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Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi Tarafından Hükmedilen Hapis Cezalarının İnfazına İlişkin Kuralların İç Hukuka Aktarılması: Bir Afrika Perspektifi

Year 2023, Volume: 43 Issue: 1, 285 - 311, 19.07.2023


Afrika ile Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi (UCM) arasındaki çalkantılı ilişkilerden dolayı, Afrika devletlerinin UCM Statüsü’nü uygulaması tartışmalıdır. Yazar, 8 Afrika devletinin (Burkina Faso, Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti, Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti, Kenya, Mauritius, Uganda, Güney Afrika ve Komor Adaları) hukukuna bakarak UCM Statüsü’nün 106. madde hükümlerinin mevzuata aktarılmasını değerlendirmektedir. İşbirliğine dair ulusal mevzuatın Roma Statüsü’ndeki işbirliği ve adli yardıma ilişkin ifadelerle uyumunun incelenmesi konuyla ilgili görüldüğünden, analiz hem Afrika’daki mevzuatların Roma Statüsü’yle hem de birbirleriyle kıyaslanmasını gerektirmektedir. Yazar, Afrika’daki kanunların, hapis cezalarının infazı üzerinde UCM’nin denetleme yetkisini isteksizce kabul etmelerine dikkat çekmektedir. Ardından, ulusal mevzuatın tutukluluk koşulları ve bununla alakalı güvencelere uygulanması ilkesinin karma bir şekilde birleştirilmesi, yani bu koşulların, mahkûmlara muameleye ilişkin genel kabul gören uluslararası sözleşme standartlarına uygunluğu, UCM tarafından mahkûm edilen kimselerle yerel mahkûmlara eşit muamele edilmesi, mahkûm ile UCM arasında haberleşme hürriyeti ve gizliliğinin sağlanmasını ayrıntılı bir şekilde incelemektedir. Son olarak yazar, çoğu Afrika devletinin işbirliğine dair kanunları cezalandırılan kişi ile UCM arasında haberleşme hürriyeti ve haberleşmenin gizliliği gereksinimini içerdiğinden, ilgili devletlerin UCM’nin denetim yetkisini genel olarak kabul ettikleri sonucuna ulaşılabilineceğini ileri sürmektedir.


