Research Article
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Efficient in vitro shoot induction of (Arum italicum MILLER) using shoot tips as medicinal and ornamental plant

Year 2018, , 295 - 300, 03.12.2018


Arum italicum MILLER is mainly distributed in the Mediterranean also cultivated and exported in Turkey. The genus Arum have been irregularly collected from their natural habitat and exported for food, medicinal and ornamental uses in our country and especially fungal diseases and other pathogens and comparatively result in low tuber yield in growing of Arum italicum. Therefore, we aimed to develop a efficient regeneration system for pathogen free production of Arum italicum. Tubers of Arum italicum were washed with distile water and pre- treated with cold (+4 C), and then, shoot tips, were isolated and cultured on MS medium supplemented with combinations of cytokinin 6-Benzylaminopurin (BAP), Kinetin (KIN), Thidiazuron (TDZ) and auxin Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 30 g l-1 sucrose and 7 g l-1 agar. The highest shoot regeneration (35%) and the highest number of shoot per explant (0.75) were achieved on MS medium supplemented with 2 mg l-1 BAP and 0.50 mg l-1 NAA from shoot tips. The plantlests were acclimatizated with high survval ratio (52%).  


  • Adams M, Alther W, Kessler M, Kluge M, Hamburger M (2011) Malaria in the renaissance remedies from European herbals from the 16th and 17th century. Journal of Ethnopharmacol 133(2): 278-288.
  • Alencar VBM, Alencar NMN, Assreuy AMS, Mota ML, Brito GAC, Aragao KS, Bittencourt FS, Pinto VPT, Debray H, Ribeiro RA, Cavada BS (2005) Proinflammatory effect of Arum maculatum lectin and role of resident cells. The International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 37(9): 1805-1814.
  • Alpınar K (1985) Batı Türkiye’de arum türleri ve bu türlerin yumrularının nişasta ve protein miktarları. İstanbul Üniversitesi, Eczacılık Fakültesi, Farmasötik Botanik Bilim Dalı, Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu Temel Bilimler Araştırma Gurubu: TBAG-558.
  • Arslan N, Gürbüz B, Özcan S, Koyuncu M, Gümüşcü A, Mirici S, Parmaksız İ (2002) Stenbergia candida ve Stenbergia fischeriana Türlerinin Kültüre Alınması ve Çoğaltılması Üzerine Araştırmalar. TUBİTAK projesi. Proje No: Tarp-2182.
  • Baktır İ, Uysal S, Özel S (2003) Doku kültürü yöntemi ile miszambak (Lilium candidum L.) yetiştiriciliği üzerine bir araştırma. Türkiye IV. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, Antalya.
  • Barabé D, Lacroix C, Gibernau M (2003) Development of the flower and inflorescence of Arum italicum (Araceae). Canadian Journal of Botany 81: 622–632.
  • Bonora A, Pancaldi S, Gualandri R, Fasulo MP (2000) Carotenoid and ultrastructure variations in plastids of Arum italicum Miller fruit during maturation and ripening. Journal of Experimental Botany 51(346): 873-884.
  • Boyce PC (1993) The genus Arum. Kew, Royal Botanic Gardens.
  • Boyce PC (2006) Arum-A decade of change. Aroideana, 29: 132-137.
  • Bryan EJ (2002) Bulbs Timber press. Inc.
  • Chen F, Kuehnle A (1999) Micropropagation of Spathiphyllum cv. Sensation from in vitro etiolated internode explants. XVI International Botanical Congress, St Louis MO USA.
  • Davis PH (1984) Grayum MH, 1990 Linz 2010 Flora of Turkey, Vol 8 and 10. Edinburg.
  • Demirci S, Ozhatay N (2012) An ethnobotanical study in Kahramanmaraş (Turkey) wild plants used for medicinal purpose in Andirin, Kahramanmaraş. Turkish journal of pharmaceutical sciences 9(1): 75-92.
  • Espindola A, Buerki S, Kupfer P, Bedalov M, Alvarez N (2010) New insights into the phylogeny and biogeography of Arum L. (Araceae): unravelling its evolutionary history. Botanical journal of the linnean society 163: 14-32.
  • Everest A, Ozturk E (2005) Focusing on the ethnobotanical uses of plants in Mersin and Adana provinces (Turkey). Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine 1: 1-6.
