ACT, Inc. (2015). The Condition of College & Career Readiness 2015. ACT, Inc.
Akram, T. M., Ijaz, A., & Ikram, H. (2017). Exploring the Factors Responsible for Declining Students’ Interest in Chemistry. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 7(2), 88–94.
American Institute of Physics. (2014). High school physics courses & enrollments. Retrieved from Accessed May 2015.
Anito, J.C., Jr., Morales, M.P.E., & Palisoc, C.P. (2019). The Pedagogical Model for Philippine STEAM Education. Paper presented during the National Forum for STEAM in Higher Education, Manila, Philippines.
Baber, L. D. (2015). Considering the Interest-Convergence Dilemma in STEM Education. The Review of Higher Education, 38(2), 251–270.
Barton, A. C., Tan, E., & Rivet, A. (2008). Creating Hybrid Spaces for Engaging School Science Among Urban Middle School Girls. American Educational Research Journal, 45(1), 68–103.
Blotnicky, K. A., Franz-Odendaal, T., French, F., & Joy, P. (2018). A study of the correlation between STEM career knowledge, mathematics self-efficacy, career interests, and career activities on the likelihood of pursuing a STEM career among middle school students. International Journal of STEM Education, 5(1).
Bolds, T. (2017). A Structural and Intersectional Analysis of High School Students’ STEM Career Development Using a Social Cognitive Career Theory Framework. (Published Dissertation). Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York.
Bottia, M. C., Stearns, E., Mickelson, R. A., Moller, S., & Valentino, L. (2015). Growing the roots of STEM majors: Female math and science high school faculty and the participation of students in STEM. Economics of Education Review, 45, 14-27.
Chang, Y., & Park, S.W. (2014). Exploring students’ perspectives of college STEM: An analysis of course rating websites. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. 26 (1), 1.
Chen, X. (2013). STEM Attrition: College Students' Paths into and out of STEM Fields. Statistical Analysis Report. NCES 2014-001. National Center for Education Statistics.
Chen, X., & Ho, P. (2012). STEM in postsecondary education: Entrance, attrition, and course taking among 2003-04 beginning postsecondary students (NCES 2013. -152). National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, DC: US Department of Education.
Childs, P. Y. (2015). Factors affecting the academic achievement and persistence of quota students in STEM: A case study of a public university in Brazil (Doctoral dissertation).
Dang, T. T. T. (2015, November). In search of a better future: Aspirations and challenges for young rural to urban migrants: a case study in Hanoi, Vietnam. In Refereed Proceedings of TASA's 2015 Conference (p. 130).
Drew, C. (2011). Why Science Majors Change Their Minds (It’s Just So Darn Hard). New York Times, 4.
Duke University. (2019). Why Study Math? Retrieved April 13, 2019 from
EduTECH. (2016). The Critical challenge of growing STEM Education in the Philippines. Retrieved September 13, 2019 from
English, L. D. (2016). STEM education K-12: perspectives on integration. International Journal of STEM Education, 3(1).
Etikan, I., Musa, S. A., & Alkassim, R. S. (2016). Comparison of convenience sampling and purposive sampling. American journal of theoretical and applied statistics, 5(1), 1-4.
Finegold, P., Stagg, P., & Hutchinson, J. (2011). Good timing: Implementing STEM careers strategy in secondary schools. Centre for Education and Industry, University of Warwick, UK.
Florida Career College. (2018). Why Information Technology is a Good Career. Retrieved April 28, 2019 from
Franco, M. S., & Patel, N. H. (2017). Exploring student engagement in STEM education: An examination of STEM schools, STEM programs, and traditional schools. Research in the Schools, 24(1), 10-30.
Gestiada, G., Nazareno, A., & Roxas-Villanueva, R. M. (2017). Development of a Senior High School Career Decision Tool Based on Social Cognitive Career Theory. Philippine Journal of Science, 146(4), 445-455.
Halim, L., & Meerah, T. S. M. (2016). Science education research and practice in Malaysia. In Science education research and practice in Asia (pp. 71-93). Springer, Singapore.
