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Kronik Obstrüktif Akciğer Hastalığı Olan Yaşlı Kadın ve Erkek Bireylerde Kuadriseps Kas Kuvveti ve Kinezyofobinin Sağlıkla İlgili Yaşam Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2018, , 333 - 340, 23.10.2018


Amaç: Kronik obstrüktif akciğer hastalığı olan yaşlı kadın ve erkek bireylerde kuadriseps kas kuvveti ve kinezyofobinin sağlıkla ilgili yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Bireylerin sosyodemografik bilgileri kaydedildikten sonra, ağrı durumu için Vizüel Analog Skalası (VAS), dispne için modifiye Medical Research Council Skalası (mMRCS), kinezyofobi için TAMPA ölçeği (TKÖ), sağlıkla ilgili yaşam kalitesi için Saint George Solunum Anketi (SGSA) ve quadriceps kas kuvvetini ölçmek için manuel dinamometre kullanıldı.

Bulgular: Kırk beş katılımcının 17’si (37.8%) kadındı. Kadınların yaş ve vücut kütle indeks ortalaması sırasıyla 71.59±4.84 yıl, 28.75±6.71 kg/m2, erkeklerin yaş ve vücut kütle indeks ortalaması sırasıyla 72.14±5.66 yıl, 26.53±3.91 kg/m2 idi. Kinezyofobi ortalamaları kadın ve erkelerde sırasıyla 47.47±7.40 ve 41.89±7.65, SGSA(Semptom) skorları kadın ve erkeklerde sırasıyla 75.97±15.87 ve 63.89±18.54 idi. Yapılan istatistik analizde kadın ve erkeklerde, kinezyofobi ve SGSA(Semptom) arasında anlamlı fark olduğu gözlendi (p<0.05). Kadınlarda kinezyofobi ile SGSA(Aktivite), SGSA(Semptom), SGSA(toplam) arasında, erkeklerde kinezyofobi ile SGSA(Aktivite), SGSA(Etki), SGSA(Toplam) arasında ilişki bulundu (p<0.05). TKÖ skorunun kadınlarda daha fazla olmak üzere yaşam kalitesini etkilediği bulundu (p<0.05). Kadın ve erkeklerde ağrı ve quadriceps kas kuvveti ile SGSA parametreleri arasında ilişki gözlenmedi (p>0.05).

Sonuç: KOAH’lı yaşlı bireylerde kinezyofobi yaşam kalitesini etkileyen önemli bir faktör olup, yaşam kalitesini arttırabilmek amacıyla fiziksel aktivitenin arttırılması, fizyolojik, emosyonel iyilik halinin takibi tavsiye edilmektedir.


