Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 22 Issue: 6, 1812 - 1819, 01.12.2018


study examines the characterization and adsorption features of silver that was
added to oxygen containing activated carbons using the sol-gel method. The
surface area of the silver coated activated carbon (AC/Ag) Nano-composites,
which were prepared using the sol-gel method, was measured with the
Braunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area calculation method according to N2
adsorption at 77 K. The microstructure and surface morphologies of the AC/Ag
Nano-composite samples were examined with the use of Scanning Electron
Microscope. Methylene Blue removal was performed with AC/Ag-1 with 658.488 m2/g,
which had the highest surface area, and the Qmax value was calculated as 416.
66 mg/g. 


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Bhatnagar, “Desorption of Methylene blue dye from brown macroalga: Effects of operating parameters, isotherm study and kinetic modeling”, J. Clean Produc. vol. 152, pp. 443-453, 2017. [16] M. Nasrollahzadeh, M. Atarod, B.Jaleh, M. Gandomirouzbahani, “In situ green synthesis of Ag nanoparticles on graphene oxide/TiO2 nanocomposite and their catalytic activity for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol, congo red and methylene blue”, Ceram. Int. vol. 42, pp. 8587–8596, 2016. [17] P.K.Khanna, R. Gokhale, V.V.V.S. Subbarao, A.K.Viswanath, B.K. Das, C.V.V. Satyanarayana, “PVA stabilized gold nanoparticles by use of unexplored albeit conventional reducing agent”, Mater. Chem. Phys. vol. 92 (1), pp. 229-233, 2005. [18] Y..Zhao, Z. Wang, X. Zhao, W. Li, S. Liu, “Antibacterial action of silver-doped activated carbon prepared by vacuum impregnation”, Appl. Surf. Sci. vol. 266, pp. 67–72, 2013. [19] H.Q. Tang, H.J. Feng, J.H. Zheng, J. Zhao, ” A study on antibacterial properties of Ag+-implanted pyrolytic carbon”, Surf. Coat. Technol. vol. 201, pp. 5633–5636, 2007. [20] O. Sawai, Y. Oshima, “Deposition of silver nano-particles on activated carbon using supercritical water”, J. Supercrit. Fluid. vol. 47, pp. 240–246, 2008.[21] E. Altıntıg, S. Kırkıl, “Preparation and properties of Ag-coated activated carbon nanocomposites produced from wild chestnut shell by ZnCl2 activation”, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Eng. vol. 63, pp. 180-188, 2016. [22] I. Langumuir, “The adsorption of gases on plane surfaces of glass, mica and platinum”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. vol. 40, pp. 1361–1403, 1918. [23] H.M.F. Freundlich, “Over the adsorption in solution”, Z. Phys. Chem.vol. A57, pp. 358–471, 1906. [24] E. Bagda, “The feasibility of using Rosa canina galls as an effective new biosorbent for removal of methylene blue and crystal violet”. Des. Water Treat. vol. 43, pp. 63-75, 2012. [25] F. Nekouei, H. Kargarzadeh, S. Nekouei, F. Keshtpour , A.S.H. Makhlouf, “Novel, facile, and fast technique for synthesis of AgCl nanorods loaded on activated carbon for removal of methylene blue dye”, Process Saf Environ. vol. 103, pp. 212–226, 2016. [26] M. Ghaedi, S.H. Heidarpour, S.N.Kokhdan, R. Sahraie, A. Daneshfar, B. Brazesh, “Comparison of silver and palladium nanoparticles loaded on activated carbon for efficient removal of Methylene blue: Kinetic and isotherm study of removal process”, Powder Technol. vol. 228, pp. 18–25, 2012. [27] T.Q. Tuan, N.V. Son, H.T.K. Dung, N.H. Luong, B.T. Thuy, N.T. Van Anh, N.D. Hoa, N.H. Hai, “Preparation and properties of silver nanoparticles loaded in activated carbon for biological and environmental applications”, J. Hazard. Mater. vol. 192, pp. 1321–1329, 2011. [28] B.Q. Han, F. .Zhang, Z.P. Feng, S.Y.Liu, S.J. Deng, Y. Wang, “A designed Mn2O3/MCM-41 nanoporous composite for methylene blue and rhodamine B removal with high efficiency”, Ceram. Int. vol. 40, pp. 8093–8101, 2014. [29] Q. .Chen, Q. Wu, “Preparation of carbon microspheres decorated with silver nanoparticles and their ability to remove dyes from aqueous solution”, J. Hazard. Mater. vol. 283, pp. 193–201, 2015.
Year 2018, Volume: 22 Issue: 6, 1812 - 1819, 01.12.2018



