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Virus diseases limiting greenhouses and open field production of cucurbits in Antalya province

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 37 Sayı: 2, 57 - 65, 02.08.2024


The Mediterranean region in Türkiye is noted for the production of cucurbits and other vegetables. As such, the aim of this study was to sample symptomatic cucurbits crops from open fields and greenhouses where there is active cultivation of these crops. Young shoot, leaves, and fruits exhibiting virus-like symptoms (yellowing, mosaic, necrotic) were collected. Out of 968 plant samples collected and tested through RT-PCR and PCR, 949 were discovered to be infected with several viruses. The identified virus diseases included ZYMV, WMV, PRSV, SqMV, CGMV, CYSDV, BPYV, CABYV, ToLCNDV and CMV. In terms of hosts exhibiting a high incidence of virus infections, cucumber (363 samples), squash (277 samples), melon (201 samples), and watermelon (108 samples) emerged as the top four hosts. Additionally, viruses with notable high incidences in the collected samples, as recorded through molecular testing in decreasing order included ZYMV at 28.1%, CYSDV at 15.5%, and WMV at 14.4%. Also, 90% of samples collected from open fields had single or multiple infection. In contrast, 26.4% of samples from greenhouses exhibited mosaic symptoms and 74.6% showed yellowing symptoms. Notably, MNSV and BPYV, were detected in these samples. The samples also exhibiting mixed infections predominantly displayed mosaic symptoms, including mixed infections such as ZYMV with WMV, ZYMV with CMV, CMV with WMV, and CMV with PRSV. In contrast, samples obtained from open fields showed a higher prevalence of yellowing symptoms, such as ToLCNDV with CMV, ToLCNDV with ZYMV, ZYMV with CMV with CYSDV, and ZYMV with CMV with CVYV.


  • Arslan S, Çulal KH, Yardımcı N (2020a) Two Crinivirus Threatening Greenhouse Cucumber and Melon Plants in Mediterranean Region of Turkey: Cucurbit Yellow Stunting Disorder Virus (CYSDV), Cucurbit Chlorotic Yellows Virus (CCYV). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 29: 7980-7986.
  • Arslan S, Yardımcı N, Çulal KH (2020b) Serological and Molecular Characterization of The Cucurbit Aphid-Borne Yellows Virus Affecting Cucurbits in Southern Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 29: 7239-7245.
  • Bi X, Li X, Yu H, An M, Li R, Xia Z, Wu Y (2019) Development of a multiplex RT-PCR assay for simultaneous detection of Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus and Acidovorax citrulli in watermelon. PeerJ 7:e7539. doi: 10.7717/peerj.7539. PMID: 31497401; PMCID: PMC6708580.
  • Brown JK, Guerrero JC, Matheron M, Olsen M, Idris AM (2007) Widespread outbreak of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus in melon, squash, and watermelon crops in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona and Sonora, Mexico. Plant Diseases 91: 773.
  • Decoteau DD (2000) Vegetable Crops. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 16, 109-126.
  • Desbiez C, Joannon B, Wipf-Scheibel C, Chandeysson C, Lecoq H (2009) Emergence of new strains of Watermelon mosaic virus in South-eastern France: Evidence for limited spread but rapid local population shift. Virus Research 141(2): 201-208.
  • Doyle JJ, Doyle JL (1987) A rapid DNA isolation procedure for small quantities of fresh leaf tissue. Phytochemistry Bulletin 19: 11-15.
  • FAO (2021) Accessed 31 March, 2023.
  • Fidan H, Unlu A, Koc G, Unlu M (2010) Turkiye’de Hıyar Bitkisinde Yeni Bir Virus Hastalıgı. Melon Necrotic Spot Virus (MNSV) VIII. Sebze Tarım Sempozyumu 23 Haziran-26 Haziran 2010 - VAN / Türkiye, s. 490-494.
  • Fidan H, Yildiz K, Sarikaya P, Calis O (2023a) First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus in Türkiye. New Disease Reports 47(2).
