Year 2023,
, 314 - 340, 29.03.2023
Bircan Güner
Hamdullah Nejat Basım
Bu araştırmada, çalışanların iş biçimlendirmelerinin, görev performansına etkisinde psikolojik sermaye ve işe tutulmanın rolünü tespit etmek için oluşturulmuş hipotezlerin test edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma, hizmet sektöründe yer alan bir kuruluşun, merkez ve taşra teşkilatında görev yapan 697 katılımcıdan anket yöntemiyle elde edilen verilerin analizi ile yürütülmüştür. Araştırma sonucunda iş biçimlendirmenin görev performansını aynı yönde etkilediği ve işe tutulmanın, bu etkileşimde kısmi aracılık rolü olduğu ortaya konulmuştur. Ayrıca psikolojik sermayenin işe tutulma-görev performansı ilişkisinde düzenleyici rolünün olduğu belirlenmiştir.
- Avey, J. B., Luthans, F. ve Jensen, S. M. (2009). Psycological capital: A positive resource for combaing employee stress and turnover. Human Resource Management, 48(5), 677–693.
- Avey, J. B., Reichard, R. J., Luthans, F. ve Mhatre, K. H. (2011). Meta-analysis of the impact of positive psychological capital on employee attitudes, behaviors, and performance. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 22(2), 127–152.
- Avey, J. B., Wernsing, T. S. ve Luthans, F. (2008). Can positive employees help positive organizational change? Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 44(1), 48–70.
- Bakker, A.B. ve Bal, P.M. (2010). Weekly work engagement and performance: A study among starting teachers. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 83, 189-206.
- Bakker, A. B. ve Demerouti, E. (2008). Towards a model of work engagement. Career Development International, 13(3), 209–223.
- Bakker, A. B. ve Demerouti, E. (2017). Job demands–resources theory: Taking stock and looking forward. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 22(3), 273–285.
- Bakker, A. B., Tims, M. ve Derks, D. (2012). Proactive personality and job performance: The role of job crafting and work engagement. Human Relations, 65(10), 1359–1378.
- Berg, J. M., Wrzesniewski, A. ve Dutton, J. E. (2010). Perceiving and responding to challenges in job crafting at different ranks: When proactivity requires adaptivity. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31, 158–186.
- Bipp, T. ve Demerouti, E. (2015). Which employees craft their jobs and how? Basic dimensions of personality and employees’ job crafting behaviour. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 88(4), 631–655.
- Borman, W. C. ve Motowidlo, S. J. (1993). Expanding the Criterion Domain to Include Elements of Contextual Performance. N. Schmitt ve W. C. Borman (Ed.), Personnel Selection in Organizations içinde (s. 71–98). Jossey-Bass.
- Campbell, J. P. ve Wiernik, B. M. (2015). The modeling and assessment of work performance. The Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2, 47–74.
- Çelebi, M. A. (2019). Algılanan örgütsel kimliğin ve içsel-dışsal güdülenmenin rol içi ve rol dışı performansa etkileri: Konya Ovası projesi bölgesi üniversitelerinde bir araştırma (Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi). Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi, Niğde
- Çetin, F. (2019). Kaynak esaslı davranış kuramları. Ş. Yürür (Ed.), Örgütsel Davranış Kuramları içinde (s. 109–131). Ankara: Beta Yayıncılık.
- Çetin, F. ve Basim, H. N. (2012). Örgütsel psikolojik sermaye: Bir ölçek uyarlama çalışması. Amme Idaresi Dergisi, 45(1), 121–137.
- Çetin, F. ve Varoğlu, A. K. (2015). Psikolojik sermaye, performans, ayrılma niyeti ve iş tatmini etkileşimi: Cinsiyetin düzenleyici rolü. İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 2(2), 105–113.
- Çöl, G. (2008). Algılanan güçlendirmenin işgören performansı üzerine etkileri. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 1(9): 35–46.
- Demerouti, E. Bakker, A. B. ve Gevers, J. M. P. (2015). Job crafting and extra-role behavior: The role of work engagement and flourishing. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 91, 87–96.
- Demerouti, E. ve Cropanzano, R. (2010). Form Thought to action: Emplyee work engagement and job performance. Arnold B. Bakker ve L. MP (Ed.), Work Engagement: A Handbook of Essential Theory and Research içinde. Psychology Prss.
- Fairchild, A. J. ve MacKinnon, D. P. (2009). A general model for testing mediation and moderation effects. Prevention Science, 10(2), 87–99.
