Research Article
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Year 2016, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 34 - 48, 30.06.2016


There are many support mechanisms for supporting
newly established firms. Business incubators, one of them, are generally
focused on supporting and promoting entrepreneurship, increasing employment
through creating new job opportunities, enhancing local, regional and national
R&D and innovativeness. The term of “incubator” is used to define
supporting institutions to growth and survival of new firms. Business
incubators are becoming a basic component of regional and national economic
development strategies in many countries. In this study, the importance of
business incubators in terms of local and regional economic development are
discussed. Firstly, the concept of “business incubator” will be examined in
terms of theoretical and conceptual perspective. Secondly, the importance of
busines incubators for regional development will be mentioned. Then, some
recommendations based on the findings of the literature will be presented for
using busines incubators as a tools for regional development. 


  • Aaboen, L. (2009), “Explaining Incubators Using Firm Analogy”, Technovation, 29, 657-670.
  • Adegbite, O. (2001), “Business Incubators and Small Enterprise Development: The Nigerian Experience”, Small Business Economics, 17, 157-166.
  • Aernoudt, R. (2004), “Incubators: Tool for Entrepreneurship?, Small Business Economics”, 23, 127-135.
  • Allen, D.N. ve R. McCluskey (1990), “Structure, Policy, Services and Performance in the Business Incubator Industry”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Winter, 15(2), 61-77.
  • Atherton, A. ve P.D. Hannon (2006), “Localised Strategies for Supporting Incubation - Strategies Arising from a Case of Rural Enterprise Development”, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 13(1), 48-61.
  • Bergek, A. ve C. Norrman (2008), “Incubator Best Practice: A Framework”, Technovation, 28, 20-28.
  • Bhabra-Remedios, R.K. ve B. Cornelius (2003), “Cracks in the Egg: Improving Performance Measures in Business Incubator Research”, Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand 16th Annual Conference, 28 Eylül-1 Ekim, Ballarat.
  • Brooks, O. (1986), “Economic Development through Entrepreneurship: Incubators and the Incubation Process”, Economic Development Review, Summer, 24-29.
  • Campbell, C. (1989), “Change Agents in the New Economy: Business Incubators and Economic Development”, Economic Development Review, Spring, 56-59.
  • Chan, K.F. ve T. Lau (2005), “Assessing Technology Incubator Programs in the Science Park: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”, Technovation, 25, 1215-1228.
  • Cooper, S.Y. ve Park, J.S. (2008), “The Impact of Incubator Organizations on Opportunity Recognition and Technology Innovation in New, Entrepreneurial High-Technology Ventures”, International Small Business Journal, 26(1), 27-56.
  • Dettwiler, P., P. Lindelöf ve H. Löfsten (2006), “Utility of Location: A Comparative Survey Between Small New Technology-Based Firms Located on and off Science Parks – Implications for Facilities Management”, Technovation, 26, 506-517.
  • Durao, D., M. Sarmento, V. Varela ve L. Maltez (2005), “Virtual and Real-Estate Science and Technology Park: A Case Study of Taguspark”, Technovation, 25, 237-244.
  • European Commission Enterprise Directorate-General (EC-EDG) (2002), Benchmarking of Business Incubators, Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services.
  • Eshun, J.P. (2009), “Business Incubation as Strategy”, Business Strategy Series, 10(3), 156-166.
  • Grimaldi, R. ve A. Grandi (2005), “Business Incubators and New Venture Creation: An Assessment of Incubating Models”, Technovation, 25, 111-121.
  • Hannon, P.D. (2005), “Incubation Policy and Practice: Building Practitioner and Professional Capability”, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 12(1), 57-75.
  • Hardin, J.W. (2008), “North Carolina's Research Triangle Park: Overview, History, Success Factors and Lessons Learned”, W. Hulsink ve H. Dons (Editörler) içinde, Pathways to High-tech Valleys and Research Triangles: Innovative Entrepreneurship, Knowledge Transfer and Cluster Formation in Europe and the United States, USA: Springer, 27-51.
