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Decrease in Range of Motion and Problem in Learning of a New Sport Skill Subsequently Weight Training in Weightlifters

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3, 34 - 46, 05.10.2012


The aim of this study was survey of relationship between decrease in range of motion with learning of a new sport skill in people who they had experience of weight training. This research was been by pre-test, three acquisition test, retention test and transfer test, with two group experimental (n=18 weightlifters) and control (n=20 non weightlifters). Data was collected by Universal Goniometer and AHHPERD overhand volley ball serve. All of participants did same schedule program with 120 trials (40 trials in 3 sessions). Date analysis was showed that weight lifters shoulder’s range of motion was significantly (p<0.05) less than control group. Also diversity of performance from pre-test to retention and transfer test not indicated that weight lifters learned skill which practiced it, whereas this result showed that non-weightlifters learned volleyball serve. So we could say that weight lifters worse performed than non-weight lifters in learning of a new sport skill.


  • American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Sports Med & Fitness. (2001). Strength Training by Children and Adolescents. Pediatrics, 107(6), pp: 1470-1472.
  • American Alliance for Health Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. (1969). AAHPERD volleyball skill test manual. Reston, VA: AAHPERD.
  • American College of Sports Medicine. (2005). ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (7th Ed). Health-Related Physical Testing and Interpretation. Lippincon Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp: 55-89.
  • Barlow, J.C., Brain, W.B., Birt, P.J., Hughes, C.J. (2002). Shoulder Strength and Range Of Motion Characteristics in Bodybuilders. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 16(3), pp: 367-372.
  • Beckung, E., Hagberg, G. (2002). Neuroimpairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions in children with cerebral palsy. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 44, pp: 309-16.
  • Bland, M.D., Beebe, J.A., Hardwick, D.D., Lang, C.E. (2008). Restricted Active Range of Motion at the Elbow, Forearm, Wrist, or Fingers Decreases Hand Function. J Hand Therapy, 21, pp: 268–75.
  • Calhoon, G., Fry, C. (1999). Injury Rates and Profiles of Elite Competitive Weightlifters. Journal of Athletic Training, 34(3), pp: 232-238.
  • Cantell, M.H., Crawford, S.G., Doyle-Parker, P.K. (2008). Physical fitness and health indices in children, adolescents and adults with high or low motor competence. Human Movement Science, 27, pp: 344–362.
  • Chan, H., Lau, P,. Fong, K., Poon, D., Lam, C. (2005). Neuroimpairment, activity limitation, and participation restriction among children with cerebral palsy in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Medicine Journal, 11, pp: 342-50.
  • Chandler, T.J., Kibler, W.B., Uhl, T.L., Wooten, B., Kiser, A., Stone, E. (1990). Flexibility comparisons of junior elite tennis player to other athletes. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 18(2), pp: 134-136.
  • Chang, D.E., Buschbacher, L.P., Edlich, R.F. (1988). Limited joint mobility in power lifters. Am J Sports Med, 16(3), pp: 280-4.
  • Chiu, L.Z.F., Schiling, B.K. (2005). A primer on weightlifting: From Sport to sport Training. Strength & Con J, 27(1), pp: 42-48.
  • Cooper, J.E., Shwedyk, E., Quanbury, A.O., Miller, J., Hildebrand, D. (1993). Elbow joint restriction: effect of functional upper limb motion during performance of three feeding activities. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 74, pp: 805–9.
  • Corrao, M., Kolber, M.J., Wilson, S.H. (2009). Addressing Posterior Shoulder Tightness in the Athletic Population. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 31(6), pp: 61-65.
  • Crockett, H.C. (2002). Osseus adaptation and range of motion at the glenohumeral joint in professional baseball pitchers. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 30(1), pp: 20-26.
  • Daneshmandi, H., Rahmaninia, F., Shahrokhi, H., Rahmani, P., Esmaeili, S. (2010). Shoulder joint flexibility in top athletes. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 3, pp: 811-815.
  • Daneshmandi, H., Shacklady, C, (2002). Hip rotation flexibility in professional athletes. International Journal of Collected Academic Articles, 1, pp: 81-88.
  • Dorfberger, S., Adi-Japha, E., Karni, A. (2009). Sex differences in motor performance and motor learning in children and adolescents: An increasing male advantage in motor learning and consolidation phase gains. Behavioural Brain Research, 198(1), pp: 165-171.