- Fredrickson, B. L. (2001). The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: The broaden-and- build theory of positive emotions. American Psychologist, 56, 218–226.
- Gooty, J. M., Gavin, P., Johnson, M. ve Lance, F. D. (2009). In the eyes of the beholder: Transformational leadership, positive psychological capital, and performance. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 15(4), 353–367.
- Güler, M., Çetin, F. ve Basım, H. N. (2017). Duygusal emek-performans ı̇lı̇şkı̇sı̇nde ı̇şe tutulmanın aracılık rolü. 5.Örgütsel Davranış Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 330–338.
- Güler, M., Çetin, F. ve Basım, H. N. (2019). İşe Tutulma Ölçeği çok kısa versiyonu (UWES-3) geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması: Alternatif bir versiyon (UWES-6) önerisi. İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 6(2), 187–195.
- Gürbüz, S. (2017). Kişi-çevre uyumu, örgütsel sosyalizasyon ve iş dizaynı uygulamaları Sığrı, Ü. ve Gürbüz, S. (Ed). Örgütsel davranış (4. Baskı) içinde (s. 193-196). Ankara: Beta Yayıncılık
- Hackman, J. R. ve Oldham, G. R. (1980). Work Redesign. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
- Hobfoll, S. E. (2002). Social and psychological resources and adaptation. Review of General Psychology, 6(4), 307–324.
- Hu, L., ve Bentler, M., (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structural analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling, 6, 1-55.
- Ingusci, E., Callea, A., Cortese, C. G., Zito, M., Borgogni, L., Cenciotti, R., Colombo, L., Signore, F., Ciavolino, E. ve Demerouti, E. (2019). Self-efficacy and work performance: The role of job crafting in middle-age workers. International Journal of Business and Society, 20(2), 533-551.
- Jaccard, J. ve Turrisi, R. (2003). Interaction effects in multiple regression: Quantitative applications in the social sciences. (2. baskı). California: Thousand Oaks.
- Kahn, W. A. (1990). Psychological conditions of personal engagement and disengagement at work. Academy of Management Journal, 33(4), 692–724.
- Kappagoda, S., Othman, H. ve De Alwis, G. (2014). Psychological capital and job performance: The mediating role of work attitudes. Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies, 2, 102–116.
- Kirkman, B. L., & Rosen, B. 1999. Beyond self-management: Antecedents and consequences of team empower-ment. Academy of Management Journal, 42, 58-74.
- Knippenberg, D. V. (2000). Work motivation and performance: a social ıdentity perspective. Applied Psychology An International Review, 49(3), 357–371.
- Kooij, D. T. A. M. Tims, M. ve Akkermans, J. (2017). The influence of future time perspective on work engagement and job performance: the role of job crafting. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 26(1), 4–15.
Luthans, F. (2002). Positive organizational behavior: Developing and managing psychological strengths. Academy of Management Executive, 6(1), 57–71.
- Luthans, F., Avey, J. B., Avolio, B. J., Norman, S. M. ve Combs, G. M. (2006). Psychological capital development: Toward a micro-intervention. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 27(3), 387–393.
- Luthans, F., Avey, J. B., Avolio, B. J. ve Peterson, S. J. (2010). The development and resulting performance impact of positive psychological capital. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 21(1), 41–67.
- Luthans, F., Avolio, B. J., Avey, J. B. ve Norman, S. M. (2007). Positive psychological capital: Measurement and relationship with performance and satisfaction. Personnel Psychology, 60(3), 541–572.
- Luthans, F., Avolio, B. J., Walumbwa, F. O. ve Li, W. (2005). The psychological capital of chinese workers: exploring the relationship with performance. Management and Organization Review, 1(2), 249–271.
- Luthans, F., Luthans, K.W. ve Luthans, B. C. (2004). Positive psychological capital: beyond human and social capital. Business Horizons, 47(1), 45–50.
- Luthans, F. ve Youssef, C. M. (2004). Human, social, and now positive psychological capital management: ınvesting in people for competitive advantage. Organizational Dynamics, 33(2), 143–160.
- Luthans, F., Youssef, C. ve Avolio, B. J. (2006). Psychological capital: developing the human competitive edge. USA: Oxford University Press.
- Lyons, P. (2008). The crafting of jobs and individual differences. Journal of Business and Psychology, 23(1–2), 25–36.
- MacKinnon, D. P., Lockwood, C. M. ve Williams, J. (2004). Confidence limits for the indirect effect: Distribution of the produce and resampling methods. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 39, 99–128.
