Research Article
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Wide-Area Management of Smart Grid by Distributed Control and Near Future Projections

Year 2013, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 457 - 470, 01.06.2013


Due to increasing of world population and personal energy demand, overall energy demand rises day to day and therefore, it will be very difficult and inefficient to meet this increasing demand by conventional electrical grid structure in near future. The conventional electrical grids do not well suit for efficient and sustainable solutions related to reducing transmission losses, integrating renewable energy sources, flexible demand and energy pricing. Today, there is an urgent need for smart grid in order to balance energy demand and generation more efficient, more environmentally friendly, more flexible and reliably. For these proposes, smart grid should provide observable and controllable network structure from energy generation, transmission, distribution to consumption and thus it provides smart management of energy systems. This study presents methodologies and technologies developed for distributed control and wide-area smart management in smart grids. The paper also presents projections for the near future of smart grid applications.


  • (REFERENCES) Cunjiang Y., Huaxun Z., Lei Z. (2012) ‘Architecture Design For Smart Grid’, Energy Procedia, vol. 17, pp. 1524-1528.
  • Liu C., Zeng Q., Liu Y. (2011) ‘A Dynamic Load Control Scheme for Smart Grid Systems’, Energy Procedia, vol. 12, pp. 200-205.
  • Brown R.E. (2008) ‘Impact of Smart Grid on Distribution System Design’, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting - Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 1-4.
  • Galli S., Scaglione A., Wang Z. (2010) ‘Power line communications and the smart grid’, First IEEE international conference on smart grid communications (SmartGridComm), pp. 30330
  • Yi P., Iwayemi A., Zhou C. (2011) ‘Developing ZigBee deployment guideline under WiFi interference for smart grid applications’, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 2, pp. 110-120. Finn P., Fitzpatrick C., Connolly D., Leahy M., Relihan L. (2011) ‘Facilitation of renewable electricity using price based appliance control in Ireland’s electricity market’, Energy, vol. 36, pp. 2952-2960.
  • Liu W., Lund H., Mathiesen BV. (2011) ‘Largescale integration of wind power into the existing Chinese energy system’, Energy, vol. 36, pp. 4753-4760.
  • Eghtedarpour N., Farjah E. (2012) ‘Control strategy for distributed integration of photovoltaic and energy storage systems in DC micro-grids’, Renewable Energy, vol. 45, pp. 96
  • Karabiber A., Keles C., Kaygusuz A., Alagoz B.B. (2013) ‘An approach for the integration of renewable distributed generation in hybrid DC/AC microgrids’, Renewable Energy, vol. 52, pp. 251-259.
  • Guerrero J.M., Vasquez J.C., Matas J., de Vicuna L.G., Castilla M. (2011) ‘Hierarchical Control of Droop-Controlled AC and DC Microgrids—A General Approach Toward Standardization’, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 58, pp. 158-172.
  • Prasad A.R., Natarajan E. (2006) ‘Optimization of integrated photovoltaic-wind power generation systems with battery storage’, Energy, vol. 31, pp. 1943-1954.
  • Alagoz B.B., Kaygusuz A., Karabiber A. (2012) ‘A user-mode distributed energy management architecture for smart grid applications’, Energy, vol. 44, pp. 167-177.
  • Bayod-Rujula A.A. (2009) ‘Future development of the electricity systems with distributed generation’, Energy, vol. 34, pp. 377-378.
  • Kaygusuz A., Gül O., Alagöz B.B. (2012) ‘Yenilenebilir Dağıtık Üretim Koşullarının Güç Sistemlerinin Yük Akışına Etkilerinin Analizi’, EMO Bilimsel Dergi, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 77-85.
  • Grijalva S., Tariq M.U. (2011) ‘Prosumer-based smart grid architecture enables a flat, sustainable electricity industry’, IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Conference, pp. 1-6.
