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Yıl 2017, , 32 - 51, 30.12.2017



  • Auernheimer, Georg. (2007). Leitmotive interkultureller Bildung (Leitmotifs of Intercultural Education). Interkulturalität als Gegenstand der Musikpädagogik (Interculturality as a Subject of Music Education). eds. Schläbitz, Norberts: pp.13-30. Essen/Germany: Die Blaue Eule.
  • Alge, Barbara and Oliver Krämer. (eds.). (2013). Beyond Broders: Welt-Musik-Pädagogik. Musikpädagogik und Ethnomusikologie im Diskurs (Beyond Borders: World-Music-Pedagogy. Music Education and Ethnomusicology in Discourse). Berlin/Germany: Berliner Schriften.
  • Barth, Dorothee. (2008). Ethnie, Bildung oder Bedeutung? Zum Kulturbegriff in der interkulturell orientierten Musikpädagogik (Ethnicity, Education, or Meaning? On the Concept of Culture in Interculturally Oriented Music Education). Augsburger/Germany: Wißner Verlag.
  • Binder, Susanne. (2002). Schule und Migration. Einblicke in die Praxis des interkulturellen Lernens (School and Migration. Insights into the Practice of Intercultural Learning). SWS-Rundschau 42(4): 422–440. Retrieved from (accessed on 25.11.2017).
  • Binder, Susanne and Luciak, Mikael. (2010). Informationen und Anregungen zur Umsetzung des Unterrichtsprinzips „INTERKULTURELLES LERNEN“: Ein Handbuch für den Bereich allgemeinbildende Pflichtschulen und allgemeinbildende höhere Schulen (Information and Suggestions for the Implementation of the Teaching Principle "INTERCULTURAL LEARNING": A Handbook for the Area of General Compulsory Education and General Secondary Education). Vienna/Austria: Online-Journal of the Association of Graduates of the Institute of Cultural and Social Anthropology of the University of Vienna. Retrieved from (accessed on 25.11.2017).
  • Campbell, Patricia Shehan. (2004). Teaching Music Globally. New York/USA and Oxford/UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Cork, Lorna. (2005). Supporting Black Pupils and Parents – Understanding and Improving Home-School Relations. London/UK and New York/USA: Routledge.
  • Flutter, Julia and Rudduck, Jean. (2004). Consulting Pupils – What’s in it for Schools?. London/UK and New York/USA: RoutledgeFalmer.
  • Huijnen, Jessica. (2017). Conversation with Wei-Ya Lin on 29.04.2017, Vienna.
  • Klebe, Dorit. (2005). Die Musikkultur der Türkei sowie der türkischen Migranten in Deutschland und ihre Thematisierung im Musikunterricht (The Music Culture of Turkey as well as the Turkish Migrants in Germany and their Thematization in Music Lessons). Muzyka Pomiedzy Kulturami – Okcydent i Orient. Eds. Jaroslawa Chacinskiego: pp. 99-130. Slupsk/Poland: Naukowe Akademii Pomorskiej
  • Leenen, Wolf, Groß, Aandreas and Grosch, Harald. (2002). Interkulturelle Kompetenz in der Sozialen Arbeit (Intercultural Competence in Social Work). Interkulturelle Kompetenz und pädagogische Professionalität (Intercultural Competence and Pedagogical Professionalism). Ed. Auernheimer, Georgs: pp. 81-102. Opladen/Germany: Leske und Budrich Verlag.
  • Lin, Wei-Ya (ed.). (2017). Sieben Blätter und ein Stein: das Märchen von Märchen (Seven Leaves and One Stone: the Tale of Fairy Tales). Weitra/Austria: Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz. Retrieved from (accessed on 25.11.2017)
  • Malmberg, Isolde. (2017). Review: Seven Leaves and one Stone, MDWMDW-(WEB) MAGAZIN Retrieved from (accessed on 25.11.2017).
  • Merriam, Alan P. (1964). The Anthropology of Music. Illinois/USA: Northwestern University Press.
  • Müller, Frank. (2013). Integrative Grundschulen aus Sicht der Eltern – auf dem Weg zur Inklusion? (Integrative Elementary Schools from the Partents’ Point of View - on the way to inclusion?)“. Bad Heilbrunn/Germany: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt.
  • Pichler, Christine. (2017). Zur Kritik des beschränkten Bildungsbegriffs in der öffentlichen Diskussion: Die Bedeutung von organisierter und nicht-organisierter Bildung (On the Critique of the Limited Concept of Education in Public Discussion: The Importance of Organized and Non-Organized Education). Münster/Germany: Lit Verlag.
  • Riedl, Kurt. (2015). Österreichs Schulen am Scheideweg?: Zentrale Abschlussprüfungen – Autonome Schulen – Fairer Wettbewerb (Austrian Schools at the Crossroads? Central Exams - Autonomous Schools - Just Competition). Books on Demand.
  • Sağlam, Hande. (2016). Conversation with Wei-Ya Lin on 30.06.2016, Vienna.
  • Sağlam, Hande and Hemetek, Ursula (eds.). (2008). Music from Turkey in the Diaspora (Klanglese V). Vienna/Austria: IVE.
  • Scheerens, Jaap (ed.). (2009). Informal Learning of Active Citizenship at School – an International Comparative Study in Seven European Countries. Lifelong Learning Book Series 14. Drienerlolaan/Netherlands: Springer.
  • Schippers, Huib. (2010). Facing the Music, Shaping Music Education From a Global Perspective. Oxford/UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Schmälzle, Peter. (1985). Entwurf und Erprobung eines zeitgemäßen Physikunterrichts: Elektrizitätslehre u. Informationstheorie in d. Sekundarstufe I (Designing and Testing a Modern Physics Education: Electricity and Information theory in Secondary School). Unpublished work.
  • Wojnesitz, Alexandra. (2010). “Drei Sprachen sind mehr als zwei”: Mehrsprachigkeit an Wiener Gymnasien im Kontext von Migration (“Three Languages are more than Two”: Multilingualism at Viennese Academic Secondary Schools in the Context of Migration). Münster/Germany: Waxmann Verlag.
  • Austrian Federal Ministry for Education. (25.11.2017). Retrieved from (accessed on)
  • KinderuniKunst (ChildrenuniversityArt). (25.11.2017). Retrieved from
  • ICTM Study Group on Applied Ethnomusicology. 25.11.2017. Retrieved from
  • Sparkling Science Project Music without Borders. (25.11.2017). Retrieved from

