Research Article
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Year 2009, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 60 - 65, 01.06.2009


Bu çalışmada, volkanik kayaçiardan bazaltın takviye malzemesi olarak düşük yoğunluklu polietilen (DYPE)
matrikse, o/ol0-70 arasındaki değişen oranlarında ilave edilmesiyle elde edilen partikül dolgulu polimer matriksli
kompozitlerin değişik sürtünme hızlan ve sabit yük altında pin on disk aşınma davranışları incelenmiştir.
Aşınma testleri, atmosferik ortamda, 20 N yük altında AISI 4 140 çelik diskin 0.5 mis ve 1 .5 m/s dönırıe
hızlarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Aşınma hızı ve sürtünme katsayısının, bazalt takviyesi ile azaldığı görülmüştür.
Bazalt takviyeli DYPE malzemenin kayma hızına ve bazaJt miktanna bağlı olarak, sürtünme katsayısı 0.1 1 ve
0.51, aşınma oranı 7.18xl04-2.60xl0-2mm3/m' arasında değişmektedir.


  • Rehbein, P., Wallaschek, J., "Friction and wear behavior of polymer/steel and alumina/alumina un der high-frequency fretting conditions", Wear 216, 97-105, 1998.
  • Rajesh, J.J., Bijwe, J., Tewari, U.S., "Abrasive wear performance of various polyamides'', Wear 252, 769-776, 2002.
  • Gao, J., Mao, S., Liu, J., Feng, D., "Tribochemical effects of some polymers/stainless steel", Wear 212, 238-243, 1997.
  • Babadur S., Zhang L., Anderegg, J.W., "The effect of zinc and copper oxides and other zinc compounds as fillers on the tribological behavior of therınosetting polyester", Wear 203-204, 464-473, 1997.
  • Yu, L., Bahadur, S., Xue, Q., "An investigation of the friction and wear behaviors of ceramic particle fılled polyphenylene sulfide composites", Wear 214, 54-63, 1998.
  • Suh, N.P., Mosleh, M., Arinez, J., "Tribology of polyethylene homocomposites", Wear 214, 231-236, 1998.
  • Aoike, T., Yokoyama, D., Uehara, H., Yamanobe, T ., Komoto, T ., "Tribology of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene disks molded at different temperatures", Wear 262, 742-748, 2007.
  • Gueıınazi, N., Elleuch, K., Ayedi, H.F ., Fridrici, V., Kapsa, P.H., "Tribological behaviour of pipe coating in dry sliding contact with steel", Materials and Design, doi: 10.1 0 1 6/j .matdes.2008.12.003, 2009.
  • Shipway, P.H., Hutchings, I.M., "Measurement of coating durability by solid particle erosion", Surf. Coat. Technol. 71, 1-8, 1 995.
  • Iwai, Y., Honda, T., Yamada, H., Matsubara, T., Larsson, M., Hogmark, S., "Evaluation of wear resistance of thin hard coatings by a new solid particle impact test", Wear 25 1, 861867, 2001.
  • [ l l]. Wood, R.J.K., Puget, Y., Trethewey, K.R., Stokes, K., "The perfoımance of marine coatings and pipe materials under fluid-bome san d erosion", Wear 2 19, 46-59, 1998.
  • Iwai, Y., Numbu, K., "Slurry wear properties of pwnp lining materials", Wear 210, 2 1 1-219, 1 997.
  • Hojo, H., Tsuda, K., Yabu, T., "Erosion Damage of Polymeric Material By Slurry", Wear 1 12, ı 7-28, 1 986.
  • Stack, M.M., Pungwiwat, N., "Slurry erosion of metallics, polymers, and ceramics: particle size effects", Mater. Sci. Technol. 15, 337344, 1 999.
  • Walley, S.M., Field, J.E., "The Erosion and Defornıation of Polyethylene By Solid-Particle Impact", Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society of London Series A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 321, .277-303, 1 987.
  • Knuuttila, J., Ahmaniemi, S., Mantyla, T., "W et abrasion and slurry erosion resistance of thermally sprayed oxide coatings", Wear 232, 207212, ı 999.
  • 7]. Oblozinsky, P ., U gai, K., Katagiri, M., Saitoh, K., Ishii, T., Masuda, T., Kuwabara K., "A design method for slurry trench wall stability in sandy ground based on the elasto-plastic FEM'' Computers and Geotechnics 28, 2 145-2 1 59, 2001.
  • Mertiny, P., "Urethane-lined polymer composite pipe is designed to resist slurry hydrotransport abrasion and corrosion", Materials Performance 47, 1 6-18, 2008.
  • Yabuki, A., Sugita, K., Matsumura, M., Hirashima, M., Tsunaga, M., "The anti-slurry erosion properties ofpolyethylene for sewerage pipe use", Wear 240, 52-58, 2000.
  • Beall, G .H., Rittler, H.L., "Basalt glassceramics", Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull. 55, 579-582, 1 976.
  • Yilmaz, S., Ozkan, O.T., Gunay, V., "Crystallization kineti es of hasalt glass", Ceramic Intemational 22, 477-481, 1 996.
  • Znidarsic, V., Kolar, D., "The crystallization of diabase glass", J. Mater. Sci. 26, 2490--2494, 1 991.
  • Karamanov, A., Arrizza, L., Ergul, S., "Sintered material from alkaline basaltic tuffs", Bazaıt Dolgulu Polimer Kompozitlerin Aşınma Davranışları A Alcıncı 65 Journal of the European Ceramic Society 29, 4, 595601, 2009.
  • Myshki.n, N.K., Petrokovets, MJ., Kovalev, A.V., "Tribology of polymers: Adhesion, friction, wear, and mass-transfer", Tribology International 38, ı 1-12, 910-921, 2005 .
  • Rosato, D.V., Schott, N .R., Rosato, M.G., "Plastics Engineering, Manufacturing and Data Handbook", Plastics Institute of America, Springer, 2006.
  • Yang, J.M., Chen, H.S., Hsu, Y.G., Lin, F.H., Chang, Y.H., "Organic-inorganic hybrid solgel materials: 2 Application for dental composites", Die Angewandte Makromolek:ulare Chemie 25 1, 6172, 1 997.
  • Vina, J., Garcia, M.A., Castrillo, M.A., V ina I. and Arguelles, A., "W ear behavior of a glass fiber-reinforced PEl composite", J oumal of Therınoplastic Composite Materials 21, 279-286, 2008.
Year 2009, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 60 - 65, 01.06.2009