  • Plenet E, Vers la creation d’une prison internationale : l’execution des peines prononcees par les juridictions penales internationales (L’Harmattan 2010) google scholar
  • Schabas WA, The International Criminal Court: A Commentary on the Rome Statute (Oxford University Press 2010) google scholar
  • Abtahi H and Koh SA, ‘The Emerging Enforcement Practice of the International Criminal Court’, (2012) 45 Cornell I.L.J. 1-23. google scholar
  • Cassese A, ‘On Current Trends towards Criminal Prosecution and Punishment of Breaches of International Humanitarian Law’, (1998) 9 European Journal of International Law 2-17. google scholar
  • Chimimba TP, ‘Establishing an Enforcement Regime’, in Roy S Lee (ed.), The International Criminal Court: The Making of the Rome Statute. Issues, Negotiations, Results (Kluwer Law International 1999) 345-356. google scholar
  • Clark RS, ‘Article 106, Supervision of Enforcement of Sentences and Conditions of Imprisonment’, in Otto Triffterer and Kai Ambos (eds), Commentary on the Rome Statute of International Criminal Court (3th edn, Hart 2016) 2192-2195. google scholar
  • Corell H, ‘Nuremberg and the Development of an International Criminal Court’, (1995)149 Military Law Review 87-100. google scholar
  • Kentsa E, ‘L’incorporation legislative du regime d’execution des peines d’emprisonnement du Statut de Rome de la CPI en Afrique’, (2017) 2 Revue du Droit Public 407-437. google scholar
  • KreP C and Sluiter G, ‘Imprisonment’, in Antonio Cassese, Paula Gaeta and JRWD Jones (eds), The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary (OUP 2002) 1757-1821. google scholar
  • Manirakiza P, ‘La problematique de l’execution des sanctions penales internationales’, (2006) 11 Canadian Criminal Law Review 27-52. google scholar
  • Ntoubandi FZ, ‘Article 106, Contröle de l’execution de la peine et conditions de detention’, in Julian Fernandez and Xavier Pacreau (eds), Statut de Rome de la Cour penale internationale, Commentaire article par article (Pedone 2012) 1975-1979. google scholar
  • Olinga AD, ‘La ‘‘Question anglophone’’ devant le pretoire international des droits de l’Homme’, in Alain Didier Olinga (ed.), Le Cameroun et le pretoire international (Afredit 2015) 321-333. google scholar
  • Penrose MM, ‘Spandau Revisited: The Question of Detention for international War Crimes’, (19992000) 16 New York Law School Journal of Human Rights 553-591. google scholar
  • ----------------, ‘No Badges, No Bars: A Conspicuous Oversight in the Development of an International Criminal Court’, (2003) 38 Texas I.L.J. 621-642. google scholar
  • Prost K, ‘Enforcement’, in Roy S Lee (ed.), The International Criminal Court: Elements of Crimes and Rules of Procedure and Evidence (Transnational 2001) 673-702. google scholar
  • Smit DVZ, ‘International Imprisonment’, (2005) 54 International Criminal Law Quarterly 357-386. google scholar
  • Stiel M and Stuckenberg C-F, ‘Article 106 - Supervision of Enforcement of Sentences and Conditions of Imprisonment’, in Mark Klamberg (ed.), The Commentary on the Law of the International Criminal Court (TOAEP 2017) 693-697. google scholar
  • Strijards GAM and Harmsen RO, ‘Article 103, Role of States in Enforcement of Sentences of Imprisonment’, in Otto Triffterer and Kai Ambos (eds), Commentary on the Rome Statute of International Criminal Court, Observer’s Notes, Article by Article (3th edn, Hart 2016) 21732186. google scholar
  • Agreement between the International Criminal Court and the International Committee of the Red Cross on Visits to Persons deprived of Liberty Pursuant to the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, 13 April 2006, ICC-PRES/02-01-06, available online at <https://www.icc-cpi. int/NR/rdonlyres/A542057C-FB5F-4729-8DD4-8C0699DDE0A3/140159/ICCPRES020106_ English.pdf> accessed 10 September 2021 google scholar
  • Ad Hoc Agreement between the Government of Democratic Republic of Congo and the Court on the Execution of Mr. Germain Katanga’s Sentence, ICC-01/04-01/07-3626-Anx, signed at The Hague, 24 November 2015 google scholar
  • ICC Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, 2187 UNTS 90 done at Rome on July 17, 1998, entered into force July 1, 2002 google scholar
  • ---- Rules of Procedure and Evidence (ASPOR 1st session New York 3-10 September 2002 ICC-ASP/1/3 and Corr.1) as amended google scholar
  • ICTY Prosecutor v Erdemovic (Judgement) IT-96-22-T, T Ch (29 November 1996) google scholar
  • SCSL, Special Court for Sierra Leone Statute, annex to the Agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Sierra Leone on the establishment of a Special Court for Sierra Leone 2178 UNTS 137 done at Freetown on January 16, 2002, entered into force April 12, 2002 google scholar
  • UN United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, First United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders in 1955 and approved by the Economic and Social Council by its resolutions 663 C (XXIV) of 31 July 1957 and 2076 (LXII) of 13 May 1977 google scholar
  • UNCHR, ‘General Comment No 21’ UN Doc A/47/40 google scholar
  • ----------, Albert Womah Mukong v Cameroon (1994) Observations, Submission No 458/1991 google scholar ----------, Fongum Gorji-Dinka v Cameroon (2005) Observations, Communication No 1134/2002 google scholar
  • UNGA ‘Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its forty-sixth session’ UN GAOR 49th session Supp No 10 UN Doc A/49/10 (1994) google scholar
  • -------- ‘Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court’ UN GAOR 50th Session Supp No 22 UN Doc A/50/22 (1995) google scholar
  • -------- ‘Report of the Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court Vol I (Proceedings of the Preparatory Committee during March-April and August 1996)’ UN GAOR 51st Session Supp No 22 UN Doc A/51/22 (1996) google scholar
  • -------- ‘Report of the Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court’ UN Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court (Rome 15 June - 17 July 1998) (14 April 1998) UN Doc A/CONF.183/2/Add.1 google scholar
  • UNSC Res 827 (27 May 1993) UN Doc S/RES/827 google scholar
  • --------Res 955 (8 November 1994) UN Doc S/RES/955 google scholar
  • --------ICTR Statute adopted by Res 955 (8 November 1994) UN Doc S/RES/955 google scholar --------ICTY Statute adopted by Res 827 (27 May 1993) UN Doc S/RES/827 google scholar
  • -------- Special Tribunal for Lebanon Statute annex to Res 1757 (30 May 2007) UN Doc S/RES/1757 google scholar
  • ------- Rules Covering the Detention of Persons awaiting Trial or Appeal before the Tribunal or otherwise Detained on the Authority of the Tribunal, 9 January 1996 google scholar
  • ------- Rules Governing the Detention of Persons awaiting Trial or Appeal before the Tribunal or otherwise Detained on the Authority of the Tribunal, Rev. 9, 21 July 2005 google scholar
  • Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Act 2002 (Act 27) (South Africa), 12 July 2002 google scholar
  • International Criminal Court Act 2011 (Act No. 27) (Mauritius), 26 July 2011 google scholar
  • Law No 052-2009/AN Determining Jurisdiction and Procedure for the Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court by the Burkinabe Courts, 3 December 2009 (promulgated by Decree No 2009-894/PRES, 31 December 2009) google scholar
  • Law No 10.002 of 06 January 2010 on the Criminal Procedure Code (Central African Republic) google scholar
  • Law No 11-022/AU 13 December 2011 on the Implementation of the Rome State (Comoros) (promulgated by Decree No 12-022/PR, 04 February 2012) google scholar
  • Law No 15/024 of 31 December 2015 Amending and Supplementing Decree of 6 August 1959 on the Criminal Procedure Code (Democratic Republic of Congo) google scholar
  • The International Crimes Act 2008 (Kenya), 12 December 2008 google scholar
  • The International Criminal Court Act 2010 (Uganda), 25 May 2010 google scholar

