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Atık sulardan metallerin gideriminde fındık kabuğunun adsorbent olarak kullanılması: Adsorpsiyon mekanizması ve kinetik modelleme

Year 2018, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 232 - 242, 01.04.2018


 Bu çalışmada, atık sulardan Al, Fe, Pb, Cr, Cu, As ve Cd
metallerinin aynı anda gideriminde tarıms
al bir atık olan fındık kabuğu adsorbent olarak kullanılmıştır. Elde
edilen sonuçlar adsorpsiyonun ortam pH’ı ve sıcaklığından
önemli ölçüde etkilendiğini göstermiştir. Optimum
pH 5.0 ve optimum sıcaklık 22oC olarak bulunmuştur. Başlangıç metal
derişiminin etkisi 0.5-20 mg L-1 aralığında değişen derişimlerde,
adsorbent miktarının etkisi ise 1-20 g L-1 aralığında incelenmiştir.
Başlangıç metal derişimi 10 mg L-1’e kadar arttıkça giderim değerleri
kadmiyum genel olarak artış eğilimi göstermiştir. Adsorbent miktarının ise 10 g
L-1’e kadar artması ile giderimin arttığı, daha ileri bir artışın sonuçları
önemli ölçüde etkilemediği görülmüştür. Adsorpsiyon mekanizmasının incelenmesi
ve hız kısıtlayıcı basamağın belirlenmesi amacıyla, deneysel verilere basit
kütle aktarımı ve kinetik modeller uygulanmıştır. Her bir kirletici metalin
adsorpsiyonunda hem dış kütle aktarımının hem de iç difüzyonun önemli bir rol
oynadığı bulunmuştur. Adsorpsiyon kinetiğinin ise ikinci derece kinetik modele
uyum sağladığı gözlenmiştir. 


