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Epistemic Transmission and Originality in Greek-Karamanlidika Publications Related to Makam Music in 19th-Century Istanbul

Yıl 2023, , 124 - 154, 31.12.2023


Ottoman Istanbul retained its position as the cultural center of the Greek community for centuries. During this period, Greeks interacted with multicultural societies in the city. Their musical culture and interests were also influenced by social interactions. As a result, they recorded some Ottoman musical pieces in various manuscripts from the 16th to the 20th centuries. In the 19th century Greek musicians, mainly cantors, started to publish a series of works on Ottoman repertoire and theory. First, Euterpi (1830) was published in Istanbul. Then a number of publications emerged prior to 1909, at which point O Rithmographos, the last theoretical work of the time, was published. At that time, both the reform of the Orthodox Church (1814) under the influence of modernism and the spread of the printing press facilitated the distribution of such books. In order to write makam music with an efficient technique, they drew upon some theoretical principles from European, Ottoman and church music alike. Since these theoretical adaptations were the result of both technical needs and cultural tendencies, the Greeks cultivated an epistemic originality in terms of makam theory and its history. Moreover, this was the reason that a symbiotic knowledge emerged, drawing upon the aforementioned sources. This study aims to demonstrate both the symbiosis and the originality by examining the musical knowledge embedded in Greek-Karamanlidika publications. The sources will be evaluated in terms of notation, terminology, theory (makam and usûl), repertoire and historical understanding of the makam tradition. The aim of the study is to carry out musicological research on those publications in light of the multicultural character of 19th-century Istanbul.


  • Alygizakis, Antonios. E. (1990). “Εκκλησιαστικοί ήχοι και αραβοπερσικά μακάμια” (Ecclesiastical Echoi and Arab-Persian Makams). Grigorios o Palamas. 73 (732): 194-225.
  • Anastasiou, Gregorios G. (2005). Τα κρατήματα στην Ψαλτική Τέχνη. (Kratemata in the Psaltic Art). Athens: Institute of Byzantine Musicology (Studies 12).
  • Apostolopoulos, Thomas and Kalaitzidis, Kyriakos. (2019). Musical Treasures, Exegeses of Secular Oriental Music Part 1. Bucureşti: Editura Universitatii Nationale de Muzica Bucuresti. Arel, Hüseyin Sâdeddin. (1993). Türk Mûsıkîsi Nazariyatı Dersleri (Theoretical Lessons of Turkish Music). Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı.
  • Ayangil, Ruhi. (2008). “Western Notation in Turkish Music”. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. Series 3, 18 (4): 401-447. Retrieved from
  • Aydınlı, Rıdvan. (2020). “Osmanlı/Türk Müziği Geleneğinin Karamanlıca Kaynaklarında Usul Meselesi” (Rhythmical Issue (Usul) in Karamanlidika Sources of the Ottoman/Turkish Music Tradition), Master Thesis, Marmara University, Istanbul: Turkey.
  • Behar, Cem. (2008). “Geleneksel Osmanlı/Türk Musikisinin Tarihsel Kaynaklarından: Karamanlıca Yayınlar” (From Historical Sources of Traditional Ottoman/Turkish Music: Karamanlidika Publications), Musikiden Müziğe Osmanlı/Türk Müziği: Gelenek ve Modernlik (Ottoman/Turkish Music from Musiki to Music: Tradition and Modernity), 2nd ed. Istanbul: YKY Yayınları, pp. 244-268.
  • Bhabha, Homi K. (1994). The Location of Culture. London: Routledge.
  • Chalatzoglou, Panagiotis. (1900). “Σύγκρισις της Αραβοπερσικής μουσικής προς την ημέτεραν εκκλησιαστικήν ύπο Παναγιώτου Χαλάτζογλου” (Comparison of Arab-Persian Music with Our Ecclesiastical Music by Panagiotis Chalatzoglou), Iakovos Nafpliotis (Ed.). Parartima Ekklisiasthikis Alitheias 2, Istanbul: Patriarchal Printing Press, pp. 68-75.