  • 1. Rawal A, Girisha K. Use of Periconceptional Folic Acid for Prevention of Neural Tube Defects–Where are We. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2015;41:6.
  • 2. Varkey AB. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in women: exploring gender differences. Curr Opin Pulm Med 2004;10(2):98-103.
  • 3. Mannino DM, Buist AS. Global burden of COPD: risk factors, prevalence, and future trends. Lancet 2007;370(9589):765-73.
  • 4. Swallow EB, Reyes D, Hopkinson NS, Man WD, Porcher R, Cetti EJ, et al. Quadriceps strength predicts mortality in patients with moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Thorax 2007;62(2):115-20.
  • 5. Decramer M, De Benedetto F, Del Ponte A, Marinari S. Systemic effects of COPD. Lancet Respir Med 2005;99:S3-S10.
  • 6. Cielen N, Maes K, Gayan-Ramirez G. Musculoskeletal disorders in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Biomed Res Int 2014;2014.
  • 7. Engelen MP, Schols AM, Does JD, Wouters EF. Skeletal muscle weakness is associated with wasting of extremity fat-free mass but not with airflow obstruction in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;71(3):733-8.
  • 8. Bernard S, LeBLANC P, Whittom F, Carrier G, Jobin J, Belleau R, et al. Peripheral muscle weakness in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998;158(2):629-34.
  • 9. Coronell C, Orozco‐Levi M, Mendez R, Ramírez‐Sarmiento A, Galdiz J, Gea J. Relevance of assessing quadriceps endurance in patients with COPD. Eur Respir J 2004;24(1):129-36.
  • 10. Beauchamp MK, Sibley KM, Lakhani B, Romano J, Mathur S, Goldstein RS, et al. Impairments in systems underlying control of balance in COPD. Chest 2012;141(6):1496-503.
  • 11. Kori S. Kinisophobia: a new view of chronic pain behaviour. Pain Manage 1990;3:35-43.
  • 12. Burwinkle T, Robinson JP, Turk DC. Fear of movement: factor structure of the Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome. J Pain 2005;6(6):384-91.
  • 13. de Torres JP, Casanova C, Hernández C, Abreu J, de Garcini AM, Aguirre-Jaime A, et al. Gender associated differences in determinants of quality of life in patients with COPD: a case series study. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2006;4(1):72.
  • 14. Watson L, Vestbo J, Postma DS, Decramer M, Rennard S, Kiri VA, et al. Gender differences in the management and experience of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Lancet Respir Med 2004;98(12):1207-13.
  • 15. Di Marco F, Verga M, Reggente M, Casanova FM, Santus P, Blasi F, et al. Anxiety and depression in COPD patients: The roles of gender and disease severity. Lancet Respir Med 2006;100(10):1767-74.
  • 16. Jones PW, Quirk F, Baveystock C. The St George's respiratory questionnaire. Lancet Respir Med 1991;85:25-31.
  • 17. Polatlı M, Yorgancıoğlu A, Aydemir Ö, Kırkıl G, Köktürk N, Uysal A, et al. Validity and reliability of Turkish version of St. George's respiratory questionnaire. Tuberk Toraks 2013;61(2):81-7.
  • 18. Miller RP, Kori SH, Todd DD. The Tampa Scale: a Measure of Kinisophobia. Clin J Pain 1991;7(1):51.
  • 19. Yilmaz ÖT, Yakut Y, Uygur F, ULUĞ N. Tampa Kinezyofobi Ölçeği’nin Türkçe versiyonu ve test-tekrar test güvenirliği. Turk J Physiother Rehabil 2011;22(1):44-9.
  • 20. Bandinelli S, Benvenuti E, Del Lungo I, Baccini M, Benvenuti F, Di Iorio A, et al. Measuring muscular strength of the lower limbs by hand-held dynamometer: a standard protocol. Aging Clin Exp Res 1999;11(5):287-93.
  • 21. Deones VL, Wiley SC, Worrell T. Assessment of quadriceps muscle performance by a hand-held dynamometer and an isokinetic dynamometer. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1994;20(6):296-301.
  • 22. Maurer J, Rebbapragada V, Borson S, Goldstein R, Kunik ME, Yohannes AM, et al. Anxiety and depression in COPD: current understanding, unanswered questions, and research needs. Chest 2008;134(4_suppl):43S-56S.
  • 23. Gosselink R, Troosters T, Decramer M. Peripheral muscle weakness contributes to exercise limitation in COPD. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1996;153(3):976-80.
  • 24. Miravitlles M, Ferrer M, Pont A, Zalacain R, Alvarez-Sala J, Masa F, et al. Effect of exacerbations on quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a 2 year follow up study. Thorax 2004;59(5):387-95.
  • 25. Yengil E. Tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinin sigara içme durumu ve sigara ile ilgili tutumları. Konuralp Tıp Dergisi 2014;2014(3):1-7.
  • 26. General S, editor The health consequences of smoking—50 years of progress: a report of the surgeon general. US Department of Health and Human Services; 2014: Citeseer.
  • 27. O’shea SD, Taylor NF, Paratz J. Peripheral muscle strength training in COPD: a systematic review. Chest 2004;126(3):903-14.
  • 28. Bernard S, LeBLANC P, Whittom F, Carrier G, Jobin J, Belleau R, et al. Peripheral muscle weakness in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998;158(2):629-34.
  • 29. Hillman C, Heinecke E, Hii J, Cecins N, Jenkins S, Eastwood P. Relationship between body composition, peripheral muscle strength and functional exercise capacity in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Intern Med J 2012;42(5):578-81.
  • 30. Ju C, Chen R. Investigation of the quadriceps strength in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chin J Tuber Resp Dis 2008;31(8):566-70.
  • 31. Ausín P, Martínez-Llorens J, Sabaté-Bresco M, Casadevall C, Barreiro E, Gea J. Sex differences in function and structure of the quadriceps muscle in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Chron Respir Dis 2017;14(2):127-39.
  • 32. Hul AVT, Harlaar J, Gosselink R, Hollander P, Postmus P, Kwakkel G. Quadriceps muscle endurance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Muscle Nerve 2004;29(2):267-74.
  • 33. Hernández M, Zambom-Ferraresi F, Cebollero P, Hueto J, Cascante JA, Antón MM. The Relationships between Muscle Power and Physical Activity in Older Men with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. J Aging Phys Activ 2016:1-26.
  • 34. Benton MJ, Alexander JL, Holland JD. Relationship between strength, function, and quality of life in older adults with chronic lung disease: is there an influence of gender? J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev 2014;34(2):143-9.
  • 35. Raherison C, Tillie-Leblond I, Prudhomme A, Taillé C, Biron E, Nocent-Ejnaini C, et al. Clinical characteristics and quality of life in women with COPD: an observational study. BMC Womens Health 2014;14(1):31.
  • 36. HajGhanbari B, Holsti L, Road JD, Reid WD. Pain in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Respir Med 2012;106(7):998-1005.
  • 37. Lee AL, Harrison SL, Goldstein RS, Brooks D. Pain and its clinical associations in individuals with COPD: a systematic review. Chest 2015;147(5):1246-58.
  • 38. Reardon JZ, Lareau SC, ZuWallack R. Functional status and quality of life in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Med 2006;119(10):32-7.
  • 39. HajGhanbari B, Garland SJ, Road JD, Reid WD. Pain and physical performance in people with COPD. Respir Med 2013;107(11):1692-9.
  • 40. Anderson KL. The effect of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on quality of life. Res Nurs Health 1995;18(6):547-56.
  • 41. Kaptein A, Brand P, Dekker F, Kerstjens H, Postma D, Sluiter H. Quality-of-life in a long-term multicentre trial in chronic nonspecific lung disease: assessment at baseline. The Dutch CNSLD Study Group. Eur Respir J 1993;6(10):1479-84.
  • 42. Hill K, Geist R, Goldstein R, Lacasse Y. Anxiety and depression in end-stage COPD. Eur Respir J 2008;31(3):667-77.
  • 43. Miravitlles M, Anzueto A, Legnani D, Forstmeier L, Fargel M. Patient's perception of exacerbations of COPD—the PERCEIVE study. Respir Med 2007;101(3):453-60.
  • 44. Voica AS, Oancea C, Tudorache E, Crisan AF, Fira-Mladinescu O, Tudorache V, et al. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease phenotypes and balance impairment. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2016;11:919.
  • 45. van de Bool C, Rutten EP, Franssen FM, Wouters EF, Schols AM. Antagonistic implications of sarcopenia and abdominal obesity on physical performance in COPD. Eur Respir J 2015;46(2):336-45.
  • 46. Mangueira NM, Viega IL, Mangueira MdAMM, Pinheiro AN, Costa MdRdS. Correlation between clinical parameters and health-related quality of life in women with COPD. J Bras Pneumol 2009;35(3):248-55.
  • 47. Gea J, Agustí A, Roca J. Pathophysiology of muscle dysfunction in COPD. J Appl Physol 2013;114(9):1222-34.
  • 48. Varol Y, Anar C, Cimen P, ÜNLÜ M, HALİLÇOLAR H, GÜÇLÜ SZ. Sex-related differences in COPD Assessment Test scores of COPD populations with or without significant anxiety and/or depression. Turk J Med Sci 2017;47(1):61-8.

