Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 695 - 702, 01.04.2018


 Bu çalışmada hekzagonal bor nitrür- silisyum
karbür (hBN-SiC) kompozit sentezinde sıcaklığın SiC tane boyutu üzerine etkisi
araştırılmıştır.  Numunelerin SPS ile
1700oC, 1800oC, 1900oC ve 2000oC’de
farklı sıcaklıklarda 50MPa basınç altında 15dak sinterleme işlemi
gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sinterleme sıcaklığının SiC tane boyutu üzerine etkisinin
belirlenmesi için İmageJ programı ile tane boyut ölçümleri gerçekleştirilerek
normal dağılım fonksiyonu ile
tane boyut dağılımları tespit edilmiştir. 1700oC’den 1900oC’ye
sıcaklık artırıldığında h-BN miktarında %0,9’luk bir artış gözlenmiştir ve 2000oC’de
ise değişmemiştir. SiC ortalama tane boyutu 1700oC’den 2000oC’ye
sıcaklık artırıldığında 1,09µm’den 1,96µm’ye artmıştır. Tane boyut
dağılımlarının standart sapma değerleri ise 1700oC’de 0,445 iken
2000oC’de 0,812 değerine arttığı gözlenmiştir. Sıcaklığa bağlı olarak
tane boyut dağılımı artmaktadır. hBN
fazının güçlü kovalent bağları ve plaka şeklinde yapıya sahip olmasından dolayı
hBN’nin zayıf sinterlenebilitesi nedeniyle SiC tane büyümesini yavaşlattığı