  • Chaldaeaki, Evangelia. (2022). “Testimonies of Ottoman Turkish music in K. A. Psachos's archive”. Yegah Müzikoloji Dergisi. 5 (2): 202-236. Retrieved from
  • Chatzopoulos, Antonios. (2000). “Η εκκλησιαστική μουσική παιδεία στην εκκλησία της Κωνσταντινουπόλεως κατά το 19ο και 20ο αιώνα” (Ecclesiastical music education in the church of Istanbul during 19th and 20th centuries). PhD Thesis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki: Greece.
  • Chrysanthos of Madytos. (1832). Θεωρητικόν Μέγα της Μουσικής (Great Theory of Music). Trieste: Michele Weis.
  • Erol, Merih. (2009). “Cultural Identifications of the Greek Orthodox Elite of Constantinople: Discourse on Music in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries”. PhD Thesis, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Istanbul: Turkey.
  • Güray, Cenk. (2012). Bin Yılın Mirası Makamı Var Eden Döngü: Edvar Geleneği. (A Thousand Years of Heritage of Turkish Music: Edvar Tradition) İstanbul: Pan Yayıncılık.
  • Kalaitzidis, Kyriakos. (2012). Post-Byzantine Music Manuscripts as a Source for Oriental Secular Music (15th to Early 19th Century). (Koubaroulis, Kiriaki; Koubaroulis, Dimitri Trans.). Istanbul: Orient-Institut Istanbul.
  • Kalaitzidis, Kyriakos and Apostolopoulos, Thomas. (2015). “Byzantine And Post-Byzantine Musical Heritage”. From Antiquity to the 21st Century History of Istanbul, 7. Istanbul: İbb Kültür AŞ, pp. 20-35.
  • Karazeris, Georgios. (2018). “The Research of the Early Nineteenth Century Ottoman Musical Style Through the Examination of the Efterpi Musical Collection”. Master Thesis, Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Istanbul: Turkey.
  • Kiltzanidis, Panagiotis. (1888). Καλλίφωνος Σειρήν (Kalliphonos Seirin) Second Edition. Istanbul: Neologos. [Original Work Published 1859]
  • Kiltzanidis, Panagiotis. (1881). Μεθοδικὴ Διδασκαλία (Methodical Teaching). Istanbul: A. Koromila.
  • Kyriazidis, Agathangelos. (1909). Ὁ Ρυθμογράφος (The Rythmographer). Istanbul: Patriarchal Printing House.
  • Mavroidis, Marios. (1999). Οί Μουσικοί Τρόποι στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο, Ο Βυζαντινός Ήχος το Αραβικό Μακάμ το Τουρκικό Μακάμ (Musical Modes in Eastern Mediterranean Byzantine Echos Arabic Makam Turkish Makam). Athens: Fagotto.
  • Muallim İsmail Hakkı. (n. d.). Türk Musikisi Nota, Usul, Makamat ve Solfej Metodu (The Method of Turkish Music Notation, Usul, Makam and Solfege). Istanbul: İskender Kutmani Müzik Evi.
  • Olley, Jacob. (2017). “Writing Music in Nineteenth-Century Istanbul: Ottoman Armenians and the Invention of Hampartsum Notation”. Unpublished PhD Thesis, King’s College London, London: England.
  • Öztürk, Okan Murat; Beşiroğlu, Şehvar and Bayraktarkatal, Melik Ertuğrul. (2014). “Makamı Anlamak: Makam Nazariye Tarihinde Başlıca Modeller” (Understanding Makam: The Major Theoretical Models in the History of Makam Theory). Porte Akademik Müzik ve Dans Araştırmaları Dergisi. 10: 9-36.
  • Papadopoulos, Georgios. (1890). Συμβολαὶ εἰς τὴν ἱστορίαν τῆς παρ’ ἡμῖν ἐκκλησιαστικῆς μουσικῆς (Contributions to the History of Our Ecclesiastical Music). Athens: Printing House of Kousoulinos and Athanasiados.
  • Pappas, Miltiadis. (1997). “Kiltzanidis'in Kitabı” (The Book of Kiltzanidis). Master Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul: Turkey.
