Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 80 - 84, 30.12.2019



  • Ahmad, U., Ibrahim, Y., Minai, M.S., (2017). Public Private Partnership in Malaysia: The Differences in Perceptions on the Criticality of Risk Factors and Allocation of Risks between the Private and Public Sectors. International Review of Management and Marketing, 7(2), 138-150.
  • Akimova, Y. A., Kochetkova, S.A., Kovalenko, E.G., Zinina, L.I.,(2016). Public-Private Partnership in Agribusiness. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(4), 814-822.
  • Bayazıt, B., Alper, G., (2017). Ultrahazardous Activity Liability In PPP Models: Efficient Allocation of Risk. Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 66 (1), 1-47.
  • Benedict, O., (2013). The Performance of Nigeria Economy and the State of Infrastructural Development and Management. Journal of International Environmental Application & Science, Vol. 8 (2): 304-307.
  • Boz, S.S., (2013). Kamu Özel İşbirliği (PPP) Modeli . İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi Cilt: 4 Sayı:2 277-332.
  • Bulbul, D., (2017). Evaluation of the Public Private Partnership Practices in Terms of Financial Transparency in Turkey. The Journal of International Scientific Researches, V.2(7), 94-108.
  • Canbaz, M., (2019). Küresel Dinamiklerin Kamu Özel İşbirliğine Yaklaşımı: Türkiye İçin Finansal Bir Değerlendirme. İktisadi Yenilik Dergisi, Cilt: 6, Sayı: 2, 46-75.
  • Çiçek, H., Alicavuşoğlu, Ç., (2016). Türkiye’de Ulaştırma Sektöründe Kamu-Özel Sektör İşbirlikleri: Tokat İli Örneği. Gaziosmanpasa University Social Sciences Researches Journal . V.11(1), 77-93.
  • Cumhurbaşkanlığı Strateji ve Butçe Başkanlğı, (2019). Kamu-Ozel Isbirliği Raporu. Https://www.Sbb.Gov.Tr/Wp-Content/Uploads/2019/05/Kamu-Ozel_Isbirligi_Raporu-2018.Pdf
  • Emek, U., (2017). Sağlık Sektöründe Kamu-Özel İşbirliği Sözleşmeleri: Beklenti Ve Gerçekleşme. Hacettepe HFD, 7(1) 2017, 139–168
  • European Expertise CentrewHttps://www.Eib.Org/Epec/
  • Gedik, M.A., (2012). Mali Özgürlük: Avrupa Bölgesi İçin Bir Değerlendirme. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, İİBF Dergisi ( C.XIV, S.I, 231-250.
  • Glazyrina, I.,Lavlinskii, S., (2017). Transaction Costs and Prospects for Public-Private Partnership in the Russian Mineral Resourse Sector. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 7(1), 403-413.
  • İnanc, H., Dönmez, C.Ç., (2018). Evaluation of Value Capture Strategies for Public Private Partnership Projects in Railway System Projects to be Built in Istanbul City. Marmara Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 3, 286-298
  • Kahyaoğulları, B., (2013). Public-Private Partnerships in Developing and Developed Countries: the UK and Turkish Cases. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, İİBF Dergisi, C. XV, S. II, 243-276
  • Kalkınma Bakanlığı, Kamu-Özel İşbirliği Mevzuatı (2015). Http://Www.Sbb.Gov.Tr/Wp-Content/Uploads/2018/10/Kamu-%C3%96zel-%C4%B0%C5%9Fbirli%C4%9Fi-Mevzuat%C4%B1-2015.Pdf
  • Kaptan, A.K., Teker, S., (2019). Public Private Partnership Projects: Eurasia Tunnel, PAP- V.9-2019(47)-P.253-256
  • Khoteeva, M., Khoteeva, D. (2017). Public-Private Partnerships: A Solution for Infrastructure Development in the UK? Case Study of the London Underground Public-Private Partnership Project. International Review of Management and Marketing, 2017, 7(1), 300-308.
  • Kurukcu, M., Coskun, H., (2019). The Evaluation of Public Private Partnership Models in Terms of Turkish Fiscal Policy. Journal of Life Economics Cilt, Volume 6, Sayı/Issue 3, 2019, P. 361-378
  • Matraeva, L.V., Konov, A.A., Belyak, A.V., Erokhin, S.G., Vasyutina, E.S., (2016). Public Private Partnership in Social Sphere: Models Review. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(S8) 127-136.
  • Lukmanova, G. I., Mishlanova, M.Y.,(2015). Economics and Society in the Era of Technological Changes and Globalization Determinant Analysis of Public-Private Partnership in Russia. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Special Issue, 208-216.
  • Nel, D., (2018). An Assessment of Emerging Hybrid Public-Private Partnerships in the Energy Sector in South Africa Internatıonal Journal of Economics and Finance Studies Vol 10(1), 34-49.
  • Oktem, B., (2016). Atık Yönetiminde Entegre Uygulama. Journal of Life Sciences; V.6 (2/1), 135-147.
  • Pombo, O.A., Santes-Álvarez, R.V., (2012). An Alternative to the Governance of Water Services in Mexico: The Model of the New Water Culture. Social Sciences Research Journal, V.1(1), 1-15.
  • Teker, D.L., (2005). Sağlık Sektöründe Proje Finansman Modelleri: Türkiye İçin Bir Model Önerisi ve Bir Hastane Projesinin Fizibilite Analizi. Hastane Yönetimi Dergisi, 1-18
  • Tekin, P.Ş., (2017). Küresel Kamu Özel Ortaklığı Uygulamaları ve Türkiye Sağlık Sektörü Açısından Bir Değerlendirme Ankara Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi, Cilt 16, Sayı 2, 5-20.
  • Tekin, P.Ş., Çelik, Y. (2012). Analysing Public -Private Partnership Policy as a Financing Method in Turkey Health Sector with Political Mapping. Ankara Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(3), 81-98
  • Uğur, A., Miynat, M., (2014). Kamu Özel Sektör Ortaklıklarının Ekonomi Politiği. Yönetim ve Ekonomi. Cilt:21 Sayı:2, 19-40.
  • Usta, S., Bilgiç, E., (2016). Yerel Yönetimlerde Hizmet Sunumu: Kamu Özel Ortaklığı Model. Journal of Süleyman Demirel University Institute of Social Sciences, V.1(23), 249-267.
  • Uz, A., (2007). Kamu-Özel Ortaklığı/Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Kavram ve Hukuksal Çerçeve. Gazi Universitesi Hukuk Fakultesi Dergisi C. XI, S.1-2, 1165-1182.
  • Uysal, Y., (2017). Yerel Yönetimlerde Kamu Özel İşbirliği (KÖİ) Uygulamalarının İki Yönü: Avantajlar ve Dezavantajlar. Journal of Urban Academy, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 164-169.
  • Uysal, Y., (2018). Comparative Analysis of Public Private Partnership (PPP) Investments in Selected Countries of European Union and Turkey. International Journal of Management Academy.V.1,(2),158-173


