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Protoscolicidal Effects and Acute Toxicity of Essential Oil and Methanolic Extract of Cuminum cyminum Seeds

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 3, 551 - 557, 20.06.2017


Surgical treatments were the gold standard for treatment of
cystic echinococcosis (CE) until the last 30 years. Existing
scolicidal agents such as hypertonic saline and silver-nitrate
which have been used for inactivation of protoscoleces during
surgery are associated with some serious adverse effects. The
present study was designed to investigate in vitro scolicidal
activity of Cuminum cyminum L. against protoscoleces of
hydatid cysts and its acute toxicity in mice model. Protoscoleces
were aseptically aspirated from sheep livers having hydatid cysts.
Various concentrations of the essential oil (12.5- 100 μl/mL) and
methanolic extract (12.5-100 mg/mL) were used for 5 to 60 min.
Viability of protoscoleces was confirmed using eosin exclusion
test (0.1% eosin staining). Moreover, thirty-two male NMRI
mice were used to determine the acute toxicity of C.cyminum.
C. cyminum methanolic extract at the concentrations of 100 and
50 mg/ml killed 100% protoscoleces after 10 and 20 minutes
exposure. Moreover, all protoscoleces were killed upon 10 and
20 minutes of exposure to 50 and 25 μl/mL C. cyminum essential
oil, respectively. The essential oil demonstrated no mortality up
to the dose of 1 ml/kg, but 25% mortality at dose of 2ml/kg was
occurred. The methanolic extract showed no mortality up to
the dose of 4 g/kg. The obtained results indicated the potent
scolicidal activity of C. cyminum with no significant toxicity
which might be used as a natural scolicidal agent in hydatid
cyst surgery. However, further investigation will be needed to
confirm these results by checking in a clinical setting as a new
scolicidal agent.