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Year 2023,
, 314 - 340, 29.03.2023
Bircan Güner
Hamdullah Nejat Basım
In this research, it is aimed to test the hypotheses created to determine the role of psychological capital and job engagement in the effect of job crafting of employees on task performance. The research was carried out by analyzing the data obtained by the survey method from 697 participants working in the central and provincial organization of an organization in the service sector. As a result of the research, it was revealed that job crafting affects task performance in the same direction and job engagement has a partial mediation role in this interaction. In addition, it has been determined that psychological capital has a moderator role in the relationship between job engagement and task performance.
- Avey, J. B., Luthans, F. ve Jensen, S. M. (2009). Psycological capital: A positive resource for combaing employee stress and turnover. Human Resource Management, 48(5), 677–693.
- Avey, J. B., Reichard, R. J., Luthans, F. ve Mhatre, K. H. (2011). Meta-analysis of the impact of positive psychological capital on employee attitudes, behaviors, and performance. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 22(2), 127–152.
- Avey, J. B., Wernsing, T. S. ve Luthans, F. (2008). Can positive employees help positive organizational change? Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 44(1), 48–70.
- Bakker, A.B. ve Bal, P.M. (2010). Weekly work engagement and performance: A study among starting teachers. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 83, 189-206.
- Bakker, A. B. ve Demerouti, E. (2008). Towards a model of work engagement. Career Development International, 13(3), 209–223.
- Bakker, A. B. ve Demerouti, E. (2017). Job demands–resources theory: Taking stock and looking forward. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 22(3), 273–285.
- Bakker, A. B., Tims, M. ve Derks, D. (2012). Proactive personality and job performance: The role of job crafting and work engagement. Human Relations, 65(10), 1359–1378.
- Berg, J. M., Wrzesniewski, A. ve Dutton, J. E. (2010). Perceiving and responding to challenges in job crafting at different ranks: When proactivity requires adaptivity. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31, 158–186.
- Bipp, T. ve Demerouti, E. (2015). Which employees craft their jobs and how? Basic dimensions of personality and employees’ job crafting behaviour. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 88(4), 631–655.
- Borman, W. C. ve Motowidlo, S. J. (1993). Expanding the Criterion Domain to Include Elements of Contextual Performance. N. Schmitt ve W. C. Borman (Ed.), Personnel Selection in Organizations içinde (s. 71–98). Jossey-Bass.
- Campbell, J. P. ve Wiernik, B. M. (2015). The modeling and assessment of work performance. The Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2, 47–74.
- Çelebi, M. A. (2019). Algılanan örgütsel kimliğin ve içsel-dışsal güdülenmenin rol içi ve rol dışı performansa etkileri: Konya Ovası projesi bölgesi üniversitelerinde bir araştırma (Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi). Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi, Niğde
- Çetin, F. (2019). Kaynak esaslı davranış kuramları. Ş. Yürür (Ed.), Örgütsel Davranış Kuramları içinde (s. 109–131). Ankara: Beta Yayıncılık.
- Çetin, F. ve Basim, H. N. (2012). Örgütsel psikolojik sermaye: Bir ölçek uyarlama çalışması. Amme Idaresi Dergisi, 45(1), 121–137.
- Çetin, F. ve Varoğlu, A. K. (2015). Psikolojik sermaye, performans, ayrılma niyeti ve iş tatmini etkileşimi: Cinsiyetin düzenleyici rolü. İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 2(2), 105–113.
- Çöl, G. (2008). Algılanan güçlendirmenin işgören performansı üzerine etkileri. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 1(9): 35–46.
- Demerouti, E. Bakker, A. B. ve Gevers, J. M. P. (2015). Job crafting and extra-role behavior: The role of work engagement and flourishing. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 91, 87–96.
- Demerouti, E. ve Cropanzano, R. (2010). Form Thought to action: Emplyee work engagement and job performance. Arnold B. Bakker ve L. MP (Ed.), Work Engagement: A Handbook of Essential Theory and Research içinde. Psychology Prss.
- Fairchild, A. J. ve MacKinnon, D. P. (2009). A general model for testing mediation and moderation effects. Prevention Science, 10(2), 87–99.
- Fredrickson, B. L. (2001). The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: The broaden-and- build theory of positive emotions. American Psychologist, 56, 218–226.
- Gooty, J. M., Gavin, P., Johnson, M. ve Lance, F. D. (2009). In the eyes of the beholder: Transformational leadership, positive psychological capital, and performance. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 15(4), 353–367.