  • Farid MM, Hussein SR, Ibrahim LF, El Desouky MA, Elsayed AM, Saker MM (2014) Shoot generation, biochemical, molecular and phytochemical investigation of Arum palaestinum Boiss. African Journal of Biotechnology 13(34): 3522-3530.
  • Gamborg OL, Miller RA, Ojima K (1968) Nutrient requirements of suspension cultures of soybean root cells. Experimental Cell Research 50(1): 151–158.
  • Grayum MH (1990) Evolution and phylogenie of the Araceae. Annals of the Missouri botanical graden 11: 628-697.
  • Gurhan G, Ezer N (2004) Halk arasında hemoroit tedavisinde kullanılan bitkiler. Hacettepe Universitesi Eczacılık Fakultesi Dergisi 24(1): 37-55.
  • Hamidah M, Karim A, Debergh P (1997) Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in Anthurium scherzerianum. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 48: 189–193.
  • İpek A, Çöçü S, Uranbey S, Kaya MD, Gürbüz B, Arslan N, Sancak C, Akdoğan G, Özcan S (2009) In vitro bulblet production from immature embryos of ornamental plant Ornithogalum platyphyllum Boiss. Research Journal of Biotechnology 4(4): 25-29.
  • Kandemir N (2008) Ordu çevresinde yayılış gösteren Arum L. (Araceae) cinsinin bazı türleri üzerinde morfolojik ve anatomik incelemeler. Biyoloji Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi 1(2): 37–43.
  • Kozuharova E, Kochmarov V, Kachaunova E, Espíndola A, Aleksandrov B, Mincheva I (2014) Distribution of Arum (Araceae) in Bulgaria. Version of Record published online 24: 51-62.
  • Linz J, Stokl J, Urru I, Krugel T, Stensmyr MC, Hansson BS (2010) Molecular phylogeny of the genus Arum (Araceae) inferred from multi-locus sequence data and AFLPs. Taxon 59(2): 405-415.
  • Lobin W, Neumann M, Bogner J, Boyce PC (2007) A new Arum species (Areae, Araceae) from NE Turkey and Georgia. Willdenowia 37: 445-449.
  • Matsumoto T, Webb D, Kuehnle A (1996) Histology and origin of somatic embryos derived from Anthurium andraeanum Linden ex Andre lamina. Journalof the American Society for Horticultural science 121: 404-407.
  • Mirici S, Parmaksız İ, Özcan S, Sancak C, Uranbey S, Sarıhan EO, Gümüşcü A, Gürbüz B, Arslan N (2005) Large Scale in vitro Bulblet Production from İmmature Embryos of Endangered Sternbergia fischeriana. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 80, 239-246.
  • Murashige T, Skoog F (1962) A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol Plant 15: 473–497.
  • Paek KY, Murthy HN (2002) High frequency of bulblet regeneration from bulb scale sections of fritillaria thunbergii. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 68: 247-252.
  • Polat R, Cakilcioglu U, Satıl S (2013) Tradition aluses of medicinal plants in Solhan Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 148: 951–963.
  • Prime CT (1960) Lords and Ladies. Collins, London, 241.
  • Rani V, Raina SN (2000) Genetic fidelity of organized meristemderived micropropagated plants: a critical reappraisal. In vitro cellular and developmental Biology Plant 36(5): 319–330.
  • Shibli RA, Duwayri MA, Sawwan JS, Mohamad AS, Al-Qudah TS (2012) Regeneration via somatic embryogenesis of the endangered wild arum (Arum pa-laestinum). In vitro cellular and developmental biology plant 48(3): 335-340.
  • Snedecor GW, Cochran WG (1967) Statistical Methods. The Iowa State University.
  • Tıpırdamaz R, Ellialtıoğlu Ş, Çakırlar H (1999) Kardelenin (Galanthus ikariae Baker.) doku kültürü yoluyla çoğaltımı: eksplant tipi, ortam pH’sı ve karbonhidrat kaynağının soğancık oluşumuna etkisi. Trurkish journal of agriculture and forestry 23(4): 823-830.
  • Uranbey S, Ipek A, Caliskan M, Dundar E, Çöçü S, Basalma D, Guneylioglu H (2010) In vitro bulblet ınduction from bulb scales of endangered ornamental plant Muscari Azureum. Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment 24(2): 1843-1848.
  • Werbrouck S, Eeckhaut T, Debergh P (2000) Induction and conversion of somatic embryogenesis on the anther filament of Spathiphyllum. Acta Horticulturae 520: 263–269.