Harackiewicz, J. M., Rozek, C. S., Hulleman, C. S., & Hyde, J. S. (2012). Helping Parents to Motivate Adolescents in Mathematics and Science. Psychological Science, 23(8), 899–906.
Hatch, J. A. (2002). Doing qualitative research in education settings. Suny Press.
Hazari, Z., Potvin, G., Cribbs, J. D., Godwin, A., Scott, T. D., & Klotz, L. (2017). Interest in STEM is contagious for students in biology, chemistry, and physics classes. Science Advances, 3(8), e1700046.
Higher Education Research Institute [HERI]. (2010). Degrees of success: Bachelor’s degree completion rates among initial STEM majors. HERI Report Brief.
Hill, C., Corbett, C., & St. Rose, A. (2010). Why so few? Women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. American Association of University Women. 1111 Sixteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20036.
Honey, M., Pearson, G., & Schweingruber, H. (Eds.). (2014). STEM integration in K-12 education: Status, prospects, and an agenda for research (Vol. 500). Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
Ivey, T. A., Colston, N. M., & Thomas, J. A. (2015). Bringing space science down to Earth for preservice elementary teachers. Electronic Journal of Science Education, 19(2), 1-19.
Kennedy, B., Hefferon, M., & Funk, C. (2018). Half of Americans think young people don’t pursue STEM because it is too hard. The Pew Research Center.
Kitchen, J. A., Sonnert, G., & Sadler, P. M. (2018). The impact of college- and university-run high school summer programs on students’ end of high school STEM career aspirations. Science Education, 102(3), 529–547.
Koh, E. T., & Owen, W. L. (2000). Descriptive Research and Qualitative Research. Introduction to Nutrition and Health Research, 219–248.\
Lambert, V. A., & Lambert, C. E. (2012). Qualitative descriptive research: An acceptable design. Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research, 16(4), 255-256.
Laut, J., Bartolini, T., & Porfiri, M. (2015). Bioinspiring an Interest in STEM. IEEE Transactions on Education, 58(1), 48–55.
Lincoln, Y. S., & E. G. Guba. (1985). Naturalistic inquiry. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Margot, K. C., & Kettler, T. (2019). Teachers’ perception of STEM integration and education: a systematic literature review. International Journal of STEM Education, 6(1).
Mattern, K., Radunzel, J., & Westrick, P. (2015). Development of STEM Readiness Benchmarks to Assist Educational and Career Decision Making. ACT Research Report Series, 2015 (3). ACT, Inc.
Matusovich, H. M., Streveler, R. A., & Miller, R. L. (2010). Why do students choose engineering? A qualitative, longitudinal investigation of students' motivational values. Journal of Engineering Education, 99(4), 289-303.
McCharen, B., & High, K. (2010). Career and technical programs of study and early indicators of retention in the College of Engineering. Ames, IA: Association of Career and Technical Education Research. Retrieved from ogramsogfStudy_Final.pdf
McQuerrey, L. (n.d.). Family Factors Influencing Career Choices. Work - Retrieved April 20, 2019 from
Mohr‐Schroeder, M. J., Jackson, C., Miller, M., Walcott, B., Little, D. L., Speler, L., ... & Schroeder, D. C. (2014). Developing Middle School Students' Interests in STEM via Summer Learning Experiences: S ee B lue STEM C amp. School Science and Mathematics, 114(6), 291-301.
Nugent, G., Barker, B., Welch, G., Grandgenett, N., Wu, C., & Nelson, C. (2015). A model of factors contributing to STEM learning and career orientation. International Journal of Science Education, 37(7), 1067-1088.
Ouano, J. J. G., Torre, J. F. D. L., Japitan, W. I., & Moneva, J. C. (2019). Factors influencing on grade 12 students’chosen courses in Jagobiao National High School–senior high school department. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 9(1), 421-431.