Effects of Quadriceps Muscle Strength and Kinesiophobia on Health Related Quality of Life in Elderly Women and Men with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Year 2018, , 333 - 340, 23.10.2018


Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of quadriceps muscle strength and kinesiophobia on health-related quality of life in elderly women and men with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Methods: After recording the socio-demographic information of individuals, the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for pain status, the modified Medical Research Council Scale (mMRCS) for dyspnea, TAMPA Scale for Kinesiophobia (TSK), Saint George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) for health-related quality of life, and manual dynamometer were used to measure for muscle strength of quadriceps.

Results: Seventeen (37.8%) of the 45 participants were female. The mean age and body mass index of females were 71.59±4.84 years and 28.75±6.71 kg/m2, respectively. Kinesiophobia averages were 47.47±7.40 and 41.89±7.65 in women and men, respectively, and SGRQ(Symptom) scores were 75.97±15.87 and 63.89±18.54 in women and men, respectively. Statistical analysis showed that there was a significant difference between men and women between kinesiophobia and SGRQ(Symptom) (p<0.05). There was a correlation between kinesiophobia and SGRQ(Activity), SGRQ(Symptom) and SGRQ(Total) in females and kinesiophobia and SGRQ(Activity), SGRQ(Impact) and SGRQ(Total) in males (p<0.05). The TSK score was found to affect the quality of life, more in women (p<0.05). There was no correlation between pain and quadriceps muscle strength and SGRQ parameters in both men and women (p>0.05).

Conclusion: In elderly individuals with COPD, kinesiophobia is an important factor affecting the quality of life and is recommended to increase physical activity, and monitor the physiological, emotional well-being in order to improve quality of life.