  • Gross, M.L., Brenner, S.L,, Edfornes, I., Sonzogni, J.J, (1993). Anterior shoulder instability in weightlifters. American Journal of Sport Medicine, 21(4), pp: 599-603.
  • Haga, M. (2008). Physical fitness in children with movement difficulties. Physiotherapy, 94, pp: 253–259.
  • Haga, M. (2009). Physical Fitness in Children With High Motor Competence Is Different From That in Children With Low Motor Competence. Physical Therapy, 89(10), pp: 1089-97.
  • Hall, S.J., Martin, M. (2002). Sport injury management. Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
  • Hammond, J. (1995). Investigation into the characteristics of children with motor difficulties: A holistic approach. Doctoral Thesis, University of New England, Armidale, NSW.
  • Hands, B. (2008). Changes in motor skill and fitness measures among children with high and low motor competence: A fiveyear longitudinal study. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 11(2), pp:155-162.
  • Hands. B., Larkin, D. (2006). Physical fitness differences in children with and without motor learning difficults. European Journal of Specific Needs Education, 21(4), pp: 447-56.
  • Kanehisa, H., Funato, K., Abem T., Fukunaga, T. (2005). Profiles of muscularity in junior Olympic weightlifters. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 45(1), pp: 77- 83.
  • Kaplan, K.M., Elattrache, N.S., Jobe, F.W., Morrey, B.F., Kaufman, K.R., Hurd, W.J. (2011). Comparison of Shoulder Range of Motion, Strength, and Playing Time in Uninjured High School Baseball Pitchers Who Reside in Warm- and Cold-Weather Climates. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 39, pp: 320-328.
  • Kibler, W.B. (1995). Clinical examination of the shoulder: Athletic injuries of the shoulder. McGraw-Hill, Inc, New York.
  • Kolber, M.J., Beekhuizen, K.S., Cheng, M.S., Hellman, M.A. (2009). Shoulder joint and muscle characteristics in the recreational weight training population. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23(1), pp: 148–157.
  • Kolber, M.J., Corrao, M.(2011). Shoulder joint and muscle characteristics among healthy female recreational weight training participants. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 25(1), pp: 231–241.
  • Kuorinka, I., Jonsson, B., Kilbom, A., Vinterberg, H., Biering-Sorensen, F., Andersson, G., Jorgenson, K. (1987). Standardized Nordic Questionnaires for the analysis of musculoskeletal symptoms. Applied Ergonomics, 18(3), pp: 233-237.
  • Murnagham, J.P. (1998). Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder: current concepts and treatment. Orthopedics, 11, pp: 153–158.
  • Neviaser, T.J. (1991). Weight lifting: risks and injuries to the shoulder. Clinics in Sports Medicine, 10, pp: 615-621.
  • Norkin, C.C., White, D.J. (1995). Measurement of Joint Motion: A Guide to Goniometry (2nd edition). Philadelphia PA: FA Davis Company.
  • O'Beirne, C., & Larkin, D. (1991). Fitness characteristics of clumsy children. Poster presented at the 8th IFAPA International Symposium, Miami, Florida.
  • Perrot, A., Bertsch, J.(2007). Role of Age in Relation Between Two Kinds of Abilities and Performance in Acquisition of New Motor Skill. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 104(1), pp: 91-101.
  • Rosenbaum, P., Paneth, N., Leviton, A., Goldstein, M., Bax, M. (2007). A report: the definition and classification of cerebral palsy April 2006. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 49 (109), pp: 8-14.
  • Schmidt, R.A. (1991). Motor Learning and Performance to Practice to Practice. Human Kinetics Publishers: Champaign, Illinois.
  • Starkey, D.B., Pollock, M.L., Ishida, Y., Welsch, M.A., Brechue, W.F., Graves, J.E., Feigenbaum, M.S. (1996). Effect of resistance training volume on strength and muscle thickness. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 28, pp: 1311–1320.
  • Tovin, B.J., Greenfield, B.H. (2001). Evaluation and treatment of the shoulder: an integration of the guide to physical therapist practice. F. A. Davis Company: Philadelphia, pp: 55-72.
  • Weeks, D. L. Sherwood, D. E. (1994). A comparison of knowledge of results scheduling methods for promoting motor skill acquisition and retention. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 65(2), pp: 136-142.
  • Wilk, K.E., Arrigo, C.A., Andrews, J.R. (1997). Current concepts: the stabilizing structures of the glenohumeral joint. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 25(6), pp: 364- 79.
  • Williams, S.M. (1991). Handedness Inventories: Edinburgh versus Annett. Neuropsychology, 5(1), pp: 43-48.
Yıl 2012, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3, 34 - 46, 05.10.2012