Year 2019, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 80 - 84, 30.12.2019


Purpose- The aim of this paper is to review the PPP projects that have undertaken in Turkey over a period of 1980-2018. Methodology- The statistics of PPP projects are examined in terms of the number of projects, values of investments, sectoral distribution. Findings- Turkey is one of the top users of PPP financing models to construct public projects by comparing the some other countries initiating lots of PPP projects over a long period. Conclusion- In order to achieve success in this complex structure consisting of public, sponsors and financiers in PPP, it is critical to prepare a good project. Predictability of the project obligations will minimize the possibility of additional costs in the future. Ensuring that the tendering and contracting processes are correctly configured, hence, all project risks can be identified and the risk sharing can be done more accurately.


  • Ahmad, U., Ibrahim, Y., Minai, M.S., (2017). Public Private Partnership in Malaysia: The Differences in Perceptions on the Criticality of Risk Factors and Allocation of Risks between the Private and Public Sectors. International Review of Management and Marketing, 7(2), 138-150.
  • Akimova, Y. A., Kochetkova, S.A., Kovalenko, E.G., Zinina, L.I.,(2016). Public-Private Partnership in Agribusiness. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(4), 814-822.
  • Bayazıt, B., Alper, G., (2017). Ultrahazardous Activity Liability In PPP Models: Efficient Allocation of Risk. Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 66 (1), 1-47.
  • Benedict, O., (2013). The Performance of Nigeria Economy and the State of Infrastructural Development and Management. Journal of International Environmental Application & Science, Vol. 8 (2): 304-307.
  • Boz, S.S., (2013). Kamu Özel İşbirliği (PPP) Modeli . İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi Cilt: 4 Sayı:2 277-332.
  • Bulbul, D., (2017). Evaluation of the Public Private Partnership Practices in Terms of Financial Transparency in Turkey. The Journal of International Scientific Researches, V.2(7), 94-108.
  • Canbaz, M., (2019). Küresel Dinamiklerin Kamu Özel İşbirliğine Yaklaşımı: Türkiye İçin Finansal Bir Değerlendirme. İktisadi Yenilik Dergisi, Cilt: 6, Sayı: 2, 46-75.
  • Çiçek, H., Alicavuşoğlu, Ç., (2016). Türkiye’de Ulaştırma Sektöründe Kamu-Özel Sektör İşbirlikleri: Tokat İli Örneği. Gaziosmanpasa University Social Sciences Researches Journal . V.11(1), 77-93.
  • Cumhurbaşkanlığı Strateji ve Butçe Başkanlğı, (2019). Kamu-Ozel Isbirliği Raporu. Https://www.Sbb.Gov.Tr/Wp-Content/Uploads/2019/05/Kamu-Ozel_Isbirligi_Raporu-2018.Pdf
  • Emek, U., (2017). Sağlık Sektöründe Kamu-Özel İşbirliği Sözleşmeleri: Beklenti Ve Gerçekleşme. Hacettepe HFD, 7(1) 2017, 139–168
  • European Expertise CentrewHttps://www.Eib.Org/Epec/
  • Gedik, M.A., (2012). Mali Özgürlük: Avrupa Bölgesi İçin Bir Değerlendirme. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, İİBF Dergisi ( C.XIV, S.I, 231-250.
  • Glazyrina, I.,Lavlinskii, S., (2017). Transaction Costs and Prospects for Public-Private Partnership in the Russian Mineral Resourse Sector. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 7(1), 403-413.
  • İnanc, H., Dönmez, C.Ç., (2018). Evaluation of Value Capture Strategies for Public Private Partnership Projects in Railway System Projects to be Built in Istanbul City. Marmara Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 3, 286-298
