Araştırma Makalesi
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Annealing time effect on the optical properties of Zn(O,OH,S) films onto ZnO seed layer under un-vacuum ambient

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 6, 1704 - 1710, 01.12.2018


In this study, Zn (O,OH,S) films were synthesized onto ZnO seed layers by chemical bath deposition, which were annealed at 500 °C. The differences of structural, morphological and detailed optical properties of the films were investigated depending on the annealing time (between 30 min. and 90 min.). While samples of 30.min and 90 min. showed decomposed structures, sample of 60 min. showed different dimensions of nano-flower structures. Although all films had ZnO-hexzagonal crystal structure, the most obvious ZnS-related peaks were observed in the sample of 90 min. Optical absorption edge was shifted at 362 nm from Uv-Vis spectroscopy. Although ZnO, Zn(OH)2 vibration related peaks were so sharp, ZnS vibration peaks were so weak for all samples from FTIR. The PL intensities were differential depending on the annealing time but defect state-corresponding peaks were similar for each films.


  • [1] M. Mezher, R. Garris, L. M. Mansfield, K. Horsley, L. Weinhardt, D. A. Duncan, M. Blum, S. G. Rosenberg, M. Bär, K. Ramanathan and C. Heske, “Electronic structure of the Zn(O,S)/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin film solar cell interface”, Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. Vol.24, No.8, pp.1142-1148, 2016. [2] R. Wuerz, A. Eicke, F. Kessler, S. Paetel, S. Efimenko, C. Schlege, “CIGS thin-film solar cells and modules on enamelled steel substrates”, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells Vol.100, p.p.132–137, 2012. [3] Y.Tang, “Copper Indium Gallium Selenide Thin Film Solar Cells”, Nanostructured Solar Cells, chapter 9, p.p.183-200, 2017. [4] H, H, Park, R, Heasley,R. G. Gordon, “Atomic layer deposition of Zn(O,S) thin films with tunable electrical properties by oxygen annealing”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Vol.102, No.13, p.p.132110-132115, 2013. [5] C. Schwartz, D. Nordlund, T. Weng, D. Sokaras, L. Mansfield, A. S. Krishnapriyan, K. Ramanathan, K. E. Hurst, D. Prendergast, S. T. Christensen, “Electronic structure study of the CdS buffer layer in CIGS solar cells by X-ray absorption spectroscopy: Experiment and theory”, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells Vol. 149, p.p.275–283, 2016. [6] T. Kobayashi, Z. J. Li Kao, T. Kato, H. Sugimoto, T. Nakada, “A comparative study of Cd- and Zn-compound buffer layers on Cu(In1-x,Gax)(Sy,Se1-y)2 thin film solar cells”, Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. Vol.24, No.3, p.p.389–396, 2016. [7] B. T. Ahn, L. Larina, Ki H. Kim, S. Ji Ahn, “Development of new buffer layers for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells”, Pure Appl. Chem. Vol.80, No.10, p.p. 2091–2102, 2008. [8] C. Hubert , N. Naghavi, O. Roussel, A. Etcheberry, D. Hariskos, R. Menner, M. Powalla, O. Kerrec, D. Lincot, “The Zn(S,O,OH)/ZnMgO Buffer in Thin Film Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2-Based Solar Cells Part I: Fast Chemical Bath Deposition of Zn(S,O,OH) Buffer Layers for Industrial Application on Co-evaporated Cu(In,Ga)Se2 and Electrodeposited CuIn(S,Se)2 Solar Cells”, Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. Vol.17,No.7, p.p. 470–478, 2009. [9] E.Muchuweni, T.S. Sathiaraj, H. Nyakotyo, “Synthesis and characterization of zinc oxide thin films for optoelectronic applications”, Heliyon, Vol.3, No.4, p.p. 2405-2423, 2017. [10] C.H. Sun, P. Zhang, T.N. Zhang, X. Chen, Y.Y. Chen, Z.H. Ye, “ZnS thin films grown by atomic layer deposition on GaAs and HgCdTe substrates at very low temperature”, Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol.85, p.p. 280–286, 2017. [11] F. U Hamelmann, “Thin film zinc oxide deposited by CVD and PVD”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol.764 p.012001, 2016. [12] P.B. Taunk, R. Das, D.P. Bisen, R.K. Tamrakar, Nootan Rathor, “Synthesis and optical properties of chemical bath deposited ZnO thin film”, Karbala International Journal of Modern Science Vol.1, No.3, p.p. 159-165, 2017. [13] F.Özütok, S.Demiri, “Nanoflower-like ZnO Films Prepared by Modified Chemical Bath Deposition: Synthesis, Optical Properties and NO2 Gas Sensing Mechanism”, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Vol.12, No.2, p.p. 309-317, 2017. [14] M. Izaki, S. Sugiyama, T. Okamoto, Y. Kusano, T. Maki, H. Komaki, H. Shibata and S. Niki, “Structure of chemically deposited Zn(S,O,OH) buffer layer and the effects on the performance of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cell”, Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. Vol.24, No. 3, p.p. 397–404, 2016. [15] H ullah. A. Iqbal, M. Zakria and A. Mahmood, “Structural and spectroscopic analysis of wurtzite (ZnO)1-x(Sb2O3)x composite semiconductor”, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International Vol.25, No.2, p.p. 131–136,2015. [16] J. P. Mathew, G. Varghese