  • Jarventaustaa P., Repoa S., Rautiainena A., Partanenb J. (2010) ‘Smart grid power system control in distributed generation environment’, Annual Reviews in Control, vol. 34, pp. 2772
  • Vytelingum P., Voice T.D., Ramchurn S.D., Rogers A., Jennings N.R. (2010) ‘Agent-based micro-storage management for the smart grid’, The ninth international conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS'10), pp. 39-46.
  • Toledo O.M., Filho D.O., Diniz A.S.A.C. (2010) ‘Distributed photovoltaic generation and energy storage systems: A review’, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 14, pp. 506– 5
  • Kabalci E., Kabalci Y., Develi I. (2012) ‘Modelling and analysis of a power line communication system with QPSK modem for renewable smart grids’, Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol. 34, pp. 19–28.
  • Depuru S.S.S.R., Wang L., Devabhaktuni V. (2011) ‘Smart meters for power grid: Challenges, issues, advantages and status’, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, pp. 2736– 27
  • Rech D., Harth A. (2012) ‘Towards a Decentralised Hierarchical Architecture for Smart Grids’, Proceedings of the 2012 Joint EDBT/ICDT Workshops, New York, USA, pp. 111Zhang Y., Sun W., Wang L., Wang H., Green R.C., Alam M. (2011) ‘A Multi-Level Communication Architecture of Smart Grid Based on Congestion Aware Wireless Mesh Network’, North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Boston, MA, pp. 1-6.
  • Wang W., Xu Y., Khanna M. (2011) ‘A survey on the communication architectures in smart grid’, Computer Networks, vol. 55, pp. 3604– 36
  • Usman A., Shami S.H. (2013) ‘Evolution of Communication Technologies for Smart Grid applications’, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 19, pp. 191–199.
  • Lee P., Lai L. (2007) ‘A practical approach to wireless GPRS on-line power quality monitoring system’, IEEE Power engineering society general meeting, pp. 1-7.
  • Nassar M., Dabak A., Kim I.H., Pande T., Evans B. (2012) ‘Cyclostationary noise modeling in narrowband powerline communication for smart grid applications’, IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing (ICASSP), pp. 3089-3092.
  • Kong L., Jin J., Cheng J. (2005) ‘Introducing GPRS technology into remote monitoring system for prefabricated substations in china’, IEEE second international conference on mobile technology, applications and systems, pp. 6.
  • Lee P., Lai L. (2007) ‘A practical approach to wireless GPRS on-line power quality monitoring system’, IEEE Power engineering society general meeting, pp. 1–7.
  • Lee P., Lai L. (2008) ‘A practical approach to wireless power quality, energy and facilities monitoring system’, IEEE Power and energy society general meeting-conversion and delivery of electrical energy in the 21st century, pp. 1-3.
  • Cantekinler M.K., Çetin T., Daşdemir, Ö. (2008) ‘WiMAX/3N Karşılaştırma Raporu’, BTK, SAS Raporları, Ankara.
  • Rengaraju P., Lung C.H., Srinivasan A. (2012) ‘Communication ,WiMAX technology for smart grids’, Eighth international wireless communications and mobile computing conference (IWCMC), pp. 666-670.
  • Parikh P., Kanabar M., Sidhu T. (2010) ‘Opportunities and challenges of wireless communication technologies for smart grid applications’, IEEE power and energy society general meeting, pp. 1-7.
  • Galli S., Scaglione A., Wang Z. (2010) ‘Power line communications and the smart grid’, First IEEE international conference on smart grid communications (SmartGridComm), pp. 303– 30
  • Berganza I., Sendin A., Arriola J. (2008) ‘Prime: powerline intelligent metering evolution’, Smart Grids for distribution, IET-CIRED, CIRED Seminar, IET, pp. 1-3.
  • Güneş M. (2004) ‘Enerji hatları üzerinden haberleşme (Powerline Communication): Mevcut düzenlemelerin değerlendirilmesi ve ülkemize yönelik öneriler’, Telekomünikasyon Kurumu.
