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Zeytin Karasuyunun Elektrokoagulasyon Ön Arıtımlı Tek Fazlı Anaerobik Arıtımı

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2, 210 - 217, 01.04.2018


Bu çalışma kapsamında
Çanakkale ili ve çevresi için önemli bir çevre sorunu teşkil eden zeytin
karasuyunun tek fazlı ardışık kesikli anaerobik reaktörler ile arıtılabilirliği
elektrokoagulasyon ön arıtımı kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Elektrokoagulasyon ön
işlemi sayesinde, karasudaki kirletici konsantrasyonları, askıda katı madde miktarı
başta olmak üzere çeşitli kirletici parametreleri bazında önemli bir giderim sağlanmıştır.
Ön arıtılmış karasu numuneleri tek fazlı anaerobik reaktöre beslenerek,
anaerobik arıtım verimliliği; çKOİ giderimi, biyogaz oluşumu ve metan içeriği
açısından incelenmiştir.  Hidrolik
bekletme süresi 1 gün; çamur bekletme süresi 20 gün; organik yükleme oranı 1 gr KOİ/gr UAKM-gün olarak 30 gün boyunca
işletilen ardışık kesikli anaerobik reaktörde; ortalama %70 organik madde
giderimi elde edilmiştir. Eş zamanlı olarak günlük ortalama %80 metan içerikli
1000 mL biyogaz oluşumu sağlanmıştır. İşletme süresince
metan üretim
hızı ortalama 0,27 mL CH4/gr KOİgiderilen ve kümülatif metan gazı
oluşumu 19981 mL olarak tespit edilmiştir. Ön arıtımlı tek fazlı anaerobik
arıtım ile; karasuyun organik madde içeriğinde büyük oranda giderim elde
edilmiş, eş zamanlı olarak da temiz bir enerji kaynağı olan metan içeriği
yüksek biyogaz eldesi sağlanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın bulguları; elektrokoagulasyon
gibi kısa süreli bir ön arıtım ile; karasuyun tek fazlı anaerobik reaktöre
doğrudan beslenebildiğini aynı zamanda bu sistemlerden yüksek verimi
alınabileceğini göstermektedir.