  • Abderrazak, H., Hadj Hmida, E.S.B. ‘‘Silicon Carbide: Synthesis and Properties,’’ 16.[yazan] Rosario Gerhardt. Properties and Applications of Silicon Carbide. Tunisia : InTech, 2011.
  • Rashed, H., ‘‘Properties and Characteristics of Silicon Carbide,’’ s.l. : Poco GraphiteTX 76234, 2002.
  • Saddow, S. E., Agarwal, A., ‘‘Advances in Silicon Carbide Processing and Applications,’’ London : Artech House, 1-58053-740-5, 2004.
  • Zhang, G.J., Ohji, T., ‘‘ Effect of BN content on elastic modulus and bending strength of SiC–BN in situ composites,’’ Materials Research Society, vol.15, 1876-1880, 2000.
  • Zhang, G.J., Ohji, T., ‘‘In Situ Reaction Synthesis of Silicon Carbide–Boron Nitride Composites,’’ J. Am. Ceram. Soc., vol 84, 1475-79, 2001.
  • Zhang, G.J., Beppu, Y., Ohji, T., Kanzakı, S., ‘‘Reaction Mechanism And Microstructure Development of Strain Tolerant in Situ SiC–BN Composites,’’ Acta mater.,49, 77-82, 2001.
  • Zhang,G.J., Yang, J.F., Deng Z.Y., Ohjı T., ‘‘Effect of Y2O3-Al2O3 Additive on the Phase Formation and Densification Process of In Situ SiC-BN Composit,’’ Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan., vol. 109,45-48. 2001.
  • Zhang, G.J., Beppu, Y., Ando, M., ‘‘ In Situ Reaction Synthesis of Silicon Carbide–Boron Nitride Composite from Silicon Nitride–Boron Oxide–Carbon.’’ J. Am. Ceram. Soc., vol. 85, 2858-2860, 2002.
  • Kusunose, T., Sekino, T., Ando, Y., ‘‘Synthesis of SiC/BN nanocomposite powders by carbothermal reduction and nitridation of borosilicate glass, and the properties of their sintered composites.’’ Nanotechnology, vol 19, 275603 9pp, 2008.
  • Kusunose, T., Sekino, T., Niihara, K., ‘‘Contact Damage of Silicon Carbide/Boron Nitride Nanocomposites.’’ J. Am. Ceram. Soc. Japan, Cilt 90, 3341-3344, 2007.
  • Jin, H., Xu, H., Qiao, G., Gao, J., Jin, Z., ‘‘Study of machinable silicon carbide–boron nitride ceramic composites.’’ Materials Science and Engineering A. 214-217, 2008.
  • Jin, H., Gao, N., Qiao, G., Gao, J., ‘‘Fabrication and properties of machinable SiC/h-BN Nano-composites.’’ Journal of Ceramic Processing Research. Cilt 9, 6,630-633, 2008.
  • Wang, X., Qiao, G., Jin, Z., ‘‘Fabrication of Machinable Silicon Carbide–Boron Nitride Ceramic Nanocomposites.’’ J. Am. Ceram. Soc. vol. 87, 565-570, 2004.
  • [14] Guillar, F., Allemand, A., Lulewicz, J.-D., Galy J. ‘‘Densification of SiC by SPS-effects of time, temperature and pressure.’’ Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 27, 2725–2728, 2007.
  • Tanaka, H., Zhou, Y., ‘‘Low temperature sintering and elongated grain growth of 6H-SiC powder with AlB2 and C additives,’’ J. Mater. Res., Vol. 14, No. 2, 518-522,1999.
  • Lee, Y.-J., Park, Yi-H. and Hinoki, T., ‘‘Influence of Grain Size on Thermal Conductivity of SiC Ceramics,’’ Materials Science and Engineering, 18,1-4, 2011.
  • Zhan, G.-D. Xie, R.-J., and M. Mamoru, ‘‘Effect of β-to-α Phase Transformation on the Microstructural Development and Mechanical Properties of Fine-Grained Silicon Carbide Ceramics,’’ J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 84, 945–950, 2001.
  • Hagıo, T., Nonaka, K., Sato, T., ‘‘Microstructural Development with Crystallization of Hexagonal Boron Nitride,’’ Journal of Materials Science Letters, vol.16, 795-798, 1997.
  • [19] Kodera, T., Toyofuku, N., Yamasaki,H., Ohyanagi, M., Munir, Z.A., ‘‘Consolidation of SiC/BN composite through MA-SPS method.’’ J Mater Sci. Vol 43, 6422-6428, 2008.
  • Akyol, S., Toy, C., Gönül, T., Tekin, A., Crystallization Behavior and Characterization of Turbostratic Boron Nitride, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, vol 17, 1415-1422, 1997.
  • Hubáček, M., Ueki, M., Sato, T., Brozek, V., ‘‘High-temperature behaviour of hexagonal boron nitride,’’ Thermochimica Acta, 282/283, 359-367,1996.
  • Zhang, G.J., Ohji, T., ‘‘Effect of BN content on elastic modulus and bending strength of SiC–BN in situ composites. ’’ Materials Research Society. 15,1876-1880, 2000.
  • Wu, W.W., Estili, M., Nishimura, T., Zhang,G.J., Sakka,Y., ‘‘Machinable ZrB2–SiC–BN composites fabricated by reactive spark plasma sintering.’’ Materials Science & Engineering A 582, 41–46, 2013.
  •, (27,01,2017)

Effect of temperature on SiC grain size in hBN-SiC composites

Year 2018, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 695 - 702, 01.04.2018


In this study, the effect of temperature on
the SiC grain size was investigated in the synthesis of hexagonal boron
nitride-silicon carbide (hBN-SiC) composites.  Samples were sintered
at 1700oC, 1800oC, 1900oC and 2000oC,
under 50MPa pressure for 15 minutes by spark plasma sintering (SPS). In order
to determine the effect of sintering temperature on the SiC grain size, grain
sizes were measured by ImageJ program. Grain size distributions were determined
by using normal distribution function. When the temperature was increased from
1700°C to 1900°C, the amount of h-BN increased by 0.9% and remained unchanged
at 2000°C. When the temperature was increased from 1700°C to 2000°C, the
average grain size of SiC increased from 1.9 μm to 1.96 μm. The standard
deviation values ​​of grain size distribution increased from 0,445 at 1700°C to
0,812 at 2000°C. Depending on the temperature, the grain size distribution has
increased. Due to the strong covalent bonds and plate-like structure of hBN, it
has poor sinterability. Because of this feature, it can be said that the growth
of SiC grains is slowed down by hBN.