  • Kahyaoğulları, B., (2013). Public-Private Partnerships in Developing and Developed Countries: the UK and Turkish Cases. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, İİBF Dergisi, C. XV, S. II, 243-276
  • Kalkınma Bakanlığı, Kamu-Özel İşbirliği Mevzuatı (2015). Http://Www.Sbb.Gov.Tr/Wp-Content/Uploads/2018/10/Kamu-%C3%96zel-%C4%B0%C5%9Fbirli%C4%9Fi-Mevzuat%C4%B1-2015.Pdf
  • Kaptan, A.K., Teker, S., (2019). Public Private Partnership Projects: Eurasia Tunnel, PAP- V.9-2019(47)-P.253-256
  • Khoteeva, M., Khoteeva, D. (2017). Public-Private Partnerships: A Solution for Infrastructure Development in the UK? Case Study of the London Underground Public-Private Partnership Project. International Review of Management and Marketing, 2017, 7(1), 300-308.
  • Kurukcu, M., Coskun, H., (2019). The Evaluation of Public Private Partnership Models in Terms of Turkish Fiscal Policy. Journal of Life Economics Cilt, Volume 6, Sayı/Issue 3, 2019, P. 361-378
  • Matraeva, L.V., Konov, A.A., Belyak, A.V., Erokhin, S.G., Vasyutina, E.S., (2016). Public Private Partnership in Social Sphere: Models Review. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(S8) 127-136.
  • Lukmanova, G. I., Mishlanova, M.Y.,(2015). Economics and Society in the Era of Technological Changes and Globalization Determinant Analysis of Public-Private Partnership in Russia. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Special Issue, 208-216.
  • Nel, D., (2018). An Assessment of Emerging Hybrid Public-Private Partnerships in the Energy Sector in South Africa Internatıonal Journal of Economics and Finance Studies Vol 10(1), 34-49.
  • Oktem, B., (2016). Atık Yönetiminde Entegre Uygulama. Journal of Life Sciences; V.6 (2/1), 135-147.
  • Pombo, O.A., Santes-Álvarez, R.V., (2012). An Alternative to the Governance of Water Services in Mexico: The Model of the New Water Culture. Social Sciences Research Journal, V.1(1), 1-15.
  • Teker, D.L., (2005). Sağlık Sektöründe Proje Finansman Modelleri: Türkiye İçin Bir Model Önerisi ve Bir Hastane Projesinin Fizibilite Analizi. Hastane Yönetimi Dergisi, 1-18
  • Tekin, P.Ş., (2017). Küresel Kamu Özel Ortaklığı Uygulamaları ve Türkiye Sağlık Sektörü Açısından Bir Değerlendirme Ankara Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi, Cilt 16, Sayı 2, 5-20.
  • Tekin, P.Ş., Çelik, Y. (2012). Analysing Public -Private Partnership Policy as a Financing Method in Turkey Health Sector with Political Mapping. Ankara Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(3), 81-98
  • Uğur, A., Miynat, M., (2014). Kamu Özel Sektör Ortaklıklarının Ekonomi Politiği. Yönetim ve Ekonomi. Cilt:21 Sayı:2, 19-40.
  • Usta, S., Bilgiç, E., (2016). Yerel Yönetimlerde Hizmet Sunumu: Kamu Özel Ortaklığı Model. Journal of Süleyman Demirel University Institute of Social Sciences, V.1(23), 249-267.
  • Uz, A., (2007). Kamu-Özel Ortaklığı/Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Kavram ve Hukuksal Çerçeve. Gazi Universitesi Hukuk Fakultesi Dergisi C. XI, S.1-2, 1165-1182.
  • Uysal, Y., (2017). Yerel Yönetimlerde Kamu Özel İşbirliği (KÖİ) Uygulamalarının İki Yönü: Avantajlar ve Dezavantajlar. Journal of Urban Academy, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 164-169.
  • Uysal, Y., (2018). Comparative Analysis of Public Private Partnership (PPP) Investments in Selected Countries of European Union and Turkey. International Journal of Management Academy.V.1,(2),158-173
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Finance, Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Suat Teker 0000-0002-7981-3121