  • [1] G. Mezohegyi, F.P. van der Zee, J. Font, A. Fortuny, A. Fabregat, “Towards advanced aqueous dye removal processes: a short review on the versatile role of activated carbon”, J. Environ. Manage. , vol. 102, pp.148–164, 2012.[2] Y. Guo, A.D. Rockstraw, “Physical and chemical properties of carbons synthesized from xylan, cellulose and kraft lignin by H3PO4 activation”, Carbon, vol. 44, pp. 1464-1475, 2006. [3] R.N. Khalili, M. Campbell, G. Sandi, J. Golas , “Production of Micro and Mesoporous Activated Carbon from Paper Mill Sludge”, Carbon, vol. 38, pp.1905-1915, 2000. [4] H. Deng, L. Yang, G. Tao, J. Daı, “Preparation and characterization of activated carbon from cotton stalk by microwave assisted chemical activation-Application in methylene blue adsorption from aqueous solution”, J. Hazard. Mater. Vol. 166, pp.1514-1521, 2009. [5] T.H.Liou, S. Jung, “Characteristics of microporous/mesoporous carbons prepared from rice husk under base- and acid-treated conditions”, J. Hazard. Mater. Vol. 171, pp. 693–703, 2009. [6] W. Wang, K. Xiao, T. He, L. Zhu, “Synthesis and characterization of Ag nanoparticles decorated mesoporous sintered activated carbon with antibacterial and adsorptive properties”, J. Alloy Compd. Vol. 647, pp. 1007-1012, 2015.[7] A.K. Karumuri, D.P. Oswal, H.A. Hostetler, S.M. Mukhopadhyay, “Silver nanoparticles attached to porous carbon substrates: robust materials for chemical-free water disinfection”, Mater. Lett. Vol. 109, pp. 83–87, 2013. [8] L. Pei, J. Zhou, L. Zhang, “Preparation and properties of Ag-coated activated carbon nanocomposites for indoor air quality control”, Build. Environ. Vol. 63, pp. 108-113, 2013. [9] Z. Shi, H. Zhou, X. Qing, T. Dai, Y. Lu, “Facile fabrication and characterization of poly(tetrafluoroethlene)@polypyrrole/nano-silver composite membranes with conducting and antibacterial property”, Appl. Surf. Sci.vol. 258, pp. 6359–6365, 2012.[10] K. Mallick, M.J. Witcom, M.S. Scurrell, “Polymer stabilized silver nanoparticles: a photochemical synthesis route”, J. Mater. Sci. Vol. 39, pp. 4459–4463, 2009. [11] I. Lee, S.W. Han, K. Kim, “Simultaneous preparation of SERS-active metal colloids and plates by laser ablation”, J.0 Raman Spectrosc. vol. 32, pp. 947–952, 2001. [12] H. Bönnemann, R. Richards, “Nanoscopic metal particles–synthetic methods and potential applications”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. vol. 10, pp. 2455–2480, 2001. [13] S. Senthilkumaar, K. Porkodi, R. Gomathi, A.G. Maheswari, N. Manonmani, “Sol gel derived silver doped nanocrystalline titania catalysed photodegradation of methylene blue from aqueous solution”, Dyes Pigments, vol. 69, pp. 22-30, 2006.[14] E. Altintig, O.F. Soydan, “Activated carbon from wild chestnut Shell upon chemical activation with phosphoric acid”, Oxid. Commun. vol. 39 (I-II), pp. 808–816, 2016. [15] E. Daneshvar, A. Vazirzadeh, A. Niazi, M. Kousha, M. Naushad, A. Bhatnagar, “Desorption of Methylene blue dye from brown macroalga: Effects of operating parameters, isotherm study and kinetic modeling”, J. Clean Produc. vol. 152, pp. 443-453, 2017. [16] M. Nasrollahzadeh, M. Atarod, B.Jaleh, M. Gandomirouzbahani, “In situ green synthesis of Ag nanoparticles on graphene oxide/TiO2 nanocomposite and their catalytic activity for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol, congo red and methylene blue”, Ceram. Int. vol. 42, pp. 8587–8596, 2016. [17] P.K.Khanna, R. Gokhale, V.V.V.S. Subbarao, A.K.Viswanath, B.K. Das, C.V.V. Satyanarayana, “PVA stabilized gold nanoparticles by use of unexplored albeit conventional reducing agent”, Mater. Chem. Phys. vol. 92 (1), pp. 229-233, 2005. [18] Y..Zhao, Z. Wang, X. Zhao, W. Li, S. Liu, “Antibacterial action of silver-doped activated carbon prepared by vacuum impregnation”, Appl. Surf. Sci. vol. 266, pp. 67–72, 2013. [19] H.Q. Tang, H.J. Feng, J.H. Zheng, J. Zhao, ” A study on antibacterial properties of Ag+-implanted pyrolytic carbon”, Surf. Coat. Technol. vol. 201, pp. 5633–5636, 2007. [20] O. Sawai, Y. Oshima, “Deposition of silver nano-particles on activated carbon using supercritical water”, J. Supercrit. Fluid. vol. 47, pp. 240–246, 2008.[21] E. Altıntıg, S. Kırkıl, “Preparation and properties of Ag-coated activated carbon nanocomposites produced from wild chestnut shell by ZnCl2 activation”, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Eng. vol. 63, pp. 180-188, 2016. [22] I. Langumuir, “The adsorption of gases on plane surfaces of glass, mica and platinum”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. vol. 40, pp. 1361–1403, 1918. [23] H.M.F. Freundlich, “Over the adsorption in solution”, Z. Phys. Chem.vol. A57, pp. 358–471, 1906. [24] E. Bagda, “The feasibility of using Rosa canina galls as an effective new biosorbent for removal of methylene blue and crystal violet”. Des. Water Treat. vol. 43, pp. 63-75, 2012. [25] F. Nekouei, H. Kargarzadeh, S. Nekouei, F. Keshtpour , A.S.H. Makhlouf, “Novel, facile, and fast technique for synthesis of AgCl nanorods loaded on activated carbon for removal of methylene blue dye”, Process Saf Environ. vol. 103, pp. 212–226, 2016. [26] M. Ghaedi, S.H. Heidarpour, S.N.Kokhdan, R. Sahraie, A. Daneshfar, B. Brazesh, “Comparison of silver and palladium nanoparticles loaded on activated carbon for efficient removal of Methylene blue: Kinetic and isotherm study of removal process”, Powder Technol. vol. 228, pp. 18–25, 2012. [27] T.Q. Tuan, N.V. Son, H.T.K. Dung, N.H. Luong, B.T. Thuy, N.T. Van Anh, N.D. Hoa, N.H. Hai, “Preparation and properties of silver nanoparticles loaded in activated carbon for biological and environmental applications”, J. Hazard. Mater. vol. 192, pp. 1321–1329, 2011. [28] B.Q. Han, F. .Zhang, Z.P. Feng, S.Y.Liu, S.J. Deng, Y. Wang, “A designed Mn2O3/MCM-41 nanoporous composite for methylene blue and rhodamine B removal with high efficiency”, Ceram. Int. vol. 40, pp. 8093–8101, 2014. [29] Q. .Chen, Q. Wu, “Preparation of carbon microspheres decorated with silver nanoparticles and their ability to remove dyes from aqueous solution”, J. Hazard. Mater. vol. 283, pp. 193–201, 2015.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Esra Altıntığ 0000-0001-8031-2415