  • Abderrazak, H., Hadj Hmida, E.S.B. ‘‘Silicon Carbide: Synthesis and Properties,’’ 16.[yazan] Rosario Gerhardt. Properties and Applications of Silicon Carbide. Tunisia : InTech, 2011.
  • Rashed, H., ‘‘Properties and Characteristics of Silicon Carbide,’’ s.l. : Poco GraphiteTX 76234, 2002.
  • Saddow, S. E., Agarwal, A., ‘‘Advances in Silicon Carbide Processing and Applications,’’ London : Artech House, 1-58053-740-5, 2004.
  • Zhang, G.J., Ohji, T., ‘‘ Effect of BN content on elastic modulus and bending strength of SiC–BN in situ composites,’’ Materials Research Society, vol.15, 1876-1880, 2000.
  • Zhang, G.J., Ohji, T., ‘‘In Situ Reaction Synthesis of Silicon Carbide–Boron Nitride Composites,’’ J. Am. Ceram. Soc., vol 84, 1475-79, 2001.
  • Zhang, G.J., Beppu, Y., Ohji, T., Kanzakı, S., ‘‘Reaction Mechanism And Microstructure Development of Strain Tolerant in Situ SiC–BN Composites,’’ Acta mater.,49, 77-82, 2001.
  • Zhang,G.J., Yang, J.F., Deng Z.Y., Ohjı T., ‘‘Effect of Y2O3-Al2O3 Additive on the Phase Formation and Densification Process of In Situ SiC-BN Composit,’’ Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan., vol. 109,45-48. 2001.
  • Zhang, G.J., Beppu, Y., Ando, M., ‘‘ In Situ Reaction Synthesis of Silicon Carbide–Boron Nitride Composite from Silicon Nitride–Boron Oxide–Carbon.’’ J. Am. Ceram. Soc., vol. 85, 2858-2860, 2002.
  • Kusunose, T., Sekino, T., Ando, Y., ‘‘Synthesis of SiC/BN nanocomposite powders by carbothermal reduction and nitridation of borosilicate glass, and the properties of their sintered composites.’’ Nanotechnology, vol 19, 275603 9pp, 2008.
  • Kusunose, T., Sekino, T., Niihara, K., ‘‘Contact Damage of Silicon Carbide/Boron Nitride Nanocomposites.’’ J. Am. Ceram. Soc. Japan, Cilt 90, 3341-3344, 2007.
  • Jin, H., Xu, H., Qiao, G., Gao, J., Jin, Z., ‘‘Study of machinable silicon carbide–boron nitride ceramic composites.’’ Materials Science and Engineering A. 214-217, 2008.
  • Jin, H., Gao, N., Qiao, G., Gao, J., ‘‘Fabrication and properties of machinable SiC/h-BN Nano-composites.’’ Journal of Ceramic Processing Research. Cilt 9, 6,630-633, 2008.
  • Wang, X., Qiao, G., Jin, Z., ‘‘Fabrication of Machinable Silicon Carbide–Boron Nitride Ceramic Nanocomposites.’’ J. Am. Ceram. Soc. vol. 87, 565-570, 2004.
  • [14] Guillar, F., Allemand, A., Lulewicz, J.-D., Galy J. ‘‘Densification of SiC by SPS-effects of time, temperature and pressure.’’ Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 27, 2725–2728, 2007.
  • Tanaka, H., Zhou, Y., ‘‘Low temperature sintering and elongated grain growth of 6H-SiC powder with AlB2 and C additives,’’ J. Mater. Res., Vol. 14, No. 2, 518-522,1999.
  • Lee, Y.-J., Park, Yi-H. and Hinoki, T., ‘‘Influence of Grain Size on Thermal Conductivity of SiC Ceramics,’’ Materials Science and Engineering, 18,1-4, 2011.
  • Zhan, G.-D. Xie, R.-J., and M. Mamoru, ‘‘Effect of β-to-α Phase Transformation on the Microstructural Development and Mechanical Properties of Fine-Grained Silicon Carbide Ceramics,’’ J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 84, 945–950, 2001.
  • Hagıo, T., Nonaka, K., Sato, T., ‘‘Microstructural Development with Crystallization of Hexagonal Boron Nitride,’’ Journal of Materials Science Letters, vol.16, 795-798, 1997.
  • [19] Kodera, T., Toyofuku, N., Yamasaki,H., Ohyanagi, M., Munir, Z.A., ‘‘Consolidation of SiC/BN composite through MA-SPS method.’’ J Mater Sci. Vol 43, 6422-6428, 2008.
  • Akyol, S., Toy, C., Gönül, T., Tekin, A., Crystallization Behavior and Characterization of Turbostratic Boron Nitride, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, vol 17, 1415-1422, 1997.
  • Hubáček, M., Ueki, M., Sato, T., Brozek, V., ‘‘High-temperature behaviour of hexagonal boron nitride,’’ Thermochimica Acta, 282/283, 359-367,1996.
  • Zhang, G.J., Ohji, T., ‘‘Effect of BN content on elastic modulus and bending strength of SiC–BN in situ composites. ’’ Materials Research Society. 15,1876-1880, 2000.
  • Wu, W.W., Estili, M., Nishimura, T., Zhang,G.J., Sakka,Y., ‘‘Machinable ZrB2–SiC–BN composites fabricated by reactive spark plasma sintering.’’ Materials Science & Engineering A 582, 41–46, 2013.
  •, (27,01,2017)
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Material Production Technologies
Journal Section Research Articles