  • Pappas, Miltiadis. (2007). “Apostolos Konstas'ın Nazariyat Kitabı” (The Theoretical Book of Constas). PhD Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul: Turkey.
  • Pektaş, Nil. (2015). “The Beginnings of Printing in the Ottman Capital: Book Production and Circulation in Early Modern Constantinople”. Osmanlı Bilimi Araştırmaları. 16: 3-32. Retrieved from
  • Philoxenis, Kyriakos. (1859). Θεωρητικόν στοιχειώδες της μουσικής (Basic Theory of Music). Istanbul: S. Ignatidis.
  • Philoxenis, Kyriakos. (1868). Λεξικόν της Ελληνικής Εκκλησιαστικής Μουσικής (The Dictionary of Greek Ecclesiastical Music). Istanbul: Evangelinos Misailidis
  • Phokaeus, Theodoros P. & Vyzantios, Stavrakis. (1830). Εὐτέρπη (Euterpi). Istanbul: Galata Printing Press of Castro.
  • Phokaeus, Theodoros P. (1843). Ἡ Πανδώρα (Pandora) First Volume. Istanbul: Patriarchal Printing House.
  • Phokaeus, Theodoros P. (1846). Ἡ Πανδώρα (Pandora) Second Volume. Istanbul: Printing Press of Castro.
  • Phokaeus, Teodoros P. (1842). Κρηπίς του Θεωρητικού και πρακτικού της Εκκλησιαστιής Μουσικής (Foundation of Theory and Practice of the Ecclesiastical Music). Istanbul: Patriarchal Printing House.
  • Plemmenos, John. (2010). Ottoman Minority Musics: The Case of 18th Century Greek Phanariots. Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
  • Plemmenos, John. (2014). “The Rosary and the Rose: Clergymen as Creators of Secular Poetry and Music in Early-modern Balkans”. Muzikoloski Zbornik. 50(2): 77-91. Retrieved from
  • Plemmenos, John. (2021). The Deconstruction of Byzantine Mode-organization and the New Chrysanthine ‘Order’. Epistēmēs Metron Logos, (5). Retrieved from
  • Popescu Judetz, Eugenia; Sirli, Adriana. A. (2000). Sources of 18th Century Music. Panayiotes Chalatzoglu and Kyrillos Marmarinos Comparative Treatises on Secular Music. Istanbul: Pan Yayıncılık.
  • Protopsaltes, Gregorios. (19th c.). “Pesref Muhaiyi echos pl. a Terilelele”. Retrieved from
  • Poulos, Panagiotis C. (2019). “Spaces of Intercommunal Musical Relations in Ottoman Istanbul”. Yıllık: Annual of Istanbul Studies. 1: 181-191. Retrieved from
  • Psachos, Constantinos. (1906, June 30). “Περί του εννεάσημου ρυθμού εν τη ασιατική μουσική” (About Nine Beat Rhythms in Asian Music). Forminx, 6, pp. 1-2.
  • Psachos, Constantinos. (1908). Ασιάς Λύρα (Asian Lyre). Athens: Spyridon Kousoulinos.
  • Psachos, Constantinos. (2016). Μουσικὸν Ἡμερολόγιον τοῦ Βισέκτου Ἕτους 1896. (The Music Calendar of the Intercalary Year 1896). (First Edition) Achilleas G. Chaldaeakes [Ed.). Athens: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Music Department.
  • Psachos, Constantinos. (1978). Η παρασηµαντική της Βυζαντινής Μουσικής (The Notation of Byzantine Music) Georgios Chatzitheodorou (Ed.). Athens: Dionysos Publishing [Original work published in 1917].
  • Psachos, Constantinos. (1980). Το οκτάηχον σύστημα της βυζαντινής μουσικής, εκκλησιαστικής και δημώδους και το της αρμονικής συνηχήσεως (The Octoechos System of Byzantine, Church and Folk Music and of the Harmonious Consonance) Georgios Chatzitheodorou (Ed.). Neapolis-Kritis: M. I. Polychronakis. [Original work published in 1941].