Ömer Faruk Soydan This is me 0000-0002-9136-9377

Publication Date December 1, 2018
Submission Date March 7, 2018
Acceptance Date June 8, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 22 Issue: 6


APA Altıntığ, E., & Soydan, Ö. F. (2018). METHEYLENE BLUE ADSORPTION AND PREPARATION SILVER BOUND TO ACTİVATED CARBON WITH SOL-GEL METHOD. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 22(6), 1812-1819.
AMA Altıntığ E, Soydan ÖF. METHEYLENE BLUE ADSORPTION AND PREPARATION SILVER BOUND TO ACTİVATED CARBON WITH SOL-GEL METHOD. SAUJS. December 2018;22(6):1812-1819. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.402500
Chicago Altıntığ, Esra, and Ömer Faruk Soydan. “METHEYLENE BLUE ADSORPTION AND PREPARATION SILVER BOUND TO ACTİVATED CARBON WITH SOL-GEL METHOD”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22, no. 6 (December 2018): 1812-19.
EndNote Altıntığ E, Soydan ÖF (December 1, 2018) METHEYLENE BLUE ADSORPTION AND PREPARATION SILVER BOUND TO ACTİVATED CARBON WITH SOL-GEL METHOD. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22 6 1812–1819.
IEEE E. Altıntığ and Ö. F. Soydan, “METHEYLENE BLUE ADSORPTION AND PREPARATION SILVER BOUND TO ACTİVATED CARBON WITH SOL-GEL METHOD”, SAUJS, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 1812–1819, 2018, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.402500.
ISNAD Altıntığ, Esra - Soydan, Ömer Faruk. “METHEYLENE BLUE ADSORPTION AND PREPARATION SILVER BOUND TO ACTİVATED CARBON WITH SOL-GEL METHOD”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22/6 (December 2018), 1812-1819.
MLA Altıntığ, Esra and Ömer Faruk Soydan. “METHEYLENE BLUE ADSORPTION AND PREPARATION SILVER BOUND TO ACTİVATED CARBON WITH SOL-GEL METHOD”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 22, no. 6, 2018, pp. 1812-9, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.402500.


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