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Antibacterial, cytotoxicity, and phytotoxicity profiles of three medicinal plants collected from Pakistan

Yıl 2017, , 261 - 268, 01.04.2017


The purpose of present research was to examine the antibacterial,
cytotoxic, and phytotoxic profiles of three important Pakistani
medicinal plants viz., Teucrium stocksianum, Chenopodium
botrys, and Micromeria biflora. The antibacterial, cytotoxicity,
and phytotoxicity activities of samples extracted from these
plants were evaluated by a modified agar well-diffusion method,
brine shrimps cytotoxic assay, and Lemna acquinoctialisbased
phytotoxic assay, respectively. Results revealed marked
susceptibility of both the crude extracts and the aqueous
fractions of these plants against K. pneumonia and B. subtilis.
Methanolic extracts and aqueous fractions exhibited significant
cytotoxicity in a concentration-dependent manner. Similarly,
an outstanding phytotoxic effect was observed for the extracts/
fractions. Accordingly, the extracts and fractions of the
aforementioned plants possess potential antibacterial, cytotoxic,
and phytotoxic effects which could be useful in the search and
development of new pharmaceutical agents.


  • 1. Wafsi AI, Bashir AK, Amiri MH, Abdalla AA, Banna NR,Tanira M0M. Gastric cytoprotection activity of Teucriumstocksianum extract in rats. Int J Pharmacog 1995; 33: 164-71.
  • 2. Rasheed RA, Ali BH, Bashir AK. Effect of Teucriumstocksianum on paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in mice.Gen Pharmacol 1995; 26: 297-301.
  • 3. Bashir AK. Methoxylated flavones of Teucrium stocksianum.Spices Med Plants 1995; 3.
  • 4. Bashir AK, Wasfi IA, Abdulla AA, Amiri MH. Somepharmacological studies on Teucriummascatense: Effect onglucose homeostasis in normal and streptozotocin diabeticrats and antimicrobial activity. Arab Gulf J Scient Res 1992;10: 145-57.
  • 5. Hardie JM. Oral microbiology: Current concepts in themicrobiology of dental caries and periodontal disease. BrDent J 1992; 172: 271-8.
  • 6. Islam B, Khan SN, Khan AU. Dental caries: From infection toprevention. Med Sci Monit 2007; 13: 196-203.
  • 7. Manandhar NP. Plants and People of Nepal Timber. PressOregon. 2002.
  • 8. Mishra RK, Kumar A, Shukla AC, Tiwari P, Dikshit A.Quantitative and rapid antibacterial assay of Micromeriabiflora Benth. leaf essential oil against Dental caries causingbacteria using phylogenetic approach. J Ecobiotechnol 2010;2: 22-6.
  • 9. Mahboubi M, Bidgoli FG, Farzin N. Chemical compositionand antimicrobial activity of Chenopodium botrys L. essentialoil. J Essent Oil Bear Pl 2013; 14: 498-503.
  • 10. Uddin G, Rauf A, Akhtar S. Studies on chemical constituents,phytochemical profile and pharmacological action Daturaalba. Middle-East J Med Plants Res 2012; 1: 14-8.
  • 11. Abdullah HI, Khan H, Khan L, Khan MI, Hassan S, KhanMA. In vitro biological activity of decoction of Joshanda. Pak JPharm Sci 2014; 27: 239-42.
  • 12. Khan H, Khan MA, Dullah A. Antibacterial, antioxidant andcytotoxic studies of total saponin, alkaloid and sterols contentsof decoction of Joshanda: Identification of componentsidentification through thin layer chromatography. Toxicol IndHealth 2015; 31: 202-8.
  • 13. Saeed M, Khan H, Khan MA, SimjeeSU, Muhammad N, KhanSA. Phytotoxic, insecticidal and leishmanicidal activities ofaerial parts of Polygonatum verticillatum. Afr J Biotechnol2010; 9: 1241-4.
  • 14. Abdullah, HI, Khan H, Khan L, Khan MI, Hassan S, KhanMA. In vitro biological activity of decoction of Joshanda. Pak JPharm Sci 2014; 27: 239-43.
  • 15. Khan H, Saeed M, Muhammad N, Ghaffar R, Khan SA,Hassan S. Antimicrobial activities of rhizomes of Polygonatumverticillatum: Attributed to its total flavonoidal and phenoliccontents. Pak J Pharm Sci 2012; 25: 463-7.
  • 16. Khan H, Khan MA, Abdullah. Antibacterial, antioxidant andcytotoxic studies of total saponin, alkaloid and sterols contentsof decoction of Joshanda: components identification throughTLC. Toxicol Ind Health 2012; 31:202-8.
  • 17. Walter C, Shinwari ZK, Afzal I, Malik RN. Antibacterialactivity in herbal products used in Pakistan. Pakistan J Bot2011; 43: 155-62.
  • 18. Sanchez GV, Master RN, Clark RB, Fyyaz M,Ekta PD, BordonJ. Klebsiella pneumoniae antimicrobial drug resistance, UnitedStates, 1998–2010. Emerg Infect Dis 2013; 19:133-6.
  • 19. Oggioni MR, Pozzi G, Valensin PE, Galieni P, Bigazzi C.Recurrent septicemia in an immunocompromised patient dueto probiotic strains of Bacillus subtilis. J Clin Microbiol 1998;36: 325-6.
  • 20. Khuda F, Iqbal Z, Zakiullah Khan A, Nasir F, Muhammad N,Khan JA, Khan MS. Metal analysis, phytotoxic, insecticidaland cytotoxic activities of selected medicinal plants of KhyberPakhtunkhwa. Pak J Pharm Sci 2012; 25: 51-8.
  • 21. Khan H, Tariq SA, Khan MA. Biological and phytochemicalstudies on corms of Colchicum luteum Baker. J Med Plants Res2011; 5: 7031-5.
  • 22. Pimentel D, McNair S, Janecka J, Wightman J, Simmonds C,O’Connell C, Wong E, Russel L, Zern J, Aquino T. Economicand environmental threats of alien plant, animal, and microbeinvasions. Agric Ecosyst Environ 2001; 84: 1-20.
  • 23. Li Y, Sun Z, Zhuang X, Xu L, Chen S, Li M. Research progresson microbial herbicides. Crop Prot 2003; 22: 247–52