  • American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Sports Med & Fitness. (2001). Strength Training by Children and Adolescents. Pediatrics, 107(6), pp: 1470-1472.
  • American Alliance for Health Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. (1969). AAHPERD volleyball skill test manual. Reston, VA: AAHPERD.
  • American College of Sports Medicine. (2005). ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (7th Ed). Health-Related Physical Testing and Interpretation. Lippincon Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp: 55-89.
  • Barlow, J.C., Brain, W.B., Birt, P.J., Hughes, C.J. (2002). Shoulder Strength and Range Of Motion Characteristics in Bodybuilders. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 16(3), pp: 367-372.
  • Beckung, E., Hagberg, G. (2002). Neuroimpairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions in children with cerebral palsy. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 44, pp: 309-16.
  • Bland, M.D., Beebe, J.A., Hardwick, D.D., Lang, C.E. (2008). Restricted Active Range of Motion at the Elbow, Forearm, Wrist, or Fingers Decreases Hand Function. J Hand Therapy, 21, pp: 268–75.
  • Calhoon, G., Fry, C. (1999). Injury Rates and Profiles of Elite Competitive Weightlifters. Journal of Athletic Training, 34(3), pp: 232-238.
  • Cantell, M.H., Crawford, S.G., Doyle-Parker, P.K. (2008). Physical fitness and health indices in children, adolescents and adults with high or low motor competence. Human Movement Science, 27, pp: 344–362.
  • Chan, H., Lau, P,. Fong, K., Poon, D., Lam, C. (2005). Neuroimpairment, activity limitation, and participation restriction among children with cerebral palsy in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Medicine Journal, 11, pp: 342-50.
  • Chandler, T.J., Kibler, W.B., Uhl, T.L., Wooten, B., Kiser, A., Stone, E. (1990). Flexibility comparisons of junior elite tennis player to other athletes. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 18(2), pp: 134-136.
  • Chang, D.E., Buschbacher, L.P., Edlich, R.F. (1988). Limited joint mobility in power lifters. Am J Sports Med, 16(3), pp: 280-4.
  • Chiu, L.Z.F., Schiling, B.K. (2005). A primer on weightlifting: From Sport to sport Training. Strength & Con J, 27(1), pp: 42-48.
  • Cooper, J.E., Shwedyk, E., Quanbury, A.O., Miller, J., Hildebrand, D. (1993). Elbow joint restriction: effect of functional upper limb motion during performance of three feeding activities. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 74, pp: 805–9.
  • Corrao, M., Kolber, M.J., Wilson, S.H. (2009). Addressing Posterior Shoulder Tightness in the Athletic Population. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 31(6), pp: 61-65.
  • Crockett, H.C. (2002). Osseus adaptation and range of motion at the glenohumeral joint in professional baseball pitchers. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 30(1), pp: 20-26.
  • Daneshmandi, H., Rahmaninia, F., Shahrokhi, H., Rahmani, P., Esmaeili, S. (2010). Shoulder joint flexibility in top athletes. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 3, pp: 811-815.
  • Daneshmandi, H., Shacklady, C, (2002). Hip rotation flexibility in professional athletes. International Journal of Collected Academic Articles, 1, pp: 81-88.
  • Dorfberger, S., Adi-Japha, E., Karni, A. (2009). Sex differences in motor performance and motor learning in children and adolescents: An increasing male advantage in motor learning and consolidation phase gains. Behavioural Brain Research, 198(1), pp: 165-171.
  • Gross, M.L., Brenner, S.L,, Edfornes, I., Sonzogni, J.J, (1993). Anterior shoulder instability in weightlifters. American Journal of Sport Medicine, 21(4), pp: 599-603.
  • Haga, M. (2008). Physical fitness in children with movement difficulties. Physiotherapy, 94, pp: 253–259.
  • Haga, M. (2009). Physical Fitness in Children With High Motor Competence Is Different From That in Children With Low Motor Competence. Physical Therapy, 89(10), pp: 1089-97.
  • Hall, S.J., Martin, M. (2002). Sport injury management. Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
  • Hammond, J. (1995). Investigation into the characteristics of children with motor difficulties: A holistic approach. Doctoral Thesis, University of New England, Armidale, NSW.