Sürgün uçları kullanarak tıbbi ve süs bitkisi özelliği olan Arum italicum MILLER bitkisinden in vitro sürgün çoğaltımı

Year 2018, , 295 - 300, 03.12.2018


Akdeniz bölgesinde yayılış gösteren, ülkemizde gen merkezi
konumunda olduğumuz
Arum cinsine ait
türleri, tıbbi ve süs bitkisi
amaçlı doğadan düzensiz toplanmakta ya da yetiştirilerek uzun yıllardır ihraç
edilmektedir. Ülkemizde
Arum italicum MILLER
türünün üretiminde fungal hastalıklar yumru verimini azaltmakta, yavru yumru
oluşturması için uzun zamana ihtiyaç duyması nedeniyle üretiminde sorunlar
bulunmakta, ayrıca, doğadan düzensiz toplanması sonucu ekolojik problemlerle
karşılaşılmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın da amacı,
Arum italicum’da ilk kez doku kültürü teknikleriyle
patojenlerden ari hızlı çoğaltımıdır. Çalışmada,
Arum italicum yumruları dormansi kırılacak şekilde soğuk ortamda (+4 oC)
kültüre alınmış, daha sonra
sürgün uçları farklı
konsantrasyonlarda sitokinin
BAP), Kinetin
(KIN), Thidiazuron
ve oksin Indol-3-asetik asit
(IAA), Indol-3-bütirik asit (IBA) ve Naftalenasetik
asit (NAA) içeren besin ortamlarında kültüre alınmıştır. En yüksek sürgün
rejenerayonu (% 35.0) ve en yüksek eksplant başına sürgün sayısı (0.75 adet) 2 mg l
 BAP ve 0.50 mg l-1 NAA
uygulamasından elde edilmiş, bitkiciklerin ortalama % 52’si başarılı bir
şekilde aklimatize edilerek yaşatılmıştır.