Incorporation of Rules Governing the Enforcement of Prison Sentences Imposed by the International Criminal Court ICC: An African Perspective

Year 2023, Volume: 43 Issue: 1, 285 - 311, 19.07.2023


Because of the tumultuous relations between Africa and the International Criminal Court (ICC), the implementation of its Statute by African states remains topical. The author assesses the legislative incorporation of the provisions of Article 106 of the ICC Statute by the laws of eight African states (Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, DRC, Kenya, Mauritius, Uganda, South Africa, and the Union of the Comoros). Since it seems relevant to assess the conformity of national cooperation legislation with the statements of the Rome Statute on cooperation and judicial assistance, the analysis requires both the comparison of the African legislations with the Rome Statute and that of African legislations with each other. He notes the hesitant acknowledgement of the ICC’s supervisory power over the enforcement of prison sentences by African laws. He then elaborates on the mixed incorporation of the principle of application of the national legislation to the conditions of detention and related guarantees, that is, the compliance of these conditions with widely accepted international treaty standards on the treatment of prisoners, the equality of treatment of persons sentenced by the ICC and domestic prisoners and, the freedom and confidentiality of communications between the sentenced person and the ICC. Finally, the author argues that since most of the African states’ cooperation laws incorporate the requirement of freedom and confidentiality of communications between the sentenced person and the ICC, it can be inferred that the states concerned generally acknowledge the ICC’s power of supervision.