  • Fidan H, Yıldız K, Sarıkaya P (2023b) Molecular detection of resistance‐breaking strain Cucumber mosaic virus (rbCMV)(Cucumovirus; Bromoviridae) on resistant commercial pepper cultivars in Turkey. Journal of Phytopathology 171(6): 234-241.
  • Gu QS, Liu YH, Wang YH, Huangfu WG, Gu HF, Xu L, Song FM, Brown JK (2011) First report of Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus in cucumber, melon, and watermelon in China. Plant Diseases 95: 73.
  • Gyoutoku Y, Okazaki S, Furuta A, Etoh T, Mizobe M, Kuno K, Hayashida S, Okuda M, (2009) Chlorotic yellows disease of melon caused by Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus, a new Crinivirus. Japanese Journal. Phytopathology 75: 109-111.
  • Huang LH, Tseng HH, Li JT, Chen TC (2010) First report of Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus infecting cucurbits in Taiwan. Plant Disease 94: 1168.
  • Juárez M, Tovar R, Fiallo-Olivé E, Aranda MA, Gosálvez B, Castillo P, Navas-Castillo J (2014) First detection of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting zucchini in Spain. Plant Disease 98(6): 857-857.
  • Kamberoglu M A, Caliskan AF, Desbiez C (2016) Current status of some cucurbit viruses in Cukurova Region (Adana and Mersin Provinces) of Turkey and molecular characterization of Zucchini Yellow mosaic virus isolates. Romanian Biotechnological Letters 21(4): 11709-11719.
  • Kassem MA, Sempere RN, Juárez M, Aranda MA, Truniger V (2007) Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus is prevalent in field-grown cucurbit crops of southeastern Spain. Plant Disease 91(3): 232-238.
  • Kavalappara SR, Milner H, Sparks AN, McGregor C, Wintermantel WM, Bag S (2021) First report of cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus in association with other whitefly-transmitted viruses in squash (Cucurbita pepo) in Georgia. Plant Diseases. Jan 8. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-11-20-2429-PDN. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33417496.
  • Kızmaz MZ, Sağır A, Baloğlu S (2016) Diyarbakır ve Mardin İlleri Kabakgil Üretim Alanlarında Görülen Viral Hastalıkların Yaygınlıklarının ve Etmenlerinin Belirlenmesi. Ege Üniversitesi. Ziraat Fakakültesi. Dergisi 53(4): 397-406.
  • Kim JS, Yoon MK, Choi HS, Lee KH, Choi GS, Kim JY, Cho JD (1995) Zucchini yellow mosaic virus from Cucurbita moschata in Korea. RDA Journal Agriculture Science 37: 352-362.
  • Ko SJ, Lee YH, Cho MS, Park JW, Choi HS, Lim GC, Kim KH (2007) The incidence of virus diseases on melon in Jeonnam Province during 2000-2002. Plant Pathology Journal 23: 215-218.
  • Koç G, Fidan, H, Baloğlu S (2014) Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV), A Newly Reported Virus Diseases for Turkey in Squash species. The Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 43(1-2-3): 1-6.
  • Kütevin Z, Türkeş T (1987) Sebzecilik ve Genel Sebze Tarımı Prensipleri ve Pratik Sebzecilik Yöntemleri. İnkilap Kitabevi, Ankara cad: 95, İstanbul.
  • Kwak HR, Kim JS, Cho JD, Lee JH, Kim TS, Kim MK, Choi HS (2015) Characterization of Melon necrotic spot virus Occurring on Watermelon in Korea. Plant Pathology 31(4): 379-87.
  • Kwon JY, Hong JS, Kim MJ, Choi S, Min BE, Song EG, Kim HH, Ryu KH (2014) Simultaneous multiplex PCR detection of seven cucurbit-infecting viruses. Journal of Virological Methods 206: 133-9.
  • Lecoq H, Desbiez C (2012) Viruses of cucurbit crops in the Mediterranean region: an ever-changing Picture. Advances in Virus Research 84: 67-126.
  • Lee SH, Lee, KW (1981) Incidence of watermelon mosaic virus in cucurbits. Korean Journal Plant Protection 20: 191-195.