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  • R. K. Gautam et al., "Biomass-derived biosorbents for metal ions sequestration: Adsorbent modification and activation methods and adsorbent regeneration," Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, vol. 2, pp. 239-259, Mar. 2014.
  • O. Gok and O. Ç. Mesuyoğlu “Olive pomace as a low-cost adsorbent for the removal heavy metals,” Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, vol. 32, pp. 507-516, June 2017.
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  • A. Karadag, "The removal of some metal ions from industrial wastewaters by biosorbent," Master dissertation, Chemistry Department, Balikesir University, Balikesir, 2008.
  • C. Özer et al. “Zn(II) iyonlarının piromellitik dianhidrit ile modifiye edilmiş poliamin poliüre polimeri ile adsorpsiyonu,” SAÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 20. pp. 635-644, Aralık 2016.
  • A. Sencan et al., "Determination of lead(II) sorption capacity of hazelnut shell and activated carbon obtained from hazelnut shell activated with ZnCl2", Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, vol. 22, pp. 3238-3248, Mar. 2015.
  • P. B. Tchounwou et al., "Heavy metal toxicity and the environment," EXS, vol. 101, pp. 133-164, 2012.
  • R. Wolfová et al., "Removal of lead from aqueous solution by walnut shell," Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, vol. 5, pp. 159-167, June 2013.
  • L. Zhang, Y. Zeng and Z. Cheng, "Removal of heavy metal ions using chitosan and modified chitosan: A review," Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol. 214, pp. 175-191, 2016.
  • D. Bingöl et al., “Artificial neural network (ANN) approach to copper biosorption process,” SAÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 20, pp. 433-440, Aralık 2016.
  • W. S. Wan Ngah and M. A. Hanafiah, "Removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater by chemically modified plant wastes as adsorbents: a review", Bioresource Technol, vol. 99, pp. 3935-3948, 2008.
  • R. M. Ali et al., "Potential of using green adsorbent of heavy metal removal from aqueous solutions: Adsorption kinetics, isotherm, thermodynamic, mechanism and economic analysis," Ecological Engineering, vol. 91, pp. 317-332, 2016.
  • O. S. Amuda et al., "Removal of heavy metal from industrial wastewater using modified activated coconut shell carbon," Biochemical Engineering Journal, vol. 36, pp. 174-181, 2007.
  • D. A. Aremu et al., "Heavy metal analysis of groundwater from Warri, Nigeria", International Journal of Environmental Health Research, vol. 12, pp. 261-267, 2002.
  • B. Koubaissy et al., "Valorization of agricultural waste into activated carbons and its adsorption characteristics for heavy metals," Open Engineering, vol. 4, pp., Feb. 2014.
  • J. Wang and C. Chen, "Biosorption of heavy metals by Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a review," Biotechnol Adv, vol. 24, pp. 427-451, 2006.
  • M. A. Barakat, "New trends in removing heavy metals from industrial wastewater," Arabian Journal of Chemistry, vol. 4, pp. 361-377, Oct. 2011.
  • E.E. Bestawy et al., "Bioremediation of heavy metal-contaminated effluent using optimized activated sludge bacteria," Applied Water Science, vol. 3, pp. 181-192, Mar. 2012.
  • C. Blöcher et al., "Hybrid flotation -membrane filtration process for the removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater," Water Res., vol. 37, pp. 4018-4026, 2003.
  • S.K. Gunatilake, "Methods of removing heavy metals from industrial wastewater," Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS), vol. 1, pp. 12-18, Nov. 2015.
  • E. Wahyuni et al., "Removal of toxic metal ions in water by photocatalytic method", American Chemical Science Journal, vol. 5, pp. 194-201, Jan. 2015.
  • J. C. P. Vaghetti et al., "Pecan nutshell as biosorbent to remove toxic metals from aqueous solution," Separation Science and Technology, vol. 44, pp. 615-644, 2009.
  • E. Kabasakal, "Herbisitlerden 2,4-diklorofenoksiasetik asit (2,4-D)’nin adsorpsiyonun incelenmesi," Yüksek Lisans tezi, Kimya Mühendisliği Bölümü, Hacettepe Üniv., Ankara, 2001.
  • N. Mameri et al., "Batch Zinc Biosorption by a Bacterial Non-living Streptomyces rimosus Biomass," Water Res., vol. 33, pp. 1347-1354, 1999.
  • Z. Aksu and S. Tezer, "Equilibrium and kineting modelling of biosorption of remazol black B by Rhizopus arrhizus in a batch system: Effect of temperature," Separation and Purification Technology, vol. 21, pp. 285-294, 2000.
  • Z. Aksu, "Atıksulardaki ağır metal iyonlarının yeşil alglerden Chlorella vulgaris’e adsorpsiyonunun kesikli düzende karıştırmalı ve akışkan yatak tepkime kaplarında incelenmesi," Ph.D. Tezi, Kimya Mühendisliği Bölümü, Hacettepe Üniv., Ankara, 1988.
  • Z. Aksu, "Equilibrium and kinetic modeling of cadmium (II) biosorption by C. vulgaris in a batch system: Effect of temperature," Process Biochemistry, vol. 36, pp. 431-439, 2001.
  • W.J. Weber and J. C. Morris, "Kinetics of adsorption on carbon from solution,” J. Sanit. Eng. Div. ASCE, vol. 89SA2, pp. 31-59, 1963.
Year 2018, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 232 - 242, 01.04.2018