Representing Musical Identities of Children with Migrant Background - An Example from the Research Project Music without Borders

Yıl 2017, , 32 - 51, 30.12.2017


The growing presence of heterogeneous populations
in most European countries has resulted in increased interest in rethinking
systems of compulsory education for citizens, especially for pupils from
migrant backgrounds. This was the starting point for the research project Music
without Borders: Multilingualism in music (bi- and/or multi-musicality) and
understanding the 'other' and the unfamiliar (2015-2017).

Challenges and limitations that
ethnomusicologists have encountered during the operation, as well as strategies
for conducting research on musical identities of pupils with migrant background
will be discussed. Thereafter, the audio- and songbook Sieben Blätter und ein
(Seven Leaves and one Stone), consisting of a printed story with drawings
by pupils, and two music CDs will be presented as an outcome of this project.
In the songbook, research findings are condensed into an artistic pedagogical
product for a broader audience that aims to empower underprivileged Austrian
pupils with migrant backgrounds.


  • Auernheimer, Georg. (2007). Leitmotive interkultureller Bildung (Leitmotifs of Intercultural Education). Interkulturalität als Gegenstand der Musikpädagogik (Interculturality as a Subject of Music Education). eds. Schläbitz, Norberts: pp.13-30. Essen/Germany: Die Blaue Eule.
  • Alge, Barbara and Oliver Krämer. (eds.). (2013). Beyond Broders: Welt-Musik-Pädagogik. Musikpädagogik und Ethnomusikologie im Diskurs (Beyond Borders: World-Music-Pedagogy. Music Education and Ethnomusicology in Discourse). Berlin/Germany: Berliner Schriften.
  • Barth, Dorothee. (2008). Ethnie, Bildung oder Bedeutung? Zum Kulturbegriff in der interkulturell orientierten Musikpädagogik (Ethnicity, Education, or Meaning? On the Concept of Culture in Interculturally Oriented Music Education). Augsburger/Germany: Wißner Verlag.
  • Binder, Susanne. (2002). Schule und Migration. Einblicke in die Praxis des interkulturellen Lernens (School and Migration. Insights into the Practice of Intercultural Learning). SWS-Rundschau 42(4): 422–440. Retrieved from (accessed on 25.11.2017).
  • Binder, Susanne and Luciak, Mikael. (2010). Informationen und Anregungen zur Umsetzung des Unterrichtsprinzips „INTERKULTURELLES LERNEN“: Ein Handbuch für den Bereich allgemeinbildende Pflichtschulen und allgemeinbildende höhere Schulen (Information and Suggestions for the Implementation of the Teaching Principle "INTERCULTURAL LEARNING": A Handbook for the Area of General Compulsory Education and General Secondary Education). Vienna/Austria: Online-Journal of the Association of Graduates of the Institute of Cultural and Social Anthropology of the University of Vienna. Retrieved from (accessed on 25.11.2017).
  • Campbell, Patricia Shehan. (2004). Teaching Music Globally. New York/USA and Oxford/UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Cork, Lorna. (2005). Supporting Black Pupils and Parents – Understanding and Improving Home-School Relations. London/UK and New York/USA: Routledge.
  • Flutter, Julia and Rudduck, Jean. (2004). Consulting Pupils – What’s in it for Schools?. London/UK and New York/USA: RoutledgeFalmer.
  • Huijnen, Jessica. (2017). Conversation with Wei-Ya Lin on 29.04.2017, Vienna.
  • Klebe, Dorit. (2005). Die Musikkultur der Türkei sowie der türkischen Migranten in Deutschland und ihre Thematisierung im Musikunterricht (The Music Culture of Turkey as well as the Turkish Migrants in Germany and their Thematization in Music Lessons). Muzyka Pomiedzy Kulturami – Okcydent i Orient. Eds. Jaroslawa Chacinskiego: pp. 99-130. Slupsk/Poland: Naukowe Akademii Pomorskiej
