Research Article
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Ameliorative effects of vitamin E on sperm morphological defects of cocks fed fumonisin B1 contaminated diets

Year 2021, Volume: 34 Issue: 2, 241 - 247, 02.08.2021


The study investigated the ameliorative effect of vitamin E on testicular parameters, semen characteristics and sperm morphology of mature cocks fed Fumonisin B1 (FB1) contaminated diets. Twenty four weeks old 160 cocks were used for the 16 weeks experiment. The cocks were assigned to eight experimental diets, six diets contained varying inclusion levels of FB1 with and without the inclusion of vitamin E. Diets 2, 3, and 4 contained 10, 20, and 30 mg kg-1 FB1 respectively without vitamin E while Diets 6, 7, and 8 contained 10, 20, and 30 mg kg-1 FB1 respectively with 200 mg kg-1 vitamin E each. Diet 1 was the control without vitamin E while Diet 5 was the control with vitamin E. Each group was replicated four times with five cocks per replicate in a completely randomized design. There were significant (P<0.05) reductions in the left, right, and paired testicular weights and volumes as well as the paired epididymal weight of the cocks fed diets contaminated with varying levels of FB1 while the testicular densities were not significantly (P>0.05) influenced. The ejaculate volume, sperm motility, total sperm cells, total motile cells, mass activity, and total live cells of the cocks fed varying levels of FB1 were equally significantly (P<0.05) reduced. However, significant (P<0.05) increases were observed in the secondary sperm morphological abnormalities such as curved tails, headless tails, and rudimentary tails. Inclusion of vitamin E in the diets significantly (P<0.05) improved the affected parameters, especially, among the cocks fed 10 mg FB1/kg diet. Therefore, vitamin E is recommended as a feed additive to improve the reproductive potentials of cocks fed FB1-contaminated diets.


  • Adu OA, Gbore FA (2015) Vitamin E ameliorates the impacts of dietary fumonisin B1 on growth and blood profile of rabbits. Annals of Biological Sciences 3(3):12-19.
  • Alkan S, Baran A, Ozdas OB, Evesen M (2002) Morphological defects in turkey semen. Turkish. Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science 26: 1087-1092.
  • Alpsoy L, Yildirim A, Agar G (2009) The antioxidant effects of vitamin A, C, and E on aflatoxin B1-induced oxidative stress in human lymphocytes. Toxicology and Industrial Health 25: 121-127.
  • Citil M, Gunes V, Atakisi O, Ozcan A, Tuzcu M, Dogan A (2005) Protective effect of L-carnitine against oxidative damage caused by experimental chronic aflatoxicosis in quail (Coturnix coturnix). Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 53(3): 319-324. doi: 10.1556/avet.53.2005.3.5.
  • Ewuola EO, Gbore FA, Ogunlade JT, Egbunike GN (2007) Growth response of rabbit bucks fed dietary fumonisin B1. Tropical Journal of Animal Science 10: 257-262.
  • Ewuola EO, Gbore FA, Ogunlade JT, Bandyopadhyay R, Niezen J, Egbunike GN (2008) Physiological response of rabbit bucks to dietary fumonisin: performance, haematology and serum biochemistry. Mycopathologia 165(2): 99-104. doi: 10.1007/s11046-007-9083-y.
  • Ewuola EO, Egbunike GN (2010) Effects of dietary fumonisin B1 on the onset of puberty, semen quality, fertility rates and testicular morphology in male rabbits. Reproduction 139: 439-445.
  • Gbore FA (2009) Reproductive organs weight and semen quality of pubertal boars fed dietary fumonisin B1. Animal 3(8): 1133-1137.
  • Gbore FA, Adu OA (2017) Ameliorative potential of vitamin E on the impact of dietary fumonisin B1 on reproductive performance of female rabbits. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics 118(2): 161-169.
  • Khan WA, Khan MZ, Khan A, Hassan ZU, Saleemi MK (2014) Potential for amelioration of aflatoxin B1-induced immunotoxic effects in progeny of white leghorn breeder hens co-exposed to vitamin. Journal of Immunotoxicology 11(2): 116-125. doi: 10.3109/1547691X.2013.804134.
  • Ogunlade JT, Egbunike GN (2013) Fumonisin mycotoxicity in laying hens: haematology, serum biochemistry and organ characteristics. Global Advances and Research Journal of Environment, Science and Toxicology 2(2): 47-53.
  • Ogunlade JT (2015) Effects of dietary fumonisin B1 on reproductive organs and semen quality indices of breeder cocks. Journal of Biology Agriculture and Health Care 6: 28-33.
  • Ogunlade JT (2019) Gonadal, extra gonadal sperm reserve and daily sperm production of breeder cocks fed graded levels of dietary fumonisin B1. International Journal of Animal Research 3(22): 1-7.
  • Olarotimi OJ, Sokunbi OA, Abdullah AR (2015) Determination of daily sperm production (DSP) in rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) bucks using testicular parameters. Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5(4): 141-148.
  • Olarotimi OJ, Adu OA (2020) Semen characteristics, gonadal and extragonadal sperm reserves in cocks fed diets containing different inclusion levels of monosodium glutamate. Slovak Journal of Animal Science 53(1): 1-11.
  • Olukole SG, Oyeyemi MO, Oke BO (2014) Semen characteristics and spermiogram of the African greater cane rat (thryonomys swinderianus, temminick). Slovak Journal of Animal Science 47 (3): 125-131.
  • Omirinde JO, Ozegbe PC, Oyeyemi MO (2014) Comparative evaluation of the sperm characteristics and morphology of adult Wistar rats fed either low or normal protein-energy diets and orally dosed with aqueous Cuscuta australis extracts. Nigerian Journal of Physiological Science 29: 055-061.
  • Qingqing H, Linbo Y, Yunqian G, Shuqiang L (2012) Toxic effects of citrinin on the male reproductive system in mice. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 64: 465-469.
  • Saba AB, Oridupa OA, Oyeyemi MO, Osanyigbe OD (2008) Spermatozoa morphology and characteristics of male wistar rats administered with ethanolic extract of Lagenaria Breviflora Roberts. African Journal of Biotechnology 8(7): 1170-1175.
  • Supriya C, Girish BP, Reddy PS (2014) Aflatoxin B1-Induced reproductive toxicity in male rats: possible mechanism of action. International Journal of Toxicology 33: 155-161.
  • Surai PF, Kochish II, Romanov MN, Griffin DK (2019) Nutritional modulation of the antioxidant capacities in poultry: the case of vitamin E. Poultry Science 98(9): 4030-4041. doi: 10.3382/ps/pez072. PMID: 30805637.
  • Tardieu D, Travel A, Metayer JP, Le Bourhis C, Guerre P (2019) Fumonisin B1, B2 and B3 in muscle and liver of broiler chickens and turkey poults fed with diets containing fusariotoxins at the EU maximum tolerable level. Toxins 11(10): 590. doi:
  • Verma RJ, Nair A (2001) Vitamin E ameliorates aflatoxin-induced biochemical changes in the testis of mice. Asian Journal Andrology 3: 305-309.
  • Yang JY, Zhang YF, Liang AM, Kong XF, Li YX, Ma KW, Jing AH, Feng SY, Qiao XL (2010) Toxic effects of T-2 toxin on reproductive system in male mice. Toxicology and Industrial Health 26: 25-31.
  • Zhang M, He Z, Wen L, Wu J, Yuan L, Lu Y, Guo C, Zhu L, Deng S, Yuan H (2010) Cadmium suppresses the proliferation of piglet Sertoli cells and causes their DNA damage, cell apoptosis and aberrant ultrastructure. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 8: 97.