Dilek Teker 0000-0002-3893-4015

Publication Date December 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Teker, S., & Teker, D. (2019). AN OVERWIEV ON PUBLIC-PRIVATE-PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS: A CASE OF TURKEY. PressAcademia Procedia, 10(1), 80-84.
Chicago Teker, Suat, and Dilek Teker. “AN OVERWIEV ON PUBLIC-PRIVATE-PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS: A CASE OF TURKEY”. PressAcademia Procedia 10, no. 1 (December 2019): 80-84.
EndNote Teker S, Teker D (December 1, 2019) AN OVERWIEV ON PUBLIC-PRIVATE-PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS: A CASE OF TURKEY. PressAcademia Procedia 10 1 80–84.
IEEE S. Teker and D. Teker, “AN OVERWIEV ON PUBLIC-PRIVATE-PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS: A CASE OF TURKEY”, PAP, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 80–84, 2019.
ISNAD Teker, Suat - Teker, Dilek. “AN OVERWIEV ON PUBLIC-PRIVATE-PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS: A CASE OF TURKEY”. PressAcademia Procedia 10/1 (December 2019), 80-84.
MLA Teker, Suat and Dilek Teker. “AN OVERWIEV ON PUBLIC-PRIVATE-PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS: A CASE OF TURKEY”. PressAcademia Procedia, vol. 10, no. 1, 2019, pp. 80-84.

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