  • Egan D. (2005) ‘The emergence of ZigBee in building automation and industrial control’, Computing Control Engineering Journal, vol. 16, pp. 14-19.
  • Norair J. (2009) ‘Introduction to dash7 technologies’, Dash7 Alliance Low Power RF Technical Overview.
  • Office of the National Coordinator for Smart Grid Interoperability. NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards (2009), Release 1.0, U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 1108 (online). Available at d/smartgrid_interoperability_final.pdf.
  • Camacho E.F., Samad T., Garcia-Sanz M., Hiskens I. (2011) ‘Control for Renewable Energy and Smart Grids’, The Impact of Control Technology. T. Samad and A.M. Annaswamy. Editors, Available at
  • Martin K. (2011) ‘Synchrophasor Standards Development- IEEE C37.118 &IEC 61850’, Proceedings of the 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii.
  • IEEE standard for Synchrophasors for Power Systems, IEEE C37.118- 2005.
  • Kanabar M.G., Voloh I., McGinn D. (2012) ‘A review of smart grid standards for protection, control, and monitoring applications’, 65th Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, pp. 281-289.
  • De La Ree J., Centeno V., Thorp J. S., and Phadke A. G. (2010) ‘Synchronized phasor measurement applications in power systems’, IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, vol.1, pp. 20-27.
  • Karlsson D., Hemmingsson M., Lindahl S. (2004) ‘Wide area system monitoring and control-Terminology, phenomena, and solution implementationstrategies’, IEEE Power Energy Mag., vol. 2. no. 5, pp. 68-76.
  • Chandy K. M., Low S. H., Topcu U., Xu H. (2010) ‘A simple optimal power flow model with energy storage’, Proc. 49th IEEE Conf. Decision Control (CDC), Atlanta, GA, Dec., pp. 15–17.
  • Lavaei J., Low S.H. (2010) ‘Convexification of optimal power flow problem’, Proc. 48th Annu. Allerton Conf. Commun., Control, Comput., Monticello, IL.
  • Kundur P. (1994) ‘Power System Stability and Control’, New York: Mc-Graw-Hill.
  • Liang J., Venayagamoorthy G.K., Harley R.G. (2012) ‘Wide-Area Measurement Based Dynamic Stochastic Optimal Power Flow Control for Smart Grids With High Variability and Uncertainty’, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 3, no. 1.
  • Venayagamoorthy G.K. (2011) ‘Innovative Smart Grid Control Technologies’, IEEE Power and Management Meeting, pp. 1-5.
  • Oyarzabal J., Jimeno J., Ruela J., Englar A., Hardt C. (2005) ‘Agent based micro grid management systems’, IEEE Internation conference on Future Power Systems, pp. 6-11.
  • Mak S. T., Farah N. (2012) ‘Synchronizing SCADA and smart meters operation for advanced smart distribution grid applications’, Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, Washington, USA, pp. 1-7.
  • Hongseok K., Young-Jin K., Yang K., Thottan M. (2011) ‘Cloud-based Demand Response for Smart Grid:Architecture and Distributed Algorithms’, IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), pp. 398-403.
  • Lund H., Andersen A.N., Østergaard P.A., Mathiesen B.V., Connolly D. (2012) ‘From electricity smart grids to smart energy systems A market operation based approach and understanding’, Energy, vol. 42, pp. 96-102.
  • Pillai J.R., Heussen K., Østergaard P.A. (2011) ‘Comparative analysis of hourly and dynamic power balancing models for validating future energy scenarios’, Energy, vol. 36, pp. 323332
  • Faria P., Vale Z. (2011) ‘Demand response in electrical energy supply: An optimal real time pricing approach’, Energy, vol. 36, pp. 537453
  • Yousefi S., Moghaddam M.P., Majd V.J. (2011) ‘Optimal real time pricing in an agent-based retail market using a comprehensive demand response model’, Energy, vol. 36, pp. 571657
  • Baran B., Alagöz B.B., Kaygusuz A., Akçin M. (2013) ‘Geleceğin Akıllı Şebekelerinde Kentsel Katı Atık Tabanlı Dağıtık Elektrik Üretimi’, Akıllı Şebekeler ve Türkiye Elektrik Şebekesi`nin Geleceği Sempozyumu, Ankara.

