper, 2004-01-1790, pp. 1-10.
Otchere, P., Pan, J., Fan, B., Chen, W., Yao, L., Jianxing, L., 2019, “Numerical investigation of the
effect of advance ignition timing on combustion process in direct injection rotary engine
fueled with biodiesel”, Sustainable Energy, pp. 1-34.
Raju, R.S., 1992,. “Heat transfer and performance characteristics of a dual-ignition Wankel engine”,
SAE technical paper, 920303, pp. 1-46.
Shi, C., Ji, C., Wang, S., Yang, J., Li, X., & Ge, Y. 2019a, “Numerical simulation on combustion process
of a hydrogen direct-injection stratified gasoline Wankel engine by synchronous and
asynchronous ignition modes”, Energy conversion and management, 183, pp. 14-25.
Shi, C., Ji, C., Ge, Y., Wang, S., Bao, J., Yang, J., 2019b, “Numerical study on ignition amelioration of
a hydrogen-enriched Wankel engine under lean-burn condition”, Applied Energy, 255,
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Shi, C., Ji, C., Wang, S., Yang, J., Li, X., Ge, Y., 2019c, “Effects of hydrogen direct-injection angle and
charge concentration on gasoline-hydrogen blending lean combustion in a Wankel
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Su, T., Ji, C., Wang, S., Shi, L., Cong, X., 2018, “Effect of ignition timing on performance of a
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Warner M., 2009, Street Rotary, Penguin Group, New York, USA.
Bu çalışmada, optimum avans, 10 derece EMA altı ve 10 derece EMA üstü avanslarda özgül yakıt tüketimi, emisyonlar, silindir içi basınç ve ısı salımı oranları gibi parametreler incelenmiştir. Motor olarak deneyde 13B-MSP tek rotorlu ve manifolda püskürtmeli bir Wankel motor kullanılmıştır. Bu kapsamda, tek rotorlu Wankel deney motoru 2000, 3000 ve 4000 dev/dak motor hızında, kısmi yüklerde ve λ=1 koşulunda çalıştırılmıştır. Optimum ateşleme avansı maksimum momentin elde edildiği değer baz alınmıştır. Böylece, ateşleme avansının Wankel motordaki etkisi incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak ateşleme avansının Wankel motorda emisyonlar, silindir içi basınç ve yakıt tüketimi üzerinde büyük bir etkiye sahip olduğu gözlenmiştir.
Amrouche, F., Erickson, P.A., Varnhagen, S., Park, J.W., 2018, “An experimental analysis of
hydrogen enrichment on combustion characteristics of a gasoline Wankel engine at full
load and lean burn regime”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43(41), pp. 19250-
Ansdale R. F., 1968, The Wankel RC Engine, Iliffe Books Ltd., London, England.
Bensinger W.D., 1973, Rotationskolben-Verbrennungsmotoren, Berlin, Deustche: Springer-Verlag.
Cihan, Ö., 2017, Experimental and numerical investigation of the Wankel engine and skip cycle
system, Doctoral thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and
Technology, Istanbul.
Fan, B., Pan, J., Liu, Y., Zhu, Y., 2015, “Effects of ignition parameters on combustion process of a
rotary engine fueled with natural gas”, Energy Conversion and Management, 103, pp.
Finkelberg, L., Kostuchenkov, A., Zelentsov, A., Minin, V., 2019, “Improvement of Combustion
Process of Spark-Ignited Aviation Wankel Engine”, Energies, 12(12), 2292, pp. 1-11.
Froede, W.G., 1961, “The NSU-Wankel rotating combustion engine”, SAE paper, 610017, pp. 179-
Froede, W.G., 1965, “The Rotary Engine of the NSU Spider”, SAE paper, 650722, pp. 414-436.
Froede, W.G., 1968, “NSU's Double Bank Production Rotary Engine”, SAE paper, 680461, pp. 1-10.
Hwang, P.W., Chen, X.C., Cheng, H.C., 2016, “Influences of ignition timing, spark plug and intake
port locations on the combustion performance of a simulated rotary engine”, Journal of
Mechanics, 32(5), pp. 579-591.
Iskra, A., Babiak, M., 2007, “Real possibilities of construction of CI Wankel engine”, Jour, pp. 1-6.
Ji, C., Shi, C., Wang, S., Yang, J., Su, T., Wang, D., 2019, “Effect of dual-spark plug arrangements on
ignition and combustion processes of a gasoline rotary engine with hydrogen directinjection
enrichment”, Energy Conversion and Management, 181, pp. 372-381.
Kohno, T., Lto, R., Morita, M., Mizuno, N., 1979, “Analysis of light-load performance in rotary
engines”, SAE paper, 790435, pp. 1637-1652.
Kutlar, O.A., Cihan, Ö., Doğan, H.E., Demirci, A., 2018, “The effect of different intake port
geometries of a single - rotor Wankel engine on performance and emissions at part-load
conditions”, Journal of The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University,
Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 809-819.
Ohkubo, M., Tashima, S., Shimizu, R., 2004, “Developed Technologies of the New Rotary Engine
(RENESIS)”, SAE technical paper, 2004-01-1790, pp. 1-10.
Otchere, P., Pan, J., Fan, B., Chen, W., Yao, L., Jianxing, L., 2019, “Numerical investigation of the
effect of advance ignition timing on combustion process in direct injection rotary engine
fueled with biodiesel”, Sustainable Energy, pp. 1-34.
Raju, R.S., 1992,. “Heat transfer and performance characteristics of a dual-ignition Wankel engine”,
SAE technical paper, 920303, pp. 1-46.
Shi, C., Ji, C., Wang, S., Yang, J., Li, X., & Ge, Y. 2019a, “Numerical simulation on combustion process
of a hydrogen direct-injection stratified gasoline Wankel engine by synchronous and
asynchronous ignition modes”, Energy conversion and management, 183, pp. 14-25.
Shi, C., Ji, C., Ge, Y., Wang, S., Bao, J., Yang, J., 2019b, “Numerical study on ignition amelioration of
a hydrogen-enriched Wankel engine under lean-burn condition”, Applied Energy, 255,
113800, pp. 1-12.
Shi, C., Ji, C., Wang, S., Yang, J., Li, X., Ge, Y., 2019c, “Effects of hydrogen direct-injection angle and
charge concentration on gasoline-hydrogen blending lean combustion in a Wankel
engine”, Energy Conversion and Management, 187, pp. 316-327.
Su, T., Ji, C., Wang, S., Shi, L., Cong, X., 2018, “Effect of ignition timing on performance of a
hydrogen-enriched n-butanol rotary engine at lean condition”, Energy Conversion and
Management, 161, pp. 27–34.
Warner M., 2009, Street Rotary, Penguin Group, New York, USA.
Osman Akın Kutlar
Ö. Cihan, O. A. Kutlar, A. Demirci, and H. E. Doğan, “EFFECTS OF IGNITION ADVANCE ON COMBUSTION, FUEL CONSUMPTION AND EMISSION AT 13B WANKEL ENGINE”, KONJES, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 291–299, 2020, doi: 10.36306/konjes.630793.