  • Plenet E, Vers la creation d’une prison internationale : l’execution des peines prononcees par les juridictions penales internationales (L’Harmattan 2010) google scholar
  • Schabas WA, The International Criminal Court: A Commentary on the Rome Statute (Oxford University Press 2010) google scholar
  • Abtahi H and Koh SA, ‘The Emerging Enforcement Practice of the International Criminal Court’, (2012) 45 Cornell I.L.J. 1-23. google scholar
  • Cassese A, ‘On Current Trends towards Criminal Prosecution and Punishment of Breaches of International Humanitarian Law’, (1998) 9 European Journal of International Law 2-17. google scholar
  • Chimimba TP, ‘Establishing an Enforcement Regime’, in Roy S Lee (ed.), The International Criminal Court: The Making of the Rome Statute. Issues, Negotiations, Results (Kluwer Law International 1999) 345-356. google scholar
  • Clark RS, ‘Article 106, Supervision of Enforcement of Sentences and Conditions of Imprisonment’, in Otto Triffterer and Kai Ambos (eds), Commentary on the Rome Statute of International Criminal Court (3th edn, Hart 2016) 2192-2195. google scholar
  • Corell H, ‘Nuremberg and the Development of an International Criminal Court’, (1995)149 Military Law Review 87-100. google scholar
  • Kentsa E, ‘L’incorporation legislative du regime d’execution des peines d’emprisonnement du Statut de Rome de la CPI en Afrique’, (2017) 2 Revue du Droit Public 407-437. google scholar
  • KreP C and Sluiter G, ‘Imprisonment’, in Antonio Cassese, Paula Gaeta and JRWD Jones (eds), The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary (OUP 2002) 1757-1821. google scholar
  • Manirakiza P, ‘La problematique de l’execution des sanctions penales internationales’, (2006) 11 Canadian Criminal Law Review 27-52. google scholar
  • Ntoubandi FZ, ‘Article 106, Contröle de l’execution de la peine et conditions de detention’, in Julian Fernandez and Xavier Pacreau (eds), Statut de Rome de la Cour penale internationale, Commentaire article par article (Pedone 2012) 1975-1979. google scholar
  • Olinga AD, ‘La ‘‘Question anglophone’’ devant le pretoire international des droits de l’Homme’, in Alain Didier Olinga (ed.), Le Cameroun et le pretoire international (Afredit 2015) 321-333. google scholar
  • Penrose MM, ‘Spandau Revisited: The Question of Detention for international War Crimes’, (19992000) 16 New York Law School Journal of Human Rights 553-591. google scholar
  • ----------------, ‘No Badges, No Bars: A Conspicuous Oversight in the Development of an International Criminal Court’, (2003) 38 Texas I.L.J. 621-642. google scholar
  • Prost K, ‘Enforcement’, in Roy S Lee (ed.), The International Criminal Court: Elements of Crimes and Rules of Procedure and Evidence (Transnational 2001) 673-702. google scholar
  • Smit DVZ, ‘International Imprisonment’, (2005) 54 International Criminal Law Quarterly 357-386. google scholar
  • Stiel M and Stuckenberg C-F, ‘Article 106 - Supervision of Enforcement of Sentences and Conditions of Imprisonment’, in Mark Klamberg (ed.), The Commentary on the Law of the International Criminal Court (TOAEP 2017) 693-697. google scholar
  • Strijards GAM and Harmsen RO, ‘Article 103, Role of States in Enforcement of Sentences of Imprisonment’, in Otto Triffterer and Kai Ambos (eds), Commentary on the Rome Statute of International Criminal Court, Observer’s Notes, Article by Article (3th edn, Hart 2016) 21732186. google scholar
  • Agreement between the International Criminal Court and the International Committee of the Red Cross on Visits to Persons deprived of Liberty Pursuant to the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, 13 April 2006, ICC-PRES/02-01-06, available online at <https://www.icc-cpi. int/NR/rdonlyres/A542057C-FB5F-4729-8DD4-8C0699DDE0A3/140159/ICCPRES020106_ English.pdf> accessed 10 September 2021 google scholar
  • Ad Hoc Agreement between the Government of Democratic Republic of Congo and the Court on the Execution of Mr. Germain Katanga’s Sentence, ICC-01/04-01/07-3626-Anx, signed at The Hague, 24 November 2015 google scholar
  • ICC Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, 2187 UNTS 90 done at Rome on July 17, 1998, entered into force July 1, 2002 google scholar
  • ---- Rules of Procedure and Evidence (ASPOR 1st session New York 3-10 September 2002 ICC-ASP/1/3 and Corr.1) as amended google scholar
  • ICTY Prosecutor v Erdemovic (Judgement) IT-96-22-T, T Ch (29 November 1996) google scholar
  • SCSL, Special Court for Sierra Leone Statute, annex to the Agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Sierra Leone on the establishment of a Special Court for Sierra Leone 2178 UNTS 137 done at Freetown on January 16, 2002, entered into force April 12, 2002 google scholar
  • UN United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, First United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders in 1955 and approved by the Economic and Social Council by its resolutions 663 C (XXIV) of 31 July 1957 and 2076 (LXII) of 13 May 1977 google scholar
  • UNCHR, ‘General Comment No 21’ UN Doc A/47/40 google scholar
  • ----------, Albert Womah Mukong v Cameroon (1994) Observations, Submission No 458/1991 google scholar ----------, Fongum Gorji-Dinka v Cameroon (2005) Observations, Communication No 1134/2002 google scholar
  • UNGA ‘Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its forty-sixth session’ UN GAOR 49th session Supp No 10 UN Doc A/49/10 (1994) google scholar
  • -------- ‘Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court’ UN GAOR 50th Session Supp No 22 UN Doc A/50/22 (1995) google scholar
  • -------- ‘Report of the Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court Vol I (Proceedings of the Preparatory Committee during March-April and August 1996)’ UN GAOR 51st Session Supp No 22 UN Doc A/51/22 (1996) google scholar
  • -------- ‘Report of the Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court’ UN Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court (Rome 15 June - 17 July 1998) (14 April 1998) UN Doc A/CONF.183/2/Add.1 google scholar
  • UNSC Res 827 (27 May 1993) UN Doc S/RES/827 google scholar
  • --------Res 955 (8 November 1994) UN Doc S/RES/955 google scholar
  • --------ICTR Statute adopted by Res 955 (8 November 1994) UN Doc S/RES/955 google scholar --------ICTY Statute adopted by Res 827 (27 May 1993) UN Doc S/RES/827 google scholar
  • -------- Special Tribunal for Lebanon Statute annex to Res 1757 (30 May 2007) UN Doc S/RES/1757 google scholar
  • ------- Rules Covering the Detention of Persons awaiting Trial or Appeal before the Tribunal or otherwise Detained on the Authority of the Tribunal, 9 January 1996 google scholar
  • ------- Rules Governing the Detention of Persons awaiting Trial or Appeal before the Tribunal or otherwise Detained on the Authority of the Tribunal, Rev. 9, 21 July 2005 google scholar
  • Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Act 2002 (Act 27) (South Africa), 12 July 2002 google scholar
  • International Criminal Court Act 2011 (Act No. 27) (Mauritius), 26 July 2011 google scholar
  • Law No 052-2009/AN Determining Jurisdiction and Procedure for the Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court by the Burkinabe Courts, 3 December 2009 (promulgated by Decree No 2009-894/PRES, 31 December 2009) google scholar
  • Law No 10.002 of 06 January 2010 on the Criminal Procedure Code (Central African Republic) google scholar
  • Law No 11-022/AU 13 December 2011 on the Implementation of the Rome State (Comoros) (promulgated by Decree No 12-022/PR, 04 February 2012) google scholar
  • Law No 15/024 of 31 December 2015 Amending and Supplementing Decree of 6 August 1959 on the Criminal Procedure Code (Democratic Republic of Congo) google scholar
  • The International Crimes Act 2008 (Kenya), 12 December 2008 google scholar
  • The International Criminal Court Act 2010 (Uganda), 25 May 2010 google scholar
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section Articles

