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Polipropilen/huntit kompozitlerinin mekanik, fiziksel ve morfolojik özellikleri

Year 2017, Volume: 21 Issue: 5, 1045 - 1050, 01.10.2017


Huntit hidromagnezit (HH) polimere eklenmeden
önce, silan bağlayıcı kullanılarak polipropilen (PP) matris ile uyumlu hale
getirilmiştir. Buna ek olarak, HH ile uyumlu olması amacıyla maleik anhidrit
aşılanmış PP (Ma-g-PP) matrisi ile de kompozitler oluşturulmuştur. Kompozit
malzemeler, sanayide en sık tercih edilen yöntem olan eriyik karıştırma metodu
ile laboratuvar ölçekli çift vidalı ekstruder kullanılarak, % 10 HH içerecek
şekilde hazırlanmıştır. Granül haline getirilen kompozitler enjeksiyonlu
kalıplama yöntemi ile şekillendirilmiştir. Hazırlanan kompozitlere sırasıyla
çekme testi, dinamik mekanik analiz (DMA) ve erime akış indisi testleri
uygulanmıştır. Numunelerin mekanik dayanımlarına ek olarak, dış hava
şartlarında kullanımını belirlemek amacıyla su emme testleri
gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca toz parçacıkların polipropilen matris içinde
dağılımını gözlemlemek amacıyla tarayıcı elektron mikroskobu (SEM)
kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar incelendiğinde, silanlanmış HH ve Ma-g-PP kullanımı
ile elde edilen kompozitlerin mekanik özelliklerinde iyileşme gözlemlenmiştir.
SEM görüntüleri incelendiğinde, silanlama işlemine tabi tutulmuş huntit ve
Ma-g-PP kompozitlerinde huntit parçacıklarının PP matris içerisinde iyi dağılım
gösterdigi ve parçacık ile polimer yüzeylerinin uyumlu olduğunu görülmektedir.
Bu sonuç mekanik özelliklerdeki iyileşmeyi desteklemektedir. Kompozitlerin
erime akış değerlerinde belirgin bir değişme olmamıştır. Bu sonuç, PP matrisine
huntit dolgu maddesi eklenmesiyle polimerin işlenmesinde önemli bir sorunla
karşılaşılmayacağını göstermektedir.


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  • [2] W. Hufenbach, R.Böhm, M.Thieme, A.Winkler, E. Mader, J. Rausch, M. Schade.(2011,March). Polypropylene/glass fibre 3D-textile reinforced composites for automotive applications, Materials and Design.[Online]. 32(3), pp.1468-1476. Available:
  • [3] C. Mao, C. Zhang, Y. Qui, A. Zhu, J. Shen. S.Lin. (2004, April). Introduction of anticoagulation group to polypropylene film by radiation grafting and its blood compatibility, Applied Surface Science.[Online].228(1-4),pp. 26-33. Available:
  • [4] P. Tos, S. Artiaco,S. Coppolino, L.G. Conforti,B. Battiston.(2009, June). A simple sterile polypropylene fingernail substitute, Chirurgie de la Main.[Online]. 28(3), pp.143–145. Available:
  • [5] Y. Kanbur, Z. Küçükyavuz, (2009,September). Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene/Carbon Black Composites, Journal of Reinforced Plastic and Composites.[Online]. 28(18), pp.2251–2260. Available:
  • [6] S.P. Bao,S.C. Tjong. (2008,June). Mechanical behaviors of polypropylene/carbon nanotube nanocomposites: The effects of loading rate and temperature, Materials Science and Engineering: A.[Online].485(1-2),pp.508-516. Available:
  • [7] H.Y. Atay, E. Çelik. (2010, February). Use of Turkish huntite/hydromagnesite mineral in plastic materials as a flame retardant, Polymer Composites.[Online]. 31(10), pp. 1692-1700. Available:
  • [9] B. Larsson, A.G. Incemin, G. Georgiades, C. Pust, Huntite-hydromagnesite production and applications, 12th Industrial Minerals International Congress, Chicago, 1996, pp. 57-60
  • [10] H.Y. Atay, E. Çelik. (2013, February). Mechanical Properties of Flame-Retardant Huntite and Hydromagnesite-Reinforced Polymer Composites, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering.[Online]. 52(2), pp.182-188. Available:
  • [11] A. Basfar, H. Bae.(2010,March). Influence of magnesium hydroxide (MH) and huntite hydromagnesite (HH) on mechanical properties of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) compounds cross-linked by dicumyl peroxide and ionizing radiation, Journal of Fire Sciences.[Online]. 28(2), pp. 161-180. Available:
  • [12] L.A. Savas, T.K. Deniz, U. Tayfun, M. Dogan. (2017,January). Effect of microcapsulated red phosphorus on flame retardant, thermal and mechanical properties of thermoplastic polyurethane composites filled with huntite&hydromagnesite mineral, Polymer Degradation and Stability.[Online]. 135, pp.121-129. Available:
  • [13] T. Güler, U. Tayfun, M. Dogan, E. Bayramli. (2017,January), Effect of expandable graphite on flame retardant, thermal and mechanical properties of thermoplastic polyurethane composites filled with huntite&hydromagnesite mineral, Thermochimica Acta, 647, pp.70-80. Available:
  • [14] D. Metin, F. Tihminhoglu, D.Balköse, S. Ülkü.(2004,January). The effect of interfacial interactions on the mechanical properties of polypropylene/natural zeolite composites, Composites Part a-Applied Science and Manufacturing .[Online].35(1), pp. 23-32.
  • [15] G.A. Öktem, T. Tincer.(1994,November). Preparation and characterization of perlite‐filled high‐density polyethylenes. I. Mechanical properties. Journal of applied polymer science.[Online], 54(8), pp.1103-1114.
  • [8] L. Haurie, A.I. Fernández, J.I. Velasco, J.M. Chimenos, J.M.L. Cuesta, F. Espiell. (2006,May). Synthetic hydromagnesite as flame retardant. Evaluation of the flame behaviour in a polyethylene matrix, Polymer Degradation and Stability.[Online]. 91(5), pp. 989-994. Available:

Mechanical, physical and morphological properties of polypropylene/huntite composites

Year 2017, Volume: 21 Issue: 5, 1045 - 1050, 01.10.2017


Huntite hydromagnesite (HH) is compatibilised
with the polypropylene (PP) matrix by using silane coupling agents before
addition to polymer.  In addition,
composites with maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene (Ma-g-PP) matrix were
prepared in order to compatible with HH. Composite materials which contain 10%
HH content were prepared by using twin screw extruder which is the most common
method in industry. Granulased composites were shaped with injection molding.
Tensile test, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and melt flow index tests were
applied to composites, respectively. In addition to the mechanical properties
of prepared composites, water absorption test of the composites were performed
to consider their outdoor usage conditions. 
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to observe the dispersion of
huntite particles inside the polypropylene matrix. Mechanical properties of
composites obtained by using silanized huntite and Ma-g-PP were improved. SEM
images show that composites which contain silanized huntite and Ma-g-PP have
good dispersion of particles inside the PP matrix and particle surfaces were
compatible with polymer surface. This results also support the mechanical test
results. Distinct changes did not observed for the melt flow index results of
the composites.  This results indicate
that addition of the huntite to the PP matrix causes no obvious problem to the
processibility of the polymer.


  • [1] R. Stewart, V. Goodship, F. Guild , M. Green, J. Farrow. (2005, April). Investigation and demonstration of the durability of air plasma pre-treatment on polypropylene automotive bumpers. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives.[Online]. 25(2), pp.93–99. Available:
  • [2] W. Hufenbach, R.Böhm, M.Thieme, A.Winkler, E. Mader, J. Rausch, M. Schade.(2011,March). Polypropylene/glass fibre 3D-textile reinforced composites for automotive applications, Materials and Design.[Online]. 32(3), pp.1468-1476. Available:
  • [3] C. Mao, C. Zhang, Y. Qui, A. Zhu, J. Shen. S.Lin. (2004, April). Introduction of anticoagulation group to polypropylene film by radiation grafting and its blood compatibility, Applied Surface Science.[Online].228(1-4),pp. 26-33. Available:
  • [4] P. Tos, S. Artiaco,S. Coppolino, L.G. Conforti,B. Battiston.(2009, June). A simple sterile polypropylene fingernail substitute, Chirurgie de la Main.[Online]. 28(3), pp.143–145. Available:
  • [5] Y. Kanbur, Z. Küçükyavuz, (2009,September). Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene/Carbon Black Composites, Journal of Reinforced Plastic and Composites.[Online]. 28(18), pp.2251–2260. Available:
  • [6] S.P. Bao,S.C. Tjong. (2008,June). Mechanical behaviors of polypropylene/carbon nanotube nanocomposites: The effects of loading rate and temperature, Materials Science and Engineering: A.[Online].485(1-2),pp.508-516. Available:
  • [7] H.Y. Atay, E. Çelik. (2010, February). Use of Turkish huntite/hydromagnesite mineral in plastic materials as a flame retardant, Polymer Composites.[Online]. 31(10), pp. 1692-1700. Available:
  • [9] B. Larsson, A.G. Incemin, G. Georgiades, C. Pust, Huntite-hydromagnesite production and applications, 12th Industrial Minerals International Congress, Chicago, 1996, pp. 57-60
  • [10] H.Y. Atay, E. Çelik. (2013, February). Mechanical Properties of Flame-Retardant Huntite and Hydromagnesite-Reinforced Polymer Composites, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering.[Online]. 52(2), pp.182-188. Available:
  • [11] A. Basfar, H. Bae.(2010,March). Influence of magnesium hydroxide (MH) and huntite hydromagnesite (HH) on mechanical properties of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) compounds cross-linked by dicumyl peroxide and ionizing radiation, Journal of Fire Sciences.[Online]. 28(2), pp. 161-180. Available:
  • [12] L.A. Savas, T.K. Deniz, U. Tayfun, M. Dogan. (2017,January). Effect of microcapsulated red phosphorus on flame retardant, thermal and mechanical properties of thermoplastic polyurethane composites filled with huntite&hydromagnesite mineral, Polymer Degradation and Stability.[Online]. 135, pp.121-129. Available:
  • [13] T. Güler, U. Tayfun, M. Dogan, E. Bayramli. (2017,January), Effect of expandable graphite on flame retardant, thermal and mechanical properties of thermoplastic polyurethane composites filled with huntite&hydromagnesite mineral, Thermochimica Acta, 647, pp.70-80. Available:
  • [14] D. Metin, F. Tihminhoglu, D.Balköse, S. Ülkü.(2004,January). The effect of interfacial interactions on the mechanical properties of polypropylene/natural zeolite composites, Composites Part a-Applied Science and Manufacturing .[Online].35(1), pp. 23-32.
  • [15] G.A. Öktem, T. Tincer.(1994,November). Preparation and characterization of perlite‐filled high‐density polyethylenes. I. Mechanical properties. Journal of applied polymer science.[Online], 54(8), pp.1103-1114.
  • [8] L. Haurie, A.I. Fernández, J.I. Velasco, J.M. Chimenos, J.M.L. Cuesta, F. Espiell. (2006,May). Synthetic hydromagnesite as flame retardant. Evaluation of the flame behaviour in a polyethylene matrix, Polymer Degradation and Stability.[Online]. 91(5), pp. 989-994. Available:
There are 15 citations in total.


Subjects Material Production Technologies
Journal Section Research Articles

Yasin Kanbur 0000-0003-3996-458X

Ümit Tayfun 0000-0001-5978-5162

Publication Date October 1, 2017
Submission Date December 24, 2016
Acceptance Date August 14, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 21 Issue: 5


APA Kanbur, Y., & Tayfun, Ü. (2017). Mechanical, physical and morphological properties of polypropylene/huntite composites. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 21(5), 1045-1050.
AMA Kanbur Y, Tayfun Ü. Mechanical, physical and morphological properties of polypropylene/huntite composites. SAUJS. October 2017;21(5):1045-1050. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.281035
Chicago Kanbur, Yasin, and Ümit Tayfun. “Mechanical, Physical and Morphological Properties of polypropylene/Huntite Composites”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 21, no. 5 (October 2017): 1045-50.
EndNote Kanbur Y, Tayfun Ü (October 1, 2017) Mechanical, physical and morphological properties of polypropylene/huntite composites. Sakarya University Journal of Science 21 5 1045–1050.
IEEE Y. Kanbur and Ü. Tayfun, “Mechanical, physical and morphological properties of polypropylene/huntite composites”, SAUJS, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 1045–1050, 2017, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.281035.
ISNAD Kanbur, Yasin - Tayfun, Ümit. “Mechanical, Physical and Morphological Properties of polypropylene/Huntite Composites”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 21/5 (October 2017), 1045-1050.
JAMA Kanbur Y, Tayfun Ü. Mechanical, physical and morphological properties of polypropylene/huntite composites. SAUJS. 2017;21:1045–1050.
MLA Kanbur, Yasin and Ümit Tayfun. “Mechanical, Physical and Morphological Properties of polypropylene/Huntite Composites”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 21, no. 5, 2017, pp. 1045-50, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.281035.
Vancouver Kanbur Y, Tayfun Ü. Mechanical, physical and morphological properties of polypropylene/huntite composites. SAUJS. 2017;21(5):1045-50.


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