and Jacob Mathew, “Effect of post-thermal annealing on the structural and optical properties of ZnO thin films prepared from a polymer precursor”, Vol.21, No.7, p.p.078104-078112, 2012. [17] L.Znaidi, “Sol–gel-deposited ZnO thin films: A review”, Mat. Sci. Eng. B Vol.174, No.1-3, p.p.18-30, 2010. [18] K. M. McPeak, B. Opasanont, T. Shibata, D. Ko, M. A. Becker, S. Chattopadhyay, H. P. Bui, T. P. Beebe, Jr. Bruce A. Bunker, C. B. Murray and J. B. Baxter, “Microreactor Chemical Bath Deposition of Laterally Graded Cd1−xZnxS Thin Films: A Route to High-Throughput Optimization for Photovoltaic Buffer Layers”, Chem.of. Mat., Vol. 25,No.3, p.p.297-306, 2013. [19] V. Ghafouri, A. Ebrahimzad, M. Shariati, “The effect of annealing time and temperature on morphology and optical properties of ZnO nanostructures grown by a self-assembly method”, Scientia Iranica F Vol.20, No.3, p.p.1039–1048, 2013. [20] J. Tauc, R. Grigorovici, A. Vancu, “Optical properties and electronic structure of amorphous germanium”, Phys. Status Solidi Vol.15, No. 2, p.p.627–637, 1966. [21] B.D. Viezbicke, S. Patel, B.E. Davis and D.P. Birnie, “Evaluation of the Tauc method for optical absorption edge determination: ZnO thin films as a model system”, Phys. Status Solidi B Vol.252 , No.8, p.p.1700- 1710, 2015. [22] S. Ebraheem, A, El-Saied, “Band Gap Determination from Diffuse Reflectance Measurements of Irradiated Lead Borate Glass System Doped with TiO2 by Using Diffuse Reflectance Technique”, Materials Sciences and Applications, Vol.4, No. 5, p.p.324-329, 2013. [23] C. E. Kim, P. Moon, S. Kim, J. Myoung, H. W. Jang, J. Bang, I. Yun, “Effect of carrier concentration on optical bandgap shift in ZnO:Ga thin films”, Thin Solid Films, Vol.518, No. 22, p.p. 6304–6307, 2010.
  • [24] C.Persson, “Strong Valence-Band Offset Bowing of ZnO1-xSx Enhances p-Type Nitrogen Doping of ZnO-like Alloys”, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Vol.97, No. 14, p.p.146403-146407, 2006. [25] N.K. Allouche, T.B. Nasr, N.T.Kamouna and C. Guasch, “Synthesis and properties of chemical bath deposited ZnS multilayer films”, Materials Chemistry and Physics Vol.123, p.p.620-624, 2010. [26] B. Abdallah, A. K. Jazmatia, R. Refaai, “Oxygen Effect on Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering”, Materials Research, Vol.20, No.3, p.p. 607-612, 2017. [27] V. D. Mote, V. R. Huse, B. N. Dole, “Synthesis and Characterization of Cr Doped ZnO Nanocrystals”, World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics, Vol.2, p.p.208-211, 2012. [28] G. Janita Christobel, “Vibrational Spectroscopy of ZnO-ZnS Nanoparticles”, International Journal of Science and Research, Vol.5, No. 6, p.p. 2228-2230, 2016. [29] O. K. Srivastava, E. A. Secco, “Studies on metal hydroxy compounds: Infrared spectra of zinc derivatives Ɛ-Zn(OH)2 ,β -ZnOHCl, ZnOHF, Zn5(OH)8C12, and Zn6(0H),C12- H20”, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, Vol.45, p.p. 585-588, 1967. [30] W.B.White and R.Roy, “Infrared spectra-crystal structure correlatıons: comparıson of sımple polymorphıc mınerals”, THE AMERICAN MINERALOGIST, Vol. 49, p.p.1670-1688, 1964. [31] A. G. Rojas-Hernandez, K. J. Mendoza-Pena, E. Troyo-Vega, C. G. Perez-Hernandez, S. Munguia-Rodriguez, T. Mendıvılreynoso, L. P. Ramirez-Rodriguez, R. Ochoa-Landin, M. E. Alvarez-Ramos, A. Deleon and S. J. Castillo, “ZnS nanoparticles synthesized through chemical aggregation using polyethyleneimine that works as both a stabilizer and a complexing agent”, Chalcogenide Letters, Vol. 14, No.1, p.p. 25-30, 2017. [32] A. Totterdill, T. Kovács, W. Feng, S Dhomse , C. J. Smith, J. C. Gómez-Martín, M. P. Chipperfield, P. M. Forster and J. M. C. Plane, “Atmospheric lifetimes, infrared absorption spectra, radiative forcings and global warming potentials of NF3 and CF3CF2Cl (CFC-115)”, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Vol. 16, p.p.11451–11463, 2016. [33] L.Lu, M.Wong, “The Resistivity of Zinc Oxide Under Different Annealing Configurations and Its Impact on the Leakage Characteristics of Zinc Oxide Thin-Film Transistors”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES , Vol.61, No. 4, p.p.1077-1084, 2014. [34] Z. Chen, X.X. Li, D. Guoping, Q. Yu, B. Li and X. Huang, “Luminescence properties of chlorine and oxygen co-doped ZnS nanoparticles synthesized by a solid-state reaction”, Ceramics International, Vol. 40, No.8, p.p.13151- 13157, 2014. [35] R. Jayakrishnan, K. Mohanachandran, R. Sreekumar, C.S. Kartha and K.P. Vijayakumar, “ZnO thin films with blue emission grown using chemical spray pyrolysis”, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Vol.16, No.2, p.p.326-331, 2013. [36] P. A. Rodnyi and I. V. Khodyuk, “Optical and Luminescence Properties of Zinc Oxide”, OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Vol.111, No. 5, p.p.776-785, 2011. [37] Y. Gong, T. Andelman, G. F. Neumark, S. O’Brien and I. L. Kuskovsky, “Origin of defect-related green emission from ZnO nanoparticles: effect of surface modification”, Nanoscale Res Lett., Vol.2, p.p.297–302, 2007.