Orbeta Jr, A. C., Lagarto, M. B., Ortiz, M. K. P., Ortiz, D. A. P., & Potestad, M. V. (2018). Senior High School and the Labor Market: Perspectives of Grade 12 Students and Human Resource Officers. In Discussion Paper Series, No.2018-49. Retrieved September 13, 2019 at
Patton, M. (2013). ATE Had Role in the Naming of STEM. Retrieved from
Penedilla, J.S. & Rosaldo, L.B. (2017). Factors affecting career preferences among senior highschool students in Tacloban City (Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis). Estern Visayas State University, Tacloban City.
Rask, K. (2010). Attrition in STEM fields at a liberal arts college: The importance of grades and pre-collegiate preferences. Economics of Education Review, 29(6), 892–900.
Roberts, S. G. (2002). SET for success: The supply of people with science, technology, engineering and mathematics skills (p. 3). London: HM Treasury.
Robnett, R.D. & Leaper, C. (2013), Friendship Groups, Personal Motivation, and Gender in Relation to High School Students' STEM Career Interest. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 23(4), 652-664.
Rogayan, D. V. Jr. (2018). Why Young Filipino Teachers Teach? Asia Pacific Higher Education Research Journal, 5(2), 48-60.
Shaw, E. J., & Barbuti, S. (2010). Patterns of persistence in intended college major with a focus on STEM majors. NACADA Journal, 30(2), 19-34.
Siekmann, G., & Korbel, P. (2016). Defining ‘STEM’ skills: review and synthesis of the literature. In NCVER. Commonwealth of Australia.
Song, C., & Glick, J. E. (2004). College attendance and choice of college majors among Asian-American students. Social Science Quarterly, 85, 1401-1421.
Spokane, A. R. (1985). A review of research on person-environment congruence in Holland's theory of careers. Journal of vocational behavior, 26(3), 306-343.
Stagg, P., Laird, R., & Taylor, P. (2003). Widening participation in the physical sciences: an investigation into factors influencing the uptake of physics and chemistry. Final report. Coventry: The University of Warwick, Centre for Education and Industry.
Staunton, T. (2015). John Holland’s Theory of Career Choice-Theories Every Careers Adviser Should Know. Retrieved March, 22, 2019.
Steinberg, L., & Monahan, K. C. (2007). Age differences in resistance to peer influence. Developmental Psychology, 43(6), 1531–1543.
Stevens, S., Andrade, R., & Page, M. (2016). Motivating Young Native American Students to Pursue STEM Learning Through a Culturally Relevant Science Program. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 25(6), 947–960.
Trusty, J. (2002). Effects of high school course‐taking and other variables on choice of science and mathematics college majors. Journal of Counseling & Development, 80(4), 464-474.
Villena, W.M., (2017). Guiding our senior high-school students on their career path. Business Mirror. Retrived from
Viroli, M. (1995). For love of country: An essay on patriotism and nationalism. Clarendon Press.
Wang, X. (2013). Why students choose STEM majors: Motivation, high school learning, and postsecondary context of support. American Educational Research Journal, 50(5), 1081-1121.
Zhang, L., & Barnett, M. (2015). How high school students envision their STEM career pathways. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 10(3), 637-656.
Pursuing STEM Careers: Perspectives of Senior High School Students
Year 2020,
Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 38 - 58, 01.12.2020
This qualitative descriptive research explored the perspectives of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) senior high school students in a public secondary school in Zambales, Philippines on their reasons why they enrolled in STEM and their intent to pursue relevant career. A total of 20 Grade 12 students were purposively selected as participants of the research. The participants were interviewed using a validated structured interview guide. The recorded interviews were individually transcribed to arrive at an extended text. The extended texts were reviewed to generate themes and significant statements. The paper found out that senior high school students are generally interested in the field related to biology. The alignment to the preferred course in college is the primary reason of the participants for enrolling in STEM. Almost all the students wanted to pursue STEM-related careers after their university graduation. Further, personal aspiration is the main reason for the participants to pursue STEM-related professions. The study recommends that senior high schools may design various activities during the career week. These activities may include possible career paths in STEM-related courses, students' career and motivation, and their career aptitude. Teachers may also infuse innovative pedagogies for better STEM instruction. For the students to have more interest in science, it is recommended that STEM teachers undergo retooling or pursue advanced studies. Senior high schools may conduct career guidance seminars for the students to guide them on what strands they should take. The Department of Education (DepEd) may support the implementation of different programs regarding students’ career preparation. This program will help the students to be more aware on what career path they wanted to pursue, and to avoid pressures from peers. Schools may advocate a collaborative, authentic and goal-oriented learning environment with respect to the demand of Industrial Revolution 4.0.