  • [1] E. Turano, S. Curcio, M. G. De Paola, V. Calabrò, ve G. Iorio, “An integrated centrifugation-ultrafiltration system in thetreatment of olive mill wastewater”, J. Memb. Sci., c. 209, sayı 2, ss. 519–531, 2002.
  • [2] A. Ginos, T. Manios, ve D. Mantzavinos, “Treatment of olive mill effluents by coagulation-flocculation-hydrogen peroxideoxidation and effect on phytotoxicity”, J. Hazard. Mater., c. 133, sayı 1–3, ss. 135–142, 2006.
  • [3] S. Khoufi, F. Aloui, ve S. Sayadi, “Treatment of olive oil mill wastewater by combined process electro-Fenton reaction andanaerobic digestion”, Water Res., c. 40, sayı 10, ss. 2007–2016, 2006.
  • [4] G. Aggelis, D. Iconomou, M. Christou, D. Bokas, S. Kotzailias, G. Christou, V. Tsagou, ve S. Papanikolaou, “Phenolic removal in amodel olive oil mill wastewater using Pleurotus ostreatus in bioreactor cultures and biological evaluation of the process”, WaterRes., c. 37, sayı 16, ss. 3897–3904, 2003.
  • [5] D. Dalis, K. Anagnostidis, A. Lopez, I. Letsiou, ve L. Hartmann, “Anaerobic digestion of total raw olive-oil wastewater in atwo-stage pilot-plant (up-flow and fixed-bed bioreactors)”, Bioresour. Technol., c. 57, sayı 3, ss. 237–243, 1996.
  • [5] D. Dalis, K. Anagnostidis, A. Lopez, I. Letsiou, ve L. Hartmann, “Anaerobic digestion of total raw olive-oil wastewater in atwo-stage pilot-plant (up-flow and fixed-bed bioreactors)”, Bioresour. Technol., c. 57, sayı 3, ss. 237–243, 1996.
  • [6] T. H. Ergüder, E. Güven, ve G. N. Demirer, “Anaerobic treatment of olive mill wastes in batch reactors”, Process Biochem., c. 36,sayı 3, ss. 243–248, 2000.
  • [7] B. Y. Ammary, “Treatment of olive mill wastewater using an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor”, Desalination, c. 177, sayı 1–3, ss.157–165, 2005.
  • [8] G. Pinto, A. Pollio, L. Previtera, M. Stanzione, ve F. Temussi, “Removal of low molecular weight phenols from olive oil millwastewater using microalgae”, Biotechnol. Lett., c. 25, sayı 19, ss. 1657–1659, 2003.
  • [9] C. F. Cereti, F. Rossini, F. Federici, D. Quaratino, N. Vassilev, ve M. Fenice, “Reuse of microbially treated olive mill wastewater asfertiliser for wheat (Triticum durum Desf.)”, Bioresour. Technol., c. 91, sayı 2, ss. 135–140, 2004.
  • [10] K. Kestioǧlu, T. Yonar, ve N. Azbar, “Feasibility of physico-chemical treatment and Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) as ameans of pretreatment of olive mill effluent (OME)”, Process Biochem., c. 40, sayı 7, ss. 2409–2416, 2005.
  • [11] M. Beccari, L. Bertin, D. Dionisi, F. Fava, S. Lampis, M. Majone, F. Valentino, G. Vallini, ve M. Villano, “Exploiting olive oil milleffluents as a renewable resource for production of biodegradable polymers through a combined anaerobic-aerobic process”, J.Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., c. 84, sayı 6, ss. 901–908, 2009.
  • [12] I. Sabbah, T. Marsook, ve S. Basheer, “The effect of pretreatment on anaerobic activity of olive mill wastewater using batchand continuous systems”, Process Biochem, c. 39, ss. 1947–1951, 2004.
  • [13] R. Andreozzi, G. Longo, M. Majone, ve G. Modesti, “Integrated treatment of olive oil mill effluents (OME): Study of ozonationcoupled with anaerobic digestion”, Water Res., c. 32, sayı 8, ss. 2357–2364, 1998.
  • [14] N. A. Oz ve C. C. Yarimtepe, “Ultrasound assisted biogas production from landfill leachate.”, Waste Manag., c. 34, sayı 7, ss.1165–70, 2014.
  • [15] N. A. Oz ve A. C. Uzun, “Ultrasound pretreatment for enhanced biogas production from olive mill wastewater”, Ultrason.Sonochem., c. 22, ss. 565–572, 2015.
  • [16] M. Bayramoglu, M. Kobya, M. Eyvaz, ve E. Senturk, “Technical and economic analysis of electrocoagulation for the treatmentof poultry slaughterhouse wastewater”, Sep. Purif. Technol., c. 51, sayı 3, ss. 404–408, 2006.
  • [17] S. Khoufi, F. Feki, ve S. Sayadi, “Detoxification of olive mill wastewater by electrocoagulation and sedimentation processes”, J.Hazard. Mater., c. 142, sayı 1–2, ss. 58–67, 2007.
  • [18] K. Yetilmezsoy, F. Ilhan, Z. Sapci-Zengin, S. Sakar, ve M. T. Gonullu, “Decolorization and COD reduction of UASB pretreatedpoultry manure wastewater by electrocoagulation process: A post-treatment study”, J. Hazard. Mater., c. 162, sayı 1,ss.120–132, 2009.
  • [19] A. Public ve H. Association, “APHA: Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater”, Am. Public Heal.Assoc.Water Work. Assoc. Environ. Fed., c. 552, 1998.
  • [20] O. Ince, M. Kolukirik, N. A. Oz, ve B. K. Ince, “Comparative evaluation of full-scale UASB reactors treating alcolhol distillerywastewaters in terms of performance and methanogenic”, J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., c. 80, sayı October 2003, ss.138–144, 2005.
  • [21] O. Ince, “Potential energy production from anaerobic digestion of dairy wastewater”, J. Environ. Sci. Heal. Part AToxic/Hazardous Subst. Environ. Eng., c. 33, sayı 6, ss. 1219–1228, 1998.
  • [22] A. M. Deshpande, S. Satyanarayan, ve S. Ramakant, “Treatment of high-strength pharmaceutical wastewater byelectrocoagulation combined with anaerobic process”, Water Sci. Technol., c. 61, sayı 2, ss. 463–472, 2010.
  • [23] S. Khoufi, F. Aloui, ve S. Sayadi, “Extraction of antioxidants from olive mill wastewater and electro-coagulation of exhaustedfraction to reduce its toxicity on anaerobic digestion”, J. Hazard. Mater., c. 151, sayı 2–3, ss. 531–539, 2008.
  • [24] G. Zhen, X. Lu, Y. Y. Li, ve Y. Zhao, “Combined electrical-alkali pretreatment to increase the anaerobic hydrolysis rate of wasteactivated sludge during anaerobic digestion”, Appl. Energy, c. 128, ss. 93–102, 2014.

