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A case of anterior-posterior meningomyelocele which was diagnosed falsely as teratoma during antenatal period

Year 2017, , 13 - 15, 30.04.2017


Spina bifida, is a common term for malformations of
spinal cord and vertebra caused by in complete
fusion of the
embryonic neural tube.   Meningomyelocele is a
malformation that consists 90% of spina bifida and is caused by opening of the
spinal cord and spinal nevre roots together. More than 90% of the malformations
have multifactorial heredity. Because siblings of the se patients have also
similar diagnoses and their parents are relative to each others, it supports a
heredity origin of the disease. It can be diagnosed prenatally by the
ultrasound. In this paper, we present a case, who born to non-consanguineo us
parents, and it was thought as a case of teratoma, but postnatally diagnosed as


  • 1. Halm YS: Open myelomeningocele. NeurosurgClin N Am 6 (2): 231-241, 19952. Pang D: Surgical complication of open spinal dysraphism. NeurosurgClin N Am 6 (2): 243-257, 19953. BarkovichAJ, Naidich TP: Congenital anomalies of the spine. Barkovich AJ (ed), Pediatric Neuroimaging, New York: RavenPress, 1990: 227-2714. Babcook CJ: Ultrasoundevaluation of prenatal and neonatal spinabifida. NeurosurgClin N Am 6(2): 203-217, 19965. Chambers GK, Cochrane D, lrwin B: Assessment of the appropriateness of services provided by a multidisciplinary meningomyelocele clinic. Pediatr Neurosurg 24: 92-97, 19966. Himmetoglu O, Tiras MB, Gürsoy R: Theincidence of congenital malformations in a Turkish population. Int J GynecolObstet 55: 117-121, 19967. Wald NJ. Folic acid and the prevention of neural-tubedefects. N Engl J Med. 2004;350:101–103.8. Czeizel AE, Dudás I. Prevention of the first occurrence of neuraltubeDefects by periconceptional vitamin supplementation. N Engl J Med 1992; 327:1832-1835.9. Onrat ST, Seyman H, Konuk M. Incidence of neuraltube defects in Afyonkarahisar, Western Turkey. GenetMolRes. 2009;8:154–16110. Northrup H, Volcik KA. Spina bifida and other neuraltube defects. CurrProbl Pediatr. 2000;30:313–332.11. Elliott SP, Villar R, Duncan B. Bacteriuri a management and urological evaluation of patients with spina bifida and neurogenic bladder : a multicenter survey. J Urol. 2005;173:217–220.12. Liptak GS, Dosa NP. Myelomeningocele. Pediatr Rev. 2010;31:443–450.13. Şişli Etfal Hastanesi Tıp Bülteni, Cilt: 44, Sayı: 2, 2010 / The Medical Bulletin of Şişli Etfal Hospital, Volume: 44, Number 2, 2010;61-65

Prenatal teratom tanısı almış anterior ve posterior yerleşimli meningomyelosel olgusu

Year 2017, , 13 - 15, 30.04.2017


embriyonik nöral tüpün kapanma defektinin neden olduğu, spinal kord ve
vertebranın malformasyonları için kullanılan ortak bir terimdir.
Meningomyelosel ise spinal kord ve spinal sinir köklerinin birlikte açıkta
kalması ile meydana gelen ve spina bifidanın % 90’ını oluşturan bir
malformasyondur. Bu malformasyonların % 90‘ından fazlası multifaktöriyel
kalıtımla oluşmaktadır.
Hastaların kardeşlerinde benzer tanı ve
hikâyelerinde ebeveyn akrabalığı olması hastalığın genetik kalıtımı olduğunu
ortaya koymaktadır. Hastalığın tanısı ultrasonografi ile prenatal dönemde
anne baba arasında akrabalık bulunmayan ve antenatal dönemde teratom düşünülen
ancak postnatal olarak anteroposterior yerleşimli meningomyelosel tanısı alan
bir yenidoğan olgu sunulmuştur. 


  • 1. Halm YS: Open myelomeningocele. NeurosurgClin N Am 6 (2): 231-241, 19952. Pang D: Surgical complication of open spinal dysraphism. NeurosurgClin N Am 6 (2): 243-257, 19953. BarkovichAJ, Naidich TP: Congenital anomalies of the spine. Barkovich AJ (ed), Pediatric Neuroimaging, New York: RavenPress, 1990: 227-2714. Babcook CJ: Ultrasoundevaluation of prenatal and neonatal spinabifida. NeurosurgClin N Am 6(2): 203-217, 19965. Chambers GK, Cochrane D, lrwin B: Assessment of the appropriateness of services provided by a multidisciplinary meningomyelocele clinic. Pediatr Neurosurg 24: 92-97, 19966. Himmetoglu O, Tiras MB, Gürsoy R: Theincidence of congenital malformations in a Turkish population. Int J GynecolObstet 55: 117-121, 19967. Wald NJ. Folic acid and the prevention of neural-tubedefects. N Engl J Med. 2004;350:101–103.8. Czeizel AE, Dudás I. Prevention of the first occurrence of neuraltubeDefects by periconceptional vitamin supplementation. N Engl J Med 1992; 327:1832-1835.9. Onrat ST, Seyman H, Konuk M. Incidence of neuraltube defects in Afyonkarahisar, Western Turkey. GenetMolRes. 2009;8:154–16110. Northrup H, Volcik KA. Spina bifida and other neuraltube defects. CurrProbl Pediatr. 2000;30:313–332.11. Elliott SP, Villar R, Duncan B. Bacteriuri a management and urological evaluation of patients with spina bifida and neurogenic bladder : a multicenter survey. J Urol. 2005;173:217–220.12. Liptak GS, Dosa NP. Myelomeningocele. Pediatr Rev. 2010;31:443–450.13. Şişli Etfal Hastanesi Tıp Bülteni, Cilt: 44, Sayı: 2, 2010 / The Medical Bulletin of Şişli Etfal Hospital, Volume: 44, Number 2, 2010;61-65
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Case Reports

Hikmet Akbulut 0000-0003-0595-1182

Mesut Sivri This is me

Ali Annagür This is me

Hanifi Soylu

Publication Date April 30, 2017
Acceptance Date July 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2017


Vancouver Akbulut H, Sivri M, Annagür A, Soylu H. Prenatal teratom tanısı almış anterior ve posterior yerleşimli meningomyelosel olgusu. pediatr pract res. 2017;5(1):13-5.