Pakistan’dan toplanan üç tıbbi bitkinin antibakteriyel etkileri, sitotoksisite ve fitotoksisite profilleri

Yıl 2017, , 261 - 268, 01.04.2017


Mevcut araştırmanın amacı, Pakistan’da üç önemli tıbbi

bitki olan Teucrium stocksianum, Chenopodium botrys, ve

Micromeria biflora bitkilerinin antibakteriyel, sitotoksik ve

fitotoksik profilini incelemektir. Örneklerin antibakteriyel,

sitotoksik ve fitotoksik aktiviteleri sırasıyla modifiye agar

difüzyon yöntemi, Brine shrimp sitotoksik yöntemi ve Lemna

acquinoctialis’e dayanan fitotoksik yöntemi kullanılarak

değerlendirildi. Sonuçlar bu bitkilerin hem özütlerinin hemde

sulu fraksiyonlarının K. pneumonia ve B. subtilis suşlarına karşı

belirgin şekilde duyarlı olduğunu gösterdi. Metanol özütleri ve

sulu fraksiyonlar konsantrasyona bağlı olarak önemli sitotoksik

aktivite gösterdiler. Benzer olarak, bu özüt ve fraksiyonların

önemli derecede fitotoksik etki gösterdikleri gözlendi. Bu

sonuçlara göre, özütler/fraksiyonlar yeni farmasötik ajanların

gelişmesi için kullanılabilecek güçlü antibakteriyel, sitotoksik ve

fitotoksik aktiviteye sahiptir.