Dağıtık Kontrol ile Akıllı Şebekelerde Geniş-Alan Yönetimi ve Geleceğe Dönük Projeksiyonlar

Year 2013, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 457 - 470, 01.06.2013


Due to increasing of world population and personal energy demand, overall energy demand rises day to day and therefore, it will be very difficult and inefficient to meet this increasing demand by conventional electrical grid structure in near future. The conventional electrical grids do not well suit for efficient and sustainable solutions related to reducing transmission losses, integrating renewable energy sources, flexible demand and energy pricing. Today, there is an urgent need for smart grid in order to balance energy demand and generation more efficient, more environmentally friendly, more flexible and reliably. For these proposes, smart grid should provide observable and controllable network structure from energy generation, transmission, distribution to consumption and thus it provides smart management of energy systems. This study presents methodologies and technologies developed for distributed control and wide-area smart management in smart grids. The paper also presents projections for the near future of smart grid applications.


  • (REFERENCES) Cunjiang Y., Huaxun Z., Lei Z. (2012) ‘Architecture Design For Smart Grid’, Energy Procedia, vol. 17, pp. 1524-1528.
  • Liu C., Zeng Q., Liu Y. (2011) ‘A Dynamic Load Control Scheme for Smart Grid Systems’, Energy Procedia, vol. 12, pp. 200-205.
  • Brown R.E. (2008) ‘Impact of Smart Grid on Distribution System Design’, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting - Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 1-4.
  • Galli S., Scaglione A., Wang Z. (2010) ‘Power line communications and the smart grid’, First IEEE international conference on smart grid communications (SmartGridComm), pp. 30330
  • Yi P., Iwayemi A., Zhou C. (2011) ‘Developing ZigBee deployment guideline under WiFi interference for smart grid applications’, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 2, pp. 110-120. Finn P., Fitzpatrick C., Connolly D., Leahy M., Relihan L. (2011) ‘Facilitation of renewable electricity using price based appliance control in Ireland’s electricity market’, Energy, vol. 36, pp. 2952-2960.
  • Liu W., Lund H., Mathiesen BV. (2011) ‘Largescale integration of wind power into the existing Chinese energy system’, Energy, vol. 36, pp. 4753-4760.
  • Eghtedarpour N., Farjah E. (2012) ‘Control strategy for distributed integration of photovoltaic and energy storage systems in DC micro-grids’, Renewable Energy, vol. 45, pp. 96
  • Karabiber A., Keles C., Kaygusuz A., Alagoz B.B. (2013) ‘An approach for the integration of renewable distributed generation in hybrid DC/AC microgrids’, Renewable Energy, vol. 52, pp. 251-259.
  • Guerrero J.M., Vasquez J.C., Matas J., de Vicuna L.G., Castilla M. (2011) ‘Hierarchical Control of Droop-Controlled AC and DC Microgrids—A General Approach Toward Standardization’, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 58, pp. 158-172.
  • Prasad A.R., Natarajan E. (2006) ‘Optimization of integrated photovoltaic-wind power generation systems with battery storage’, Energy, vol. 31, pp. 1943-1954.
  • Alagoz B.B., Kaygusuz A., Karabiber A. (2012) ‘A user-mode distributed energy management architecture for smart grid applications’, Energy, vol. 44, pp. 167-177.
  • Bayod-Rujula A.A. (2009) ‘Future development of the electricity systems with distributed generation’, Energy, vol. 34, pp. 377-378.
  • Kaygusuz A., Gül O., Alagöz B.B. (2012) ‘Yenilenebilir Dağıtık Üretim Koşullarının Güç Sistemlerinin Yük Akışına Etkilerinin Analizi’, EMO Bilimsel Dergi, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 77-85.
  • Grijalva S., Tariq M.U. (2011) ‘Prosumer-based smart grid architecture enables a flat, sustainable electricity industry’, IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Conference, pp. 1-6.