  • 1. World Health Organization (WHO) informal working group on echinococcosis. Bull WHO2009; 74: 231–42. 2. Kern P, Menezes da Silva A, Akhan O, Müllhaupt B, Vizcaychipi KA, Budke C, Vuitton DA. The echinococcoses: Diagnosis, clinical management and burden of disease. Adv Parasitol 2017;96:259-369. 3. Brunetti E, Kern P, Vuitton DA. Expert consensus for the diagnosis and treatment of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis in humans. Acta Tropica 2010; 114: 1-16. 4. Mahmoudvand H, Harandi MF, Shakibaie M, Aflatoonian MR, ZiaAli N, Makki MS, Jahanbakhsh S. Scolicidal effects of biogenic selenium nanoparticles against protoscolices of hydatid cysts. Int J Surg 2014; 12: 399-403. 5. Cos P, Vlietinck AJ, Berghe DV, Maes L. Anti-infective potential of natural products: how to develop a stronger in vitro ‘proof-of-concept’. J Ethnopharmacol 2006; 106: 290-302. 6. Cowan MM. Plant products as antimicrobial agents. Clin Microbiol Rev 1999;12: 564-82. 7. Zargari A. Medicinal Plants, vol. II. Tehran University Press, Tehran. 1989, pp. 519–521. 8. Johri RK. Cuminumcyminum and Carumcarvi: An update. Pharmacogn Rev 2011; 5: 63-72. 9. Mahmoudvand H, Sharififar F, Rahmat MS, Tavakoli R, Dezaki ES, Jahanbakhsh S, Sharifi I. Evaluation of antileishmanial activity and cytotoxicity of the extracts of Berberis vulgaris and Nigella sativa against Leishmania tropica. J Vector Borne Dis 2014; 51: 294-9. 10. Tavakoli Kareshk A, Keyhani A, Mahmoudvan d H, Tavakoli Oliaei R, Asadi A, Andishmand M, Azzizian H, Babaei Z, Zia- Ali N. Efficacy of the Bunium persicum (Boiss) essential oil against acute toxoplasmosis in mice model. Iran J Parasitol 2015; 10: 625-31. 11. Mahmoudvand H, Dezaki ES, Kheirandish F, Ezatpour B, Jahanbakhsh S, Harandi MF. Scolicidal effects of black cumin seed (Nigella sativa) essential oil on hydatid cysts. Korean J Parasitol 2014; 52: 653-9. 12. Mahmoudvand H, Tavakoli Oliaei R, Mirbadie SR, Kheirandish F, Tavakoli Kareshk A, Ezatpour B, Mahmoudvand H. Efficacy and safety of Bunium persicum (Boiss) to inactivate protoscoleces during hydatid cyst operations. Surg Infect (Larchmt) 2016;17:713-9. 13. Tiwari V, Roy R, Tiwari M. Antimicrobial active herbal compounds against Acinetobacter baumannii and other pathogens. Front Microbiol 2015;6:618. 14. Caglar R, Yuzbasioglu MF, Bulbuloglu E, Gul M, Ezberci F, Kale IT. In vitro effectiveness of different chemical agents on scolices of hydatid cyst. J Invest Surg 2008; 21: 71-5. 15. Mahmoudvand H, Asadi A, Harandi MF, Sharififar F, Jahanbakhsh S, Dezaki ES. In vitro lethal effects of various extracts of Nigella sativa seed on hydatid cyst protoscoleces. Iran J Basic Med Sci 2014; 7:1001-6. 16. Puryan K, Karadayi K, Topcu O, Canbay E, Sumer Z, Turan M, Karayalcin K, Sen M. Chlorhexidine gluconate: An ideal scolicidal agent in the treatment of intraperitoneal hydatidosis? World J Surg 2005; 29: 227-30. 17. Mahmoudvand H, Mirbadie SR, Sadooghian S, Fasihi Harandi M, Jahanbakhsh S, Saedi Dezaki E. Chemical composition and scolicidal activity of Zataria multiflora Boiss essential oil. J Essential Oil Res 2017; 29:42-7. 18. Kilicoglu B, Kismet K, Koru O, Tanyuksel M, Oruc MT, Sorkun K, Akkus MA. The scolicidal effects of honey. Adv Ther 2006; 23: 1077-83. 19. Jahanbakhsh S, Azadpour M, Kareshk AT, Keyhani A, Mahmoudvand H. Zataria multiflora Bioss: Lethal effects of methanolic extract against protoscoleces of Echinococcus granulosus. J Parasitic Dis 2016; 40: 1289-92. 20. Oroojalian F, Kasra-Kermanshahi R, Azizi M, Bassami M. Phytochemical composition of the essential oils from three Apiaceae species and their antibacterial effects on food-borne pathogens. Food Chem 2010; 120:765-70. 21. Mohammadpour H, Moghimipour E, Rasooli I, Fakoor MH, AlipoorAstaneh S, Sara ShehniMoosaie S, Jalili Z. Chemical composition and antifungal activity of Cuminum cyminum L. essential oil from Alborz mountain against Aspergillus species. Jundishapur J Nat Pharm Prod 2012; 7: 50–5. 22. Yesil Celiktas O, Hames Kocabas EE, Bedir E, Vardar Sukan F. Antimicrobial activities of methanol extracts and essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis, depending on location and seasonal variations. Food Chem 2007; 100: 553-9. 23. Saedi Dezaki E, Mahmoudvand H, Sharififar F, Fallahi S, Monzote L, Ezatkhah F. Chemical composition along with anti-leishmanial and cytotoxic activity of Zataria multiflora. Pharm Biol 2015; 8: 1-7. 24. Mahmoudvand H, Tavakoli R, Sharififar F, Minaie K, Ezatpour B, Jahanbakhsh S, Sharifi I. Leishmanicidal and cytotoxic activities of Nigella sativa and its active principle, thymoquinone. Pharm Biol 2014; 4: 1–6. 25. Ezatpour B, Saedi Dezaki E, Mahmoudvand H, Azadpour M, Ezzatkhah F. In vitro and in vivo antileishmanial effects of Pistacia khinjuk against Leishmania tropica and Leishmania major. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2015; 2015:149707. 26. Cristani M, D’Arrigo M, Mandalari G, Castelli F, Sarpietro MG, Micieli D, Venuti V, Bisignano G, Saija A, Trombetta D. Interaction of four monoterpenes contained in essential oils with model membranes: Implications for their antibacterial activity. J Agric Food Chem 2007; 55: 6300-8. 27. Mahmoudvand H, Saedi Dezaki E, Ezatpour B, Sharifi I, Kheirandish F, Rashidipour M. In vitro and in vivo antileishmanial activities of Pistacia vera essential oil. Planta Medica 2016; 82: 279-84. 28. Haroun EM, Mahmoud OM, Adam SE. Effect of feeding Cuminum cyminum fruits, Thymus vulgaris leaves or their mixture to rats. Vet Hum Toxicol 2002;44:67-9. 29. Loomis TA, Hayes AW. Loomis’s Essentials of Toxicology. Academic Press. Inc., San Diego, CA. 1996, pp. 205-248.

