Research Article
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Year 2009, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 54 - 59, 01.06.2009


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Giresun ve Ordu ilieri arasmda uzanan 40 kın'lik karayolu boyunca asılan Peltigera praet


  • Pasqualini, V., Robles, C., Garzino, S., Greff, S., Melau, A.B. and Boning, G., Phenolic compounds content in Pinus halepensis Mill. Needles: a bioindicator of air pollution, Chemosphere, 52, 239-248 (2003).
  • Rana, T., Gupta, S., Kumar, D., Sharma, S., Rana, M., Rathore, V. S. and Pereira, B. M. J., Toxic effects of pulp and paper-mill effluents on mala reproductive organs and some systemic parameters in rats, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 18, 1-7 (2004).
  • Aslan, A., Budak, G. ve Karabulut, A., The amounts Fe, Ba, Sr, K, Ca and Ti in some lichens growing in Erzurum province (Turkey), Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 88 (4), 423-43 1 (2005).
  • Çavuşoğlu, K., İğde (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) yapraklarında kurşun (Pb) yoğunluğunun araştırılması, S.D.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6, 191- 196 (2002).
  • Harrison, R. M., Laxen, D. P. H. and Wilson, S. J., Chemical association of lead, cadmium, copper and zinc in street dust and roadside soils, Environmental Science Technology, 15, 13781383 ( 1981).
  • Karademir, M. ve Toker, C., Ankara 'nın bazı kavşaklarında yetişen çim ve bitkilerde ekzoslarından gelen kurşun birikimi, II. Ulusal Ekoloji ve Çevre Kongresi Bildirileri, 1 ı-13 Eylül, Ankara, 15-20 ( 1995).
  • Shy, C. M., Lead in petrol the mistake of the XX. th. Century Rapp Sanit Mond, 43, ı 68-17 6 (1990).
  • Wheeler, G. L. and Rolfe, G. L., The relationship between daily traffic volume and the distribution of lead in roadside soil and vegetation, Environmental Pollution, 18, 265-274 ( 1979).
  • Albert, L. A. And Badilla, F ., Environmental /e ad in Mexica, Review Environment Contamination and Toxicology, 1 17 (199ı).
  • Toker, M. C., Uptake of lead by barley (Hardeum distichon L.) roots and its relation to potassium, Doga: Turk BiyolojiDergisi, 12 (2), 128- 133 ( 1998).
  • Ursinyova, M., Hladikova, V., Uhnak, J. and Kovacicova, J., Toxic elements in environmental samples from selected regions in Slovakia, Bulletin Environmental Contamination Toxicology, 58, 985-992 (1997).
  • Szczepanik, K. and Biziuk, M, Aspects of the biomonitoring studies using mosses and lichens as indicators of metal pollution, Environmental Research, 93, 22 1-230 (2003).
  • Ng, O. H., Tan, B. C. and Obbard, J. P., Lichens as bioindicators of atmospheric heavy metal pollution in singapore, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 123, 63-74 (2005).
  • Yun, M., Longerich, H. P. and Wadleigh, M.A. The determination of 18 trace elements in lichens for atmospheric monitoring using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy, 48, ı 7 1-180 (2003).
  • Nayaka, S., Upreti, D. K., Gadgil, M. and Pandey, V., Distribution pattern and heavy metal accumulation in lichens of Bangalore city special reference to Lalbagh garden, C Science, 84 (5), 674 680 (2003).
  • Beeby, A. What do sentinels stand foı Environmental Pollution, 1 12, 285-298 (200 ).
  • Hale, M. E., The Biology of Lichens, Ed Arnold, London, 190 ( 1983).
  • Puckett, K. J., Lichens, Bryophytes andA Quality. In: Nash T. H. and Wirth, V.. (E Biblica Lichenologist, Berlin, 23 1-267 (1988 ·
  • Niınis, P. L., Proceeding of a Workshop o Indicators and Indices. In: Colombo, A. G- an Premazzi, G. (Eds.), JRC Ispra, EUR 13060 B 93-126 (1990).
  • Bargagli, R., Manacci, F., Borghini, F., Bı avi, I and Agronelli, C., Mosses and lichens G biomonitors of trace meta/s. A comparison stu on Hypnum cupressiforme and Parnıeli carperata in a former mining district in Ira Environmental Pollution, 1 16, 279-287 (2002) ..
  • 1. Nash, T. H., Lichen Biology. Cambridge University Press, New York, 154-180 (1996).
  • LeBlanc F, Rao, D. N., Bryologist, 76, -l (1973).
  • Matthes, U. and Feige, G. B., Ecophysiology 􀂽 lichen symbioses. In: Lange O. L., Nobel, P.. S, Osmond, C. B. and Zieger, H. (Eds.) Physiologi plant ecology III. Responses to the chemical and physiol environment. Encyclopaedia Pla Physiology 12C, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg el York, 423-467 ( 1983).
  • Cayır, A., Coskun, M. and Coskun, M Determination of Atmospheric Heavy .Metal Pollution in Canakleale and Balikesir Province Using Lichen (Cladonia rangiformis) as Bioindicator, Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 75 367-370 (2007).
  • Purvis, W., Lichens. Natural History Museum Life Series, London (2000).
  • Dobson, F., Lichens. An Illustrated Guide to the British and Irish Species, Slough: Richmond Publishing Co. Ltd, New fifth edition with colour photographs (2005).
  • Çavuşoğlu, K., Budak, A. and Çakır Anca, Ş. Sinapis qrvensis L. (Yabani Hardal) bit/ds indikatör olarak kullanılarak Kırıkkale-Kırşehil karayolunda taşıtların sebep olduğu kurşun (Pb kirliliğinin araştırılması, Fırat Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 20 (2), 223-231 (2008).
  • Çavuşoğlu, K. and Çavuşoğlu, K., Cupressus Sempervirens L. ve Cedrus libani A. Rich yaprakların da taşıtların sebep olduğu kurşun (Pb) kirliliğinin araştırılması, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergis􀂿 7 (2), 37-56 (2005).
  • Türkan, İ., İzmir il merkezi ve çevre yolları kenarında yetişen bitkilerde kurşun, çinko ve kadmiyum kirlenmesinin araştırılması, Doğa: Türk Biyoloji Dergisi, 10, 1 16- 120 (1986).
Year 2009, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 54 - 59, 01.06.2009