  • Hobday, M. (2009), “Asian Innovation Experiences and Latin American Visions: Exploiting Shifts in Techno-Economic Paradigms”, W. Drechsler, R. Kattel ve E.S. Reinert (Editörler) içinde, Techno-Economic Paradigms: Essays in Honour of Carlota Perez, London: Anthem Press, 145-170.
  • Lalkaka, R. (2001), Best Practices in Business Incubation: Lesson (yet to be) Learned, 14 November, Brussels.
  • Lalkaka, R. (2003), “Business Incubators in Developing Countries: Characteristics and Performance”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 3(1-2), 31-55.
  • Lalkaka, R. ve J. Bishop (1996), Business Incubators in Economic Development: An Initial Assessment in Industrializing Countries, United Nations Development Programme, New York.
  • Lindholm-Dahlstrand, A. ve M. Klofsten, M. (2002), “Growth and Innovation Support in Swedish Science Parks and Incubators”, R. Oakey, W. During ve S. Kauser (Editörler) içinde, New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium, Volume II, Oxford: Elsevier, 31-46.
  • Lumpkin, J.R. ve R.D. Ireland (1988), “Screening Practices of New Business Incubators: The Evaluation of Critical Success Factors”, American Journal of Small Business, Spring, 12(4), 59-81.
  • MacDonald, S. (1987), “British Science Parks: Reflections on the Politics of High Technology”, R&D Management, 17(1), 25-37.
  • Markley, D.M. ve K.T. McNamara (1994), A Business Incubator: Operating Environment and Measurement of Economic and Fiscal Impacts, Purdue University Center for Rural Development, Working Paper No: 0594.
  • McAdam, M., B. Galbraith, R. McAdam, ve P. Humphreys (2006), “Business Processes and Networks in University Incubators: A Review and Research Agendas”, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 18(5), 451-472.
  • OECD (2002), OECD Small and Medium Enterprise Outlook, Paris, France.
  • Phan, P.H., D.S. Siegel ve M. Wright (2005), “Science Parks and Incubators: Observations, Synthesis and Future Research”, Journal of Business Venturing, 20, 165-182.
  • Plosila, W.H. ve D.N. Allen (1985), “Small Business Incubators and Public Policy: Implications for State and Local Development Strategies”, Policy Studies Journal, 13(4), 729-734.
  • Quintas, P., D. Wield ve D. Massey (1992), “Academic-Industry Links and Innovation: Questioning the Science Park Model”, Technovation, 12(3), 161-175.
  • Radosevic, S. ve M. Myrzakhmet (2009), “Between Vision and Reality: Promoting Innovation through Technoparks in an Emerging Economy”, Technovation, 29, 645-656.
  • Ratinho, T. ve E. Henriques (2010), “The Role of Science Parks and Business Incubators in Converging Countries: Evidence from Portugal”, Technovation, 30, 278-290.
  • Rice, M.P. (2002), “Co-Production of Business Assistance in Business Incubators: An Exploratory Study”, Journal of Business Venturing, 17, 163-187.
  • Saxenian, A. (1994), Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128, USA: Harvard University Press.
  • Schwartz, M. ve C. Hornych (2008), “Specialization as Strategy for Business Incubators: An Assessment of the Central German Multimedia Center”, Technovation, 28, 436-449.
  • Schwartz, M. ve C. Hornych (2010), “Cooperation Patterns of Incubator Firms and the Impact of Incubator Specialization: Empirical Evidence from Germany”, Technovation, 30, 485-495.
  • Shahidi, H. (1998), The Impact of Business Incubators in Entrepreneurial Networking: A Comparative Study of Small, High-Technology Firms, George Washington University Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, USA.
  • Smilor, R.W. (1987), “Commercializing Technology through New Business Incubators”, Research Management, 30(5), 36-41.
  • Suk, J.Y. ve R. Mooweon (2006), “Resource Mobilization and Business Incubation: The Case of Korean Incubators”, Development and Society, 35(1), 29-46.
  • Tamasy, C. (2001), “Evaluating Innovation Centres in Germany: Issues of Methodology, Empirical Results and International Comparison”, D. Felsenstein ve M. Taylor (Editörler) içinde, Promoting Local Growth. Process, Practice and Policy, Ashgate, 109-126.