  • Lee KY, Lee BC, Park HC (1990) Occurrence of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus disease of watermelon in Korea. Korean Journal Plant Pathology 6: 250-255.
  • Liu Y, Li F, Li Y, Zhang S, Gao X, Xie Y, Tao X (2019) Identification distribution and occurrence of viruses in the main vegetables of China. Scientia Agricultura Sinica 52(2): 239-261.
  • Papayiannis LC, Ioannou N, Boubourakas IN, Dovas CI, Katis NI, Falk BW (2005) Incidence of viruses infecting cucurbits in Cyprus. Journal of Phytopathology 153(9): 530-535.
  • Reingold V, Lachman O, Koren A, Dombrovsky A (2013) First report of Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) symptoms in watermelon used for the discrimination of nonmarketable fruits in Israeli commercial fields. New Disease Reports 28: 11.
  • Rhee SJ, Kim YG, Kim EJ, Ryu SY, Kang SW, Jung SM, Lee GP (2010) Construction of two types of cucumber fruit mottle mosaic virus (CFMMV) infectious clone showing attenuated and typical mottle mosaic symptom. Korean Journal Horticulture Science Technology 28(Suppl. II): 149.
  • Robinson RW, Decker-Walters DS (1997) Cucurbits. New York Cab International, 1997. pp. 226. (Crop Production Science in Horticulture No.6).
  • Ryu KH, Min BE, Choi GS, Choi SH, Kwon SB, Noh GM, Yoon JY, Choi YM, Jang SH, Lee GP, Cho KH, Park WM (2000) Zucchini green mottle mosaic virus is a new tobamovirus; comparison of its coat protein gene with that of Kyuri green mottle mosaic virus. Archives of Virology 145(11): 2325-33.
  • Panno S, Iacono G, Davino M, Marchione S, Zappardo V, Bella P, ... & Davino S (2016) First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus affecting zucchini squash in an important horticultural area of southern Italy. New Disease Reports 33(6): 2044-0588.
  • Sarıkaya P, Yıldız K, Fırat G, Fidan H (2023) Research on Drawing Attention to Overlooked Viruses in Plant Viruses Causing Yellowing-Type Symptoms in Cucurbitaceae. International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research 7(1).
  • Tesoriero LA, Chambers G, Srivastava M, Smith S, Conde B, Tran-Nguyen LTT (2016) First report of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus in Australia. Australasian Plant Disease Notes 11(1): 1 doi: 10.1007/s13314-015-0186-x.
  • Tian T, Posis K (2014) First Report of Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus on Melon in the United States. Plant Disease Journal 98: 1163.
  • Tian G, Miao H, Yang Y, Zhou J, Lu H, Wang Y, Xie B, Zhang S, Gu X (2016) Genetic analysis and fine mapping of watermelon mosaic virus resistance gene in cucumber. Molecular Breeding 36(9): 1-11.
  • Topkaya Ş (2020) Kastamonu ili ve çevresinde kabakgil yetiştirilen alanlarda enfeksiyon oluşturan viral etmenlerin saptanması. Gaziosmanpaşa Bilimsel Araştırma Dergisi 9(1): 65-72.
  • Usharani TR, Laxmi V, Jalali S, Krishnareddy M (2013) Duplex PCR to detect both Papaya ring spot virus and Papaya leaf curl virus simultaneously from naturally infected papaya (Carica papaya L.). Indian journal of Biotechnology 12: 269-272.
  • Wang D, Li G, Du SS (2017) Occurrence of viruses infecting melon in Xinjiang of China and molecular characterization of watermelon mosaic virus isolates. European Journal of Plant Pathology 147 (4): 919-931.
  • Whitaker TW, Bemis WP (1975) Origin and evolution of the cultivated Cucurbita. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 362-368.
  • Xu Z, Chang L, Xu Z, Chang L (2017) Cucurbitaceae. Identification and Control of Common Weeds: Published Springer Singapore, November 2017 Volume 3, pp. 417-432. ISBNs 978-9-81-105402-0.