Annealing Time Effect on the Optical Properties of Zn(O,OH,S) Films onto ZnO Seed Layer Under Un-vacuum Ambient

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 6, 1704 - 1710, 01.12.2018


In this study, Zn (O,OH,S) films were
synthesized onto ZnO seed layersby chemical bath deposition,
annealed at 500 °C. The differences of
structural, morphological and detailed optical properties of the films were
investigated depending on the annealing time (between 30 min. and 90 min.).
While samples of 30.min and 90 min. showed decomposed structures, sample of 60
min. showed different dimensions of nano-flower structures. Although all films
have ZnO-hexzagonal crystal structure, the most obvious ZnS-related peaks were
observed in sample of 90 min. Optical absorption edge is shifted at 362 nm from
Uv-Vis spectroscopy. Although ZnO, Zn(OH)2 vibration related peaks
are so sharp, ZnS vibration peaks are so weak for all samples from FTIR. The PL
intensities are differential with the annealing time but defect
state-corresponding peaks are similar for each films.


  • [1] M. Mezher, R. Garris, L. M. Mansfield, K. Horsley, L. Weinhardt, D. A. Duncan, M. Blum, S. G. Rosenberg, M. Bär, K. Ramanathan and C. Heske, “Electronic structure of the Zn(O,S)/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin film solar cell interface”, Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. Vol.24, No.8, pp.1142-1148, 2016. [2] R. Wuerz, A. Eicke, F. Kessler, S. Paetel, S. Efimenko, C. Schlege, “CIGS thin-film solar cells and modules on enamelled steel substrates”, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells Vol.100, p.p.132–137, 2012. [3] Y.Tang, “Copper Indium Gallium Selenide Thin Film Solar Cells”, Nanostructured Solar Cells, chapter 9, p.p.183-200, 2017. [4] H, H, Park, R, Heasley,R. G. Gordon, “Atomic layer deposition of Zn(O,S) thin films with tunable electrical properties by oxygen annealing”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Vol.102, No.13, p.p.132110-132115, 2013. [5] C. Schwartz, D. Nordlund, T. Weng, D. Sokaras, L. Mansfield, A. S. Krishnapriyan, K. Ramanathan, K. E. Hurst, D. Prendergast, S. T. Christensen, “Electronic structure study of the CdS buffer layer in CIGS solar cells by X-ray absorption spectroscopy: Experiment and theory”, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells Vol. 149, p.p.275–283, 2016. [6] T. Kobayashi, Z. J. Li Kao, T. Kato, H. Sugimoto, T. Nakada, “A comparative study of Cd- and Zn-compound buffer layers on Cu(In1-x,Gax)(Sy,Se1-y)2 thin film solar cells”, Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. Vol.24, No.3, p.p.389–396, 2016. [7] B. T. Ahn, L. Larina, Ki H. Kim, S. Ji Ahn, “Development of new buffer layers for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells”, Pure Appl. Chem. Vol.80, No.10, p.p. 2091–2102, 2008. [8] C. Hubert , N. Naghavi, O. Roussel, A. Etcheberry, D. Hariskos, R. Menner, M. Powalla, O. Kerrec, D. Lincot, “The Zn(S,O,OH)/ZnMgO Buffer in Thin Film Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2-Based Solar Cells Part I: Fast Chemical Bath Deposition of Zn(S,O,OH) Buffer Layers for Industrial Application on Co-evaporated Cu(In,Ga)Se2 and Electrodeposited CuIn(S,Se)2 Solar Cells”, Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. Vol.17,No.7, p.p. 470–478, 2009. [9] E.Muchuweni, T.S. Sathiaraj, H. Nyakotyo, “Synthesis