  • Thierstein, A. ve B. Wilhelm (2001), “Incubator, Technology, and Innovation Centres in Switzerland: Features and Policy Implications”, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 13, 315-331.
  • Verma, S. (2004), Success Factors for Business Incubators: An Empirical Study on Canadian Business Incubators, Carleton University Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Canada.
  • Wang, H., D. Lin, H. Yin, Q. Lu ve H. Cheng (2008), “Linking Incubator Services to the Performance of Incubated Firms: A Review”, 4th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT 2008), 21-24 Eylül, Bangkok, Thailand, 894-899.
  • Westhead, P. (1997), “R&D ‘Inputs’ and ‘Outputs’ of Technology-Based Firms Located on and off Science Parks”, R&D Management, 27(1), 45-62.
  • Westhead, P., S. Batstone ve F. Martin (2000), “Technology-Based Firms Located on Science Parks: The Applicability of Bullock’s ‘Soft-Hard’ Model”, Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies, 1(2), 107-139.
  • Winger, A. (2000), Stimulating the Supply and Building the Capacity of New Schools and School Developers, Recommendations for the Design and Implementation of a New Schools Incubator, Center on Reinventing Public Education, USA, Washington.
  • Yu, J., M. Middleton ve R. Jackson (2009), “Toward the Geography of Business Incubator Formation in the United States”, 56th North American Regional Science Association International (RSAI) Conference, 18-21 Kasım, California, USA.


Year 2016, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 34 - 48, 30.06.2016


Yeni kurulan işletmelerin desteklenmesine yönelik
pek çok destek mekanizması bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan birisi olan işletme
kuluçkaları, genel olarak; yeni girişimlerin desteklenmesine, girişimciliğin
teşvik edilmesine, yeni iş olanakları yaratılarak istihdamın arttırılmasına ve
yerel-bölgesel-ulusal düzeyde AR-GE ve inovasyon kapasitesinin arttırılmasına
odaklanmaktadır. Kuluçka
ifadesi; yeni firmaların büyümesini ve hayatta kalmasını sağlayan destekleyici
kurumları tanımlama için kullanılmaktadır. İşletme kuluçkaları, pek çok ülkede
bölgesel ve ulusal ekonomik gelişme stratejilerinin temel bir bileşeni haline
gelmektedir. Bu çalışmada; işletme kuluçkalarının yerel ve bölgesel ekonomik
gelişme açısından önemi ele alınmaktadır. Çalışmada öncelikle; işletme
kuluçkaları kavramsal ve kuramsal çerçevede açıklanacaktır. İkinci olarak,
işletme kuluçkalarının bölgesel kalkınma açısından önemine değinilecektir. Ardından,
işletme kuluçkalarının bölgesel gelişme aracı olarak kullanılması konusunda literatür
taramasından elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda bazı öneriler sunulacaktır. 


  • Aaboen, L. (2009), “Explaining Incubators Using Firm Analogy”, Technovation, 29, 657-670.
  • Adegbite, O. (2001), “Business Incubators and Small Enterprise Development: The Nigerian Experience”, Small Business Economics, 17, 157-166.
  • Aernoudt, R. (2004), “Incubators: Tool for Entrepreneurship?, Small Business Economics”, 23, 127-135.
  • Allen, D.N. ve R. McCluskey (1990), “Structure, Policy, Services and Performance in the Business Incubator Industry”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Winter, 15(2), 61-77.
  • Atherton, A. ve P.D. Hannon (2006), “Localised Strategies for Supporting Incubation - Strategies Arising from a Case of Rural Enterprise Development”, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 13(1), 48-61.
  • Bergek, A. ve C. Norrman (2008), “Incubator Best Practice: A Framework”, Technovation, 28, 20-28.
  • Bhabra-Remedios, R.K. ve B. Cornelius (2003), “Cracks in the Egg: Improving Performance Measures in Business Incubator Research”, Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand 16th Annual Conference, 28 Eylül-1 Ekim, Ballarat.