  • Yawalkar KS (1985) Cucurbitaceous or vine crops. Vegetable Crops of India, 150-158.
  • Zhang JX, Yun-Feng WU, Wang R, Luo ZP (2007) Complete nucleotide sequence of watermelon mosaic virus China isolate. Chinese Journal Virology 23(2): 153-156.
  • Zhao X, Zhou Q, Zhang L, Yan W, Sun N, Liang X, Deng C (2015) Comparison of three magnetic-bead-based RNA extraction methods for detection of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus by real-time RT-PCR. Archives of Virology 160(7): 1791-1796. doi: 10.1007/s00705-015-2444-9.
  • Zhao Z, Xiang J, Tian Q, Zhao W, Zhou T, Zhao L, Zhang (2022) Development of one-step multiplex RT-PCR assay for rapid simultaneous detection of five RNA viruses and Acidovorax citrulli in major cucurbitaceous crops in China. Archives of Microbiology 204(12): 696. doi: 10.1007/s00203-022-03304-y.PMID: 36350399.

Virus diseases limiting greenhouses and open field production of cucurbits in Antalya province

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 37 Sayı: 2, 57 - 65, 02.08.2024


The Mediterranean region in Türkiye is noted for the production of cucurbits and other vegetables. As such, the aim of this study was to sample symptomatic cucurbits crops from open fields and greenhouses where there is active cultivation of these crops. Young shoot, leaves, and fruits exhibiting virus-like symptoms (yellowing, mosaic, necrotic) were collected. Out of 968 plant samples collected and tested through RT-PCR and PCR, 949 were discovered to be infected with several viruses. The identified virus diseases included ZYMV, WMV, PRSV, SqMV, CGMV, CYSDV, BPYV, CABYV, ToLCNDV and CMV. In terms of hosts exhibiting a high incidence of virus infections, cucumber (363 samples), squash (277 samples), melon (201 samples), and watermelon (108 samples) emerged as the top four hosts. Additionally, viruses with notable high incidences in the collected samples, as recorded through molecular testing in decreasing order included ZYMV at 28.1%, CYSDV at 15.5%, and WMV at 14.4%. Also, 90% of samples collected from open fields had single or multiple infection. In contrast, 26.4% of samples from greenhouses exhibited mosaic symptoms and 74.6% showed yellowing symptoms. Notably, MNSV and BPYV, were detected in these samples. The samples also exhibiting mixed infections predominantly displayed mosaic symptoms, including mixed infections such as ZYMV with WMV, ZYMV with CMV, CMV with WMV, and CMV with PRSV. In contrast, samples obtained from open fields showed a higher prevalence of yellowing symptoms, such as ToLCNDV with CMV, ToLCNDV with ZYMV, ZYMV with CMV with CYSDV, and ZYMV with CMV with CVYV.


  • Arslan S, Çulal KH, Yardımcı N (2020a) Two Crinivirus Threatening Greenhouse Cucumber and Melon Plants in Mediterranean Region of Turkey: Cucurbit Yellow Stunting Disorder Virus (CYSDV), Cucurbit Chlorotic Yellows Virus (CCYV). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 29: 7980-7986.
  • Arslan S, Yardımcı N, Çulal KH (2020b) Serological and Molecular Characterization of The Cucurbit Aphid-Borne Yellows Virus Affecting Cucurbits in Southern Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 29: 7239-7245.
  • Bi X, Li X, Yu H, An M, Li R, Xia Z, Wu Y (2019) Development of a multiplex RT-PCR assay for simultaneous detection of Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus and Acidovorax citrulli in watermelon. PeerJ 7:e7539. doi: 10.7717/peerj.7539. PMID: 31497401; PMCID: PMC6708580.
  • Brown JK, Guerrero JC, Matheron M, Olsen M, Idris AM (2007) Widespread outbreak of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus in melon, squash, and watermelon crops in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona and Sonora, Mexico. Plant Diseases 91: 773.
  • Decoteau DD (2000) Vegetable Crops. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 16, 109-126.