  • Hands, B. (2008). Changes in motor skill and fitness measures among children with high and low motor competence: A fiveyear longitudinal study. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 11(2), pp:155-162.
  • Hands. B., Larkin, D. (2006). Physical fitness differences in children with and without motor learning difficults. European Journal of Specific Needs Education, 21(4), pp: 447-56.
  • Kanehisa, H., Funato, K., Abem T., Fukunaga, T. (2005). Profiles of muscularity in junior Olympic weightlifters. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 45(1), pp: 77- 83.
  • Kaplan, K.M., Elattrache, N.S., Jobe, F.W., Morrey, B.F., Kaufman, K.R., Hurd, W.J. (2011). Comparison of Shoulder Range of Motion, Strength, and Playing Time in Uninjured High School Baseball Pitchers Who Reside in Warm- and Cold-Weather Climates. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 39, pp: 320-328.
  • Kibler, W.B. (1995). Clinical examination of the shoulder: Athletic injuries of the shoulder. McGraw-Hill, Inc, New York.
  • Kolber, M.J., Beekhuizen, K.S., Cheng, M.S., Hellman, M.A. (2009). Shoulder joint and muscle characteristics in the recreational weight training population. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23(1), pp: 148–157.
  • Kolber, M.J., Corrao, M.(2011). Shoulder joint and muscle characteristics among healthy female recreational weight training participants. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 25(1), pp: 231–241.
  • Kuorinka, I., Jonsson, B., Kilbom, A., Vinterberg, H., Biering-Sorensen, F., Andersson, G., Jorgenson, K. (1987). Standardized Nordic Questionnaires for the analysis of musculoskeletal symptoms. Applied Ergonomics, 18(3), pp: 233-237.
  • Murnagham, J.P. (1998). Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder: current concepts and treatment. Orthopedics, 11, pp: 153–158.
  • Neviaser, T.J. (1991). Weight lifting: risks and injuries to the shoulder. Clinics in Sports Medicine, 10, pp: 615-621.
  • Norkin, C.C., White, D.J. (1995). Measurement of Joint Motion: A Guide to Goniometry (2nd edition). Philadelphia PA: FA Davis Company.
  • O'Beirne, C., & Larkin, D. (1991). Fitness characteristics of clumsy children. Poster presented at the 8th IFAPA International Symposium, Miami, Florida.
  • Perrot, A., Bertsch, J.(2007). Role of Age in Relation Between Two Kinds of Abilities and Performance in Acquisition of New Motor Skill. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 104(1), pp: 91-101.
  • Rosenbaum, P., Paneth, N., Leviton, A., Goldstein, M., Bax, M. (2007). A report: the definition and classification of cerebral palsy April 2006. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 49 (109), pp: 8-14.
  • Schmidt, R.A. (1991). Motor Learning and Performance to Practice to Practice. Human Kinetics Publishers: Champaign, Illinois.
  • Starkey, D.B., Pollock, M.L., Ishida, Y., Welsch, M.A., Brechue, W.F., Graves, J.E., Feigenbaum, M.S. (1996). Effect of resistance training volume on strength and muscle thickness. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 28, pp: 1311–1320.
  • Tovin, B.J., Greenfield, B.H. (2001). Evaluation and treatment of the shoulder: an integration of the guide to physical therapist practice. F. A. Davis Company: Philadelphia, pp: 55-72.
  • Weeks, D. L. Sherwood, D. E. (1994). A comparison of knowledge of results scheduling methods for promoting motor skill acquisition and retention. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 65(2), pp: 136-142.
  • Wilk, K.E., Arrigo, C.A., Andrews, J.R. (1997). Current concepts: the stabilizing structures of the glenohumeral joint. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 25(6), pp: 364- 79.
  • Williams, S.M. (1991). Handedness Inventories: Edinburgh versus Annett. Neuropsychology, 5(1), pp: 43-48.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce

Hassan Khalaji Bu kişi benim

Hassan Kordi

Alireza Bahrami Bu kişi benim

Elham Shirzad Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 5 Ekim 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Khalaji, H., Kordi, H., Bahrami, A., Shirzad, E. (2012). Decrease in Range of Motion and Problem in Learning of a New Sport Skill Subsequently Weight Training in Weightlifters. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 3(3), 34-46.