Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 204 - 219, 01.03.2025


Induced stress-strain conditions around underground spaces which could be excavated or naturally formed have their destructive influences on the surrounding rock masses. Roof and sidewall rocks surrounding these spaces are strained due to 3D induced stress fields formed just after their introductions. Cavities/excavated underground spaces have their stability difficulties due to surrounding rock masses’ strength/discontinuity features. Stable rocks around these spaces including stable pillars are candidates which supply deformations in time due to their long-term strength characteristics. Collapsing of the rock masses surrounding the underground spaces causes caving effects through the rock masses above the spaces. If the collapsed rock masses cannot support the above overburden dead-loads as fragmented rock fills in the caved spaces, progressive failures are continued upward directions to form further subsidence deformations. Underground water circulations at the caved spaces provide different circumstances including the transportations and/or solution of the caved rocks in time. These processes eventually provide progressive subsidence/sinkhole in time due to elimination of submerged caved/fragmented rocks. The procedures causing progressive roof failures were analysed here for hypothetical rock mass conditions to understand the procedures’ governing factors. Evaluating these factors supply hints about what could be the engineering manners to decrease the risk of sinkhole developments.

Ethical Statement

The authors declare that the study complies with all applicable laws and regulations and meets ethical standards.


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  • R.K. Taylor, “Characteristics of shallow coal mine workings and their implications in urban redevelopmet areas”, (Section 7 in; Site investigations in area of mining subsidence, Bell,F.D. ed.), Newnes & Butterworths Publication, London, UK,1975.
  • F.G. Bell, “Site investigations in area of mining subsidence”, Newnes & Butterworths Publication, London, UK, 1975.
  • A.B. Klimchouk, D.C. Ford, A.N. Palmer, and W. Dreybrodt, (eds.) “Speleogenesis, Evolution of Karst Aquifers”, Jan.2000 Edition, National Speleogenesis Society Inc. Alabama, US.
  • B.N. Whittaker and D.J. Reddish, “Subsidence, Occurance, Prediction and Control”. Elsevier Publication, London, UK., 1989.
  • T. Waltham, “Rock failkure n collapse and caprock sinkholes, Rock failure under imposed load over caves”, Chapter (3 &7) in; Sinkholes and Subsidence : Karst and cavernous rocks in engineering and construction (Eds: T. Waltham, F. Bell, and M. Clshaw), Springer Publ. Berlin, and Praxis Publ. Chichester, 2005.
  • C. Galeazzi, “The typological tree of artificial cavities: A contribution by the Commission of the Italian Speleological Society”, (Proceedings of the international workshop on speleology in artificial cavities, “Classification of the typologies of artificial cavities in the world”, 18-20 may 2012, Torino, Italy), Opera Ipogea, 1, pp11-20, 2013.
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  • C.H. Shadbolt, “Mining subsidence-historical review and state of the art”, in Geddes, J. D., ed., Conference on large ground movements and structures: Cardiff, Wales, July 4-7, 1977, Proceedings, pp705-748, 1978.
  • D.L. Galloway, G.W. Bawden, S.A. Leake, and D.G. Honegger, “Land subsidence hazards”, (Chapter in Landslides and land subsidence hazards to pipelines, Open-File Report 2008-1164, US. Department of Interior, US Geological Survey, pp40-106, 2008.
  • J.E. Turney, A. Amundson, C. Greenman, and B.K. Stover, “P-26 Subsidence above inactive coal mines: Information for the Homeowner. Special Publication”. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resource and the Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining & Safety, CGS Publications, 1985, 2009.
  • R. Pellicani, G. Spilotro, and F. Gutiérrez, “Susceptibility mapping of instability related to shallow mining cavities in a built-up environment”, Eng. geology, 217, pp81-88, 2017.