  • Desbiez C, Joannon B, Wipf-Scheibel C, Chandeysson C, Lecoq H (2009) Emergence of new strains of Watermelon mosaic virus in South-eastern France: Evidence for limited spread but rapid local population shift. Virus Research 141(2): 201-208.
  • Doyle JJ, Doyle JL (1987) A rapid DNA isolation procedure for small quantities of fresh leaf tissue. Phytochemistry Bulletin 19: 11-15.
  • FAO (2021) Accessed 31 March, 2023.
  • Fidan H, Unlu A, Koc G, Unlu M (2010) Turkiye’de Hıyar Bitkisinde Yeni Bir Virus Hastalıgı. Melon Necrotic Spot Virus (MNSV) VIII. Sebze Tarım Sempozyumu 23 Haziran-26 Haziran 2010 - VAN / Türkiye, s. 490-494.
  • Fidan H, Yildiz K, Sarikaya P, Calis O (2023a) First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus in Türkiye. New Disease Reports 47(2).
  • Fidan H, Yıldız K, Sarıkaya P (2023b) Molecular detection of resistance‐breaking strain Cucumber mosaic virus (rbCMV)(Cucumovirus; Bromoviridae) on resistant commercial pepper cultivars in Turkey. Journal of Phytopathology 171(6): 234-241.
  • Gu QS, Liu YH, Wang YH, Huangfu WG, Gu HF, Xu L, Song FM, Brown JK (2011) First report of Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus in cucumber, melon, and watermelon in China. Plant Diseases 95: 73.
  • Gyoutoku Y, Okazaki S, Furuta A, Etoh T, Mizobe M, Kuno K, Hayashida S, Okuda M, (2009) Chlorotic yellows disease of melon caused by Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus, a new Crinivirus. Japanese Journal. Phytopathology 75: 109-111.
  • Huang LH, Tseng HH, Li JT, Chen TC (2010) First report of Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus infecting cucurbits in Taiwan. Plant Disease 94: 1168.
  • Juárez M, Tovar R, Fiallo-Olivé E, Aranda MA, Gosálvez B, Castillo P, Navas-Castillo J (2014) First detection of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting zucchini in Spain. Plant Disease 98(6): 857-857.
  • Kamberoglu M A, Caliskan AF, Desbiez C (2016) Current status of some cucurbit viruses in Cukurova Region (Adana and Mersin Provinces) of Turkey and molecular characterization of Zucchini Yellow mosaic virus isolates. Romanian Biotechnological Letters 21(4): 11709-11719.
  • Kassem MA, Sempere RN, Juárez M, Aranda MA, Truniger V (2007) Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus is prevalent in field-grown cucurbit crops of southeastern Spain. Plant Disease 91(3): 232-238.
  • Kavalappara SR, Milner H, Sparks AN, McGregor C, Wintermantel WM, Bag S (2021) First report of cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus in association with other whitefly-transmitted viruses in squash (Cucurbita pepo) in Georgia. Plant Diseases. Jan 8. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-11-20-2429-PDN. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33417496.
  • Kızmaz MZ, Sağır A, Baloğlu S (2016) Diyarbakır ve Mardin İlleri Kabakgil Üretim Alanlarında Görülen Viral Hastalıkların Yaygınlıklarının ve Etmenlerinin Belirlenmesi. Ege Üniversitesi. Ziraat Fakakültesi. Dergisi 53(4): 397-406.
  • Kim JS, Yoon MK, Choi HS, Lee KH, Choi GS, Kim JY, Cho JD (1995) Zucchini yellow mosaic virus from Cucurbita moschata in Korea. RDA Journal Agriculture Science 37: 352-362.
  • Ko SJ, Lee YH, Cho MS, Park JW, Choi HS, Lim GC, Kim KH (2007) The incidence of virus diseases on melon in Jeonnam Province during 2000-2002. Plant Pathology Journal 23: 215-218.
  • Koç G, Fidan, H, Baloğlu S (2014) Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV), A Newly Reported Virus Diseases for Turkey in Squash species. The Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 43(1-2-3): 1-6.
