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At Lectio Socialis, we firmly believe in the importance of equitable access to academic knowledge. It is with this principle in mind that we wish to emphasize that we do not impose any charges upon authors for manuscript submission, evaluation, or publication. Our commitment is to provide a platform for the dissemination of diverse ideas and perspectives, without any financial barriers. We invite you to submit your work to us with confidence in the knowledge that we place great value on your contribution and are dedicated to promoting inclusivity in academic publishing.
At Lectio Socialis, we also recognize the importance and value of reviewers in ensuring quality and independence in academic publishing. We greatly appreciate their voluntary contribution, which helps improve the quality of the manuscripts we publish. Their spirit of solidarity and commitment to advancing academic knowledge without any financial gain is truly commendable. Without their valuable input, we would not be able to provide high-quality academic content accessible to everyone. Therefore, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our reviewers for their valuable time and expertise.
Lectio Socialis is a prestigious, international, and peer-reviewed journal that aims to provide a platform for scholars and researchers to share their work and ideas on policy-relevant topics related to social sciences. The journal welcomes high-quality articles from a wide range of disciplines, including economics, political science, public administration, business administration, international relations, urban planning, sociology, psychology, history, jurisprudence, and philosophy. The primary objective of Lectio Socialis is to maintain a vibrant, independent, and unbiased environment for scholars and researchers from different parts of the world to present their research, exchange ideas, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.