Zuhal Yılmaz

Nuran Ay

Publication Date April 1, 2018
Submission Date November 3, 2017
Acceptance Date April 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 22 Issue: 2


APA Yılmaz, Z., & Ay, N. (2018). hBN-SiC KOMPOZİTLERDE SICAKLIĞIN SiC TANE BOYUNUNA ETKİSİ. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 22(2), 695-702.
AMA Yılmaz Z, Ay N. hBN-SiC KOMPOZİTLERDE SICAKLIĞIN SiC TANE BOYUNUNA ETKİSİ. SAUJS. April 2018;22(2):695-702. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.348993
Chicago Yılmaz, Zuhal, and Nuran Ay. “HBN-SiC KOMPOZİTLERDE SICAKLIĞIN SiC TANE BOYUNUNA ETKİSİ”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22, no. 2 (April 2018): 695-702.
EndNote Yılmaz Z, Ay N (April 1, 2018) hBN-SiC KOMPOZİTLERDE SICAKLIĞIN SiC TANE BOYUNUNA ETKİSİ. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22 2 695–702.
IEEE Z. Yılmaz and N. Ay, “hBN-SiC KOMPOZİTLERDE SICAKLIĞIN SiC TANE BOYUNUNA ETKİSİ”, SAUJS, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 695–702, 2018, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.348993.
ISNAD Yılmaz, Zuhal - Ay, Nuran. “HBN-SiC KOMPOZİTLERDE SICAKLIĞIN SiC TANE BOYUNUNA ETKİSİ”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22/2 (April 2018), 695-702.
MLA Yılmaz, Zuhal and Nuran Ay. “HBN-SiC KOMPOZİTLERDE SICAKLIĞIN SiC TANE BOYUNUNA ETKİSİ”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 22, no. 2, 2018, pp. 695-02, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.348993.


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