  • Kütevin Z, Türkeş T (1987) Sebzecilik ve Genel Sebze Tarımı Prensipleri ve Pratik Sebzecilik Yöntemleri. İnkilap Kitabevi, Ankara cad: 95, İstanbul.
  • Kwak HR, Kim JS, Cho JD, Lee JH, Kim TS, Kim MK, Choi HS (2015) Characterization of Melon necrotic spot virus Occurring on Watermelon in Korea. Plant Pathology 31(4): 379-87.
  • Kwon JY, Hong JS, Kim MJ, Choi S, Min BE, Song EG, Kim HH, Ryu KH (2014) Simultaneous multiplex PCR detection of seven cucurbit-infecting viruses. Journal of Virological Methods 206: 133-9.
  • Lecoq H, Desbiez C (2012) Viruses of cucurbit crops in the Mediterranean region: an ever-changing Picture. Advances in Virus Research 84: 67-126.
  • Lee SH, Lee, KW (1981) Incidence of watermelon mosaic virus in cucurbits. Korean Journal Plant Protection 20: 191-195.
  • Lee KY, Lee BC, Park HC (1990) Occurrence of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus disease of watermelon in Korea. Korean Journal Plant Pathology 6: 250-255.
  • Liu Y, Li F, Li Y, Zhang S, Gao X, Xie Y, Tao X (2019) Identification distribution and occurrence of viruses in the main vegetables of China. Scientia Agricultura Sinica 52(2): 239-261.
  • Papayiannis LC, Ioannou N, Boubourakas IN, Dovas CI, Katis NI, Falk BW (2005) Incidence of viruses infecting cucurbits in Cyprus. Journal of Phytopathology 153(9): 530-535.
  • Reingold V, Lachman O, Koren A, Dombrovsky A (2013) First report of Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) symptoms in watermelon used for the discrimination of nonmarketable fruits in Israeli commercial fields. New Disease Reports 28: 11.
  • Rhee SJ, Kim YG, Kim EJ, Ryu SY, Kang SW, Jung SM, Lee GP (2010) Construction of two types of cucumber fruit mottle mosaic virus (CFMMV) infectious clone showing attenuated and typical mottle mosaic symptom. Korean Journal Horticulture Science Technology 28(Suppl. II): 149.
  • Robinson RW, Decker-Walters DS (1997) Cucurbits. New York Cab International, 1997. pp. 226. (Crop Production Science in Horticulture No.6).
  • Ryu KH, Min BE, Choi GS, Choi SH, Kwon SB, Noh GM, Yoon JY, Choi YM, Jang SH, Lee GP, Cho KH, Park WM (2000) Zucchini green mottle mosaic virus is a new tobamovirus; comparison of its coat protein gene with that of Kyuri green mottle mosaic virus. Archives of Virology 145(11): 2325-33.
  • Panno S, Iacono G, Davino M, Marchione S, Zappardo V, Bella P, ... & Davino S (2016) First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus affecting zucchini squash in an important horticultural area of southern Italy. New Disease Reports 33(6): 2044-0588.
  • Sarıkaya P, Yıldız K, Fırat G, Fidan H (2023) Research on Drawing Attention to Overlooked Viruses in Plant Viruses Causing Yellowing-Type Symptoms in Cucurbitaceae. International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research 7(1).
  • Tesoriero LA, Chambers G, Srivastava M, Smith S, Conde B, Tran-Nguyen LTT (2016) First report of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus in Australia. Australasian Plant Disease Notes 11(1): 1 doi: 10.1007/s13314-015-0186-x.
  • Tian T, Posis K (2014) First Report of Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus on Melon in the United States. Plant Disease Journal 98: 1163.
  • Tian G, Miao H, Yang Y, Zhou J, Lu H, Wang Y, Xie B, Zhang S, Gu X (2016) Genetic analysis and fine mapping of watermelon mosaic virus resistance gene in cucumber. Molecular Breeding 36(9): 1-11.
  • Topkaya Ş (2020) Kastamonu ili ve çevresinde kabakgil yetiştirilen alanlarda enfeksiyon oluşturan viral etmenlerin saptanması. Gaziosmanpaşa Bilimsel Araştırma Dergisi 9(1): 65-72.