Cuminum cyminum uçucu yağının ve bitkinin çekirdeklerinden hazırlanan metanollü ekstrenin akut toksisitesi ve protoskolisidal etkileri

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 3, 551 - 557, 20.06.2017


Son 30 yıla kadar, kistik ekinokokkozis (CE) tedavisinde cerrahi
yaklaşım en doğru seçim olarak görülmekteydi. Hipertonik tuz
çözeltisi ve gümüş nitrat çözeltisi gibi skolisidal özellik gösteren
çözeltiler cerrahi işlemler esnasında kistlerin inaktivasyonu
için kullanılmakla birlikte bu çözeltilerin ciddi yan etkilere
de neden olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Cuminum
cyminum L.’nin hidatik kist protoskoleseslerine karşı in vitro
skolisidal etkinliğine ek olarak oluşturulan fare modelinde akut
toksisitesi de incelenmiştir. Protoskolesesler aseptik şartlarda
hidatik kisti olan koyunların karaciğerlerinden aspire edilerek
elde edilmiştir. Uçucu yağ (12.5-100 μl/mL) ve metanollü
ekstre (12.5-100 mg/mL) farklı derişimlerde 5-60 dakika
uygulanmıştır. Protoskoleseslerin canlılığı eosin eksklüzyon
yöntemiyle (%0.1 eozin boyama) ile tespit edilmiştir. Buna
ek olarak, 32 erkek NMRI fare kullanılarak C.cyminum’un
akut toksistesi çalışılmıştır. C.cyminum’un metanollü ekstresi
100 ve 50 mg/ml derişimlerde uygulandığında 10 ve 20
dakika maruziyet sonrasında protoskoleseslerin %100’ünü
öldürmüştür. C.cyminum’un uçucu yağı, 50 ve 25 μl/mL
derişimlerde uygulandığında ise sırasıyla 10 ve 20 dakika
maruziyet sonrasında tüm protoskoleseslerin öldüğü tespit
edilmiştir. Uçucu yağ ile yapılan çalışmalarda 1 ml/kg doza
kadar ölüm saptanmazken 2 ml/kg dozda ölüm oranı %25’tir.
Metanollü ekstre ile çalışıldığında ise 4 g/kg doza kadar ölüm
gerçekleşmemiştir. Elde edilen bulgular değerlendirildiğinde C.
cyminum’un potansiyal skolisidal etkinliğine ek olarak ciddi bir
toksiste göstermediği ve bu nedenle hidatik kist cerrahisinde
bitkisel kaynaklı bir skolisidal olarak kullanılabileceği önerilmiş
ancak önerininin doğrulanması için ileri klinik çalışmalara
ihtiyaç duyulduğu da belirtilmiştir.