  • Romanou. Katy. (1990). “A New Approach to the Work of Chrysanthos of Madytos: The New Method of Musical Notation in the Greek Church and the Mega Theoretikon tis Mousikis”. Studies in Eastern Chant. 5: 89-100.
  • Romanou, Katy (Ed.) (2010). “Introduction”, Great Theory of Music by Chrysantos Madytos (Romanou Katy, Trans.). New York: The Axion Estin Foundation, pp. 10-25.
  • Romanou, Katy; Barbaki, Maria. (2011). “Music Education in Nineteenth-Century Greece: Its Institutions and their Contribution to Urban Musical Life, Nineteenth-Century”. Music Review. 8: 57-84.
  • Sigalas, Antonios N. (1880). Συλλογὴ Ἐθνικῶν Ἁσμάτων (The Collection of National Songs). Athens: X. N. Philadelpheos.
  • Skoulios, Markos. (2003). “A Comparison of the Modal and Notational Systems of Ottoman-Turkish Classical and Byzantine Chanting Music Traditions”. Music in the Mediterranea, Modal classical traditions, Vol. 2 Theory and Practice, Ed. Feldman, Walter; Guettat, Mahmoud; Kerbage, Toufic. Thessaloniki: En Chordais, pp. 435-442. Retrieved from
  • Skoulios, Markos. (2012). “Modern Theory and Notation of Byzantine Chanting Tradition: A Near-Eastern Musicological Perspective”. NEMO Online, 1: 15-34.
  • Stephanos Domestikos and Constantinos Protopsaltis. (1843). Ερμηνεία της εξωτερικής μουσικής (Explanation of External Music). Istanbul: Patriarchal Printing Press.
  • Stephanos Lambadarios (1875). Κρηπίς (Kripis) Ioannis Protopsaltis (Ed.). Istanbul: Patriarchal Printing Press.
  • Şahin, Nevin; Güray, Cenk; Aydın, Ali Fuat. (2018). “Cross-Cultural Influences in Makam Theory: The Case of Greek Orthodox Theorists in the Ottoman Empire”. Musicologist, 2 (2): 115-126. Retrieved from DergiPark.
  • Şahin, Nevin; Güray, Cenk. (2021). “The Final Period in the Cycle: Evaluating the Works of Greek-Orthodox Music Theorists of the 19th Century Ottoman Music Scene as a Cultural Media for Constructing or Preserving National Identity”. The Relationship Between Art and Politics in the 19th Century Ottoman Empire: Instituonalization, Change and Continuity. Ed. Komsuoğlu, Ayşegül; Toker, Hikmet; Nardella, Federica. İstanbul: İstanbul University Press, pp. 169-178.
  • Touliatos, Diane. (1989). “Nonsense Syllables in the Music of the Ancient Greek and Byzantine Traditions”. The Journal of Musicology, 7(2): 231-243. Retrieved from JSTOR.
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  • Uslu, Recep. (2009). Saraydaki Kemancı, Hızır Ağa ve Müzik Teorisi (The Violinist in the Palace, Hızır Ağa and Music Theory). Revised third edition. Istanbul: İTÜ Yayınları.
  • Vlachakis, Nikolaos; Anagnostis, Stavrakis A. (1870). Ἡ Λεσβία Σαπφώ (Lesvia Sappho). Athens: Themis.
  • Vlachopoulos, Sotirios. (1848). Ἀρμονία (Armonia). Istanbul: E. Kagiol.
  • Voulgaris, D. Kanoni. (1870). Ἡ Ἡδύφθογγος Ἀηδών (Idiphthongos Aidon). Istanbul: P. Kiltzanidis.
  • Williams, Charles Francis Abdy. (1911). The Aristoxenian Theory of Musical Rhythm. UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Yalçın, Gökhan. (2016). 19. Yüzyıl Türk Musikisinde Haşim Bey Mecmuası Birinci Bölüm Edvâr (Haşim Bey’s Mecmua in the 19th Century Turkish Music First Part: Edvâr). Ankara: Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Başkanlığı.