  • 1. Rawal A, Girisha K. Use of Periconceptional Folic Acid for Prevention of Neural Tube Defects–Where are We. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2015;41:6.
  • 2. Varkey AB. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in women: exploring gender differences. Curr Opin Pulm Med 2004;10(2):98-103.
  • 3. Mannino DM, Buist AS. Global burden of COPD: risk factors, prevalence, and future trends. Lancet 2007;370(9589):765-73.
  • 4. Swallow EB, Reyes D, Hopkinson NS, Man WD, Porcher R, Cetti EJ, et al. Quadriceps strength predicts mortality in patients with moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Thorax 2007;62(2):115-20.
  • 5. Decramer M, De Benedetto F, Del Ponte A, Marinari S. Systemic effects of COPD. Lancet Respir Med 2005;99:S3-S10.
  • 6. Cielen N, Maes K, Gayan-Ramirez G. Musculoskeletal disorders in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Biomed Res Int 2014;2014.
  • 7. Engelen MP, Schols AM, Does JD, Wouters EF. Skeletal muscle weakness is associated with wasting of extremity fat-free mass but not with airflow obstruction in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;71(3):733-8.
  • 8. Bernard S, LeBLANC P, Whittom F, Carrier G, Jobin J, Belleau R, et al. Peripheral muscle weakness in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998;158(2):629-34.
  • 9. Coronell C, Orozco‐Levi M, Mendez R, Ramírez‐Sarmiento A, Galdiz J, Gea J. Relevance of assessing quadriceps endurance in patients with COPD. Eur Respir J 2004;24(1):129-36.
  • 10. Beauchamp MK, Sibley KM, Lakhani B, Romano J, Mathur S, Goldstein RS, et al. Impairments in systems underlying control of balance in COPD. Chest 2012;141(6):1496-503.
  • 11. Kori S. Kinisophobia: a new view of chronic pain behaviour. Pain Manage 1990;3:35-43.
  • 12. Burwinkle T, Robinson JP, Turk DC. Fear of movement: factor structure of the Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome. J Pain 2005;6(6):384-91.
  • 13. de Torres JP, Casanova C, Hernández C, Abreu J, de Garcini AM, Aguirre-Jaime A, et al. Gender associated differences in determinants of quality of life in patients with COPD: a case series study. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2006;4(1):72.
  • 14. Watson L, Vestbo J, Postma DS, Decramer M, Rennard S, Kiri VA, et al. Gender differences in the management and experience of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Lancet Respir Med 2004;98(12):1207-13.
  • 15. Di Marco F, Verga M, Reggente M, Casanova FM, Santus P, Blasi F, et al. Anxiety and depression in COPD patients: The roles of gender and disease severity. Lancet Respir Med 2006;100(10):1767-74.
  • 16. Jones PW, Quirk F, Baveystock C. The St George's respiratory questionnaire. Lancet Respir Med 1991;85:25-31.
  • 17. Polatlı M, Yorgancıoğlu A, Aydemir Ö, Kırkıl G, Köktürk N, Uysal A, et al. Validity and reliability of Turkish version of St. George's respiratory questionnaire. Tuberk Toraks 2013;61(2):81-7.
  • 18. Miller RP, Kori SH, Todd DD. The Tampa Scale: a Measure of Kinisophobia. Clin J Pain 1991;7(1):51.
  • 19. Yilmaz ÖT, Yakut Y, Uygur F, ULUĞ N. Tampa Kinezyofobi Ölçeği’nin Türkçe versiyonu ve test-tekrar test güvenirliği. Turk J Physiother Rehabil 2011;22(1):44-9.
  • 20. Bandinelli S, Benvenuti E, Del Lungo I, Baccini M, Benvenuti F, Di Iorio A, et al. Measuring muscular strength of the lower limbs by hand-held dynamometer: a standard protocol. Aging Clin Exp Res 1999;11(5):287-93.
  • 21. Deones VL, Wiley SC, Worrell T. Assessment of quadriceps muscle performance by a hand-held dynamometer and an isokinetic dynamometer. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1994;20(6):296-301.
  • 22. Maurer J, Rebbapragada V, Borson S, Goldstein R, Kunik ME, Yohannes AM, et al. Anxiety and depression in COPD: current understanding, unanswered questions, and research needs. Chest 2008;134(4_suppl):43S-56S.
  • 23. Gosselink R, Troosters T, Decramer M. Peripheral muscle weakness contributes to exercise limitation in COPD. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1996;153(3):976-80.
  • 24. Miravitlles M, Ferrer M, Pont A, Zalacain R, Alvarez-Sala J, Masa F, et al. Effect of exacerbations on quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a 2 year follow up study. Thorax 2004;59(5):387-95.
  • 25. Yengil E. Tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinin sigara içme durumu ve sigara ile ilgili tutumları. Konuralp Tıp Dergisi 2014;2014(3):1-7.