  • 1. World Health Organization (WHO) informal working group on echinococcosis. Bull WHO2009; 74: 231–42. 2. Kern P, Menezes da Silva A, Akhan O, Müllhaupt B, Vizcaychipi KA, Budke C, Vuitton DA. The echinococcoses: Diagnosis, clinical management and burden of disease. Adv Parasitol 2017;96:259-369. 3. Brunetti E, Kern P, Vuitton DA. Expert consensus for the diagnosis and treatment of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis in humans. Acta Tropica 2010; 114: 1-16. 4. Mahmoudvand H, Harandi MF, Shakibaie M, Aflatoonian MR, ZiaAli N, Makki MS, Jahanbakhsh S. Scolicidal effects of biogenic selenium nanoparticles against protoscolices of hydatid cysts. Int J Surg 2014; 12: 399-403. 5. Cos P, Vlietinck AJ, Berghe DV, Maes L. Anti-infective potential of natural products: how to develop a stronger in vitro ‘proof-of-concept’. J Ethnopharmacol 2006; 106: 290-302. 6. Cowan MM. Plant products as antimicrobial agents. Clin Microbiol Rev 1999;12: 564-82. 7. Zargari A. Medicinal Plants, vol. II. Tehran University Press, Tehran. 1989, pp. 519–521. 8. Johri RK. Cuminumcyminum and Carumcarvi: An update. Pharmacogn Rev 2011; 5: 63-72. 9. Mahmoudvand H, Sharififar F, Rahmat MS, Tavakoli R, Dezaki ES, Jahanbakhsh S, Sharifi I. Evaluation of antileishmanial activity and cytotoxicity of the extracts of Berberis vulgaris and Nigella sativa against Leishmania tropica. J Vector Borne Dis 2014; 51: 294-9. 10. Tavakoli Kareshk A, Keyhani A, Mahmoudvan d H, Tavakoli Oliaei R, Asadi A, Andishmand M, Azzizian H, Babaei Z, Zia- Ali N. Efficacy of the Bunium persicum (Boiss) essential oil against acute toxoplasmosis in mice model. Iran J Parasitol 2015; 10: 625-31. 11. Mahmoudvand H, Dezaki ES, Kheirandish F, Ezatpour B, Jahanbakhsh S, Harandi MF. Scolicidal effects of black cumin seed (Nigella sativa) essential oil on hydatid cysts. Korean J Parasitol 2014; 52: 653-9. 12. Mahmoudvand H, Tavakoli Oliaei R, Mirbadie SR, Kheirandish F, Tavakoli Kareshk A, Ezatpour B, Mahmoudvand H. Efficacy and safety of Bunium persicum (Boiss) to inactivate protoscoleces during hydatid cyst operations. Surg Infect (Larchmt) 2016;17:713-9. 13. Tiwari V, Roy R, Tiwari M. Antimicrobial active herbal compounds against Acinetobacter baumannii and other pathogens. Front Microbiol 2015;6:618. 14. Caglar R, Yuzbasioglu MF, Bulbuloglu E, Gul M, Ezberci F, Kale IT. In vitro effectiveness of different chemical agents on scolices of hydatid cyst. J Invest Surg 2008; 21: 71-5. 15. Mahmoudvand H, Asadi A, Harandi MF, Sharififar F, Jahanbakhsh S, Dezaki ES. In vitro lethal effects of various extracts of Nigella sativa seed on hydatid cyst protoscoleces. Iran J Basic Med Sci 2014; 7:1001-6. 16. Puryan K, Karadayi K, Topcu O, Canbay E, Sumer Z, Turan M, Karayalcin K, Sen M. Chlorhexidine gluconate: An ideal scolicidal agent in the treatment of intraperitoneal hydatidosis? World J Surg 2005; 29: 227-30. 17. Mahmoudvand H, Mirbadie SR, Sadooghian S, Fasihi Harandi M, Jahanbakhsh S, Saedi Dezaki E. Chemical composition and scolicidal activity of Zataria multiflora Boiss essential oil. J Essential Oil Res 2017; 29:42-7. 18. Kilicoglu B, Kismet K, Koru O, Tanyuksel M, Oruc MT, Sorkun K, Akkus MA. The scolicidal effects of honey. Adv Ther 2006; 23: 1077-83. 19. Jahanbakhsh S, Azadpour M, Kareshk AT, Keyhani A, Mahmoudvand H. Zataria multiflora Bioss: Lethal effects of methanolic extract against protoscoleces of Echinococcus granulosus. J Parasitic Dis 2016; 40: 1289-92. 20. Oroojalian F, Kasra-Kermanshahi R, Azizi M, Bassami M. Phytochemical composition of the essential oils from three Apiaceae species and their antibacterial effects on food-borne pathogens. Food Chem 2010; 120:765-70. 21. Mohammadpour H, Moghimipour E, Rasooli I, Fakoor MH, AlipoorAstaneh S, Sara ShehniMoosaie S, Jalili Z. Chemical composition and antifungal activity of Cuminum cyminum L. essential oil from Alborz mountain against Aspergillus species. Jundishapur J Nat Pharm Prod 2012; 7: 50–5. 22. Yesil Celiktas O, Hames Kocabas EE, Bedir E, Vardar Sukan F. Antimicrobial activities of methanol extracts and essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis, depending on location and seasonal variations. Food Chem 2007; 100: 553-9. 23. Saedi Dezaki E, Mahmoudvand H, Sharififar F, Fallahi S, Monzote L, Ezatkhah F. Chemical composition along with anti-leishmanial and cytotoxic activity of Zataria multiflora. Pharm Biol 2015; 8: 1-7. 24. Mahmoudvand H, Tavakoli R, Sharififar F, Minaie K, Ezatpour B, Jahanbakhsh S, Sharifi I. Leishmanicidal and cytotoxic activities of Nigella sativa and its active principle, thymoquinone. Pharm Biol 2014; 4: 1–6. 25. Ezatpour B, Saedi Dezaki E, Mahmoudvand H, Azadpour M, Ezzatkhah F. In vitro and in vivo antileishmanial effects of Pistacia khinjuk against Leishmania tropica and Leishmania major. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2015; 2015:149707. 26. Cristani M, D’Arrigo M, Mandalari G, Castelli F, Sarpietro MG, Micieli D, Venuti V, Bisignano G, Saija A, Trombetta D. Interaction of four monoterpenes contained in essential oils with model membranes: Implications for their antibacterial activity. J Agric Food Chem 2007; 55: 6300-8. 27. Mahmoudvand H, Saedi Dezaki E, Ezatpour B, Sharifi I, Kheirandish F, Rashidipour M. In vitro and in vivo antileishmanial activities of Pistacia vera essential oil. Planta Medica 2016; 82: 279-84. 28. Haroun EM, Mahmoud OM, Adam SE. Effect of feeding Cuminum cyminum fruits, Thymus vulgaris leaves or their mixture to rats. Vet Hum Toxicol 2002;44:67-9. 29. Loomis TA, Hayes AW. Loomis’s Essentials of Toxicology. Academic Press. Inc., San Diego, CA. 1996, pp. 205-248.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Amir Keyhani Bu kişi benim