  • Rehbein, P., Wallaschek, J., "Friction and wear behavior of polymer/steel and alumina/alumina un der high-frequency fretting conditions", Wear 216, 97-105, 1998.
  • Rajesh, J.J., Bijwe, J., Tewari, U.S., "Abrasive wear performance of various polyamides'', Wear 252, 769-776, 2002.
  • Gao, J., Mao, S., Liu, J., Feng, D., "Tribochemical effects of some polymers/stainless steel", Wear 212, 238-243, 1997.
  • Babadur S., Zhang L., Anderegg, J.W., "The effect of zinc and copper oxides and other zinc compounds as fillers on the tribological behavior of therınosetting polyester", Wear 203-204, 464-473, 1997.
  • Yu, L., Bahadur, S., Xue, Q., "An investigation of the friction and wear behaviors of ceramic particle fılled polyphenylene sulfide composites", Wear 214, 54-63, 1998.
  • Suh, N.P., Mosleh, M., Arinez, J., "Tribology of polyethylene homocomposites", Wear 214, 231-236, 1998.
  • Aoike, T., Yokoyama, D., Uehara, H., Yamanobe, T ., Komoto, T ., "Tribology of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene disks molded at different temperatures", Wear 262, 742-748, 2007.
  • Gueıınazi, N., Elleuch, K., Ayedi, H.F ., Fridrici, V., Kapsa, P.H., "Tribological behaviour of pipe coating in dry sliding contact with steel", Materials and Design, doi: 10.1 0 1 6/j .matdes.2008.12.003, 2009.
  • Shipway, P.H., Hutchings, I.M., "Measurement of coating durability by solid particle erosion", Surf. Coat. Technol. 71, 1-8, 1 995.
  • Iwai, Y., Honda, T., Yamada, H., Matsubara, T., Larsson, M., Hogmark, S., "Evaluation of wear resistance of thin hard coatings by a new solid particle impact test", Wear 25 1, 861867, 2001.
  • [ l l]. Wood, R.J.K., Puget, Y., Trethewey, K.R., Stokes, K., "The perfoımance of marine coatings and pipe materials under fluid-bome san d erosion", Wear 2 19, 46-59, 1998.
  • Iwai, Y., Numbu, K., "Slurry wear properties of pwnp lining materials", Wear 210, 2 1 1-219, 1 997.
  • Hojo, H., Tsuda, K., Yabu, T., "Erosion Damage of Polymeric Material By Slurry", Wear 1 12, ı 7-28, 1 986.
  • Stack, M.M., Pungwiwat, N., "Slurry erosion of metallics, polymers, and ceramics: particle size effects", Mater. Sci. Technol. 15, 337344, 1 999.
  • Walley, S.M., Field, J.E., "The Erosion and Defornıation of Polyethylene By Solid-Particle Impact", Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society of London Series A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 321, .277-303, 1 987.
  • Knuuttila, J., Ahmaniemi, S., Mantyla, T., "W et abrasion and slurry erosion resistance of thermally sprayed oxide coatings", Wear 232, 207212, ı 999.
  • 7]. Oblozinsky, P ., U gai, K., Katagiri, M., Saitoh, K., Ishii, T., Masuda, T., Kuwabara K., "A design method for slurry trench wall stability in sandy ground based on the elasto-plastic FEM'' Computers and Geotechnics 28, 2 145-2 1 59, 2001.
  • Mertiny, P., "Urethane-lined polymer composite pipe is designed to resist slurry hydrotransport abrasion and corrosion", Materials Performance 47, 1 6-18, 2008.
  • Yabuki, A., Sugita, K., Matsumura, M., Hirashima, M., Tsunaga, M., "The anti-slurry erosion properties ofpolyethylene for sewerage pipe use", Wear 240, 52-58, 2000.
  • Beall, G .H., Rittler, H.L., "Basalt glassceramics", Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull. 55, 579-582, 1 976.
  • Yilmaz, S., Ozkan, O.T., Gunay, V., "Crystallization kineti es of hasalt glass", Ceramic Intemational 22, 477-481, 1 996.
  • Znidarsic, V., Kolar, D., "The crystallization of diabase glass", J. Mater. Sci. 26, 2490--2494, 1 991.
  • Karamanov, A., Arrizza, L., Ergul, S., "Sintered material from alkaline basaltic tuffs", Bazaıt Dolgulu Polimer Kompozitlerin Aşınma Davranışları A Alcıncı 65 Journal of the European Ceramic Society 29, 4, 595601, 2009.
  • Myshki.n, N.K., Petrokovets, MJ., Kovalev, A.V., "Tribology of polymers: Adhesion, friction, wear, and mass-transfer", Tribology International 38, ı 1-12, 910-921, 2005 .
  • Rosato, D.V., Schott, N .R., Rosato, M.G., "Plastics Engineering, Manufacturing and Data Handbook", Plastics Institute of America, Springer, 2006.
  • Yang, J.M., Chen, H.S., Hsu, Y.G., Lin, F.H., Chang, Y.H., "Organic-inorganic hybrid solgel materials: 2 Application for dental composites", Die Angewandte Makromolek:ulare Chemie 25 1, 6172, 1 997.
  • Vina, J., Garcia, M.A., Castrillo, M.A., V ina I. and Arguelles, A., "W ear behavior of a glass fiber-reinforced PEl composite", J oumal of Therınoplastic Composite Materials 21, 279-286, 2008.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language TR
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Akın Akıncı