  • 26. General S, editor The health consequences of smoking—50 years of progress: a report of the surgeon general. US Department of Health and Human Services; 2014: Citeseer.
  • 27. O’shea SD, Taylor NF, Paratz J. Peripheral muscle strength training in COPD: a systematic review. Chest 2004;126(3):903-14.
  • 28. Bernard S, LeBLANC P, Whittom F, Carrier G, Jobin J, Belleau R, et al. Peripheral muscle weakness in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998;158(2):629-34.
  • 29. Hillman C, Heinecke E, Hii J, Cecins N, Jenkins S, Eastwood P. Relationship between body composition, peripheral muscle strength and functional exercise capacity in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Intern Med J 2012;42(5):578-81.
  • 30. Ju C, Chen R. Investigation of the quadriceps strength in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chin J Tuber Resp Dis 2008;31(8):566-70.
  • 31. Ausín P, Martínez-Llorens J, Sabaté-Bresco M, Casadevall C, Barreiro E, Gea J. Sex differences in function and structure of the quadriceps muscle in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Chron Respir Dis 2017;14(2):127-39.
  • 32. Hul AVT, Harlaar J, Gosselink R, Hollander P, Postmus P, Kwakkel G. Quadriceps muscle endurance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Muscle Nerve 2004;29(2):267-74.
  • 33. Hernández M, Zambom-Ferraresi F, Cebollero P, Hueto J, Cascante JA, Antón MM. The Relationships between Muscle Power and Physical Activity in Older Men with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. J Aging Phys Activ 2016:1-26.
  • 34. Benton MJ, Alexander JL, Holland JD. Relationship between strength, function, and quality of life in older adults with chronic lung disease: is there an influence of gender? J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev 2014;34(2):143-9.
  • 35. Raherison C, Tillie-Leblond I, Prudhomme A, Taillé C, Biron E, Nocent-Ejnaini C, et al. Clinical characteristics and quality of life in women with COPD: an observational study. BMC Womens Health 2014;14(1):31.
  • 36. HajGhanbari B, Holsti L, Road JD, Reid WD. Pain in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Respir Med 2012;106(7):998-1005.
  • 37. Lee AL, Harrison SL, Goldstein RS, Brooks D. Pain and its clinical associations in individuals with COPD: a systematic review. Chest 2015;147(5):1246-58.
  • 38. Reardon JZ, Lareau SC, ZuWallack R. Functional status and quality of life in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Med 2006;119(10):32-7.
  • 39. HajGhanbari B, Garland SJ, Road JD, Reid WD. Pain and physical performance in people with COPD. Respir Med 2013;107(11):1692-9.
  • 40. Anderson KL. The effect of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on quality of life. Res Nurs Health 1995;18(6):547-56.
  • 41. Kaptein A, Brand P, Dekker F, Kerstjens H, Postma D, Sluiter H. Quality-of-life in a long-term multicentre trial in chronic nonspecific lung disease: assessment at baseline. The Dutch CNSLD Study Group. Eur Respir J 1993;6(10):1479-84.
  • 42. Hill K, Geist R, Goldstein R, Lacasse Y. Anxiety and depression in end-stage COPD. Eur Respir J 2008;31(3):667-77.
  • 43. Miravitlles M, Anzueto A, Legnani D, Forstmeier L, Fargel M. Patient's perception of exacerbations of COPD—the PERCEIVE study. Respir Med 2007;101(3):453-60.
  • 44. Voica AS, Oancea C, Tudorache E, Crisan AF, Fira-Mladinescu O, Tudorache V, et al. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease phenotypes and balance impairment. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2016;11:919.
  • 45. van de Bool C, Rutten EP, Franssen FM, Wouters EF, Schols AM. Antagonistic implications of sarcopenia and abdominal obesity on physical performance in COPD. Eur Respir J 2015;46(2):336-45.
  • 46. Mangueira NM, Viega IL, Mangueira MdAMM, Pinheiro AN, Costa MdRdS. Correlation between clinical parameters and health-related quality of life in women with COPD. J Bras Pneumol 2009;35(3):248-55.
  • 47. Gea J, Agustí A, Roca J. Pathophysiology of muscle dysfunction in COPD. J Appl Physol 2013;114(9):1222-34.
  • 48. Varol Y, Anar C, Cimen P, ÜNLÜ M, HALİLÇOLAR H, GÜÇLÜ SZ. Sex-related differences in COPD Assessment Test scores of COPD populations with or without significant anxiety and/or depression. Turk J Med Sci 2017;47(1):61-8.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Alp Ozel 0000-0002-1215-7051