Amir Tavakoli Kareshk Bu kişi benim

Razieh Tavakoli Oliaei Bu kişi benim

Hossein Mahmoudvand Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Haziran 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Keyhani, A., Kareshk, A. T., Oliaei, R. T., Mahmoudvand, H. (2017). Protoscolicidal Effects and Acute Toxicity of Essential Oil and Methanolic Extract of Cuminum cyminum Seeds. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, 21(3), 551-557.
AMA Keyhani A, Kareshk AT, Oliaei RT, Mahmoudvand H. Protoscolicidal Effects and Acute Toxicity of Essential Oil and Methanolic Extract of Cuminum cyminum Seeds. mpj. Haziran 2017;21(3):551-557. doi:10.12991/marupj.319204
Chicago Keyhani, Amir, Amir Tavakoli Kareshk, Razieh Tavakoli Oliaei, ve Hossein Mahmoudvand. “Protoscolicidal Effects and Acute Toxicity of Essential Oil and Methanolic Extract of Cuminum Cyminum Seeds”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 21, sy. 3 (Haziran 2017): 551-57.
EndNote Keyhani A, Kareshk AT, Oliaei RT, Mahmoudvand H (01 Haziran 2017) Protoscolicidal Effects and Acute Toxicity of Essential Oil and Methanolic Extract of Cuminum cyminum Seeds. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 21 3 551–557.
IEEE A. Keyhani, A. T. Kareshk, R. T. Oliaei, ve H. Mahmoudvand, “Protoscolicidal Effects and Acute Toxicity of Essential Oil and Methanolic Extract of Cuminum cyminum Seeds”, mpj, c. 21, sy. 3, ss. 551–557, 2017, doi: 10.12991/marupj.319204.
ISNAD Keyhani, Amir vd. “Protoscolicidal Effects and Acute Toxicity of Essential Oil and Methanolic Extract of Cuminum Cyminum Seeds”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 21/3 (Haziran 2017), 551-557.
JAMA Keyhani A, Kareshk AT, Oliaei RT, Mahmoudvand H. Protoscolicidal Effects and Acute Toxicity of Essential Oil and Methanolic Extract of Cuminum cyminum Seeds. mpj. 2017;21:551–557.
MLA Keyhani, Amir vd. “Protoscolicidal Effects and Acute Toxicity of Essential Oil and Methanolic Extract of Cuminum Cyminum Seeds”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, c. 21, sy. 3, 2017, ss. 551-7, doi:10.12991/marupj.319204.
Vancouver Keyhani A, Kareshk AT, Oliaei RT, Mahmoudvand H. Protoscolicidal Effects and Acute Toxicity of Essential Oil and Methanolic Extract of Cuminum cyminum Seeds. mpj. 2017;21(3):551-7.