  • M. Parise, and P. Lollino, “A preliminary analysis of failure mechanisms in karst and man-made underground caves in Southern Italy”, Geomorphology, 134, pp132-143, 2011.
  • K.B. Singh and B.B. Dhar, “Sinkhole subsidence due to mining”, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 15, pp327-341, 1997.
  • M.G. Karfakis, “Chimney subsidence over abandoned coal mines”, International Journal of Mining and Geological Engineering, (Short communication), 5, pp131-141, 1987.
  • Y. Heritage, “Validation of subsidence prediction approach of conbined modelling and empirical methods”, Proceedings of the 10th Triennial conference on mine subsidence, Pokolbin, NSW, Australia, pp193-205, 2017.
  • J. Zhou, Y. Zhang, C. Li, H. He, and X. Li, “Rockburst prediction and prevention n underground space excavation”, Underground space, 14, pp70-98, 2024.
  • D. Park, “Roof stability analysis of cylindrical tunnels in hard soil/soft rock with reduced tension strength”, Computers and geotechnics,164, 105838, 2023.
  • J. Shiau, B. Lamb, and M. Sams, “The use of sinkhole models in advanced geotechnical engineering teaching”, Int. J. of geomate, 10, 2, pp1718-1724, 2016
  • U. Dogan, and M. Yılmaz, “Natural and induced sinkholes of the Obruk plateau and Karapınar-Hotamıs plain, Turkey”. Journal of Asian earth sciences, 40, pp496–508, 2011.
  • F. Gutierrez, “Sinkhole hazards”, Oxford Research Encyclopedias, natural hazard science, 20126, p86, Retrieved in Oct. 2024. Doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199389407.013.40.
  • A. Kocyigit, “The Denizli graben-horst system and the eastern limit of western Anatolia continental extension: Basin fill, structure, deformational mode, throw amount and episodic evolutionary history SW Turkey”. Geodinamica Acta, 18, 3-4, pp167–208, 2005.
  • U. Ulu, “Geological Maps of Turkey Karaman-M30 Sheet”. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara (in Turkish), 2009a.
  • U. Ulu, “Geological Maps of Turkey Karaman-M31 Sheet”. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara (in Turkish), 2009b.
  • B. Canik and I. Corekcioglu, “The formation of sinkholes (Obruk) between Karapınar and Kızoren-Konya. In: Karst Water Resources”, Proceedings of Ankara-Antalya Symposium, July 1985. IAHS Publ., 161, pp193-205, 1986.
  • A.E. Dursun, “Risk analysis of natural sinkholes hazards in Karapinar basin (Konya, Turkey)”, Arabian J. of geosciences, 15, 279, 2022, doi:10.1007/s12517-022-09564-8.
  • K. Törk, B. Erduran, P. Yılmaz, S. Sülükcü, I.N. Güner, S. Ates, G. Mutlu, S. Keles, A. Cınar, S. Demirbas, N. Sertel, C. Ozerk, A. Bulut, L. Yeleser, K. Avcı, A. Ayva, and A.T. Toksoy, “Determination of karstic subsidence areas and hazard assessment in Konya closed basin”. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration of Turkey, Research Project Report, No: 11605, Ankara, Turkey, (in Turkish), p320, 2013.
  • O. Orhan, T. Oliver-Cabrera, S. Wdowinski, S. Yalvac, M. Yakar, “Land subsidence and its relations with sinkhole activity in Karapınar region, Turkey: A multi-sensor InSAR time series study”, Sensors, 21, 774, 2021, Doi: 10.3390/s21030774.
  • K. Dogan, and M.K. Gokay, “Konya-Karapinar’da oluşan obruklar; Yarımoglu örnek incelemesi, (Sinkhole at Konya-Karapinar: Works on Yarimoglu sinkhole example)”, Selcuk University, BAP research project, Konya, p55, 2014.
  • Itasca, "Fast Lagrangian analysis of continua (FLAC) 3D", Itasca Consulting Group Inc., Minneapolis, Minn., 2005.
  • M. Caudron, F. Emeriault, R. Kastner, M. Al-Heib, "Sinkhole and soil-structure interactions: Development of an experimental model." International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 2006, Hong-Kong, China. pp1261-1267, 2006.
  • Z. Zhang and Z. Chen, "Numerical simulation of bedrock sagging sinkholes in strain-softening rock induced by embankment construction" Hindawi Advances in Civil Engineering, Article ID 9426029, p19, 2019, Doi: 10.1155/2019/9426029.
Year 2025, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 204 - 219, 01.03.2025