  • 1. Wafsi AI, Bashir AK, Amiri MH, Abdalla AA, Banna NR,Tanira M0M. Gastric cytoprotection activity of Teucriumstocksianum extract in rats. Int J Pharmacog 1995; 33: 164-71.
  • 2. Rasheed RA, Ali BH, Bashir AK. Effect of Teucriumstocksianum on paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in mice.Gen Pharmacol 1995; 26: 297-301.
  • 3. Bashir AK. Methoxylated flavones of Teucrium stocksianum.Spices Med Plants 1995; 3.
  • 4. Bashir AK, Wasfi IA, Abdulla AA, Amiri MH. Somepharmacological studies on Teucriummascatense: Effect onglucose homeostasis in normal and streptozotocin diabeticrats and antimicrobial activity. Arab Gulf J Scient Res 1992;10: 145-57.
  • 5. Hardie JM. Oral microbiology: Current concepts in themicrobiology of dental caries and periodontal disease. BrDent J 1992; 172: 271-8.
  • 6. Islam B, Khan SN, Khan AU. Dental caries: From infection toprevention. Med Sci Monit 2007; 13: 196-203.
  • 7. Manandhar NP. Plants and People of Nepal Timber. PressOregon. 2002.
  • 8. Mishra RK, Kumar A, Shukla AC, Tiwari P, Dikshit A.Quantitative and rapid antibacterial assay of Micromeriabiflora Benth. leaf essential oil against Dental caries causingbacteria using phylogenetic approach. J Ecobiotechnol 2010;2: 22-6.
  • 9. Mahboubi M, Bidgoli FG, Farzin N. Chemical compositionand antimicrobial activity of Chenopodium botrys L. essentialoil. J Essent Oil Bear Pl 2013; 14: 498-503.
  • 10. Uddin G, Rauf A, Akhtar S. Studies on chemical constituents,phytochemical profile and pharmacological action Daturaalba. Middle-East J Med Plants Res 2012; 1: 14-8.
  • 11. Abdullah HI, Khan H, Khan L, Khan MI, Hassan S, KhanMA. In vitro biological activity of decoction of Joshanda. Pak JPharm Sci 2014; 27: 239-42.
  • 12. Khan H, Khan MA, Dullah A. Antibacterial, antioxidant andcytotoxic studies of total saponin, alkaloid and sterols contentsof decoction of Joshanda: Identification of componentsidentification through thin layer chromatography. Toxicol IndHealth 2015; 31: 202-8.
  • 13. Saeed M, Khan H, Khan MA, SimjeeSU, Muhammad N, KhanSA. Phytotoxic, insecticidal and leishmanicidal activities ofaerial parts of Polygonatum verticillatum. Afr J Biotechnol2010; 9: 1241-4.
  • 14. Abdullah, HI, Khan H, Khan L, Khan MI, Hassan S, KhanMA. In vitro biological activity of decoction of Joshanda. Pak JPharm Sci 2014; 27: 239-43.
  • 15. Khan H, Saeed M, Muhammad N, Ghaffar R, Khan SA,Hassan S. Antimicrobial activities of rhizomes of Polygonatumverticillatum: Attributed to its total flavonoidal and phenoliccontents. Pak J Pharm Sci 2012; 25: 463-7.
  • 16. Khan H, Khan MA, Abdullah. Antibacterial, antioxidant andcytotoxic studies of total saponin, alkaloid and sterols contentsof decoction of Joshanda: components identification throughTLC. Toxicol Ind Health 2012; 31:202-8.
  • 17. Walter C, Shinwari ZK, Afzal I, Malik RN. Antibacterialactivity in herbal products used in Pakistan. Pakistan J Bot2011; 43: 155-62.
  • 18. Sanchez GV, Master RN, Clark RB, Fyyaz M,Ekta PD, BordonJ. Klebsiella pneumoniae antimicrobial drug resistance, UnitedStates, 1998–2010. Emerg Infect Dis 2013; 19:133-6.
  • 19. Oggioni MR, Pozzi G, Valensin PE, Galieni P, Bigazzi C.Recurrent septicemia in an immunocompromised patient dueto probiotic strains of Bacillus subtilis. J Clin Microbiol 1998;36: 325-6.
  • 20. Khuda F, Iqbal Z, Zakiullah Khan A, Nasir F, Muhammad N,Khan JA, Khan MS. Metal analysis, phytotoxic, insecticidaland cytotoxic activities of selected medicinal plants of KhyberPakhtunkhwa. Pak J Pharm Sci 2012; 25: 51-8.
  • 21. Khan H, Tariq SA, Khan MA. Biological and phytochemicalstudies on corms of Colchicum luteum Baker. J Med Plants Res2011; 5: 7031-5.
  • 22. Pimentel D, McNair S, Janecka J, Wightman J, Simmonds C,O’Connell C, Wong E, Russel L, Zern J, Aquino T. Economicand environmental threats of alien plant, animal, and microbeinvasions. Agric Ecosyst Environ 2001; 84: 1-20.
  • 23. Li Y, Sun Z, Zhuang X, Xu L, Chen S, Li M. Research progresson microbial herbicides. Crop Prot 2003; 22: 247–52
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Abdur Rauf Bu kişi benim