Fumonisin B1 ile kontamine rasyonlarla beslenen horozların sperm morfolojik kusurları üzerine E vitamininin iyileştirici etkileri

Year 2021, Volume: 34 Issue: 2, 241 - 247, 02.08.2021


Bu çalışmada, E vitamini takviyesinin, Fumonisin B1 (FB1) kontamine diyetlerle beslenen erişkin horozların testis parametreleri, semen özellikleri ve sperm morfolojisi üzerindeki iyileştirici etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla, 16 hafta süren deneme için 24 haftalık yaştaki 160 horoz kullanılmıştır. Materyal, farklı FB1 düzeyleri içeren altı rasyonun yanında, E vitamini içeren ve içermeyen rasyon olmak üzere sekiz gruba ayrılmışlardır. 2, 3 ve 4 nolu grup, E vitamini içermeyip sırasıyla 10, 20 ve 30 mg kg-1 FB1 içerirken, 6, 7 ve 8 nolu grup, 200 mg kg-1 E vitamininin yanında sırasıyla 10, 20 ve 30 mg kg-1 FB1 içermektedir. 1 nolu grup, E vitamini içermeyen kontrol grubu ve 5 nolu grup E vitamini içerikli kontrol grubudur. Hayvanlar her bir gruba, beş horozdan oluşan dörder tekerrür olacak şekilde şansa bağlı olarak dağıtılmışlardır. İnceleme sonucunda, farklı düzeylerde FB1 kontamine rasyonlarla beslenen horozların sol, sağ ve eşli testis ağırlıkları ve hacimlerinin yanı sıra eşli epididimal ağırlıklarında önemli (P<0.05) azalmalar olduğu, testis yoğunluklarındaki değişimin ise anlamlı olmadığı (P>0.05). ) görülmüştür. Ayrıca, farklı seviyelerde FB1 ile beslenen horozların ejakülat hacmi, sperm motilitesi, toplam sperm hücresi, toplam hareketli hücreler, kütle aktivitesi ve toplam canlı hücre sayısı önemli ölçüde azalmıştır (P<0.05). Bununla birlikte, kavisli kuyruk, başsız kuyruk ve ilkel kuyruk gibi ikincil sperm morfolojik anormalliklerinde önemli artışlar gözlenmiştir (P<0.05). Rasyonlara E vitamininin dahil edilmesi, özellikle 10 mg FB1/kg içeren rasyonla beslenen horozlarda, etkilenen parametreleri önemli ölçüde iyileştirmiştir (P<0.05). Bu nedenle, FB1 ile kontamine rasyonlarla beslenen horozların üreme potansiyellerini geliştirmek için yem katkı maddesi olarak E vitamini önerilmektedir.