ACT, Inc. (2015). The Condition of College & Career Readiness 2015. ACT, Inc.
Akram, T. M., Ijaz, A., & Ikram, H. (2017). Exploring the Factors Responsible for Declining Students’ Interest in Chemistry. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 7(2), 88–94.
American Institute of Physics. (2014). High school physics courses & enrollments. Retrieved from Accessed May 2015.
Anito, J.C., Jr., Morales, M.P.E., & Palisoc, C.P. (2019). The Pedagogical Model for Philippine STEAM Education. Paper presented during the National Forum for STEAM in Higher Education, Manila, Philippines.
Baber, L. D. (2015). Considering the Interest-Convergence Dilemma in STEM Education. The Review of Higher Education, 38(2), 251–270.
Barton, A. C., Tan, E., & Rivet, A. (2008). Creating Hybrid Spaces for Engaging School Science Among Urban Middle School Girls. American Educational Research Journal, 45(1), 68–103.
Blotnicky, K. A., Franz-Odendaal, T., French, F., & Joy, P. (2018). A study of the correlation between STEM career knowledge, mathematics self-efficacy, career interests, and career activities on the likelihood of pursuing a STEM career among middle school students. International Journal of STEM Education, 5(1).
Bolds, T. (2017). A Structural and Intersectional Analysis of High School Students’ STEM Career Development Using a Social Cognitive Career Theory Framework. (Published Dissertation). Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York.
Bottia, M. C., Stearns, E., Mickelson, R. A., Moller, S., & Valentino, L. (2015). Growing the roots of STEM majors: Female math and science high school faculty and the participation of students in STEM. Economics of Education Review, 45, 14-27.
Chang, Y., & Park, S.W. (2014). Exploring students’ perspectives of college STEM: An analysis of course rating websites. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. 26 (1), 1.
Chen, X. (2013). STEM Attrition: College Students' Paths into and out of STEM Fields. Statistical Analysis Report. NCES 2014-001. National Center for Education Statistics.
Chen, X., & Ho, P. (2012). STEM in postsecondary education: Entrance, attrition, and course taking among 2003-04 beginning postsecondary students (NCES 2013. -152). National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, DC: US Department of Education.
Childs, P. Y. (2015). Factors affecting the academic achievement and persistence of quota students in STEM: A case study of a public university in Brazil (Doctoral dissertation).
Dang, T. T. T. (2015, November). In search of a better future: Aspirations and challenges for young rural to urban migrants: a case study in Hanoi, Vietnam. In Refereed Proceedings of TASA's 2015 Conference (p. 130).
Drew, C. (2011). Why Science Majors Change Their Minds (It’s Just So Darn Hard). New York Times, 4.
Duke University. (2019). Why Study Math? Retrieved April 13, 2019 from
EduTECH. (2016). The Critical challenge of growing STEM Education in the Philippines. Retrieved September 13, 2019 from
English, L. D. (2016). STEM education K-12: perspectives on integration. International Journal of STEM Education, 3(1).
Etikan, I., Musa, S. A., & Alkassim, R. S. (2016). Comparison of convenience sampling and purposive sampling. American journal of theoretical and applied statistics, 5(1), 1-4.
Finegold, P., Stagg, P., & Hutchinson, J. (2011). Good timing: Implementing STEM careers strategy in secondary schools. Centre for Education and Industry, University of Warwick, UK.