  • Jarventaustaa P., Repoa S., Rautiainena A., Partanenb J. (2010) ‘Smart grid power system control in distributed generation environment’, Annual Reviews in Control, vol. 34, pp. 2772
  • Vytelingum P., Voice T.D., Ramchurn S.D., Rogers A., Jennings N.R. (2010) ‘Agent-based micro-storage management for the smart grid’, The ninth international conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS'10), pp. 39-46.
  • Toledo O.M., Filho D.O., Diniz A.S.A.C. (2010) ‘Distributed photovoltaic generation and energy storage systems: A review’, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 14, pp. 506– 5
  • Kabalci E., Kabalci Y., Develi I. (2012) ‘Modelling and analysis of a power line communication system with QPSK modem for renewable smart grids’, Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol. 34, pp. 19–28.
  • Depuru S.S.S.R., Wang L., Devabhaktuni V. (2011) ‘Smart meters for power grid: Challenges, issues, advantages and status’, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, pp. 2736– 27
  • Rech D., Harth A. (2012) ‘Towards a Decentralised Hierarchical Architecture for Smart Grids’, Proceedings of the 2012 Joint EDBT/ICDT Workshops, New York, USA, pp. 111Zhang Y., Sun W., Wang L., Wang H., Green R.C., Alam M. (2011) ‘A Multi-Level Communication Architecture of Smart Grid Based on Congestion Aware Wireless Mesh Network’, North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Boston, MA, pp. 1-6.
  • Wang W., Xu Y., Khanna M. (2011) ‘A survey on the communication architectures in smart grid’, Computer Networks, vol. 55, pp. 3604– 36
  • Usman A., Shami S.H. (2013) ‘Evolution of Communication Technologies for Smart Grid applications’, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 19, pp. 191–199.
  • Lee P., Lai L. (2007) ‘A practical approach to wireless GPRS on-line power quality monitoring system’, IEEE Power engineering society general meeting, pp. 1-7.
  • Nassar M., Dabak A., Kim I.H., Pande T., Evans B. (2012) ‘Cyclostationary noise modeling in narrowband powerline communication for smart grid applications’, IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing (ICASSP), pp. 3089-3092.
  • Kong L., Jin J., Cheng J. (2005) ‘Introducing GPRS technology into remote monitoring system for prefabricated substations in china’, IEEE second international conference on mobile technology, applications and systems, pp. 6.
  • Lee P., Lai L. (2007) ‘A practical approach to wireless GPRS on-line power quality monitoring system’, IEEE Power engineering society general meeting, pp. 1–7.
  • Lee P., Lai L. (2008) ‘A practical approach to wireless power quality, energy and facilities monitoring system’, IEEE Power and energy society general meeting-conversion and delivery of electrical energy in the 21st century, pp. 1-3.
  • Cantekinler M.K., Çetin T., Daşdemir, Ö. (2008) ‘WiMAX/3N Karşılaştırma Raporu’, BTK, SAS Raporları, Ankara.
  • Rengaraju P., Lung C.H., Srinivasan A. (2012) ‘Communication ,WiMAX technology for smart grids’, Eighth international wireless communications and mobile computing conference (IWCMC), pp. 666-670.
  • Parikh P., Kanabar M., Sidhu T. (2010) ‘Opportunities and challenges of wireless communication technologies for smart grid applications’, IEEE power and energy society general meeting, pp. 1-7.
  • Galli S., Scaglione A., Wang Z. (2010) ‘Power line communications and the smart grid’, First IEEE international conference on smart grid communications (SmartGridComm), pp. 303– 30
  • Berganza I., Sendin A., Arriola J. (2008) ‘Prime: powerline intelligent metering evolution’, Smart Grids for distribution, IET-CIRED, CIRED Seminar, IET, pp. 1-3.
  • Güneş M. (2004) ‘Enerji hatları üzerinden haberleşme (Powerline Communication): Mevcut düzenlemelerin değerlendirilmesi ve ülkemize yönelik öneriler’, Telekomünikasyon Kurumu.