  • Adu OA, Gbore FA (2015) Vitamin E ameliorates the impacts of dietary fumonisin B1 on growth and blood profile of rabbits. Annals of Biological Sciences 3(3):12-19.
  • Alkan S, Baran A, Ozdas OB, Evesen M (2002) Morphological defects in turkey semen. Turkish. Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science 26: 1087-1092.
  • Alpsoy L, Yildirim A, Agar G (2009) The antioxidant effects of vitamin A, C, and E on aflatoxin B1-induced oxidative stress in human lymphocytes. Toxicology and Industrial Health 25: 121-127.
  • Citil M, Gunes V, Atakisi O, Ozcan A, Tuzcu M, Dogan A (2005) Protective effect of L-carnitine against oxidative damage caused by experimental chronic aflatoxicosis in quail (Coturnix coturnix). Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 53(3): 319-324. doi: 10.1556/avet.53.2005.3.5.
  • Ewuola EO, Gbore FA, Ogunlade JT, Egbunike GN (2007) Growth response of rabbit bucks fed dietary fumonisin B1. Tropical Journal of Animal Science 10: 257-262.
  • Ewuola EO, Gbore FA, Ogunlade JT, Bandyopadhyay R, Niezen J, Egbunike GN (2008) Physiological response of rabbit bucks to dietary fumonisin: performance, haematology and serum biochemistry. Mycopathologia 165(2): 99-104. doi: 10.1007/s11046-007-9083-y.
  • Ewuola EO, Egbunike GN (2010) Effects of dietary fumonisin B1 on the onset of puberty, semen quality, fertility rates and testicular morphology in male rabbits. Reproduction 139: 439-445.
  • Gbore FA (2009) Reproductive organs weight and semen quality of pubertal boars fed dietary fumonisin B1. Animal 3(8): 1133-1137.
  • Gbore FA, Adu OA (2017) Ameliorative potential of vitamin E on the impact of dietary fumonisin B1 on reproductive performance of female rabbits. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics 118(2): 161-169.
  • Khan WA, Khan MZ, Khan A, Hassan ZU, Saleemi MK (2014) Potential for amelioration of aflatoxin B1-induced immunotoxic effects in progeny of white leghorn breeder hens co-exposed to vitamin. Journal of Immunotoxicology 11(2): 116-125. doi: 10.3109/1547691X.2013.804134.
  • Ogunlade JT, Egbunike GN (2013) Fumonisin mycotoxicity in laying hens: haematology, serum biochemistry and organ characteristics. Global Advances and Research Journal of Environment, Science and Toxicology 2(2): 47-53.
  • Ogunlade JT (2015) Effects of dietary fumonisin B1 on reproductive organs and semen quality indices of breeder cocks. Journal of Biology Agriculture and Health Care 6: 28-33.
  • Ogunlade JT (2019) Gonadal, extra gonadal sperm reserve and daily sperm production of breeder cocks fed graded levels of dietary fumonisin B1. International Journal of Animal Research 3(22): 1-7.
  • Olarotimi OJ, Sokunbi OA, Abdullah AR (2015) Determination of daily sperm production (DSP) in rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) bucks using testicular parameters. Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5(4): 141-148.
  • Olarotimi OJ, Adu OA (2020) Semen characteristics, gonadal and extragonadal sperm reserves in cocks fed diets containing different inclusion levels of monosodium glutamate. Slovak Journal of Animal Science 53(1): 1-11.
  • Olukole SG, Oyeyemi MO, Oke BO (2014) Semen characteristics and spermiogram of the African greater cane rat (thryonomys swinderianus, temminick). Slovak Journal of Animal Science 47 (3): 125-131.
  • Omirinde JO, Ozegbe PC, Oyeyemi MO (2014) Comparative evaluation of the sperm characteristics and morphology of adult Wistar rats fed either low or normal protein-energy diets and orally dosed with aqueous Cuscuta australis extracts. Nigerian Journal of Physiological Science 29: 055-061.
  • Qingqing H, Linbo Y, Yunqian G, Shuqiang L (2012) Toxic effects of citrinin on the male reproductive system in mice. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 64: 465-469.
  • Saba AB, Oridupa OA, Oyeyemi MO, Osanyigbe OD (2008) Spermatozoa morphology and characteristics of male wistar rats administered with ethanolic extract of Lagenaria Breviflora Roberts. African Journal of Biotechnology 8(7): 1170-1175.
  • Supriya C, Girish BP, Reddy PS (2014) Aflatoxin B1-Induced reproductive toxicity in male rats: possible mechanism of action. International Journal of Toxicology 33: 155-161.
  • Surai PF, Kochish II, Romanov MN, Griffin DK (2019) Nutritional modulation of the antioxidant capacities in poultry: the case of vitamin E. Poultry Science 98(9): 4030-4041. doi: 10.3382/ps/pez072. PMID: 30805637.
  • Tardieu D, Travel A, Metayer JP, Le Bourhis C, Guerre P (2019) Fumonisin B1, B2 and B3 in muscle and liver of broiler chickens and turkey poults fed with diets containing fusariotoxins at the EU maximum tolerable level. Toxins 11(10): 590. doi:
  • Verma RJ, Nair A (2001) Vitamin E ameliorates aflatoxin-induced biochemical changes in the testis of mice. Asian Journal Andrology 3: 305-309.
  • Yang JY, Zhang YF, Liang AM, Kong XF, Li YX, Ma KW, Jing AH, Feng SY, Qiao XL (2010) Toxic effects of T-2 toxin on reproductive system in male mice. Toxicology and Industrial Health 26: 25-31.
  • Zhang M, He Z, Wen L, Wu J, Yuan L, Lu Y, Guo C, Zhu L, Deng S, Yuan H (2010) Cadmium suppresses the proliferation of piglet Sertoli cells and causes their DNA damage, cell apoptosis and aberrant ultrastructure. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 8: 97.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Olumuyiwa Joseph Olarotimi 0000-0002-5934-2529