  • Brooks, O. (1986), “Economic Development through Entrepreneurship: Incubators and the Incubation Process”, Economic Development Review, Summer, 24-29.
  • Campbell, C. (1989), “Change Agents in the New Economy: Business Incubators and Economic Development”, Economic Development Review, Spring, 56-59.
  • Chan, K.F. ve T. Lau (2005), “Assessing Technology Incubator Programs in the Science Park: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”, Technovation, 25, 1215-1228.
  • Cooper, S.Y. ve Park, J.S. (2008), “The Impact of Incubator Organizations on Opportunity Recognition and Technology Innovation in New, Entrepreneurial High-Technology Ventures”, International Small Business Journal, 26(1), 27-56.
  • Dettwiler, P., P. Lindelöf ve H. Löfsten (2006), “Utility of Location: A Comparative Survey Between Small New Technology-Based Firms Located on and off Science Parks – Implications for Facilities Management”, Technovation, 26, 506-517.
  • Durao, D., M. Sarmento, V. Varela ve L. Maltez (2005), “Virtual and Real-Estate Science and Technology Park: A Case Study of Taguspark”, Technovation, 25, 237-244.
  • European Commission Enterprise Directorate-General (EC-EDG) (2002), Benchmarking of Business Incubators, Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services.
  • Eshun, J.P. (2009), “Business Incubation as Strategy”, Business Strategy Series, 10(3), 156-166.
  • Grimaldi, R. ve A. Grandi (2005), “Business Incubators and New Venture Creation: An Assessment of Incubating Models”, Technovation, 25, 111-121.
  • Hannon, P.D. (2005), “Incubation Policy and Practice: Building Practitioner and Professional Capability”, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 12(1), 57-75.
  • Hardin, J.W. (2008), “North Carolina's Research Triangle Park: Overview, History, Success Factors and Lessons Learned”, W. Hulsink ve H. Dons (Editörler) içinde, Pathways to High-tech Valleys and Research Triangles: Innovative Entrepreneurship, Knowledge Transfer and Cluster Formation in Europe and the United States, USA: Springer, 27-51.
  • Hobday, M. (2009), “Asian Innovation Experiences and Latin American Visions: Exploiting Shifts in Techno-Economic Paradigms”, W. Drechsler, R. Kattel ve E.S. Reinert (Editörler) içinde, Techno-Economic Paradigms: Essays in Honour of Carlota Perez, London: Anthem Press, 145-170.
  • Lalkaka, R. (2001), Best Practices in Business Incubation: Lesson (yet to be) Learned, 14 November, Brussels.
  • Lalkaka, R. (2003), “Business Incubators in Developing Countries: Characteristics and Performance”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 3(1-2), 31-55.
  • Lalkaka, R. ve J. Bishop (1996), Business Incubators in Economic Development: An Initial Assessment in Industrializing Countries, United Nations Development Programme, New York.
  • Lindholm-Dahlstrand, A. ve M. Klofsten, M. (2002), “Growth and Innovation Support in Swedish Science Parks and Incubators”, R. Oakey, W. During ve S. Kauser (Editörler) içinde, New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium, Volume II, Oxford: Elsevier, 31-46.
  • Lumpkin, J.R. ve R.D. Ireland (1988), “Screening Practices of New Business Incubators: The Evaluation of Critical Success Factors”, American Journal of Small Business, Spring, 12(4), 59-81.
  • MacDonald, S. (1987), “British Science Parks: Reflections on the Politics of High Technology”, R&D Management, 17(1), 25-37.
  • Markley, D.M. ve K.T. McNamara (1994), A Business Incubator: Operating Environment and Measurement of Economic and Fiscal Impacts, Purdue University Center for Rural Development, Working Paper No: 0594.
  • McAdam, M., B. Galbraith, R. McAdam, ve P. Humphreys (2006), “Business Processes and Networks in University Incubators: A Review and Research Agendas”, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 18(5), 451-472.
  • OECD (2002), OECD Small and Medium Enterprise Outlook, Paris, France.
