Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 104 - 108, 30.07.2022



  • Aksin-Sivrikaya, S., and Bhattacharya, C. B. (2017). Where Digitalization Meets Sustainability: Opportunities and Challenges. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance, 37–49.
  • Asx Corporate Governance Council, & Australian Securities Exchange. (2007). Corporate governance principles and recommendations. Asx Corporate Gevernance Council, Sydney.
  • Aydın, E., & Savrul, B. K. (2014). The Relationship between Globalization and E-commerce: Turkish Case. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 150, 1267–1276.
  • Balogun, A.-L., Marks, D., Sharma, R., Shekhar, H., Balmes, C., Maheng, D., Arshad, A., & Salehi, P. (2020). Assessing the Potentials of Digitalization as a Tool for Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Development in Urban Centres. Sustainable Cities and Society, 53, 101888.
  • Beier, G., Niehoff, S., Ziems, T., & Xue, B. (2017). Sustainability aspects of a digitalized industry – A comparative study from China and Germany. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 4(2), 227–234.
  • Bhavsar, V., & Bhugra, D. (2008). Globalization: Mental Health and Social Economic Factors. Global Social Policy: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Public Policy and Social Development, 8(3), 378–396.
  • Brennen, J. S., & Kreiss, D. (2016). Digitalization. The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy, 1(11), 1– 11.
  • Cochoy, F., Hagberg, J., Petersson McIntyre, M., & Sörum, N. (2017). Digitalizing Consumption : How devices shape consumer culture.
  • FAO. (n.d.). Sustainability Pathways: Sustainability assessments (SAFA). Retrieved July 23, 2021, from
  • Elbeltagi, I. (2007). E‐commerce and globalization: an exploratory study of Egypt. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 14(3), 196–201.
  • Flew, T., & Iosifidis, P. (2019). Populism, globalisation and social media. International Communication Gazette, 82, 25 - 7.
  • Gandía, J. L. (2005, December 1). Corporate E-Governance Disclosure in the Digital Age: An Empirical Study of Spanish Listed Companies. Available at SSRN:
  • Grove, H., Clouse, M., & Schaffner, L.G. (2018). Digitalization impacts on corporate governance. Journal of Governance and Regulation, 7(4), 51-63.
  • Held, D., McGrew, A., Goldblatt, D., and Perraton, J. (2000). Global Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture. Politics at the Edge, 14– 28.
  • Lafarre, A., & Van der Elst, C. (2018). Blockchain Technology for Corporate Governance and Shareholder Activism. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3135209
  • Okasha, A.S. (2005). Globalization and mental health: a WPA perspective. World psychiatry, 4 (1), 1-2 .
  • Kaur, S., Tandon, N., & Malik, S. (2018). Impact of Digital Market on Consumer Buying Behaviour’. National Conference on People, Planet and Profit in Sustainable Development & contribution in IT, Media and Management, Pages 1-14.
  • Kim, Y., Sohn, D., & Choi, S. M. (2011). Cultural difference in motivations for using social network sites: A comparative study of American and Korean college students. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(1), 365–372.
  • Kraemer, K. L., Gibbs, J., & Dedrick, J. (2005). Impacts of Globalization on E-Commerce Use and Firm Performance: A Cross-Country Investigation. The Information Society, 21(5), 323–340.
  • Sharma, S. (2016). Impact of Globalisation on Mental Health in Low- and Middle-income Countries. Psychology and Developing Societies, 28(2), 251–279.
  • Stephen, A. T. (2016). The role of digital and social media marketing in consumer behavior. Current Opinion in Psychology, 10(10), 17–21.
  • Swartz, L. (2008). Globalization and Mental Health: Changing Views of Culture and Society. Global Social Policy: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Public Policy and Social Development, 8(3), 304–308.
  • Totonchi, J., & Kakamanshadi, G. (2011). Globalization and e-commerce. 2nd International Conference on Networking and Information Technology, (17), 270-276, IACSIT Press, Singapore.


Year 2022, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 104 - 108, 30.07.2022


Purpose- The aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between different variables and how these variables can change from what have
been found in the literature. Today’s world is changing and transforming continuously, it became hard to talk about constancy of different
definitions, notions and results; especially the world is going through a big change due to Covid-19. This pandemic made the governments
revaluate their policies, the companies re-examine their management and strategies and individuals rethink about their social life and values.
Scientific research will be done in this study in order to examine how the terms chosen are related to each other and how they will be
impacted by the pandemic we are going through.
Methodology- Nowadays, Our life became so depending on digital technologies, which had made the world a small village and enhanced
the globalization. In this paper, we will define and examine globalization and digitalization and their relationships with other terms in the
literature. We will cover different aspects and then study how Covid-19 impacted and will impact these relationships. Firstly, we will study
the relationship of digitalization with three dimensions, which are consumer behaviour, sustainability and governance. Then we will examine
the relationship between globalization and three different dimensions, which are e-commerce, social media and mental health.
Findings- The analyses of the literature review have ensured the impact of Covid-19 on every variable and relationship we have studied. It
has proved that covid-19 has affected every side of our lives, especially that globalization and digitalization have made the world a small
village that is living in a continuous change. Covid-19 showed how it become hard to talk about stability and how transformation become a
part of our daily life.