  • Leenen, Wolf, Groß, Aandreas and Grosch, Harald. (2002). Interkulturelle Kompetenz in der Sozialen Arbeit (Intercultural Competence in Social Work). Interkulturelle Kompetenz und pädagogische Professionalität (Intercultural Competence and Pedagogical Professionalism). Ed. Auernheimer, Georgs: pp. 81-102. Opladen/Germany: Leske und Budrich Verlag.
  • Lin, Wei-Ya (ed.). (2017). Sieben Blätter und ein Stein: das Märchen von Märchen (Seven Leaves and One Stone: the Tale of Fairy Tales). Weitra/Austria: Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz. Retrieved from (accessed on 25.11.2017)
  • Malmberg, Isolde. (2017). Review: Seven Leaves and one Stone, MDWMDW-(WEB) MAGAZIN Retrieved from (accessed on 25.11.2017).
  • Merriam, Alan P. (1964). The Anthropology of Music. Illinois/USA: Northwestern University Press.
  • Müller, Frank. (2013). Integrative Grundschulen aus Sicht der Eltern – auf dem Weg zur Inklusion? (Integrative Elementary Schools from the Partents’ Point of View - on the way to inclusion?)“. Bad Heilbrunn/Germany: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt.
  • Pichler, Christine. (2017). Zur Kritik des beschränkten Bildungsbegriffs in der öffentlichen Diskussion: Die Bedeutung von organisierter und nicht-organisierter Bildung (On the Critique of the Limited Concept of Education in Public Discussion: The Importance of Organized and Non-Organized Education). Münster/Germany: Lit Verlag.
  • Riedl, Kurt. (2015). Österreichs Schulen am Scheideweg?: Zentrale Abschlussprüfungen – Autonome Schulen – Fairer Wettbewerb (Austrian Schools at the Crossroads? Central Exams - Autonomous Schools - Just Competition). Books on Demand.
  • Sağlam, Hande. (2016). Conversation with Wei-Ya Lin on 30.06.2016, Vienna.
  • Sağlam, Hande and Hemetek, Ursula (eds.). (2008). Music from Turkey in the Diaspora (Klanglese V). Vienna/Austria: IVE.
  • Scheerens, Jaap (ed.). (2009). Informal Learning of Active Citizenship at School – an International Comparative Study in Seven European Countries. Lifelong Learning Book Series 14. Drienerlolaan/Netherlands: Springer.
  • Schippers, Huib. (2010). Facing the Music, Shaping Music Education From a Global Perspective. Oxford/UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Schmälzle, Peter. (1985). Entwurf und Erprobung eines zeitgemäßen Physikunterrichts: Elektrizitätslehre u. Informationstheorie in d. Sekundarstufe I (Designing and Testing a Modern Physics Education: Electricity and Information theory in Secondary School). Unpublished work.
  • Wojnesitz, Alexandra. (2010). “Drei Sprachen sind mehr als zwei”: Mehrsprachigkeit an Wiener Gymnasien im Kontext von Migration (“Three Languages are more than Two”: Multilingualism at Viennese Academic Secondary Schools in the Context of Migration). Münster/Germany: Waxmann Verlag.
  • Austrian Federal Ministry for Education. (25.11.2017). Retrieved from (accessed on)
  • KinderuniKunst (ChildrenuniversityArt). (25.11.2017). Retrieved from
  • ICTM Study Group on Applied Ethnomusicology. 25.11.2017. Retrieved from
  • Sparkling Science Project Music without Borders. (25.11.2017). Retrieved from
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Wei-ya Lın Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-5572-6456

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Lın, W.-y. (2017). Representing Musical Identities of Children with Migrant Background - An Example from the Research Project Music without Borders. Musicologist, 1(1), 32-51.