Eylem Tutun Yumin

Tuncer Tug This is me

Meral Sertel This is me

Publication Date October 23, 2018
Acceptance Date August 25, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Ozel, A., Tutun Yumin, E., Tug, T., Sertel, M. (2018). Effects of Quadriceps Muscle Strength and Kinesiophobia on Health Related Quality of Life in Elderly Women and Men with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Konuralp Medical Journal, 10(3), 333-340.
AMA Ozel A, Tutun Yumin E, Tug T, Sertel M. Effects of Quadriceps Muscle Strength and Kinesiophobia on Health Related Quality of Life in Elderly Women and Men with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Konuralp Medical Journal. October 2018;10(3):333-340. doi:10.18521/ktd.365860
Chicago Ozel, Alp, Eylem Tutun Yumin, Tuncer Tug, and Meral Sertel. “Effects of Quadriceps Muscle Strength and Kinesiophobia on Health Related Quality of Life in Elderly Women and Men With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease”. Konuralp Medical Journal 10, no. 3 (October 2018): 333-40.
EndNote Ozel A, Tutun Yumin E, Tug T, Sertel M (October 1, 2018) Effects of Quadriceps Muscle Strength and Kinesiophobia on Health Related Quality of Life in Elderly Women and Men with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Konuralp Medical Journal 10 3 333–340.
IEEE A. Ozel, E. Tutun Yumin, T. Tug, and M. Sertel, “Effects of Quadriceps Muscle Strength and Kinesiophobia on Health Related Quality of Life in Elderly Women and Men with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease”, Konuralp Medical Journal, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 333–340, 2018, doi: 10.18521/ktd.365860.
ISNAD Ozel, Alp et al. “Effects of Quadriceps Muscle Strength and Kinesiophobia on Health Related Quality of Life in Elderly Women and Men With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease”. Konuralp Medical Journal 10/3 (October 2018), 333-340.
JAMA Ozel A, Tutun Yumin E, Tug T, Sertel M. Effects of Quadriceps Muscle Strength and Kinesiophobia on Health Related Quality of Life in Elderly Women and Men with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Konuralp Medical Journal. 2018;10:333–340.
MLA Ozel, Alp et al. “Effects of Quadriceps Muscle Strength and Kinesiophobia on Health Related Quality of Life in Elderly Women and Men With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease”. Konuralp Medical Journal, vol. 10, no. 3, 2018, pp. 333-40, doi:10.18521/ktd.365860.
Vancouver Ozel A, Tutun Yumin E, Tug T, Sertel M. Effects of Quadriceps Muscle Strength and Kinesiophobia on Health Related Quality of Life in Elderly Women and Men with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Konuralp Medical Journal. 2018;10(3):333-40.