  • Pasqualini, V., Robles, C., Garzino, S., Greff, S., Melau, A.B. and Boning, G., Phenolic compounds content in Pinus halepensis Mill. Needles: a bioindicator of air pollution, Chemosphere, 52, 239-248 (2003).
  • Rana, T., Gupta, S., Kumar, D., Sharma, S., Rana, M., Rathore, V. S. and Pereira, B. M. J., Toxic effects of pulp and paper-mill effluents on mala reproductive organs and some systemic parameters in rats, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 18, 1-7 (2004).
  • Aslan, A., Budak, G. ve Karabulut, A., The amounts Fe, Ba, Sr, K, Ca and Ti in some lichens growing in Erzurum province (Turkey), Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 88 (4), 423-43 1 (2005).
  • Çavuşoğlu, K., İğde (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) yapraklarında kurşun (Pb) yoğunluğunun araştırılması, S.D.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6, 191- 196 (2002).
  • Harrison, R. M., Laxen, D. P. H. and Wilson, S. J., Chemical association of lead, cadmium, copper and zinc in street dust and roadside soils, Environmental Science Technology, 15, 13781383 ( 1981).
  • Karademir, M. ve Toker, C., Ankara 'nın bazı kavşaklarında yetişen çim ve bitkilerde ekzoslarından gelen kurşun birikimi, II. Ulusal Ekoloji ve Çevre Kongresi Bildirileri, 1 ı-13 Eylül, Ankara, 15-20 ( 1995).
  • Shy, C. M., Lead in petrol the mistake of the XX. th. Century Rapp Sanit Mond, 43, ı 68-17 6 (1990).
  • Wheeler, G. L. and Rolfe, G. L., The relationship between daily traffic volume and the distribution of lead in roadside soil and vegetation, Environmental Pollution, 18, 265-274 ( 1979).
  • Albert, L. A. And Badilla, F ., Environmental /e ad in Mexica, Review Environment Contamination and Toxicology, 1 17 (199ı).
  • Toker, M. C., Uptake of lead by barley (Hardeum distichon L.) roots and its relation to potassium, Doga: Turk BiyolojiDergisi, 12 (2), 128- 133 ( 1998).
  • Ursinyova, M., Hladikova, V., Uhnak, J. and Kovacicova, J., Toxic elements in environmental samples from selected regions in Slovakia, Bulletin Environmental Contamination Toxicology, 58, 985-992 (1997).
  • Szczepanik, K. and Biziuk, M, Aspects of the biomonitoring studies using mosses and lichens as indicators of metal pollution, Environmental Research, 93, 22 1-230 (2003).
  • Ng, O. H., Tan, B. C. and Obbard, J. P., Lichens as bioindicators of atmospheric heavy metal pollution in singapore, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 123, 63-74 (2005).
  • Yun, M., Longerich, H. P. and Wadleigh, M.A. The determination of 18 trace elements in lichens for atmospheric monitoring using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy, 48, ı 7 1-180 (2003).
  • Nayaka, S., Upreti, D. K., Gadgil, M. and Pandey, V., Distribution pattern and heavy metal accumulation in lichens of Bangalore city special reference to Lalbagh garden, C Science, 84 (5), 674 680 (2003).
  • Beeby, A. What do sentinels stand foı Environmental Pollution, 1 12, 285-298 (200 ).
  • Hale, M. E., The Biology of Lichens, Ed Arnold, London, 190 ( 1983).
  • Puckett, K. J., Lichens, Bryophytes andA Quality. In: Nash T. H. and Wirth, V.. (E Biblica Lichenologist, Berlin, 23 1-267 (1988 ·
  • Niınis, P. L., Proceeding of a Workshop o Indicators and Indices. In: Colombo, A. G- an Premazzi, G. (Eds.), JRC Ispra, EUR 13060 B 93-126 (1990).
  • Bargagli, R., Manacci, F., Borghini, F., Bı avi, I and Agronelli, C., Mosses and lichens G biomonitors of trace meta/s. A comparison stu on Hypnum cupressiforme and Parnıeli carperata in a former mining district in Ira Environmental Pollution, 1 16, 279-287 (2002) ..
  • 1. Nash, T. H., Lichen Biology. Cambridge University Press, New York, 154-180 (1996).
  • LeBlanc F, Rao, D. N., Bryologist, 76, -l (1973).
  • Matthes, U. and Feige, G. B., Ecophysiology 􀂽 lichen symbioses. In: Lange O. L., Nobel, P.. S, Osmond, C. B. and Zieger, H. (Eds.) Physiologi plant ecology III. Responses to the chemical and physiol environment. Encyclopaedia Pla Physiology 12C, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg el York, 423-467 ( 1983).
  • Cayır, A., Coskun, M. and Coskun, M Determination of Atmospheric Heavy .Metal Pollution in Canakleale and Balikesir Province Using Lichen (Cladonia rangiformis) as Bioindicator, Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 75 367-370 (2007).
  • Purvis, W., Lichens. Natural History Museum Life Series, London (2000).
  • Dobson, F., Lichens. An Illustrated Guide to the British and Irish Species, Slough: Richmond Publishing Co. Ltd, New fifth edition with colour photographs (2005).
  • Çavuşoğlu, K., Budak, A. and Çakır Anca, Ş. Sinapis qrvensis L. (Yabani Hardal) bit/ds indikatör olarak kullanılarak Kırıkkale-Kırşehil karayolunda taşıtların sebep olduğu kurşun (Pb kirliliğinin araştırılması, Fırat Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 20 (2), 223-231 (2008).
  • Çavuşoğlu, K. and Çavuşoğlu, K., Cupressus Sempervirens L. ve Cedrus libani A. Rich yaprakların da taşıtların sebep olduğu kurşun (Pb) kirliliğinin araştırılması, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergis􀂿 7 (2), 37-56 (2005).
  • Türkan, İ., İzmir il merkezi ve çevre yolları kenarında yetişen bitkilerde kurşun, çinko ve kadmiyum kirlenmesinin araştırılması, Doğa: Türk Biyoloji Dergisi, 10, 1 16- 120 (1986).
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Kültiğin Çavuşoğlu