  • M.K. Gokay, “Yeraltında bulunan doğal (obruk, mağara) ve yapay (galeri, depo, şehir) boşlukların stabilitesi”, Seminer notu #2, (Stability of natural (sinkhole, caves) and man-made (galleries, depots, subterranean city spaces) underground spaces), Seminar-notes #2. (in Turkish), Departmental Seminar, Feb. 2nd 2011, Selcuk University, Mining Engineering Department, Konya, Turkey, p125, 2011.
  • R.K. Taylor, “Characteristics of shallow coal mine workings and their implications in urban redevelopmet areas”, (Section 7 in; Site investigations in area of mining subsidence, Bell,F.D. ed.), Newnes & Butterworths Publication, London, UK,1975.
  • F.G. Bell, “Site investigations in area of mining subsidence”, Newnes & Butterworths Publication, London, UK, 1975.
  • A.B. Klimchouk, D.C. Ford, A.N. Palmer, and W. Dreybrodt, (eds.) “Speleogenesis, Evolution of Karst Aquifers”, Jan.2000 Edition, National Speleogenesis Society Inc. Alabama, US.
  • B.N. Whittaker and D.J. Reddish, “Subsidence, Occurance, Prediction and Control”. Elsevier Publication, London, UK., 1989.
  • T. Waltham, “Rock failkure n collapse and caprock sinkholes, Rock failure under imposed load over caves”, Chapter (3 &7) in; Sinkholes and Subsidence : Karst and cavernous rocks in engineering and construction (Eds: T. Waltham, F. Bell, and M. Clshaw), Springer Publ. Berlin, and Praxis Publ. Chichester, 2005.
  • C. Galeazzi, “The typological tree of artificial cavities: A contribution by the Commission of the Italian Speleological Society”, (Proceedings of the international workshop on speleology in artificial cavities, “Classification of the typologies of artificial cavities in the world”, 18-20 may 2012, Torino, Italy), Opera Ipogea, 1, pp11-20, 2013.
  • K. Terzaghi, “Rock defects and loads on tunnel supports. In: Rock tunneling with steel supports”, (Eds: R.V. Proctor and T.L. White), Youngstown, OH: Commercial Shearing and Stamping Company, 1, pp17-99, 1946.
  • E.G. Kirsch, “Die Theorie der Elastizität und die Bedürfnisse der Festigkeitslehre”. Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure, 42, pp797–807, 1898.
  • D. Li, Q, Zhu, Z. Zhou, X. Li, and P.G. Ranjith, “Fracture analysis of marble specimens with a hole under uniaxial compression by digital image correlation”. Engineering fracture mechanics, 183, pp109-124, 2017.
  • F.T. Lee, and J.F. Abel, Jr, “Subsidence from underground mining: Environmental analysis and planning considerations”, Geological Survey Circular: 876, US Department of Interior, p28, 1983.
  • C.H. Shadbolt, “Mining subsidence-historical review and state of the art”, in Geddes, J. D., ed., Conference on large ground movements and structures: Cardiff, Wales, July 4-7, 1977, Proceedings, pp705-748, 1978.
  • D.L. Galloway, G.W. Bawden, S.A. Leake, and D.G. Honegger, “Land subsidence hazards”, (Chapter in Landslides and land subsidence hazards to pipelines, Open-File Report 2008-1164, US. Department of Interior, US Geological Survey, pp40-106, 2008.
  • J.E. Turney, A. Amundson, C. Greenman, and B.K. Stover, “P-26 Subsidence above inactive coal mines: Information for the Homeowner. Special Publication”. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resource and the Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining & Safety, CGS Publications, 1985, 2009.
  • R. Pellicani, G. Spilotro, and F. Gutiérrez, “Susceptibility mapping of instability related to shallow mining cavities in a built-up environment”, Eng. geology, 217, pp81-88, 2017.
  • M. Parise, and P. Lollino, “A preliminary analysis of failure mechanisms in karst and man-made underground caves in Southern Italy”, Geomorphology, 134, pp132-143, 2011.
  • K.B. Singh and B.B. Dhar, “Sinkhole subsidence due to mining”, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 15, pp327-341, 1997.
  • M.G. Karfakis, “Chimney subsidence over abandoned coal mines”, International Journal of Mining and Geological Engineering, (Short communication), 5, pp131-141, 1987.