and characterization of zinc oxide thin films for optoelectronic applications”, Heliyon, Vol.3, No.4, p.p. 2405-2423, 2017. [10] C.H. Sun, P. Zhang, T.N. Zhang, X. Chen, Y.Y. Chen, Z.H. Ye, “ZnS thin films grown by atomic layer deposition on GaAs and HgCdTe substrates at very low temperature”, Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol.85, p.p. 280–286, 2017. [11] F. U Hamelmann, “Thin film zinc oxide deposited by CVD and PVD”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol.764 p.012001, 2016. [12] P.B. Taunk, R. Das, D.P. Bisen, R.K. Tamrakar, Nootan Rathor, “Synthesis and optical properties of chemical bath deposited ZnO thin film”, Karbala International Journal of Modern Science Vol.1, No.3, p.p. 159-165, 2017. [13] F.Özütok, S.Demiri, “Nanoflower-like ZnO Films Prepared by Modified Chemical Bath Deposition: Synthesis, Optical Properties and NO2 Gas Sensing Mechanism”, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Vol.12, No.2, p.p. 309-317, 2017. [14] M. Izaki, S. Sugiyama, T. Okamoto, Y. Kusano, T. Maki, H. Komaki, H. Shibata and S. Niki, “Structure of chemically deposited Zn(S,O,OH) buffer layer and the effects on the performance of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cell”, Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. Vol.24, No. 3, p.p. 397–404, 2016. [15] H ullah. A. Iqbal, M. Zakria and A. Mahmood, “Structural and spectroscopic analysis of wurtzite (ZnO)1-x(Sb2O3)x composite semiconductor”, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International Vol.25, No.2, p.p. 131–136,2015. [16] J. P. Mathew, G. Varghese and Jacob Mathew, “Effect of post-thermal annealing on the structural and optical properties of ZnO thin films prepared from a polymer precursor”, Vol.21, No.7, p.p.078104-078112, 2012. [17] L.Znaidi, “Sol–gel-deposited ZnO thin films: A review”, Mat. Sci. Eng. B Vol.174, No.1-3, p.p.18-30, 2010. [18] K. M. McPeak, B. Opasanont, T. Shibata, D. Ko, M. A. Becker, S. Chattopadhyay, H. P. Bui, T. P. Beebe, Jr. Bruce A. Bunker, C. B. Murray and J. B. Baxter, “Microreactor Chemical Bath Deposition of Laterally Graded Cd1−xZnxS Thin Films: A Route to High-Throughput Optimization for Photovoltaic Buffer Layers”, Chem.of. Mat., Vol. 25,No.3, p.p.297-306, 2013. [19] V. Ghafouri, A. Ebrahimzad, M. Shariati, “The effect of annealing time and temperature on morphology and optical properties of ZnO nanostructures grown by a self-assembly method”, Scientia Iranica F Vol.20, No.3, p.p.1039–1048, 2013. [20] J. Tauc, R. Grigorovici, A. Vancu, “Optical properties and electronic structure of amorphous germanium”, Phys. Status Solidi Vol.15, No. 2, p.p.627–637, 1966. [21] B.D. Viezbicke, S. Patel, B.E. Davis and D.P. Birnie, “Evaluation of the Tauc method for optical absorption edge determination: ZnO thin films as a model system”, Phys. Status Solidi B Vol.252 , No.8, p.p.1700- 1710, 2015. [22] S. Ebraheem, A, El-Saied, “Band Gap Determination from Diffuse Reflectance Measurements of Irradiated Lead Borate Glass System Doped with TiO2 by Using Diffuse Reflectance Technique”, Materials Sciences and Applications, Vol.4, No. 5, p.p.324-329, 2013. [23] C. E. Kim, P. Moon, S. Kim, J. Myoung, H. W. Jang, J. Bang, I. Yun, “Effect of carrier concentration on optical bandgap shift in ZnO:Ga thin films”, Thin Solid Films, Vol.518, No. 22, p.p. 6304–6307, 2010.