Olufemi Adu 0000-0001-8967-7752

Olayinka Asolo

Dotun Olorunfemi This is me

Francis Gbore This is me 0000-0002-2634-3330

Publication Date August 2, 2021
Submission Date October 12, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 34 Issue: 2


APA Olarotimi, O. J., Adu, O., Asolo, O., Olorunfemi, D., et al. (2021). Ameliorative effects of vitamin E on sperm morphological defects of cocks fed fumonisin B1 contaminated diets. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 34(2), 241-247.
AMA Olarotimi OJ, Adu O, Asolo O, Olorunfemi D, Gbore F. Ameliorative effects of vitamin E on sperm morphological defects of cocks fed fumonisin B1 contaminated diets. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. August 2021;34(2):241-247. doi:10.29136/mediterranean.809370
Chicago Olarotimi, Olumuyiwa Joseph, Olufemi Adu, Olayinka Asolo, Dotun Olorunfemi, and Francis Gbore. “Ameliorative Effects of Vitamin E on Sperm Morphological Defects of Cocks Fed Fumonisin B1 Contaminated Diets”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 34, no. 2 (August 2021): 241-47.
EndNote Olarotimi OJ, Adu O, Asolo O, Olorunfemi D, Gbore F (August 1, 2021) Ameliorative effects of vitamin E on sperm morphological defects of cocks fed fumonisin B1 contaminated diets. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 34 2 241–247.
IEEE O. J. Olarotimi, O. Adu, O. Asolo, D. Olorunfemi, and F. Gbore, “Ameliorative effects of vitamin E on sperm morphological defects of cocks fed fumonisin B1 contaminated diets”, Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 241–247, 2021, doi: 10.29136/mediterranean.809370.
ISNAD Olarotimi, Olumuyiwa Joseph et al. “Ameliorative Effects of Vitamin E on Sperm Morphological Defects of Cocks Fed Fumonisin B1 Contaminated Diets”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 34/2 (August 2021), 241-247.
JAMA Olarotimi OJ, Adu O, Asolo O, Olorunfemi D, Gbore F. Ameliorative effects of vitamin E on sperm morphological defects of cocks fed fumonisin B1 contaminated diets. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2021;34:241–247.
MLA Olarotimi, Olumuyiwa Joseph et al. “Ameliorative Effects of Vitamin E on Sperm Morphological Defects of Cocks Fed Fumonisin B1 Contaminated Diets”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 34, no. 2, 2021, pp. 241-7, doi:10.29136/mediterranean.809370.
Vancouver Olarotimi OJ, Adu O, Asolo O, Olorunfemi D, Gbore F. Ameliorative effects of vitamin E on sperm morphological defects of cocks fed fumonisin B1 contaminated diets. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2021;34(2):241-7.

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