Kadir Kınalıoğlu This is me

Kürşat Yapar This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2009
Submission Date April 14, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 13 Issue: 1


APA Çavuşoğlu, K., Kınalıoğlu, K., & Yapar, K. (2009). GiRESUN-ORDU YOLUNDA TAŞlT TRAFİGİNİN SEBEP OLDUĞU KURŞUN (Pb) KiRLİLiGİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 13(1), 54-59.
AMA Çavuşoğlu K, Kınalıoğlu K, Yapar K. GiRESUN-ORDU YOLUNDA TAŞlT TRAFİGİNİN SEBEP OLDUĞU KURŞUN (Pb) KiRLİLiGİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI. SAUJS. June 2009;13(1):54-59. doi:10.16984/saufbed.42939
Chicago Çavuşoğlu, Kültiğin, Kadir Kınalıoğlu, and Kürşat Yapar. “GiRESUN-ORDU YOLUNDA TAŞlT TRAFİGİNİN SEBEP OLDUĞU KURŞUN (Pb) KiRLİLiGİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 13, no. 1 (June 2009): 54-59.
EndNote Çavuşoğlu K, Kınalıoğlu K, Yapar K (June 1, 2009) GiRESUN-ORDU YOLUNDA TAŞlT TRAFİGİNİN SEBEP OLDUĞU KURŞUN (Pb) KiRLİLiGİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI. Sakarya University Journal of Science 13 1 54–59.
IEEE K. Çavuşoğlu, K. Kınalıoğlu, and K. Yapar, “GiRESUN-ORDU YOLUNDA TAŞlT TRAFİGİNİN SEBEP OLDUĞU KURŞUN (Pb) KiRLİLiGİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI”, SAUJS, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 54–59, 2009, doi: 10.16984/saufbed.42939.
ISNAD Çavuşoğlu, Kültiğin et al. “GiRESUN-ORDU YOLUNDA TAŞlT TRAFİGİNİN SEBEP OLDUĞU KURŞUN (Pb) KiRLİLiGİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 13/1 (June 2009), 54-59.
MLA Çavuşoğlu, Kültiğin et al. “GiRESUN-ORDU YOLUNDA TAŞlT TRAFİGİNİN SEBEP OLDUĞU KURŞUN (Pb) KiRLİLiGİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 13, no. 1, 2009, pp. 54-59, doi:10.16984/saufbed.42939.

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