  • Adams M, Alther W, Kessler M, Kluge M, Hamburger M (2011) Malaria in the renaissance remedies from European herbals from the 16th and 17th century. Journal of Ethnopharmacol 133(2): 278-288.
  • Alencar VBM, Alencar NMN, Assreuy AMS, Mota ML, Brito GAC, Aragao KS, Bittencourt FS, Pinto VPT, Debray H, Ribeiro RA, Cavada BS (2005) Proinflammatory effect of Arum maculatum lectin and role of resident cells. The International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 37(9): 1805-1814.
  • Alpınar K (1985) Batı Türkiye’de arum türleri ve bu türlerin yumrularının nişasta ve protein miktarları. İstanbul Üniversitesi, Eczacılık Fakültesi, Farmasötik Botanik Bilim Dalı, Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu Temel Bilimler Araştırma Gurubu: TBAG-558.
  • Arslan N, Gürbüz B, Özcan S, Koyuncu M, Gümüşcü A, Mirici S, Parmaksız İ (2002) Stenbergia candida ve Stenbergia fischeriana Türlerinin Kültüre Alınması ve Çoğaltılması Üzerine Araştırmalar. TUBİTAK projesi. Proje No: Tarp-2182.
  • Baktır İ, Uysal S, Özel S (2003) Doku kültürü yöntemi ile miszambak (Lilium candidum L.) yetiştiriciliği üzerine bir araştırma. Türkiye IV. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, Antalya.
  • Barabé D, Lacroix C, Gibernau M (2003) Development of the flower and inflorescence of Arum italicum (Araceae). Canadian Journal of Botany 81: 622–632.
  • Bonora A, Pancaldi S, Gualandri R, Fasulo MP (2000) Carotenoid and ultrastructure variations in plastids of Arum italicum Miller fruit during maturation and ripening. Journal of Experimental Botany 51(346): 873-884.
  • Boyce PC (1993) The genus Arum. Kew, Royal Botanic Gardens.
  • Boyce PC (2006) Arum-A decade of change. Aroideana, 29: 132-137.
  • Bryan EJ (2002) Bulbs Timber press. Inc.
  • Chen F, Kuehnle A (1999) Micropropagation of Spathiphyllum cv. Sensation from in vitro etiolated internode explants. XVI International Botanical Congress, St Louis MO USA.
  • Davis PH (1984) Grayum MH, 1990 Linz 2010 Flora of Turkey, Vol 8 and 10. Edinburg.
  • Demirci S, Ozhatay N (2012) An ethnobotanical study in Kahramanmaraş (Turkey) wild plants used for medicinal purpose in Andirin, Kahramanmaraş. Turkish journal of pharmaceutical sciences 9(1): 75-92.
  • Espindola A, Buerki S, Kupfer P, Bedalov M, Alvarez N (2010) New insights into the phylogeny and biogeography of Arum L. (Araceae): unravelling its evolutionary history. Botanical journal of the linnean society 163: 14-32.
  • Everest A, Ozturk E (2005) Focusing on the ethnobotanical uses of plants in Mersin and Adana provinces (Turkey). Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine 1: 1-6.
  • Farid MM, Hussein SR, Ibrahim LF, El Desouky MA, Elsayed AM, Saker MM (2014) Shoot generation, biochemical, molecular and phytochemical investigation of Arum palaestinum Boiss. African Journal of Biotechnology 13(34): 3522-3530.
  • Gamborg OL, Miller RA, Ojima K (1968) Nutrient requirements of suspension cultures of soybean root cells. Experimental Cell Research 50(1): 151–158.
  • Grayum MH (1990) Evolution and phylogenie of the Araceae. Annals of the Missouri botanical graden 11: 628-697.
  • Gurhan G, Ezer N (2004) Halk arasında hemoroit tedavisinde kullanılan bitkiler. Hacettepe Universitesi Eczacılık Fakultesi Dergisi 24(1): 37-55.
  • Hamidah M, Karim A, Debergh P (1997) Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in Anthurium scherzerianum. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 48: 189–193.
  • İpek A, Çöçü S, Uranbey S, Kaya MD, Gürbüz B, Arslan N, Sancak C, Akdoğan G, Özcan S (2009) In vitro bulblet production from immature embryos of ornamental plant Ornithogalum platyphyllum Boiss. Research Journal of Biotechnology 4(4): 25-29.
  • Kandemir N (2008) Ordu çevresinde yayılış gösteren Arum L. (Araceae) cinsinin bazı türleri üzerinde morfolojik ve anatomik incelemeler. Biyoloji Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi 1(2): 37–43.
  • Kozuharova E, Kochmarov V, Kachaunova E, Espíndola A, Aleksandrov B, Mincheva I (2014) Distribution of Arum (Araceae) in Bulgaria. Version of Record published online 24: 51-62.
  • Linz J, Stokl J, Urru I, Krugel T, Stensmyr MC, Hansson BS (2010) Molecular phylogeny of the genus Arum (Araceae) inferred from multi-locus sequence data and AFLPs. Taxon 59(2): 405-415.
  • Lobin W, Neumann M, Bogner J, Boyce PC (2007) A new Arum species (Areae, Araceae) from NE Turkey and Georgia. Willdenowia 37: 445-449.
  • Matsumoto T, Webb D, Kuehnle A (1996) Histology and origin of somatic embryos derived from Anthurium andraeanum Linden ex Andre lamina. Journalof the American Society for Horticultural science 121: 404-407.
  • Mirici S, Parmaksız İ, Özcan S, Sancak C, Uranbey S, Sarıhan EO, Gümüşcü A, Gürbüz B, Arslan N (2005) Large Scale in vitro Bulblet Production from İmmature Embryos of Endangered Sternbergia fischeriana. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 80, 239-246.
  • Murashige T, Skoog F (1962) A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol Plant 15: 473–497.
  • Paek KY, Murthy HN (2002) High frequency of bulblet regeneration from bulb scale sections of fritillaria thunbergii. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 68: 247-252.
  • Polat R, Cakilcioglu U, Satıl S (2013) Tradition aluses of medicinal plants in Solhan Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 148: 951–963.
  • Prime CT (1960) Lords and Ladies. Collins, London, 241.
  • Rani V, Raina SN (2000) Genetic fidelity of organized meristemderived micropropagated plants: a critical reappraisal. In vitro cellular and developmental Biology Plant 36(5): 319–330.
  • Shibli RA, Duwayri MA, Sawwan JS, Mohamad AS, Al-Qudah TS (2012) Regeneration via somatic embryogenesis of the endangered wild arum (Arum pa-laestinum). In vitro cellular and developmental biology plant 48(3): 335-340.
  • Snedecor GW, Cochran WG (1967) Statistical Methods. The Iowa State University.
  • Tıpırdamaz R, Ellialtıoğlu Ş, Çakırlar H (1999) Kardelenin (Galanthus ikariae Baker.) doku kültürü yoluyla çoğaltımı: eksplant tipi, ortam pH’sı ve karbonhidrat kaynağının soğancık oluşumuna etkisi. Trurkish journal of agriculture and forestry 23(4): 823-830.
  • Uranbey S, Ipek A, Caliskan M, Dundar E, Çöçü S, Basalma D, Guneylioglu H (2010) In vitro bulblet ınduction from bulb scales of endangered ornamental plant Muscari Azureum. Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment 24(2): 1843-1848.
  • Werbrouck S, Eeckhaut T, Debergh P (2000) Induction and conversion of somatic embryogenesis on the anther filament of Spathiphyllum. Acta Horticulturae 520: 263–269.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Hussein Abdullah Ahmed Ahmed This is me 0000-0003-2634-6854

