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Mansoureh Hajhosseini, Masood Gholamali-Lavasani, M.-R. B. (2017). Effectiveness of group counseling based on reality therapy on Academic Procratination and Behavioral Self-Regulation of Student. Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, 27(155), 27–36.
Menesini, E., & Salmivalli, C. (2017). Bullying in schools: the state of knowledge and effective interventions. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 22, 240–253.
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Sari, P. (2018). Development of a Guide to Considering the Teaching Values of the Lampung Ethnic Nengah Nyapur to Reduce Bullying Behavior of Vocational School Students, 1095–1099.
Sari, P., & Bulantika, S. Z. (2019). Indigenous Counseling Based On The Cultural Value Of The Lampung "Piil Pesenggiri" In The Formation 9(2), 190–199.
Sari, P., Suryawati, C. T., & Bulantika, S. Z. (2020). Internalization of Piil Pesenggiri Values to Prevent Bullying Behavior of Vocational School Students, 6(1), 1–7.
Smith, P. K., Bauman, S., & Wong, D. (2019). Interventions to Reduce Bullying and Cyberbullying. Interventions to Reduce Bullying and Cyberbullying.
Utami, F. P., Lasan, B. B., & Hambali, I. M. (2019). Ability Level to Manage High School Students' Angry Emotions (English title). Journal of Education: Theory, Research, and Development, 4(2), 262–266.
Wedgwood, R., & Griffin, J. (1998). Value Judgement: Improving Our Ethical Beliefs. The Philosophical Review (Vol. 107).
William Glasser, M. D. (1974). Reality Therapy. Harper Collins e-book. HarperCollins e-books.
Wubbolding, R. E. (2013). Reality therapy for the 21st century. Routledge.
Zuckerman, D. (2016). Bullying Harms Victims And Perpetrators of All Ages. Health Progress (Saint Louis, Mo.), 97(4), 63–66.
Reality counseling with value judgement techniques to reduce bullying behavior of vocational students
Year 2020,
Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 83 - 89, 19.12.2020
Bullying is a problem that is a scourge in the world of education. In addition to the victim, bullying also impacts the offender. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of reality counseling with judgement of values to reduce bullying behavior of vocational students. Bullying behavior done by students causes students not to be able to fulfill their basic needs. This study uses a single subject research method with A-B-A design. Data collection techniques are done using observations with guidelines that have been developed. The analysis technique used is statistical analysis and clinical analysis techniques. The results showed a significant decrease in student bullying behavior through value judgment techniques at baseline A1, intervention, and baseline A2. School counselors should utilize local cultural values to consider values to evaluate student bullying behavior.
Asro, M. (2018). Javanese local wisdom-based Reality Counseling approach to reduce bullying among adolescents. In the Proceedings of the National Seminar on Guidance and Counseling, 2(1), 386–391.
Holt, M. K., Vivolo-Kantor, A. M., Polanin, J. R., Holland, K. M., DeGue, S., Matjasko, J. L., … Reid, G. (2015). Bullying and suicidal ideation and behaviors: A meta-analysis. Pediatrics, 135(2), e496–e509.
Hornor, G. (2018). Bullying: What the PNP Needs to Know. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 32(4), 399–408.
Madukwe, A., Echeme, J., Njoku, J., Annorzie, H., Omagamre, U., & Nwufo, I. (2016). Effectiveness of Reality Therapy in the Treatment of Bullying among Adolescents in Owerri North, Imo State, Nigeria. British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, 15(4), 1–8.
Mansoureh Hajhosseini, Masood Gholamali-Lavasani, M.-R. B. (2017). Effectiveness of group counseling based on reality therapy on Academic Procratination and Behavioral Self-Regulation of Student. Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, 27(155), 27–36.
Menesini, E., & Salmivalli, C. (2017). Bullying in schools: the state of knowledge and effective interventions. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 22, 240–253.
Parish, T. S., Lojk, L., Perkins, E., Cisse, G. S., Beebe, J., Robey, P. A., … Duba, J. D. (2011). International Journal of Choice Theory ® and Reality Therapy. International Journal of Choice Theory And Reality Therapy, 15(2), 1–140.
Pooravari, M., Zandipour, T., Pooravari, M., & Salehi, S. (2016). The effectiveness of group choice theory and reality therapy training on reducing aggression among female, 3(4).
Rigby, K. (2007). Bullying in schools: And what to do about it. Aust Council for Ed Research.
Sari, P. (2018). Development of a Guide to Considering the Teaching Values of the Lampung Ethnic Nengah Nyapur to Reduce Bullying Behavior of Vocational School Students, 1095–1099.
Sari, P., & Bulantika, S. Z. (2019). Indigenous Counseling Based On The Cultural Value Of The Lampung "Piil Pesenggiri" In The Formation 9(2), 190–199.
Sari, P., Suryawati, C. T., & Bulantika, S. Z. (2020). Internalization of Piil Pesenggiri Values to Prevent Bullying Behavior of Vocational School Students, 6(1), 1–7.
Smith, P. K., Bauman, S., & Wong, D. (2019). Interventions to Reduce Bullying and Cyberbullying. Interventions to Reduce Bullying and Cyberbullying.
Utami, F. P., Lasan, B. B., & Hambali, I. M. (2019). Ability Level to Manage High School Students' Angry Emotions (English title). Journal of Education: Theory, Research, and Development, 4(2), 262–266.
Wedgwood, R., & Griffin, J. (1998). Value Judgement: Improving Our Ethical Beliefs. The Philosophical Review (Vol. 107).
William Glasser, M. D. (1974). Reality Therapy. Harper Collins e-book. HarperCollins e-books.
Wubbolding, R. E. (2013). Reality therapy for the 21st century. Routledge.
Zuckerman, D. (2016). Bullying Harms Victims And Perpetrators of All Ages. Health Progress (Saint Louis, Mo.), 97(4), 63–66.
Sari, P., Thahır, A., & Utami, F. (2020). Reality counseling with value judgement techniques to reduce bullying behavior of vocational students. Psychology Research on Education and Social Sciences, 1(2), 83-89.