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Yıl 2023, , 124 - 154, 31.12.2023



  • Alygizakis, Antonios. E. (1990). “Εκκλησιαστικοί ήχοι και αραβοπερσικά μακάμια” (Ecclesiastical Echoi and Arab-Persian Makams). Grigorios o Palamas. 73 (732): 194-225.
  • Anastasiou, Gregorios G. (2005). Τα κρατήματα στην Ψαλτική Τέχνη. (Kratemata in the Psaltic Art). Athens: Institute of Byzantine Musicology (Studies 12).
  • Apostolopoulos, Thomas and Kalaitzidis, Kyriakos. (2019). Musical Treasures, Exegeses of Secular Oriental Music Part 1. Bucureşti: Editura Universitatii Nationale de Muzica Bucuresti. Arel, Hüseyin Sâdeddin. (1993). Türk Mûsıkîsi Nazariyatı Dersleri (Theoretical Lessons of Turkish Music). Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı.
  • Ayangil, Ruhi. (2008). “Western Notation in Turkish Music”. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. Series 3, 18 (4): 401-447. Retrieved from
  • Aydınlı, Rıdvan. (2020). “Osmanlı/Türk Müziği Geleneğinin Karamanlıca Kaynaklarında Usul Meselesi” (Rhythmical Issue (Usul) in Karamanlidika Sources of the Ottoman/Turkish Music Tradition), Master Thesis, Marmara University, Istanbul: Turkey.
  • Behar, Cem. (2008). “Geleneksel Osmanlı/Türk Musikisinin Tarihsel Kaynaklarından: Karamanlıca Yayınlar” (From Historical Sources of Traditional Ottoman/Turkish Music: Karamanlidika Publications), Musikiden Müziğe Osmanlı/Türk Müziği: Gelenek ve Modernlik (Ottoman/Turkish Music from Musiki to Music: Tradition and Modernity), 2nd ed. Istanbul: YKY Yayınları, pp. 244-268.
  • Bhabha, Homi K. (1994). The Location of Culture. London: Routledge.
  • Chalatzoglou, Panagiotis. (1900). “Σύγκρισις της Αραβοπερσικής μουσικής προς την ημέτεραν εκκλησιαστικήν ύπο Παναγιώτου Χαλάτζογλου” (Comparison of Arab-Persian Music with Our Ecclesiastical Music by Panagiotis Chalatzoglou), Iakovos Nafpliotis (Ed.). Parartima Ekklisiasthikis Alitheias 2, Istanbul: Patriarchal Printing Press, pp. 68-75.
  • Chaldaeaki, Evangelia. (2022). “Testimonies of Ottoman Turkish music in K. A. Psachos's archive”. Yegah Müzikoloji Dergisi. 5 (2): 202-236. Retrieved from
  • Chatzopoulos, Antonios. (2000). “Η εκκλησιαστική μουσική παιδεία στην εκκλησία της Κωνσταντινουπόλεως κατά το 19ο και 20ο αιώνα” (Ecclesiastical music education in the church of Istanbul during 19th and 20th centuries). PhD Thesis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki: Greece.
  • Chrysanthos of Madytos. (1832). Θεωρητικόν Μέγα της Μουσικής (Great Theory of Music). Trieste: Michele Weis.
  • Erol, Merih. (2009). “Cultural Identifications of the Greek Orthodox Elite of Constantinople: Discourse on Music in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries”. PhD Thesis, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Istanbul: Turkey.
  • Güray, Cenk. (2012). Bin Yılın Mirası Makamı Var Eden Döngü: Edvar Geleneği. (A Thousand Years of Heritage of Turkish Music: Edvar Tradition) İstanbul: Pan Yayıncılık.
  • Kalaitzidis, Kyriakos. (2012). Post-Byzantine Music Manuscripts as a Source for Oriental Secular Music (15th to Early 19th Century). (Koubaroulis, Kiriaki; Koubaroulis, Dimitri Trans.). Istanbul: Orient-Institut Istanbul.
  • Kalaitzidis, Kyriakos and Apostolopoulos, Thomas. (2015). “Byzantine And Post-Byzantine Musical Heritage”. From Antiquity to the 21st Century History of Istanbul, 7. Istanbul: İbb Kültür AŞ, pp. 20-35.