  • M. Ahmedna et al., "The use of nutshell carbons in drinking water filters for removal of trace metals," Water Res., vol. 38, pp. 1062-1068, 2004.
  • S. Chowdhury et al., "Heavy metals in drinking water: Occurrences, implications, and future needs in developing countries," Sci Total Environ, vol. 569-570, pp. 476-488, 2016.
  • M. Dündar et al., “Çeşitli endüstriyel atık sularda ağır metal düzeylerinin belirlenmesi,” SAÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 16, pp. 6-12, Nisan 2012.
  • R. K. Gautam et al., "Biomass-derived biosorbents for metal ions sequestration: Adsorbent modification and activation methods and adsorbent regeneration," Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, vol. 2, pp. 239-259, Mar. 2014.
  • O. Gok and O. Ç. Mesuyoğlu “Olive pomace as a low-cost adsorbent for the removal heavy metals,” Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, vol. 32, pp. 507-516, June 2017.
  • K. Kadirveluet al., "Removal of heavy metals from industrial wastewaters by adsorption onto activated carbon prepared from an agricultural solid waste," Bioresour Technol, vol. 76, pp. 63-65, 2001.
  • A. Karadag, "The removal of some metal ions from industrial wastewaters by biosorbent," Master dissertation, Chemistry Department, Balikesir University, Balikesir, 2008.
  • C. Özer et al. “Zn(II) iyonlarının piromellitik dianhidrit ile modifiye edilmiş poliamin poliüre polimeri ile adsorpsiyonu,” SAÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 20. pp. 635-644, Aralık 2016.
  • A. Sencan et al., "Determination of lead(II) sorption capacity of hazelnut shell and activated carbon obtained from hazelnut shell activated with ZnCl2", Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, vol. 22, pp. 3238-3248, Mar. 2015.
  • P. B. Tchounwou et al., "Heavy metal toxicity and the environment," EXS, vol. 101, pp. 133-164, 2012.
  • R. Wolfová et al., "Removal of lead from aqueous solution by walnut shell," Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, vol. 5, pp. 159-167, June 2013.
  • L. Zhang, Y. Zeng and Z. Cheng, "Removal of heavy metal ions using chitosan and modified chitosan: A review," Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol. 214, pp. 175-191, 2016.
  • D. Bingöl et al., “Artificial neural network (ANN) approach to copper biosorption process,” SAÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 20, pp. 433-440, Aralık 2016.
  • W. S. Wan Ngah and M. A. Hanafiah, "Removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater by chemically modified plant wastes as adsorbents: a review", Bioresource Technol, vol. 99, pp. 3935-3948, 2008.
  • R. M. Ali et al., "Potential of using green adsorbent of heavy metal removal from aqueous solutions: Adsorption kinetics, isotherm, thermodynamic, mechanism and economic analysis," Ecological Engineering, vol. 91, pp. 317-332, 2016.
  • O. S. Amuda et al., "Removal of heavy metal from industrial wastewater using modified activated coconut shell carbon," Biochemical Engineering Journal, vol. 36, pp. 174-181, 2007.
  • D. A. Aremu et al., "Heavy metal analysis of groundwater from Warri, Nigeria", International Journal of Environmental Health Research, vol. 12, pp. 261-267, 2002.
  • B. Koubaissy et al., "Valorization of agricultural waste into activated carbons and its adsorption characteristics for heavy metals," Open Engineering, vol. 4, pp., Feb. 2014.
  • J. Wang and C. Chen, "Biosorption of heavy metals by Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a review," Biotechnol Adv, vol. 24, pp. 427-451, 2006.
  • M. A. Barakat, "New trends in removing heavy metals from industrial wastewater," Arabian Journal of Chemistry, vol. 4, pp. 361-377, Oct. 2011.
  • E.E. Bestawy et al., "Bioremediation of heavy metal-contaminated effluent using optimized activated sludge bacteria," Applied Water Science, vol. 3, pp. 181-192, Mar. 2012.
  • C. Blöcher et al., "Hybrid flotation -membrane filtration process for the removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater," Water Res., vol. 37, pp. 4018-4026, 2003.
  • S.K. Gunatilake, "Methods of removing heavy metals from industrial wastewater," Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS), vol. 1, pp. 12-18, Nov. 2015.
  • E. Wahyuni et al., "Removal of toxic metal ions in water by photocatalytic method", American Chemical Science Journal, vol. 5, pp. 194-201, Jan. 2015.
  • J. C. P. Vaghetti et al., "Pecan nutshell as biosorbent to remove toxic metals from aqueous solution," Separation Science and Technology, vol. 44, pp. 615-644, 2009.
  • E. Kabasakal, "Herbisitlerden 2,4-diklorofenoksiasetik asit (2,4-D)’nin adsorpsiyonun incelenmesi," Yüksek Lisans tezi, Kimya Mühendisliği Bölümü, Hacettepe Üniv., Ankara, 2001.
  • N. Mameri et al., "Batch Zinc Biosorption by a Bacterial Non-living Streptomyces rimosus Biomass," Water Res., vol. 33, pp. 1347-1354, 1999.
  • Z. Aksu and S. Tezer, "Equilibrium and kineting modelling of biosorption of remazol black B by Rhizopus arrhizus in a batch system: Effect of temperature," Separation and Purification Technology, vol. 21, pp. 285-294, 2000.
  • Z. Aksu, "Atıksulardaki ağır metal iyonlarının yeşil alglerden Chlorella vulgaris’e adsorpsiyonunun kesikli düzende karıştırmalı ve akışkan yatak tepkime kaplarında incelenmesi," Ph.D. Tezi, Kimya Mühendisliği Bölümü, Hacettepe Üniv., Ankara, 1988.
  • Z. Aksu, "Equilibrium and kinetic modeling of cadmium (II) biosorption by C. vulgaris in a batch system: Effect of temperature," Process Biochemistry, vol. 36, pp. 431-439, 2001.
  • W.J. Weber and J. C. Morris, "Kinetics of adsorption on carbon from solution,” J. Sanit. Eng. Div. ASCE, vol. 89SA2, pp. 31-59, 1963.
There are 31 citations in total.


