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Yüz ifadelerinin otomatik analizi üzerine bir literatür çalışması

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 2, 383 - 398, 01.08.2016


Yüz ifadeleri, duygulara kişilerarası iletişimde anlam bütünlüğü kazandıran evrensel işaretlerdir. Aynı zamanda yüz ifadelerindeki değişimler, duygu psikolojisinde en önemli ipuçları olarak kabul edilmektedir. Yüz ifade analizinin; insan davranışlarının analizi, insan-insan etkileşimi ve insan-bilgisayar etkileşimi gibi çok geniş bir uygulama yelpazesi vardır. İnsanlar yüz ifadelerini tanımada ve yorumlamada herhangi bir sorun yaşamazken bu işlem bilgisayarlarda zorlu bir problem olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Fakat özellikle insan-bilgisayar etkileşiminde yaşanan gelişmelerle birlikte, insanlara ait duyguların bilgisayarlar tarafından anlaşılması elzem bir konu haline gelmiştir. Bunun yanında güvenlik, psikoloji, sağlık, robotik ve sanal gerçeklilik gibi birçok çalışma alanında da yüz ifadelerinin analizi ve tanıması giderek yaygınlaşmıştır. Bu nedenlerden dolayı, yüz ifadelerinin hızlı bir şekilde analiz edilmesi ve analiz edilen yüz ifadelerinin doğru olarak tanınması farklı uygulama alanlarında birçok yazılım sistemi için kritik bir rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, yüz ifadelerinin tanıması ile ilgili literatürde yapılan çalışmalar incelenmiş ve yüz ifadelerinin analizinde kullanılan bazı yöntemlere yer verilmiştir.


  • C. Darwin, Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, London: John Murray, 1872.
  • A. Mehriban, «Communication without Words,» Psychology Today, cilt 2, no. 4, pp. 53-56, 1968.
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  • P. Ekman, «Universals and Cultural Differences in Facial Expressions of Emotion,» Nebraska Symposium on Motivation , Lincoln, 1972.
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  • A. A. M. Al-modwahi, O. Sebetela, L. N. Batleng, B. Parhizkar ve A. H. Lashkari, «Facial Expression Recognition Intelligent Security System for Real Time Surveillance,» International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, Las Vegas Nevada, 2012.
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  • X. Feng, M. Pietikäinen ve A. Hadid, «Facial Expression Recognition Based on Local Binary Patterns and Linear Programming,» Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, cilt 15, no. 2, p. 546–548, 2005.
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  • S. C. Neoh, L. Zhang, K. Mistry, M. A. Hossain, C. P. Lim ve P. K. Nauman Aslam, «Intelligent Facial Emotion Recognition using a Layered Encoding Cascade Optimization Model,» Elsevier Applied Soft Computing, cilt 34, pp. 72-93, 2015.
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A survey on automatic analysis of facial expressions

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 2, 383 - 398, 01.08.2016


Facial expressions are universal symbols of emotions that provide cohesion to interpersonal communication. At the same time, the changes in facial expressions are considered to be the most important hints in the psychology of emotion. Facial expression analysis has widespread range of application in areas such as analysis of human behaviors, human-human interaction and human-computer interaction. While humans do not have any difficulty for recognizing and interpreting facial expressions, it is challenging problem for the computers. However, especially with advances in human-computer interaction, understanding the human emotions by computer has become an indispensable issue. Furthermore, analysis and recognition of facial expressions has pervaded in various areas such as security, psychology, health, robotics and virtual reality. For these reasons, the analyzing of facial expressions quickly and the recognition of facial expressions correctly according to the analyzed facial expressions play a critical role for many software systems in different applications. In this study, the methods used in the analysis of facial expressions and the studies in the literature on emotion recognition were investigated.