  • Karazeris, Georgios. (2018). “The Research of the Early Nineteenth Century Ottoman Musical Style Through the Examination of the Efterpi Musical Collection”. Master Thesis, Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Istanbul: Turkey.
  • Kiltzanidis, Panagiotis. (1888). Καλλίφωνος Σειρήν (Kalliphonos Seirin) Second Edition. Istanbul: Neologos. [Original Work Published 1859]
  • Kiltzanidis, Panagiotis. (1881). Μεθοδικὴ Διδασκαλία (Methodical Teaching). Istanbul: A. Koromila.
  • Kyriazidis, Agathangelos. (1909). Ὁ Ρυθμογράφος (The Rythmographer). Istanbul: Patriarchal Printing House.
  • Mavroidis, Marios. (1999). Οί Μουσικοί Τρόποι στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο, Ο Βυζαντινός Ήχος το Αραβικό Μακάμ το Τουρκικό Μακάμ (Musical Modes in Eastern Mediterranean Byzantine Echos Arabic Makam Turkish Makam). Athens: Fagotto.
  • Muallim İsmail Hakkı. (n. d.). Türk Musikisi Nota, Usul, Makamat ve Solfej Metodu (The Method of Turkish Music Notation, Usul, Makam and Solfege). Istanbul: İskender Kutmani Müzik Evi.
  • Olley, Jacob. (2017). “Writing Music in Nineteenth-Century Istanbul: Ottoman Armenians and the Invention of Hampartsum Notation”. Unpublished PhD Thesis, King’s College London, London: England.
  • Öztürk, Okan Murat; Beşiroğlu, Şehvar and Bayraktarkatal, Melik Ertuğrul. (2014). “Makamı Anlamak: Makam Nazariye Tarihinde Başlıca Modeller” (Understanding Makam: The Major Theoretical Models in the History of Makam Theory). Porte Akademik Müzik ve Dans Araştırmaları Dergisi. 10: 9-36.
  • Papadopoulos, Georgios. (1890). Συμβολαὶ εἰς τὴν ἱστορίαν τῆς παρ’ ἡμῖν ἐκκλησιαστικῆς μουσικῆς (Contributions to the History of Our Ecclesiastical Music). Athens: Printing House of Kousoulinos and Athanasiados.
  • Pappas, Miltiadis. (1997). “Kiltzanidis'in Kitabı” (The Book of Kiltzanidis). Master Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul: Turkey.
  • Pappas, Miltiadis. (2007). “Apostolos Konstas'ın Nazariyat Kitabı” (The Theoretical Book of Constas). PhD Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul: Turkey.
  • Pektaş, Nil. (2015). “The Beginnings of Printing in the Ottman Capital: Book Production and Circulation in Early Modern Constantinople”. Osmanlı Bilimi Araştırmaları. 16: 3-32. Retrieved from
  • Philoxenis, Kyriakos. (1859). Θεωρητικόν στοιχειώδες της μουσικής (Basic Theory of Music). Istanbul: S. Ignatidis.
  • Philoxenis, Kyriakos. (1868). Λεξικόν της Ελληνικής Εκκλησιαστικής Μουσικής (The Dictionary of Greek Ecclesiastical Music). Istanbul: Evangelinos Misailidis
  • Phokaeus, Theodoros P. & Vyzantios, Stavrakis. (1830). Εὐτέρπη (Euterpi). Istanbul: Galata Printing Press of Castro.
  • Phokaeus, Theodoros P. (1843). Ἡ Πανδώρα (Pandora) First Volume. Istanbul: Patriarchal Printing House.
  • Phokaeus, Theodoros P. (1846). Ἡ Πανδώρα (Pandora) Second Volume. Istanbul: Printing Press of Castro.
  • Phokaeus, Teodoros P. (1842). Κρηπίς του Θεωρητικού και πρακτικού της Εκκλησιαστιής Μουσικής (Foundation of Theory and Practice of the Ecclesiastical Music). Istanbul: Patriarchal Printing House.