Florida Career College. (2018). Why Information Technology is a Good Career. Retrieved April 28, 2019 from
Franco, M. S., & Patel, N. H. (2017). Exploring student engagement in STEM education: An examination of STEM schools, STEM programs, and traditional schools. Research in the Schools, 24(1), 10-30.
Gestiada, G., Nazareno, A., & Roxas-Villanueva, R. M. (2017). Development of a Senior High School Career Decision Tool Based on Social Cognitive Career Theory. Philippine Journal of Science, 146(4), 445-455.
Halim, L., & Meerah, T. S. M. (2016). Science education research and practice in Malaysia. In Science education research and practice in Asia (pp. 71-93). Springer, Singapore.
Harackiewicz, J. M., Rozek, C. S., Hulleman, C. S., & Hyde, J. S. (2012). Helping Parents to Motivate Adolescents in Mathematics and Science. Psychological Science, 23(8), 899–906.
Hatch, J. A. (2002). Doing qualitative research in education settings. Suny Press.
Hazari, Z., Potvin, G., Cribbs, J. D., Godwin, A., Scott, T. D., & Klotz, L. (2017). Interest in STEM is contagious for students in biology, chemistry, and physics classes. Science Advances, 3(8), e1700046.
Higher Education Research Institute [HERI]. (2010). Degrees of success: Bachelor’s degree completion rates among initial STEM majors. HERI Report Brief.
Hill, C., Corbett, C., & St. Rose, A. (2010). Why so few? Women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. American Association of University Women. 1111 Sixteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20036.
Honey, M., Pearson, G., & Schweingruber, H. (Eds.). (2014). STEM integration in K-12 education: Status, prospects, and an agenda for research (Vol. 500). Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
Ivey, T. A., Colston, N. M., & Thomas, J. A. (2015). Bringing space science down to Earth for preservice elementary teachers. Electronic Journal of Science Education, 19(2), 1-19.
Kennedy, B., Hefferon, M., & Funk, C. (2018). Half of Americans think young people don’t pursue STEM because it is too hard. The Pew Research Center.
Kitchen, J. A., Sonnert, G., & Sadler, P. M. (2018). The impact of college- and university-run high school summer programs on students’ end of high school STEM career aspirations. Science Education, 102(3), 529–547.
Koh, E. T., & Owen, W. L. (2000). Descriptive Research and Qualitative Research. Introduction to Nutrition and Health Research, 219–248.\
Lambert, V. A., & Lambert, C. E. (2012). Qualitative descriptive research: An acceptable design. Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research, 16(4), 255-256.
Laut, J., Bartolini, T., & Porfiri, M. (2015). Bioinspiring an Interest in STEM. IEEE Transactions on Education, 58(1), 48–55.
Lincoln, Y. S., & E. G. Guba. (1985). Naturalistic inquiry. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Margot, K. C., & Kettler, T. (2019). Teachers’ perception of STEM integration and education: a systematic literature review. International Journal of STEM Education, 6(1).
Mattern, K., Radunzel, J., & Westrick, P. (2015). Development of STEM Readiness Benchmarks to Assist Educational and Career Decision Making. ACT Research Report Series, 2015 (3). ACT, Inc.
Matusovich, H. M., Streveler, R. A., & Miller, R. L. (2010). Why do students choose engineering? A qualitative, longitudinal investigation of students' motivational values. Journal of Engineering Education, 99(4), 289-303.
McCharen, B., & High, K. (2010). Career and technical programs of study and early indicators of retention in the College of Engineering. Ames, IA: Association of Career and Technical Education Research. Retrieved from ogramsogfStudy_Final.pdf
McQuerrey, L. (n.d.). Family Factors Influencing Career Choices. Work - Retrieved April 20, 2019 from
Mohr‐Schroeder, M. J., Jackson, C., Miller, M., Walcott, B., Little, D. L., Speler, L., ... & Schroeder, D. C. (2014). Developing Middle School Students' Interests in STEM via Summer Learning Experiences: S ee B lue STEM C amp. School Science and Mathematics, 114(6), 291-301.