  • C. Darwin, Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, London: John Murray, 1872.
  • A. Mehriban, «Communication without Words,» Psychology Today, cilt 2, no. 4, pp. 53-56, 1968.
  • P. Ekman ve W. V. Friesen, «Constants Across Cultures in the Face and Emotion,» Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, cilt 17, no. 2, pp. 124-129, 1971.
  • P. Ekman, «Universals and Cultural Differences in Facial Expressions of Emotion,» Nebraska Symposium on Motivation , Lincoln, 1972.
  • M. Suwa, N. Sugie ve K. Fujimora, «A Preliminary Note on Pattern Recognition of Human Emotional Expression,» Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, Kyoto, 1978.
  • B. Fasel ve J. Luettin, «Automatic Facial Expression Analysis: A Survey,» Pattern Recognition, cilt 36, pp. 259-275, 2003.
  • J. Kumaria, R. Rajesh ve K. Poojaa, «Facial Expression Recognition: A survey,» Second International Symposium on Computer Vision and the Internet (VisionNet’15), Kochi, 2015.
  • S. K. Gupta, S. Agrwal, Y. K. M. ve N. Nain, «A Hybrid Method of Feature Extraction for Facial Expression Recognition,» Seventh International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems, Dijon, 2011.
  • L. Zhang, S. Chen, T. Wang ve Z. Liu, «Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Based on Hybrid Features,» International Conference on Future Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2012.
  • W. Gaebel ve W. Wölwer, «Facial Expression and Emotional Face Recognition in Schizophrenia and Depression,» European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, cilt 242, no. 1, pp. 46-52, 1992.
  • M. K. Mandal, R. Pandey ve A. B. Prasad, «Facial Expressions of Emotions and Schizophrenia: A Review,» chizophrenia Bulletin, cilt 24, no. 3, pp. 399-412, 1998.
  • C. Alvino, C. Kohler, F. Barrett, R. E. Gur, R. C. Gur ve R. Verma, «Computerized Measurement of Facial Expression of Emotions in Schizophrenia,» Journal of Neuroscience Methods, cilt 163, no. 2, pp. 350-361, 2007.
  • A. Butalia, M. Ingle ve P. Kulkarni, «Facial Expression Recognition for Security,» International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), cilt 2, no. 4, pp. 1449-1453, 2012.
  • A. A. M. Al-modwahi, O. Sebetela, L. N. Batleng, B. Parhizkar ve A. H. Lashkari, «Facial Expression Recognition Intelligent Security System for Real Time Surveillance,» International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, Las Vegas Nevada, 2012.
  • G. Lu, L. Yuan, X. Li ve H. Li, «Facial Expression Recognition of Pain in Neonates,» International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, Wuhan, 2008.
  • G. Lu, X. Li ve H. Li, «Facial expression recognition for neonatal pain assessment,» International Conference on Neural Networks and Signal Processing, Nanjing, 2008.
  • S. Hachisuka, «Human and Vehicle Drowsiness Detection by Facial Expression,» International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering (ICBAKE), Tokyo, 2013.
  • M. E. Jabon, J. N. Bailenson, E. Pontikakis, L. Takayama ve C. Nass, «Facial Expression Analysis for Predicting Unsafe Driving Behavior,» IEEE Pervasive Computing, cilt 10, no. 4, pp. 84-95, 2011.
  • A. Dureha, «An Accurate Algorithm for Generating a Music Playlist based on Facial Expressions,» International Journal of Computer Applications, cilt 100, no. 9, pp. 33-39, 2014.
  • H. Kabani, S. Khan, O. Khan ve S. Tadvi, «Emotion Based Music Player,» International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, cilt 3, no. 1, pp. 750-756, 2015.
  • P. Ekman ve W. V. Friesen, «Facial Action Coding System: A Technique for the Measurement of Facial Movement,» Consulting Psychology Press., 1978.
  • K. Scherer ve P. Ekman, «Methods for Measuring Facial Action,» Handbook of Methods in Nonverbal Behavior Research , New York, Cambridge University Press, 1982, pp. 45-135.
  • M. S. Bartlett, P. A. Viola, T. J. Sejnowski, B. A. Golomb, J. Larsen, J. C. Hager ve P. Ekman, «Classifying Facial Action,» Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8, pp. 823-829, 1996.
  • Y. Yacoob ve L. S. Davis, «Recognizing Human Facial Expressions from Long Image Sequences using Optical Flow,» IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , cilt 18, no. 6, pp. 636 - 642, 1996.
  • N. Tsapatsoulis, M. Leonidou ve S. Kollias, «Facial Expression Recognition using HMM with Observation Dependent Transition Matrix,,» IEEE Second Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Redondo Beach, 1998.
  • Z. Zhang, «Feature-Based Facial Expression Recognition: Sensitivity Analysis and Experiments with a Multi-Layer Perceptron,» International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Interlligence, cilt 13, no. 6, pp. 893-911, 1999.
  • I. Cohen, A. Garg ve T. S. Huang, «Emotion Recognition from Facial Expressions using Multilevel HMM,» Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2000.
  • S. B. Gokturk, J.-Y. Bouguet, C. Tomasi ve B. Girod, «Model-Based Face Tracking for View-Independent Facial Expression Recognition,» Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FGR'02) , 2002.
  • L. C. D. Silva ve S. C. Hui, «Real-time Facial Feature Extraction and Emotion Recognition,» Fourth Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Information, Communications and Signal Processing, Singapore, 2003.
  • X. Feng, M. Pietikäinen ve A. Hadid, «Facial Expression Recognition Based on Local Binary Patterns and Linear Programming,» Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, cilt 15, no. 2, p. 546–548, 2005.
  • S. M. Lajevardi ve M. Lech, «Facial Expression Recognition from Image Sequences Using Optimized Feature Selection,» 23rd International Conference Image and Vision Computing (IVCNZ), New Zealand, 2008.
  • P. Martins, J. Sampaio ve J. Batista, «Facial Expression Recognition Using Active Appearance Models,» International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Funchal, 2008.
  • M. Song, D. Tao, Z. Liu, X. Li ve M. Zhou, «Image Ratio Features for Facial Expression Recognition Application,» IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part B: Cybernetics, cilt 40, no. 3, pp. 779-788, 2010.
  • L. Oliveira, M. Mansano, A. Koerich ve J. Alceu de Souza Britto, «2D Principal Component Analysis for Face and Facial-Expression Recognition,» Computing in Science & Engineering , cilt 13, no. 3, pp. 9-13, 2011.
  • S. B. Kazmi, Qurat-ul-Ain ve M. A. Jaffar, «Wavelets-based Facial Expression Recognition using a Bank of Support Vector Machines,» Soft Computing, cilt 16, no. 3, pp. 369-379, 2012.
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Toplam 91 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Sümeyye Bayrakdar