  • Plemmenos, John. (2010). Ottoman Minority Musics: The Case of 18th Century Greek Phanariots. Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
  • Plemmenos, John. (2014). “The Rosary and the Rose: Clergymen as Creators of Secular Poetry and Music in Early-modern Balkans”. Muzikoloski Zbornik. 50(2): 77-91. Retrieved from
  • Plemmenos, John. (2021). The Deconstruction of Byzantine Mode-organization and the New Chrysanthine ‘Order’. Epistēmēs Metron Logos, (5). Retrieved from
  • Popescu Judetz, Eugenia; Sirli, Adriana. A. (2000). Sources of 18th Century Music. Panayiotes Chalatzoglu and Kyrillos Marmarinos Comparative Treatises on Secular Music. Istanbul: Pan Yayıncılık.
  • Protopsaltes, Gregorios. (19th c.). “Pesref Muhaiyi echos pl. a Terilelele”. Retrieved from
  • Poulos, Panagiotis C. (2019). “Spaces of Intercommunal Musical Relations in Ottoman Istanbul”. Yıllık: Annual of Istanbul Studies. 1: 181-191. Retrieved from
  • Psachos, Constantinos. (1906, June 30). “Περί του εννεάσημου ρυθμού εν τη ασιατική μουσική” (About Nine Beat Rhythms in Asian Music). Forminx, 6, pp. 1-2.
  • Psachos, Constantinos. (1908). Ασιάς Λύρα (Asian Lyre). Athens: Spyridon Kousoulinos.
  • Psachos, Constantinos. (2016). Μουσικὸν Ἡμερολόγιον τοῦ Βισέκτου Ἕτους 1896. (The Music Calendar of the Intercalary Year 1896). (First Edition) Achilleas G. Chaldaeakes [Ed.). Athens: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Music Department.
  • Psachos, Constantinos. (1978). Η παρασηµαντική της Βυζαντινής Μουσικής (The Notation of Byzantine Music) Georgios Chatzitheodorou (Ed.). Athens: Dionysos Publishing [Original work published in 1917].
  • Psachos, Constantinos. (1980). Το οκτάηχον σύστημα της βυζαντινής μουσικής, εκκλησιαστικής και δημώδους και το της αρμονικής συνηχήσεως (The Octoechos System of Byzantine, Church and Folk Music and of the Harmonious Consonance) Georgios Chatzitheodorou (Ed.). Neapolis-Kritis: M. I. Polychronakis. [Original work published in 1941].
  • Romanou. Katy. (1990). “A New Approach to the Work of Chrysanthos of Madytos: The New Method of Musical Notation in the Greek Church and the Mega Theoretikon tis Mousikis”. Studies in Eastern Chant. 5: 89-100.
  • Romanou, Katy (Ed.) (2010). “Introduction”, Great Theory of Music by Chrysantos Madytos (Romanou Katy, Trans.). New York: The Axion Estin Foundation, pp. 10-25.
  • Romanou, Katy; Barbaki, Maria. (2011). “Music Education in Nineteenth-Century Greece: Its Institutions and their Contribution to Urban Musical Life, Nineteenth-Century”. Music Review. 8: 57-84.
  • Sigalas, Antonios N. (1880). Συλλογὴ Ἐθνικῶν Ἁσμάτων (The Collection of National Songs). Athens: X. N. Philadelpheos.
  • Skoulios, Markos. (2003). “A Comparison of the Modal and Notational Systems of Ottoman-Turkish Classical and Byzantine Chanting Music Traditions”. Music in the Mediterranea, Modal classical traditions, Vol. 2 Theory and Practice, Ed. Feldman, Walter; Guettat, Mahmoud; Kerbage, Toufic. Thessaloniki: En Chordais, pp. 435-442. Retrieved from
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Toplam 65 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Müzik
Bölüm Makaleler

Eylül Doğan 0000-0001-9098-0599

Gözde Çolakoğlu Sarı 0000-0001-5586-3426

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Doğan, E., & Çolakoğlu Sarı, G. (2023). Epistemic Transmission and Originality in Greek-Karamanlidika Publications Related to Makam Music in 19th-Century Istanbul. Musicologist, 7(2), 124-154.