Single phase Anaerobic treatment of Olive Mill Wastewater pretreated by Electrocoagulation

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2, 210 - 217, 01.04.2018


In this study, anaerobic
treatability of olive mill wastewater (OMW) which is an important environmental
problem for Canakkale province, was investigated by using electrocoagulation
pretreatment. With electrocoagulation pretreatment; significant pollutant
removal efficiencies, mainly in terms of suspended solids, has been provided.
Pretreated OMW samples were fed to single phase anaerobic reactor and anaerobic
treatability has been investigated in terms of sCOD removal, biogas production
and methane yield. In sequencing batch anaerobic reactor which was operated
with 1 day as HRT, 20 days as SRT and 1 gr COD/gr VSS-day as OLR; organic
matter removal efficiency was determined as about 70% for 30 days. Daily biogas
production and methane yield were determined as 1000 mL and 80%, respectively.
During the operation; while 19981 mL methane was produced, methane production
rate was determined as 0.27 mL CH4/gr CODremoved. With electrocoagulation
assisted single phase anaerobic treatment; while organic matter concentration
of OMW has been significantly removed, 
biogas with high methane content has been produced simultaneously.
According to results of this study,  it
has been stated that, with a preatment in short duration like
electrocoagulation, pretreated olive mill wastewater could be fed directly to
anaerobic reactor and high efficiencies could be obtained in anaerobic