  • [24] C.Persson, “Strong Valence-Band Offset Bowing of ZnO1-xSx Enhances p-Type Nitrogen Doping of ZnO-like Alloys”, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Vol.97, No. 14, p.p.146403-146407, 2006. [25] N.K. Allouche, T.B. Nasr, N.T.Kamouna and C. Guasch, “Synthesis and properties of chemical bath deposited ZnS multilayer films”, Materials Chemistry and Physics Vol.123, p.p.620-624, 2010. [26] B. Abdallah, A. K. Jazmatia, R. Refaai, “Oxygen Effect on Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering”, Materials Research, Vol.20, No.3, p.p. 607-612, 2017. [27] V. D. Mote, V. R. Huse, B. N. Dole, “Synthesis and Characterization of Cr Doped ZnO Nanocrystals”, World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics, Vol.2, p.p.208-211, 2012. [28] G. Janita Christobel, “Vibrational Spectroscopy of ZnO-ZnS Nanoparticles”, International Journal of Science and Research, Vol.5, No. 6, p.p. 2228-2230, 2016. [29] O. K. Srivastava, E. A. Secco, “Studies on metal hydroxy compounds: Infrared spectra of zinc derivatives Ɛ-Zn(OH)2 ,β -ZnOHCl, ZnOHF, Zn5(OH)8C12, and Zn6(0H),C12- H20”, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, Vol.45, p.p. 585-588, 1967. [30] W.B.White and R.Roy, “Infrared spectra-crystal structure correlatıons: comparıson of sımple polymorphıc mınerals”, THE AMERICAN MINERALOGIST, Vol. 49, p.p.1670-1688, 1964. [31] A. G. Rojas-Hernandez, K. J. Mendoza-Pena, E. Troyo-Vega, C. G. Perez-Hernandez, S. Munguia-Rodriguez, T. Mendıvılreynoso, L. P. Ramirez-Rodriguez, R. Ochoa-Landin, M. E. Alvarez-Ramos, A. Deleon and S. J. Castillo, “ZnS nanoparticles synthesized through chemical aggregation using polyethyleneimine that works as both a stabilizer and a complexing agent”, Chalcogenide Letters, Vol. 14, No.1, p.p. 25-30, 2017. [32] A. Totterdill, T. Kovács, W. Feng, S Dhomse , C. J. Smith, J. C. Gómez-Martín, M. P. Chipperfield, P. M. Forster and J. M. C. Plane, “Atmospheric lifetimes, infrared absorption spectra, radiative forcings and global warming potentials of NF3 and CF3CF2Cl (CFC-115)”, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Vol. 16, p.p.11451–11463, 2016. [33] L.Lu, M.Wong, “The Resistivity of Zinc Oxide Under Different Annealing Configurations and Its Impact on the Leakage Characteristics of Zinc Oxide Thin-Film Transistors”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES , Vol.61, No. 4, p.p.1077-1084, 2014. [34] Z. Chen, X.X. Li, D. Guoping, Q. Yu, B. Li and X. Huang, “Luminescence properties of chlorine and oxygen co-doped ZnS nanoparticles synthesized by a solid-state reaction”, Ceramics International, Vol. 40, No.8, p.p.13151- 13157, 2014. [35] R. Jayakrishnan, K. Mohanachandran, R. Sreekumar, C.S. Kartha and K.P. Vijayakumar, “ZnO thin films with blue emission grown using chemical spray pyrolysis”, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Vol.16, No.2, p.p.326-331, 2013. [36] P. A. Rodnyi and I. V. Khodyuk, “Optical and Luminescence Properties of Zinc Oxide”, OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Vol.111, No. 5, p.p.776-785, 2011. [37] Y. Gong, T. Andelman, G. F. Neumark, S. O’Brien and I. L. Kuskovsky, “Origin of defect-related green emission from ZnO nanoparticles: effect of surface modification”, Nanoscale Res Lett., Vol.2, p.p.297–302, 2007.
Toplam 2 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Fatma Özütok

