e-ISSN: 2147-835X
Founded: 1997
Publisher: Sakarya University
Cover Image
Sakarya University Journal of Science (SAUJS) is a peer-reviewed and open access journal that started its publication life in Turkish and English in 1997, and has been publishing only English-language articles since 2017. SAUJS has started to be indexed by TÜBİTAK-ULAKBİM Engineering and Basic Sciences Database (TR-Dizin) with the issues published since 2015. Sakarya University Journal of Science is also indexed by EBSCO. Since 2017, SAUJS has been publishing 6 issues a year, in February, April, June, August, October and December. SAUJS does not request any fees from authors or readers.

Manuscripts sent to SAUJS journal should be prepared according to the sample template starting from 2024.

2024 - Volume: 28 Issue: 3

Research Article

Content of Fatty Acids in Callus Cultures of Endemic Ajuga vestita BOISS.

Research Article

A Novel Correlation Measurement Method for Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Problems Based on Double Hierarchy Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Evaluation and Player Assignment Application in Football

Research Article

IT Outsourcing Vendor Selection for Digital Transformation Projects in Public Sector using Interval-Valued Spherical Fuzzy AHP

Indexıng & Abstractıng & Archıvıng

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