  • [1] E. Turano, S. Curcio, M. G. De Paola, V. Calabrò, ve G. Iorio, “An integrated centrifugation-ultrafiltration system in thetreatment of olive mill wastewater”, J. Memb. Sci., c. 209, sayı 2, ss. 519–531, 2002.
  • [2] A. Ginos, T. Manios, ve D. Mantzavinos, “Treatment of olive mill effluents by coagulation-flocculation-hydrogen peroxideoxidation and effect on phytotoxicity”, J. Hazard. Mater., c. 133, sayı 1–3, ss. 135–142, 2006.
  • [3] S. Khoufi, F. Aloui, ve S. Sayadi, “Treatment of olive oil mill wastewater by combined process electro-Fenton reaction andanaerobic digestion”, Water Res., c. 40, sayı 10, ss. 2007–2016, 2006.
  • [4] G. Aggelis, D. Iconomou, M. Christou, D. Bokas, S. Kotzailias, G. Christou, V. Tsagou, ve S. Papanikolaou, “Phenolic removal in amodel olive oil mill wastewater using Pleurotus ostreatus in bioreactor cultures and biological evaluation of the process”, WaterRes., c. 37, sayı 16, ss. 3897–3904, 2003.
  • [5] D. Dalis, K. Anagnostidis, A. Lopez, I. Letsiou, ve L. Hartmann, “Anaerobic digestion of total raw olive-oil wastewater in atwo-stage pilot-plant (up-flow and fixed-bed bioreactors)”, Bioresour. Technol., c. 57, sayı 3, ss. 237–243, 1996.
  • [5] D. Dalis, K. Anagnostidis, A. Lopez, I. Letsiou, ve L. Hartmann, “Anaerobic digestion of total raw olive-oil wastewater in atwo-stage pilot-plant (up-flow and fixed-bed bioreactors)”, Bioresour. Technol., c. 57, sayı 3, ss. 237–243, 1996.
  • [6] T. H. Ergüder, E. Güven, ve G. N. Demirer, “Anaerobic treatment of olive mill wastes in batch reactors”, Process Biochem., c. 36,sayı 3, ss. 243–248, 2000.
  • [7] B. Y. Ammary, “Treatment of olive mill wastewater using an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor”, Desalination, c. 177, sayı 1–3, ss.157–165, 2005.
  • [8] G. Pinto, A. Pollio, L. Previtera, M. Stanzione, ve F. Temussi, “Removal of low molecular weight phenols from olive oil millwastewater using microalgae”, Biotechnol. Lett., c. 25, sayı 19, ss. 1657–1659, 2003.
  • [9] C. F. Cereti, F. Rossini, F. Federici, D. Quaratino, N. Vassilev, ve M. Fenice, “Reuse of microbially treated olive mill wastewater asfertiliser for wheat (Triticum durum Desf.)”, Bioresour. Technol., c. 91, sayı 2, ss. 135–140, 2004.
  • [10] K. Kestioǧlu, T. Yonar, ve N. Azbar, “Feasibility of physico-chemical treatment and Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) as ameans of pretreatment of olive mill effluent (OME)”, Process Biochem., c. 40, sayı 7, ss. 2409–2416, 2005.
  • [11] M. Beccari, L. Bertin, D. Dionisi, F. Fava, S. Lampis, M. Majone, F. Valentino, G. Vallini, ve M. Villano, “Exploiting olive oil milleffluents as a renewable resource for production of biodegradable polymers through a combined anaerobic-aerobic process”, J.Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., c. 84, sayı 6, ss. 901–908, 2009.
  • [12] I. Sabbah, T. Marsook, ve S. Basheer, “The effect of pretreatment on anaerobic activity of olive mill wastewater using batchand continuous systems”, Process Biochem, c. 39, ss. 1947–1951, 2004.
  • [13] R. Andreozzi, G. Longo, M. Majone, ve G. Modesti, “Integrated treatment of olive oil mill effluents (OME): Study of ozonationcoupled with anaerobic digestion”, Water Res., c. 32, sayı 8, ss. 2357–2364, 1998.
  • [14] N. A. Oz ve C. C. Yarimtepe, “Ultrasound assisted biogas production from landfill leachate.”, Waste Manag., c. 34, sayı 7, ss.1165–70, 2014.
  • [15] N. A. Oz ve A. C. Uzun, “Ultrasound pretreatment for enhanced biogas production from olive mill wastewater”, Ultrason.Sonochem., c. 22, ss. 565–572, 2015.
  • [16] M. Bayramoglu, M. Kobya, M. Eyvaz, ve E. Senturk, “Technical and economic analysis of electrocoagulation for the treatmentof poultry slaughterhouse wastewater”, Sep. Purif. Technol., c. 51, sayı 3, ss. 404–408, 2006.
  • [17] S. Khoufi, F. Feki, ve S. Sayadi, “Detoxification of olive mill wastewater by electrocoagulation and sedimentation processes”, J.Hazard. Mater., c. 142, sayı 1–2, ss. 58–67, 2007.
  • [18] K. Yetilmezsoy, F. Ilhan, Z. Sapci-Zengin, S. Sakar, ve M. T. Gonullu, “Decolorization and COD reduction of UASB pretreatedpoultry manure wastewater by electrocoagulation process: A post-treatment study”, J. Hazard. Mater., c. 162, sayı 1,ss.120–132, 2009.
  • [19] A. Public ve H. Association, “APHA: Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater”, Am. Public Heal.Assoc.Water Work. Assoc. Environ. Fed., c. 552, 1998.
  • [20] O. Ince, M. Kolukirik, N. A. Oz, ve B. K. Ince, “Comparative evaluation of full-scale UASB reactors treating alcolhol distillerywastewaters in terms of performance and methanogenic”, J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., c. 80, sayı October 2003, ss.138–144, 2005.
  • [21] O. Ince, “Potential energy production from anaerobic digestion of dairy wastewater”, J. Environ. Sci. Heal. Part AToxic/Hazardous Subst. Environ. Eng., c. 33, sayı 6, ss. 1219–1228, 1998.
  • [22] A. M. Deshpande, S. Satyanarayan, ve S. Ramakant, “Treatment of high-strength pharmaceutical wastewater byelectrocoagulation combined with anaerobic process”, Water Sci. Technol., c. 61, sayı 2, ss. 463–472, 2010.
  • [23] S. Khoufi, F. Aloui, ve S. Sayadi, “Extraction of antioxidants from olive mill wastewater and electro-coagulation of exhaustedfraction to reduce its toxicity on anaerobic digestion”, J. Hazard. Mater., c. 151, sayı 2–3, ss. 531–539, 2008.
  • [24] G. Zhen, X. Lu, Y. Y. Li, ve Y. Zhao, “Combined electrical-alkali pretreatment to increase the anaerobic hydrolysis rate of wasteactivated sludge during anaerobic digestion”, Appl. Energy, c. 128, ss. 93–102, 2014.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Çevre Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Canan Can Yarımtepe