  • Egan D. (2005) ‘The emergence of ZigBee in building automation and industrial control’, Computing Control Engineering Journal, vol. 16, pp. 14-19.
  • Norair J. (2009) ‘Introduction to dash7 technologies’, Dash7 Alliance Low Power RF Technical Overview.
  • Office of the National Coordinator for Smart Grid Interoperability. NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards (2009), Release 1.0, U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 1108 (online). Available at d/smartgrid_interoperability_final.pdf.
  • Camacho E.F., Samad T., Garcia-Sanz M., Hiskens I. (2011) ‘Control for Renewable Energy and Smart Grids’, The Impact of Control Technology. T. Samad and A.M. Annaswamy. Editors, Available at
  • Martin K. (2011) ‘Synchrophasor Standards Development- IEEE C37.118 &IEC 61850’, Proceedings of the 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii.
  • IEEE standard for Synchrophasors for Power Systems, IEEE C37.118- 2005.
  • Kanabar M.G., Voloh I., McGinn D. (2012) ‘A review of smart grid standards for protection, control, and monitoring applications’, 65th Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, pp. 281-289.
  • De La Ree J., Centeno V., Thorp J. S., and Phadke A. G. (2010) ‘Synchronized phasor measurement applications in power systems’, IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, vol.1, pp. 20-27.
  • Karlsson D., Hemmingsson M., Lindahl S. (2004) ‘Wide area system monitoring and control-Terminology, phenomena, and solution implementationstrategies’, IEEE Power Energy Mag., vol. 2. no. 5, pp. 68-76.
  • Chandy K. M., Low S. H., Topcu U., Xu H. (2010) ‘A simple optimal power flow model with energy storage’, Proc. 49th IEEE Conf. Decision Control (CDC), Atlanta, GA, Dec., pp. 15–17.
  • Lavaei J., Low S.H. (2010) ‘Convexification of optimal power flow problem’, Proc. 48th Annu. Allerton Conf. Commun., Control, Comput., Monticello, IL.
  • Kundur P. (1994) ‘Power System Stability and Control’, New York: Mc-Graw-Hill.
  • Liang J., Venayagamoorthy G.K., Harley R.G. (2012) ‘Wide-Area Measurement Based Dynamic Stochastic Optimal Power Flow Control for Smart Grids With High Variability and Uncertainty’, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 3, no. 1.
  • Venayagamoorthy G.K. (2011) ‘Innovative Smart Grid Control Technologies’, IEEE Power and Management Meeting, pp. 1-5.
  • Oyarzabal J., Jimeno J., Ruela J., Englar A., Hardt C. (2005) ‘Agent based micro grid management systems’, IEEE Internation conference on Future Power Systems, pp. 6-11.
  • Mak S. T., Farah N. (2012) ‘Synchronizing SCADA and smart meters operation for advanced smart distribution grid applications’, Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, Washington, USA, pp. 1-7.
  • Hongseok K., Young-Jin K., Yang K., Thottan M. (2011) ‘Cloud-based Demand Response for Smart Grid:Architecture and Distributed Algorithms’, IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), pp. 398-403.
  • Lund H., Andersen A.N., Østergaard P.A., Mathiesen B.V., Connolly D. (2012) ‘From electricity smart grids to smart energy systems A market operation based approach and understanding’, Energy, vol. 42, pp. 96-102.
  • Pillai J.R., Heussen K., Østergaard P.A. (2011) ‘Comparative analysis of hourly and dynamic power balancing models for validating future energy scenarios’, Energy, vol. 36, pp. 323332
  • Faria P., Vale Z. (2011) ‘Demand response in electrical energy supply: An optimal real time pricing approach’, Energy, vol. 36, pp. 537453
  • Yousefi S., Moghaddam M.P., Majd V.J. (2011) ‘Optimal real time pricing in an agent-based retail market using a comprehensive demand response model’, Energy, vol. 36, pp. 571657
  • Baran B., Alagöz B.B., Kaygusuz A., Akçin M. (2013) ‘Geleceğin Akıllı Şebekelerinde Kentsel Katı Atık Tabanlı Dağıtık Elektrik Üretimi’, Akıllı Şebekeler ve Türkiye Elektrik Şebekesi`nin Geleceği Sempozyumu, Ankara.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Murat Akçin This is me