S. Yetgin This is me

Şenol Yılmaz This is me

Uğur Şen This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2009
Submission Date April 14, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 13 Issue: 1


APA Akıncı, A., Yetgin, S., Yılmaz, Ş., Şen, U. (2009). BAZALT DOLGULU POLİMER KOMPOZİTLERİN AŞINMA DAVRANIŞLARI. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 13(1), 60-65.
AMA Akıncı A, Yetgin S, Yılmaz Ş, Şen U. BAZALT DOLGULU POLİMER KOMPOZİTLERİN AŞINMA DAVRANIŞLARI. SAUJS. June 2009;13(1):60-65. doi:10.16984/saufbed.45420
Chicago Akıncı, Akın, S. Yetgin, Şenol Yılmaz, and Uğur Şen. “BAZALT DOLGULU POLİMER KOMPOZİTLERİN AŞINMA DAVRANIŞLARI”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 13, no. 1 (June 2009): 60-65.
EndNote Akıncı A, Yetgin S, Yılmaz Ş, Şen U (June 1, 2009) BAZALT DOLGULU POLİMER KOMPOZİTLERİN AŞINMA DAVRANIŞLARI. Sakarya University Journal of Science 13 1 60–65.
IEEE A. Akıncı, S. Yetgin, Ş. Yılmaz, and U. Şen, “BAZALT DOLGULU POLİMER KOMPOZİTLERİN AŞINMA DAVRANIŞLARI”, SAUJS, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 60–65, 2009, doi: 10.16984/saufbed.45420.
ISNAD Akıncı, Akın et al. “BAZALT DOLGULU POLİMER KOMPOZİTLERİN AŞINMA DAVRANIŞLARI”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 13/1 (June 2009), 60-65.
MLA Akıncı, Akın et al. “BAZALT DOLGULU POLİMER KOMPOZİTLERİN AŞINMA DAVRANIŞLARI”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 13, no. 1, 2009, pp. 60-65, doi:10.16984/saufbed.45420.


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