  • Phan, P.H., D.S. Siegel ve M. Wright (2005), “Science Parks and Incubators: Observations, Synthesis and Future Research”, Journal of Business Venturing, 20, 165-182.
  • Plosila, W.H. ve D.N. Allen (1985), “Small Business Incubators and Public Policy: Implications for State and Local Development Strategies”, Policy Studies Journal, 13(4), 729-734.
  • Quintas, P., D. Wield ve D. Massey (1992), “Academic-Industry Links and Innovation: Questioning the Science Park Model”, Technovation, 12(3), 161-175.
  • Radosevic, S. ve M. Myrzakhmet (2009), “Between Vision and Reality: Promoting Innovation through Technoparks in an Emerging Economy”, Technovation, 29, 645-656.
  • Ratinho, T. ve E. Henriques (2010), “The Role of Science Parks and Business Incubators in Converging Countries: Evidence from Portugal”, Technovation, 30, 278-290.
  • Rice, M.P. (2002), “Co-Production of Business Assistance in Business Incubators: An Exploratory Study”, Journal of Business Venturing, 17, 163-187.
  • Saxenian, A. (1994), Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128, USA: Harvard University Press.
  • Schwartz, M. ve C. Hornych (2008), “Specialization as Strategy for Business Incubators: An Assessment of the Central German Multimedia Center”, Technovation, 28, 436-449.
  • Schwartz, M. ve C. Hornych (2010), “Cooperation Patterns of Incubator Firms and the Impact of Incubator Specialization: Empirical Evidence from Germany”, Technovation, 30, 485-495.
  • Shahidi, H. (1998), The Impact of Business Incubators in Entrepreneurial Networking: A Comparative Study of Small, High-Technology Firms, George Washington University Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, USA.
  • Smilor, R.W. (1987), “Commercializing Technology through New Business Incubators”, Research Management, 30(5), 36-41.
  • Suk, J.Y. ve R. Mooweon (2006), “Resource Mobilization and Business Incubation: The Case of Korean Incubators”, Development and Society, 35(1), 29-46.
  • Tamasy, C. (2001), “Evaluating Innovation Centres in Germany: Issues of Methodology, Empirical Results and International Comparison”, D. Felsenstein ve M. Taylor (Editörler) içinde, Promoting Local Growth. Process, Practice and Policy, Ashgate, 109-126.
  • Thierstein, A. ve B. Wilhelm (2001), “Incubator, Technology, and Innovation Centres in Switzerland: Features and Policy Implications”, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 13, 315-331.
  • Verma, S. (2004), Success Factors for Business Incubators: An Empirical Study on Canadian Business Incubators, Carleton University Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Canada.
  • Wang, H., D. Lin, H. Yin, Q. Lu ve H. Cheng (2008), “Linking Incubator Services to the Performance of Incubated Firms: A Review”, 4th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT 2008), 21-24 Eylül, Bangkok, Thailand, 894-899.
  • Westhead, P. (1997), “R&D ‘Inputs’ and ‘Outputs’ of Technology-Based Firms Located on and off Science Parks”, R&D Management, 27(1), 45-62.
  • Westhead, P., S. Batstone ve F. Martin (2000), “Technology-Based Firms Located on Science Parks: The Applicability of Bullock’s ‘Soft-Hard’ Model”, Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies, 1(2), 107-139.
  • Winger, A. (2000), Stimulating the Supply and Building the Capacity of New Schools and School Developers, Recommendations for the Design and Implementation of a New Schools Incubator, Center on Reinventing Public Education, USA, Washington.
  • Yu, J., M. Middleton ve R. Jackson (2009), “Toward the Geography of Business Incubator Formation in the United States”, 56th North American Regional Science Association International (RSAI) Conference, 18-21 Kasım, California, USA.
There are 48 citations in total.


Subjects Economics, Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Onur Sungur

Publication Date June 30, 2016
Submission Date November 10, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Sungur, O. (2016). BUSINESS INCUBATORS AS A TOOL FOR JOBS AND FIRM CREATION IN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND FINDINGS FROM THE LITERATURE. Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty, 3(1), 34-48.

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