Barış Baykant Alagöz This is me

Cemal Keleş This is me

Abdülkerim Karabiber This is me

Asım Kaygusuz This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Submission Date August 5, 2013
Acceptance Date November 11, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 17 Issue: 3


APA Akçin, M., Alagöz, B. B., Keleş, C., Karabiber, A., et al. (2013). Dağıtık Kontrol ile Akıllı Şebekelerde Geniş-Alan Yönetimi ve Geleceğe Dönük Projeksiyonlar. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 17(3), 457-470.
AMA Akçin M, Alagöz BB, Keleş C, Karabiber A, Kaygusuz A. Dağıtık Kontrol ile Akıllı Şebekelerde Geniş-Alan Yönetimi ve Geleceğe Dönük Projeksiyonlar. SAUJS. December 2013;17(3):457-470. doi:10.16984/saufbed.61603
Chicago Akçin, Murat, Barış Baykant Alagöz, Cemal Keleş, Abdülkerim Karabiber, and Asım Kaygusuz. “Dağıtık Kontrol Ile Akıllı Şebekelerde Geniş-Alan Yönetimi Ve Geleceğe Dönük Projeksiyonlar”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 17, no. 3 (December 2013): 457-70.
EndNote Akçin M, Alagöz BB, Keleş C, Karabiber A, Kaygusuz A (December 1, 2013) Dağıtık Kontrol ile Akıllı Şebekelerde Geniş-Alan Yönetimi ve Geleceğe Dönük Projeksiyonlar. Sakarya University Journal of Science 17 3 457–470.
IEEE M. Akçin, B. B. Alagöz, C. Keleş, A. Karabiber, and A. Kaygusuz, “Dağıtık Kontrol ile Akıllı Şebekelerde Geniş-Alan Yönetimi ve Geleceğe Dönük Projeksiyonlar”, SAUJS, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 457–470, 2013, doi: 10.16984/saufbed.61603.
ISNAD Akçin, Murat et al. “Dağıtık Kontrol Ile Akıllı Şebekelerde Geniş-Alan Yönetimi Ve Geleceğe Dönük Projeksiyonlar”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 17/3 (December 2013), 457-470.
JAMA Akçin M, Alagöz BB, Keleş C, Karabiber A, Kaygusuz A. Dağıtık Kontrol ile Akıllı Şebekelerde Geniş-Alan Yönetimi ve Geleceğe Dönük Projeksiyonlar. SAUJS. 2013;17:457–470.
MLA Akçin, Murat et al. “Dağıtık Kontrol Ile Akıllı Şebekelerde Geniş-Alan Yönetimi Ve Geleceğe Dönük Projeksiyonlar”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 17, no. 3, 2013, pp. 457-70, doi:10.16984/saufbed.61603.
Vancouver Akçin M, Alagöz BB, Keleş C, Karabiber A, Kaygusuz A. Dağıtık Kontrol ile Akıllı Şebekelerde Geniş-Alan Yönetimi ve Geleceğe Dönük Projeksiyonlar. SAUJS. 2013;17(3):457-70.

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