Devrim Akgün

İbrahim Yücedağ

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Kasım 2015
Kabul Tarihi 13 Haziran 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 20 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Bayrakdar, S., Akgün, D., & Yücedağ, İ. (2016). A survey on automatic analysis of facial expressions. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 20(2), 383-398.
AMA Bayrakdar S, Akgün D, Yücedağ İ. A survey on automatic analysis of facial expressions. SAUJS. Ağustos 2016;20(2):383-398. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.92940
Chicago Bayrakdar, Sümeyye, Devrim Akgün, ve İbrahim Yücedağ. “A Survey on Automatic Analysis of Facial Expressions”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 20, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2016): 383-98.
EndNote Bayrakdar S, Akgün D, Yücedağ İ (01 Ağustos 2016) A survey on automatic analysis of facial expressions. Sakarya University Journal of Science 20 2 383–398.
IEEE S. Bayrakdar, D. Akgün, ve İ. Yücedağ, “A survey on automatic analysis of facial expressions”, SAUJS, c. 20, sy. 2, ss. 383–398, 2016, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.92940.
ISNAD Bayrakdar, Sümeyye vd. “A Survey on Automatic Analysis of Facial Expressions”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 20/2 (Ağustos 2016), 383-398.
JAMA Bayrakdar S, Akgün D, Yücedağ İ. A survey on automatic analysis of facial expressions. SAUJS. 2016;20:383–398.
MLA Bayrakdar, Sümeyye vd. “A Survey on Automatic Analysis of Facial Expressions”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, c. 20, sy. 2, 2016, ss. 383-98, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.92940.
Vancouver Bayrakdar S, Akgün D, Yücedağ İ. A survey on automatic analysis of facial expressions. SAUJS. 2016;20(2):383-98.

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