  • Aksin-Sivrikaya, S., and Bhattacharya, C. B. (2017). Where Digitalization Meets Sustainability: Opportunities and Challenges. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance, 37–49.
  • Asx Corporate Governance Council, & Australian Securities Exchange. (2007). Corporate governance principles and recommendations. Asx Corporate Gevernance Council, Sydney.
  • Aydın, E., & Savrul, B. K. (2014). The Relationship between Globalization and E-commerce: Turkish Case. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 150, 1267–1276.
  • Balogun, A.-L., Marks, D., Sharma, R., Shekhar, H., Balmes, C., Maheng, D., Arshad, A., & Salehi, P. (2020). Assessing the Potentials of Digitalization as a Tool for Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Development in Urban Centres. Sustainable Cities and Society, 53, 101888.
  • Beier, G., Niehoff, S., Ziems, T., & Xue, B. (2017). Sustainability aspects of a digitalized industry – A comparative study from China and Germany. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 4(2), 227–234.
  • Bhavsar, V., & Bhugra, D. (2008). Globalization: Mental Health and Social Economic Factors. Global Social Policy: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Public Policy and Social Development, 8(3), 378–396.
  • Brennen, J. S., & Kreiss, D. (2016). Digitalization. The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy, 1(11), 1– 11.
  • Cochoy, F., Hagberg, J., Petersson McIntyre, M., & Sörum, N. (2017). Digitalizing Consumption : How devices shape consumer culture.
  • FAO. (n.d.). Sustainability Pathways: Sustainability assessments (SAFA). Retrieved July 23, 2021, from
  • Elbeltagi, I. (2007). E‐commerce and globalization: an exploratory study of Egypt. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 14(3), 196–201.
  • Flew, T., & Iosifidis, P. (2019). Populism, globalisation and social media. International Communication Gazette, 82, 25 - 7.
  • Gandía, J. L. (2005, December 1). Corporate E-Governance Disclosure in the Digital Age: An Empirical Study of Spanish Listed Companies. Available at SSRN:
  • Grove, H., Clouse, M., & Schaffner, L.G. (2018). Digitalization impacts on corporate governance. Journal of Governance and Regulation, 7(4), 51-63.
  • Held, D., McGrew, A., Goldblatt, D., and Perraton, J. (2000). Global Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture. Politics at the Edge, 14– 28.
  • Lafarre, A., & Van der Elst, C. (2018). Blockchain Technology for Corporate Governance and Shareholder Activism. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3135209
  • Okasha, A.S. (2005). Globalization and mental health: a WPA perspective. World psychiatry, 4 (1), 1-2 .
  • Kaur, S., Tandon, N., & Malik, S. (2018). Impact of Digital Market on Consumer Buying Behaviour’. National Conference on People, Planet and Profit in Sustainable Development & contribution in IT, Media and Management, Pages 1-14.
  • Kim, Y., Sohn, D., & Choi, S. M. (2011). Cultural difference in motivations for using social network sites: A comparative study of American and Korean college students. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(1), 365–372.
  • Kraemer, K. L., Gibbs, J., & Dedrick, J. (2005). Impacts of Globalization on E-Commerce Use and Firm Performance: A Cross-Country Investigation. The Information Society, 21(5), 323–340.
  • Sharma, S. (2016). Impact of Globalisation on Mental Health in Low- and Middle-income Countries. Psychology and Developing Societies, 28(2), 251–279.
  • Stephen, A. T. (2016). The role of digital and social media marketing in consumer behavior. Current Opinion in Psychology, 10(10), 17–21.
  • Swartz, L. (2008). Globalization and Mental Health: Changing Views of Culture and Society. Global Social Policy: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Public Policy and Social Development, 8(3), 304–308.
  • Totonchi, J., & Kakamanshadi, G. (2011). Globalization and e-commerce. 2nd International Conference on Networking and Information Technology, (17), 270-276, IACSIT Press, Singapore.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Finance, Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Chaimae Grarı This is me 0000-0002-0728-0573

Publication Date July 30, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 15 Issue: 1


APA Grarı, C. (2022). THE DIGITALIZED VILLAGE DEALING WITH COVID-19. PressAcademia Procedia, 15(1), 104-108.
AMA Grarı C. THE DIGITALIZED VILLAGE DEALING WITH COVID-19. PAP. July 2022;15(1):104-108. doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2022.1586
Chicago Grarı, Chaimae. “THE DIGITALIZED VILLAGE DEALING WITH COVID-19”. PressAcademia Procedia 15, no. 1 (July 2022): 104-8.
EndNote Grarı C (July 1, 2022) THE DIGITALIZED VILLAGE DEALING WITH COVID-19. PressAcademia Procedia 15 1 104–108.
IEEE C. Grarı, “THE DIGITALIZED VILLAGE DEALING WITH COVID-19”, PAP, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 104–108, 2022, doi: 10.17261/Pressacademia.2022.1586.
ISNAD Grarı, Chaimae. “THE DIGITALIZED VILLAGE DEALING WITH COVID-19”. PressAcademia Procedia 15/1 (July 2022), 104-108.
MLA Grarı, Chaimae. “THE DIGITALIZED VILLAGE DEALING WITH COVID-19”. PressAcademia Procedia, vol. 15, no. 1, 2022, pp. 104-8, doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2022.1586.
Vancouver Grarı C. THE DIGITALIZED VILLAGE DEALING WITH COVID-19. PAP. 2022;15(1):104-8.

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