Serkan Uranbey 0000-0001-6474-1527

Cennet Yaman

Publication Date December 3, 2018
Submission Date August 7, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Ahmed, H. A. A., Uranbey, S., & Yaman, C. (2018). Sürgün uçları kullanarak tıbbi ve süs bitkisi özelliği olan Arum italicum MILLER bitkisinden in vitro sürgün çoğaltımı. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 31(3), 295-300.
AMA Ahmed HAA, Uranbey S, Yaman C. Sürgün uçları kullanarak tıbbi ve süs bitkisi özelliği olan Arum italicum MILLER bitkisinden in vitro sürgün çoğaltımı. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. December 2018;31(3):295-300. doi:10.29136/mediterranean.451778
Chicago Ahmed, Hussein Abdullah Ahmed, Serkan Uranbey, and Cennet Yaman. “Sürgün uçları Kullanarak tıbbi Ve süs Bitkisi özelliği Olan Arum Italicum MILLER Bitkisinden in Vitro sürgün çoğaltımı”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 31, no. 3 (December 2018): 295-300.
EndNote Ahmed HAA, Uranbey S, Yaman C (December 1, 2018) Sürgün uçları kullanarak tıbbi ve süs bitkisi özelliği olan Arum italicum MILLER bitkisinden in vitro sürgün çoğaltımı. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 31 3 295–300.
IEEE H. A. A. Ahmed, S. Uranbey, and C. Yaman, “Sürgün uçları kullanarak tıbbi ve süs bitkisi özelliği olan Arum italicum MILLER bitkisinden in vitro sürgün çoğaltımı”, Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 295–300, 2018, doi: 10.29136/mediterranean.451778.
ISNAD Ahmed, Hussein Abdullah Ahmed et al. “Sürgün uçları Kullanarak tıbbi Ve süs Bitkisi özelliği Olan Arum Italicum MILLER Bitkisinden in Vitro sürgün çoğaltımı”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 31/3 (December 2018), 295-300.
JAMA Ahmed HAA, Uranbey S, Yaman C. Sürgün uçları kullanarak tıbbi ve süs bitkisi özelliği olan Arum italicum MILLER bitkisinden in vitro sürgün çoğaltımı. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2018;31:295–300.
MLA Ahmed, Hussein Abdullah Ahmed et al. “Sürgün uçları Kullanarak tıbbi Ve süs Bitkisi özelliği Olan Arum Italicum MILLER Bitkisinden in Vitro sürgün çoğaltımı”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 31, no. 3, 2018, pp. 295-00, doi:10.29136/mediterranean.451778.
Vancouver Ahmed HAA, Uranbey S, Yaman C. Sürgün uçları kullanarak tıbbi ve süs bitkisi özelliği olan Arum italicum MILLER bitkisinden in vitro sürgün çoğaltımı. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2018;31(3):295-300.

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