Subjects Environmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Özlem Tunç Dede 0000-0001-5534-4773

Publication Date April 1, 2018
Submission Date July 7, 2017
Acceptance Date October 10, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 22 Issue: 2


APA Tunç Dede, Ö. (2018). Atık sulardan metallerin gideriminde fındık kabuğunun adsorbent olarak kullanılması: Adsorpsiyon mekanizması ve kinetik modelleme. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 22(2), 232-242.
AMA Tunç Dede Ö. Atık sulardan metallerin gideriminde fındık kabuğunun adsorbent olarak kullanılması: Adsorpsiyon mekanizması ve kinetik modelleme. SAUJS. April 2018;22(2):232-242. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.327245
Chicago Tunç Dede, Özlem. “Atık Sulardan Metallerin Gideriminde fındık kabuğunun Adsorbent Olarak kullanılması: Adsorpsiyon Mekanizması Ve Kinetik Modelleme”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22, no. 2 (April 2018): 232-42.
EndNote Tunç Dede Ö (April 1, 2018) Atık sulardan metallerin gideriminde fındık kabuğunun adsorbent olarak kullanılması: Adsorpsiyon mekanizması ve kinetik modelleme. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22 2 232–242.
IEEE Ö. Tunç Dede, “Atık sulardan metallerin gideriminde fındık kabuğunun adsorbent olarak kullanılması: Adsorpsiyon mekanizması ve kinetik modelleme”, SAUJS, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 232–242, 2018, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.327245.
ISNAD Tunç Dede, Özlem. “Atık Sulardan Metallerin Gideriminde fındık kabuğunun Adsorbent Olarak kullanılması: Adsorpsiyon Mekanizması Ve Kinetik Modelleme”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22/2 (April 2018), 232-242.
JAMA Tunç Dede Ö. Atık sulardan metallerin gideriminde fındık kabuğunun adsorbent olarak kullanılması: Adsorpsiyon mekanizması ve kinetik modelleme. SAUJS. 2018;22:232–242.
MLA Tunç Dede, Özlem. “Atık Sulardan Metallerin Gideriminde fındık kabuğunun Adsorbent Olarak kullanılması: Adsorpsiyon Mekanizması Ve Kinetik Modelleme”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 22, no. 2, 2018, pp. 232-4, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.327245.
Vancouver Tunç Dede Ö. Atık sulardan metallerin gideriminde fındık kabuğunun adsorbent olarak kullanılması: Adsorpsiyon mekanizması ve kinetik modelleme. SAUJS. 2018;22(2):232-4.


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