Nugent, G., Barker, B., Welch, G., Grandgenett, N., Wu, C., & Nelson, C. (2015). A model of factors contributing to STEM learning and career orientation. International Journal of Science Education, 37(7), 1067-1088.
Ouano, J. J. G., Torre, J. F. D. L., Japitan, W. I., & Moneva, J. C. (2019). Factors influencing on grade 12 students’chosen courses in Jagobiao National High School–senior high school department. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 9(1), 421-431.
Orbeta Jr, A. C., Lagarto, M. B., Ortiz, M. K. P., Ortiz, D. A. P., & Potestad, M. V. (2018). Senior High School and the Labor Market: Perspectives of Grade 12 Students and Human Resource Officers. In Discussion Paper Series, No.2018-49. Retrieved September 13, 2019 at
Patton, M. (2013). ATE Had Role in the Naming of STEM. Retrieved from
Penedilla, J.S. & Rosaldo, L.B. (2017). Factors affecting career preferences among senior highschool students in Tacloban City (Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis). Estern Visayas State University, Tacloban City.
Rask, K. (2010). Attrition in STEM fields at a liberal arts college: The importance of grades and pre-collegiate preferences. Economics of Education Review, 29(6), 892–900.
Roberts, S. G. (2002). SET for success: The supply of people with science, technology, engineering and mathematics skills (p. 3). London: HM Treasury.
Robnett, R.D. & Leaper, C. (2013), Friendship Groups, Personal Motivation, and Gender in Relation to High School Students' STEM Career Interest. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 23(4), 652-664.
Rogayan, D. V. Jr. (2018). Why Young Filipino Teachers Teach? Asia Pacific Higher Education Research Journal, 5(2), 48-60.
Shaw, E. J., & Barbuti, S. (2010). Patterns of persistence in intended college major with a focus on STEM majors. NACADA Journal, 30(2), 19-34.
Siekmann, G., & Korbel, P. (2016). Defining ‘STEM’ skills: review and synthesis of the literature. In NCVER. Commonwealth of Australia.
Song, C., & Glick, J. E. (2004). College attendance and choice of college majors among Asian-American students. Social Science Quarterly, 85, 1401-1421.
Spokane, A. R. (1985). A review of research on person-environment congruence in Holland's theory of careers. Journal of vocational behavior, 26(3), 306-343.
Stagg, P., Laird, R., & Taylor, P. (2003). Widening participation in the physical sciences: an investigation into factors influencing the uptake of physics and chemistry. Final report. Coventry: The University of Warwick, Centre for Education and Industry.
Staunton, T. (2015). John Holland’s Theory of Career Choice-Theories Every Careers Adviser Should Know. Retrieved March, 22, 2019.
Steinberg, L., & Monahan, K. C. (2007). Age differences in resistance to peer influence. Developmental Psychology, 43(6), 1531–1543.
Stevens, S., Andrade, R., & Page, M. (2016). Motivating Young Native American Students to Pursue STEM Learning Through a Culturally Relevant Science Program. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 25(6), 947–960.
Trusty, J. (2002). Effects of high school course‐taking and other variables on choice of science and mathematics college majors. Journal of Counseling & Development, 80(4), 464-474.
Villena, W.M., (2017). Guiding our senior high-school students on their career path. Business Mirror. Retrived from
Viroli, M. (1995). For love of country: An essay on patriotism and nationalism. Clarendon Press.
Wang, X. (2013). Why students choose STEM majors: Motivation, high school learning, and postsecondary context of support. American Educational Research Journal, 50(5), 1081-1121.
Zhang, L., & Barnett, M. (2015). How high school students envision their STEM career pathways. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 10(3), 637-656.
Rafanan, R. J., De Guzman, C. Y., & Rogayan, D. J. (2020). Pursuing STEM Careers: Perspectives of Senior High School Students. Participatory Educational Research, 7(3), 38-58.