Sengul Uysal Bu kişi benim

Taibi Ben Hadda Bu kişi benim

Bina S. Siddiqui Bu kişi benim

Haroon Khan Bu kişi benim

Muhammad Atif Khan Bu kişi benim

Muhammad Ijaz Bu kişi benim

Mohammad S. Mubarak Bu kişi benim

Saud Bawazeer Bu kişi benim

Tareq Abu-ızneid Bu kişi benim

Ajmal Khan Bu kişi benim

Umar Farooq Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Rauf, A., Uysal, S., Ben Hadda, T., S. Siddiqui, B., vd. (2017). Antibacterial, cytotoxicity, and phytotoxicity profiles of three medicinal plants collected from Pakistan. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, 21(2), 261-268.
AMA Rauf A, Uysal S, Ben Hadda T, S. Siddiqui B, Khan H, Atif Khan M, Ijaz M, S. Mubarak M, Bawazeer S, Abu-ızneid T, Khan A, Farooq U. Antibacterial, cytotoxicity, and phytotoxicity profiles of three medicinal plants collected from Pakistan. mpj. Mayıs 2017;21(2):261-268. doi:10.12991/marupj.300335
Chicago Rauf, Abdur, Sengul Uysal, Taibi Ben Hadda, Bina S. Siddiqui, Haroon Khan, Muhammad Atif Khan, Muhammad Ijaz, Mohammad S. Mubarak, Saud Bawazeer, Tareq Abu-ızneid, Ajmal Khan, ve Umar Farooq. “Antibacterial, Cytotoxicity, and Phytotoxicity Profiles of Three Medicinal Plants Collected from Pakistan”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 21, sy. 2 (Mayıs 2017): 261-68.
EndNote Rauf A, Uysal S, Ben Hadda T, S. Siddiqui B, Khan H, Atif Khan M, Ijaz M, S. Mubarak M, Bawazeer S, Abu-ızneid T, Khan A, Farooq U (01 Mayıs 2017) Antibacterial, cytotoxicity, and phytotoxicity profiles of three medicinal plants collected from Pakistan. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 21 2 261–268.
IEEE A. Rauf, “Antibacterial, cytotoxicity, and phytotoxicity profiles of three medicinal plants collected from Pakistan”, mpj, c. 21, sy. 2, ss. 261–268, 2017, doi: 10.12991/marupj.300335.
ISNAD Rauf, Abdur vd. “Antibacterial, Cytotoxicity, and Phytotoxicity Profiles of Three Medicinal Plants Collected from Pakistan”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 21/2 (Mayıs 2017), 261-268.
JAMA Rauf A, Uysal S, Ben Hadda T, S. Siddiqui B, Khan H, Atif Khan M, Ijaz M, S. Mubarak M, Bawazeer S, Abu-ızneid T, Khan A, Farooq U. Antibacterial, cytotoxicity, and phytotoxicity profiles of three medicinal plants collected from Pakistan. mpj. 2017;21:261–268.
MLA Rauf, Abdur vd. “Antibacterial, Cytotoxicity, and Phytotoxicity Profiles of Three Medicinal Plants Collected from Pakistan”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, c. 21, sy. 2, 2017, ss. 261-8, doi:10.12991/marupj.300335.
Vancouver Rauf A, Uysal S, Ben Hadda T, S. Siddiqui B, Khan H, Atif Khan M, Ijaz M, S. Mubarak M, Bawazeer S, Abu-ızneid T, Khan A, Farooq U. Antibacterial, cytotoxicity, and phytotoxicity profiles of three medicinal plants collected from Pakistan. mpj. 2017;21(2):261-8.