Nilgün Ayman Öz

Orhan İnce Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Mart 2017
Kabul Tarihi 26 Eylül 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Can Yarımtepe, C., Ayman Öz, N., & İnce, O. (2018). Zeytin Karasuyunun Elektrokoagulasyon Ön Arıtımlı Tek Fazlı Anaerobik Arıtımı. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 22(2), 210-217.
AMA Can Yarımtepe C, Ayman Öz N, İnce O. Zeytin Karasuyunun Elektrokoagulasyon Ön Arıtımlı Tek Fazlı Anaerobik Arıtımı. SAUJS. Nisan 2018;22(2):210-217. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.299127
Chicago Can Yarımtepe, Canan, Nilgün Ayman Öz, ve Orhan İnce. “Zeytin Karasuyunun Elektrokoagulasyon Ön Arıtımlı Tek Fazlı Anaerobik Arıtımı”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22, sy. 2 (Nisan 2018): 210-17.
EndNote Can Yarımtepe C, Ayman Öz N, İnce O (01 Nisan 2018) Zeytin Karasuyunun Elektrokoagulasyon Ön Arıtımlı Tek Fazlı Anaerobik Arıtımı. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22 2 210–217.
IEEE C. Can Yarımtepe, N. Ayman Öz, ve O. İnce, “Zeytin Karasuyunun Elektrokoagulasyon Ön Arıtımlı Tek Fazlı Anaerobik Arıtımı”, SAUJS, c. 22, sy. 2, ss. 210–217, 2018, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.299127.
ISNAD Can Yarımtepe, Canan vd. “Zeytin Karasuyunun Elektrokoagulasyon Ön Arıtımlı Tek Fazlı Anaerobik Arıtımı”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22/2 (Nisan 2018), 210-217.
JAMA Can Yarımtepe C, Ayman Öz N, İnce O. Zeytin Karasuyunun Elektrokoagulasyon Ön Arıtımlı Tek Fazlı Anaerobik Arıtımı. SAUJS. 2018;22:210–217.
MLA Can Yarımtepe, Canan vd. “Zeytin Karasuyunun Elektrokoagulasyon Ön Arıtımlı Tek Fazlı Anaerobik Arıtımı”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, c. 22, sy. 2, 2018, ss. 210-7, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.299127.
Vancouver Can Yarımtepe C, Ayman Öz N, İnce O. Zeytin Karasuyunun Elektrokoagulasyon Ön Arıtımlı Tek Fazlı Anaerobik Arıtımı. SAUJS. 2018;22(2):210-7.

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