Etienne Kentsa 0000-0003-2154-3840

Early Pub Date July 19, 2023
Publication Date July 19, 2023
Submission Date August 7, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 43 Issue: 1


APA Kentsa, E. (2023). Incorporation of Rules Governing the Enforcement of Prison Sentences Imposed by the International Criminal Court ICC: An African Perspective. Public and Private International Law Bulletin, 43(1), 285-311.
AMA Kentsa E. Incorporation of Rules Governing the Enforcement of Prison Sentences Imposed by the International Criminal Court ICC: An African Perspective. PPIL. July 2023;43(1):285-311. doi:10.26650/ppil.2023.43.1158843
Chicago Kentsa, Etienne. “Incorporation of Rules Governing the Enforcement of Prison Sentences Imposed by the International Criminal Court ICC: An African Perspective”. Public and Private International Law Bulletin 43, no. 1 (July 2023): 285-311.
EndNote Kentsa E (July 1, 2023) Incorporation of Rules Governing the Enforcement of Prison Sentences Imposed by the International Criminal Court ICC: An African Perspective. Public and Private International Law Bulletin 43 1 285–311.
IEEE E. Kentsa, “Incorporation of Rules Governing the Enforcement of Prison Sentences Imposed by the International Criminal Court ICC: An African Perspective”, PPIL, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 285–311, 2023, doi: 10.26650/ppil.2023.43.1158843.
ISNAD Kentsa, Etienne. “Incorporation of Rules Governing the Enforcement of Prison Sentences Imposed by the International Criminal Court ICC: An African Perspective”. Public and Private International Law Bulletin 43/1 (July 2023), 285-311.
JAMA Kentsa E. Incorporation of Rules Governing the Enforcement of Prison Sentences Imposed by the International Criminal Court ICC: An African Perspective. PPIL. 2023;43:285–311.
MLA Kentsa, Etienne. “Incorporation of Rules Governing the Enforcement of Prison Sentences Imposed by the International Criminal Court ICC: An African Perspective”. Public and Private International Law Bulletin, vol. 43, no. 1, 2023, pp. 285-11, doi:10.26650/ppil.2023.43.1158843.
Vancouver Kentsa E. Incorporation of Rules Governing the Enforcement of Prison Sentences Imposed by the International Criminal Court ICC: An African Perspective. PPIL. 2023;43(1):285-311.