- Güler, M., Çetin, F. ve Basım, H. N. (2017). Duygusal emek-performans ı̇lı̇şkı̇sı̇nde ı̇şe tutulmanın aracılık rolü. 5.Örgütsel Davranış Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 330–338.
- Güler, M., Çetin, F. ve Basım, H. N. (2019). İşe Tutulma Ölçeği çok kısa versiyonu (UWES-3) geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması: Alternatif bir versiyon (UWES-6) önerisi. İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 6(2), 187–195.
- Gürbüz, S. (2017). Kişi-çevre uyumu, örgütsel sosyalizasyon ve iş dizaynı uygulamaları Sığrı, Ü. ve Gürbüz, S. (Ed). Örgütsel davranış (4. Baskı) içinde (s. 193-196). Ankara: Beta Yayıncılık
- Hackman, J. R. ve Oldham, G. R. (1980). Work Redesign. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
- Hobfoll, S. E. (2002). Social and psychological resources and adaptation. Review of General Psychology, 6(4), 307–324.
- Hu, L., ve Bentler, M., (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structural analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling, 6, 1-55.
- Ingusci, E., Callea, A., Cortese, C. G., Zito, M., Borgogni, L., Cenciotti, R., Colombo, L., Signore, F., Ciavolino, E. ve Demerouti, E. (2019). Self-efficacy and work performance: The role of job crafting in middle-age workers. International Journal of Business and Society, 20(2), 533-551.
- Jaccard, J. ve Turrisi, R. (2003). Interaction effects in multiple regression: Quantitative applications in the social sciences. (2. baskı). California: Thousand Oaks.
- Kahn, W. A. (1990). Psychological conditions of personal engagement and disengagement at work. Academy of Management Journal, 33(4), 692–724.
- Kappagoda, S., Othman, H. ve De Alwis, G. (2014). Psychological capital and job performance: The mediating role of work attitudes. Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies, 2, 102–116.
- Kirkman, B. L., & Rosen, B. 1999. Beyond self-management: Antecedents and consequences of team empower-ment. Academy of Management Journal, 42, 58-74.
- Knippenberg, D. V. (2000). Work motivation and performance: a social ıdentity perspective. Applied Psychology An International Review, 49(3), 357–371.
- Kooij, D. T. A. M. Tims, M. ve Akkermans, J. (2017). The influence of future time perspective on work engagement and job performance: the role of job crafting. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 26(1), 4–15.
Luthans, F. (2002). Positive organizational behavior: Developing and managing psychological strengths. Academy of Management Executive, 6(1), 57–71.
- Luthans, F., Avey, J. B., Avolio, B. J., Norman, S. M. ve Combs, G. M. (2006). Psychological capital development: Toward a micro-intervention. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 27(3), 387–393.
- Luthans, F., Avey, J. B., Avolio, B. J. ve Peterson, S. J. (2010). The development and resulting performance impact of positive psychological capital. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 21(1), 41–67.
- Luthans, F., Avolio, B. J., Avey, J. B. ve Norman, S. M. (2007). Positive psychological capital: Measurement and relationship with performance and satisfaction. Personnel Psychology, 60(3), 541–572.
- Luthans, F., Avolio, B. J., Walumbwa, F. O. ve Li, W. (2005). The psychological capital of chinese workers: exploring the relationship with performance. Management and Organization Review, 1(2), 249–271.
- Luthans, F., Luthans, K.W. ve Luthans, B. C. (2004). Positive psychological capital: beyond human and social capital. Business Horizons, 47(1), 45–50.
- Luthans, F. ve Youssef, C. M. (2004). Human, social, and now positive psychological capital management: ınvesting in people for competitive advantage. Organizational Dynamics, 33(2), 143–160.
- Luthans, F., Youssef, C. ve Avolio, B. J. (2006). Psychological capital: developing the human competitive edge. USA: Oxford University Press.
- Lyons, P. (2008). The crafting of jobs and individual differences. Journal of Business and Psychology, 23(1–2), 25–36.
- MacKinnon, D. P., Lockwood, C. M. ve Williams, J. (2004). Confidence limits for the indirect effect: Distribution of the produce and resampling methods. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 39, 99–128.
- Motowidlo, S. J. ve Scotter, J. R. V. (1994). Evidence that task performance should be distinguished from contextual performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79(4), 475–480.
- Özdemir, Y. ve Turan, M. F. (2019). İş şekillendirme ve işe adanmışlık arasındaki ilişki: İlaç sektöründe satış pazarlama profesyonelleri üzerinde yapılan bir araştırma. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 11(3), 1346–1357.
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