Emin Yakar

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Kasım 2017
Kabul Tarihi 25 Nisan 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 22 Sayı: 6

Kaynak Göster

APA Özütok, F., & Yakar, E. (2018). Annealing time effect on the optical properties of Zn(O,OH,S) films onto ZnO seed layer under un-vacuum ambient. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 22(6), 1704-1710.
AMA Özütok F, Yakar E. Annealing time effect on the optical properties of Zn(O,OH,S) films onto ZnO seed layer under un-vacuum ambient. SAUJS. Aralık 2018;22(6):1704-1710. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.349758
Chicago Özütok, Fatma, ve Emin Yakar. “Annealing Time Effect on the Optical Properties of Zn(O,OH,S) Films onto ZnO Seed Layer under Un-Vacuum Ambient”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22, sy. 6 (Aralık 2018): 1704-10.
EndNote Özütok F, Yakar E (01 Aralık 2018) Annealing time effect on the optical properties of Zn(O,OH,S) films onto ZnO seed layer under un-vacuum ambient. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22 6 1704–1710.
IEEE F. Özütok ve E. Yakar, “Annealing time effect on the optical properties of Zn(O,OH,S) films onto ZnO seed layer under un-vacuum ambient”, SAUJS, c. 22, sy. 6, ss. 1704–1710, 2018, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.349758.
ISNAD Özütok, Fatma - Yakar, Emin. “Annealing Time Effect on the Optical Properties of Zn(O,OH,S) Films onto ZnO Seed Layer under Un-Vacuum Ambient”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22/6 (Aralık 2018), 1704-1710.
JAMA Özütok F, Yakar E. Annealing time effect on the optical properties of Zn(O,OH,S) films onto ZnO seed layer under un-vacuum ambient. SAUJS. 2018;22:1704–1710.
MLA Özütok, Fatma ve Emin Yakar. “Annealing Time Effect on the Optical Properties of Zn(O,OH,S) Films onto ZnO Seed Layer under Un-Vacuum Ambient”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, c. 22, sy. 6, 2018, ss. 1704-10, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.349758.
Vancouver Özütok F, Yakar E. Annealing time effect on the optical properties of Zn(O,OH,S) films onto ZnO seed layer under un-vacuum ambient. SAUJS. 2018;22(6):1704-10.

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