  • Usharani TR, Laxmi V, Jalali S, Krishnareddy M (2013) Duplex PCR to detect both Papaya ring spot virus and Papaya leaf curl virus simultaneously from naturally infected papaya (Carica papaya L.). Indian journal of Biotechnology 12: 269-272.
  • Wang D, Li G, Du SS (2017) Occurrence of viruses infecting melon in Xinjiang of China and molecular characterization of watermelon mosaic virus isolates. European Journal of Plant Pathology 147 (4): 919-931.
  • Whitaker TW, Bemis WP (1975) Origin and evolution of the cultivated Cucurbita. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 362-368.
  • Xu Z, Chang L, Xu Z, Chang L (2017) Cucurbitaceae. Identification and Control of Common Weeds: Published Springer Singapore, November 2017 Volume 3, pp. 417-432. ISBNs 978-9-81-105402-0.
  • Yawalkar KS (1985) Cucurbitaceous or vine crops. Vegetable Crops of India, 150-158.
  • Zhang JX, Yun-Feng WU, Wang R, Luo ZP (2007) Complete nucleotide sequence of watermelon mosaic virus China isolate. Chinese Journal Virology 23(2): 153-156.
  • Zhao X, Zhou Q, Zhang L, Yan W, Sun N, Liang X, Deng C (2015) Comparison of three magnetic-bead-based RNA extraction methods for detection of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus by real-time RT-PCR. Archives of Virology 160(7): 1791-1796. doi: 10.1007/s00705-015-2444-9.
  • Zhao Z, Xiang J, Tian Q, Zhao W, Zhou T, Zhao L, Zhang (2022) Development of one-step multiplex RT-PCR assay for rapid simultaneous detection of five RNA viruses and Acidovorax citrulli in major cucurbitaceous crops in China. Archives of Microbiology 204(12): 696. doi: 10.1007/s00203-022-03304-y.PMID: 36350399.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Fitopatoloji
Bölüm Makaleler

Hakan Fidan 0000-0002-0384-9486

Sefanur Çelik 0000-0002-2718-2604

Gökmen Koç 0000-0003-0473-0230

Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Ağustos 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 25 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 37 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Fidan, H., Çelik, S., & Koç, G. (2024). Virus diseases limiting greenhouses and open field production of cucurbits in Antalya province. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 37(2), 57-65.
AMA Fidan H, Çelik S, Koç G. Virus diseases limiting greenhouses and open field production of cucurbits in Antalya province. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. Ağustos 2024;37(2):57-65. doi:10.29136/mediterranean.1454954
Chicago Fidan, Hakan, Sefanur Çelik, ve Gökmen Koç. “Virus Diseases Limiting Greenhouses and Open Field Production of Cucurbits in Antalya Province”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 37, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2024): 57-65.
EndNote Fidan H, Çelik S, Koç G (01 Ağustos 2024) Virus diseases limiting greenhouses and open field production of cucurbits in Antalya province. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 37 2 57–65.
IEEE H. Fidan, S. Çelik, ve G. Koç, “Virus diseases limiting greenhouses and open field production of cucurbits in Antalya province”, Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, c. 37, sy. 2, ss. 57–65, 2024, doi: 10.29136/mediterranean.1454954.
ISNAD Fidan, Hakan vd. “Virus Diseases Limiting Greenhouses and Open Field Production of Cucurbits in Antalya Province”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 37/2 (Ağustos 2024), 57-65.
JAMA Fidan H, Çelik S, Koç G. Virus diseases limiting greenhouses and open field production of cucurbits in Antalya province. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2024;37:57–65.
MLA Fidan, Hakan vd. “Virus Diseases Limiting Greenhouses and Open Field Production of Cucurbits in Antalya Province”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, c. 37, sy. 2, 2024, ss. 57-65, doi:10.29136/mediterranean.1454954.
Vancouver Fidan H, Çelik S, Koç G. Virus diseases limiting greenhouses and open field production of cucurbits in Antalya province. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2024;37(2):57-65.

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Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.