  • Y. Heritage, “Validation of subsidence prediction approach of conbined modelling and empirical methods”, Proceedings of the 10th Triennial conference on mine subsidence, Pokolbin, NSW, Australia, pp193-205, 2017.
  • J. Zhou, Y. Zhang, C. Li, H. He, and X. Li, “Rockburst prediction and prevention n underground space excavation”, Underground space, 14, pp70-98, 2024.
  • D. Park, “Roof stability analysis of cylindrical tunnels in hard soil/soft rock with reduced tension strength”, Computers and geotechnics,164, 105838, 2023.
  • J. Shiau, B. Lamb, and M. Sams, “The use of sinkhole models in advanced geotechnical engineering teaching”, Int. J. of geomate, 10, 2, pp1718-1724, 2016
  • U. Dogan, and M. Yılmaz, “Natural and induced sinkholes of the Obruk plateau and Karapınar-Hotamıs plain, Turkey”. Journal of Asian earth sciences, 40, pp496–508, 2011.
  • F. Gutierrez, “Sinkhole hazards”, Oxford Research Encyclopedias, natural hazard science, 20126, p86, Retrieved in Oct. 2024. Doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199389407.013.40.
  • A. Kocyigit, “The Denizli graben-horst system and the eastern limit of western Anatolia continental extension: Basin fill, structure, deformational mode, throw amount and episodic evolutionary history SW Turkey”. Geodinamica Acta, 18, 3-4, pp167–208, 2005.
  • U. Ulu, “Geological Maps of Turkey Karaman-M30 Sheet”. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara (in Turkish), 2009a.
  • U. Ulu, “Geological Maps of Turkey Karaman-M31 Sheet”. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara (in Turkish), 2009b.
  • B. Canik and I. Corekcioglu, “The formation of sinkholes (Obruk) between Karapınar and Kızoren-Konya. In: Karst Water Resources”, Proceedings of Ankara-Antalya Symposium, July 1985. IAHS Publ., 161, pp193-205, 1986.
  • A.E. Dursun, “Risk analysis of natural sinkholes hazards in Karapinar basin (Konya, Turkey)”, Arabian J. of geosciences, 15, 279, 2022, doi:10.1007/s12517-022-09564-8.
  • K. Törk, B. Erduran, P. Yılmaz, S. Sülükcü, I.N. Güner, S. Ates, G. Mutlu, S. Keles, A. Cınar, S. Demirbas, N. Sertel, C. Ozerk, A. Bulut, L. Yeleser, K. Avcı, A. Ayva, and A.T. Toksoy, “Determination of karstic subsidence areas and hazard assessment in Konya closed basin”. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration of Turkey, Research Project Report, No: 11605, Ankara, Turkey, (in Turkish), p320, 2013.
  • O. Orhan, T. Oliver-Cabrera, S. Wdowinski, S. Yalvac, M. Yakar, “Land subsidence and its relations with sinkhole activity in Karapınar region, Turkey: A multi-sensor InSAR time series study”, Sensors, 21, 774, 2021, Doi: 10.3390/s21030774.
  • K. Dogan, and M.K. Gokay, “Konya-Karapinar’da oluşan obruklar; Yarımoglu örnek incelemesi, (Sinkhole at Konya-Karapinar: Works on Yarimoglu sinkhole example)”, Selcuk University, BAP research project, Konya, p55, 2014.
  • Itasca, "Fast Lagrangian analysis of continua (FLAC) 3D", Itasca Consulting Group Inc., Minneapolis, Minn., 2005.
  • M. Caudron, F. Emeriault, R. Kastner, M. Al-Heib, "Sinkhole and soil-structure interactions: Development of an experimental model." International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 2006, Hong-Kong, China. pp1261-1267, 2006.
  • Z. Zhang and Z. Chen, "Numerical simulation of bedrock sagging sinkholes in strain-softening rock induced by embankment construction" Hindawi Advances in Civil Engineering, Article ID 9426029, p19, 2019, Doi: 10.1155/2019/9426029.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Rock Mechanics and Fortification
Journal Section Research Article

Mehmet Kemal Gökay 0000-0003-3792-9414

Mehmet Mesutoğlu 0000-0002-5243-3962

Publication Date March 1, 2025
Submission Date October 30, 2024
Acceptance Date February 10, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 13 Issue: 1


IEEE M. K. Gökay and M. Mesutoğlu, “INDUCED STRESSES & DISPLACEMENTS CAUSED BY SINKHOLE DEVELOPMENT”, KONJES, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 204–219, 2025, doi: 10.36306/konjes.1576295.