Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 269 - 281, 01.04.2019



  • [1] Bayraktar A, Sevim B, Altunışık A C, Türker T. Effect of the model updating on the earthquake behavior of steel storage tanks. J Constr Steel Res, 2010, 66: 462–468
  • [2] F.H. Hamdan, Seismic behaviour of cylindrical steel liquid storage tanks, J. Constr. Steel Res. 53 (3) (2000) 307–333.
  • [3] M.A. Haroun, G.W. Housner, Earthquake response of deformable liquid storage tanks, J. Appl. Mech. Trans ASME 48 (2) (1981) 411–418.
  • [4] B. Hunt, N. Priestley, Seismic water-waves in a storage tank, B Seismol. Soc. Am. 68 (2) (1978) 487–499.
  • [5] Y. Tang, Dynamic-response of tank containing 2 liquids, J. Eng. Mech. ASCE 119 (3) (1993) 531–548.
  • [6] A.S. Veletsos, Y. Tang, H.T. Tang, Dynamic-response of flexibly supported liquid storage tanks, J. Struct. Eng. ASCE 118 (1) (1992) 264–283.
  • [7] Houser, G. W.,“Earthquake Pressures on Fluid Containers”, Eighth Technical Report under Office of Naval Research, Project Designation No. 081 - 095, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, pp. 02-16, Aug.-1954
  • [8] Housner G W. Dynamic pressures on accelerated fluid containers. Bull Seismol Soc Am, 1957, 47(1): 15–35
  • [9] Housner G W. The Dynamic Behavior of Water Tanks. Bull Seismol Soc Am, 1963, 53(2): 381–387
  • [10] Malhotra P K, Wenk T, Wieland M. Simple Procedure for Seismic Analysis of Liquid-Storage Tanks. Struct Eng Int, 2000, 10(3): 197–201
  • [11] Sunitha K R, Jacob B. Dynamic Buckling Of Steel Water Tank Under Seismic Loading. International Journal of Civil Engineering (IJCE), 2015, 4(6): 81–90
  • [12] Mohamadshahi M, Afrous A. General considerations in the seismic analysis of steel storage tanks. Journal of Scientific Research and Development, 2015, 2(6): 151–156
  • [13] Brebbia C A, Popov V, Popov V. Thirty-third international conference on Boundary Elements and Other Mesh Reduction Methods XXXIII. Southamption: Wit Press, 2011,286, web link:
  • [14] Naghdali H, Hamid K, Masoud G, Ehsan A, Navid K. Comparison of API650-2008 provisions with FEM analyses for seismic assessment of existing steel oil storage tanks. J Loss Prevent Proc Ind 2013;26(4).
  • [15] J.M. Spritzer, S. Guzey, “Review of API 650 Annex E: Design of large steel welded abovegroundstorage tanks excited by seismic loads”, Thin-Walled Structures 112 (2017) 41–65, 2017.
  • [16] S. Nicolici, R.M. Bilegan, “Fluid structure interaction modeling of liquid sloshing phenomena in flexible tanks”, Nucl. Eng. Des. 258 (2013) 51–56.
  • [17] Mahmoud R. Maheri, M.E. Karbaschi, M. Mahzoon, “Analytical evaluation of dynamic characteristics of unanchored circular ground-based steel tanks”, Thin-Walled Struct. 109 (1) (2016) 251–259.
  • [18] M. Ormeno, T. Larkin, N. Chouw, “The effect of seismic uplift on the shell stresses of liquid-storage tanks”, Earthq. Eng. Struct. D 44 (12) (2015) 1979–1996.
  • [19] H. Nemati, G. Ghanbari, “Buckling Pressure In Double Wall Cryogenic Storage Tank By Fem”, Emirates Journal for Engineering Research, 19 (1),43‐48 (2014) (Regular Paper)
  • [20] Lindie Brewer. U.S. Geological Survey, Buckled Water Tank Lifted Off Base By Landers Earthquake,, available date: 15.05.2018
  • [21] Spritzer J M, Guzey S. Nonlinear numerical evaluation of large open-top aboveground steel welded liquid storage tanks excited by seismic loads. Thin Wall Struct, 2017, 119: 662–676
  • [22] American Petroleum Institute (API) Standard, 650, Welded steel tanks for oil storage, 12th Ed., American Petroleum Institute, 2013
  • [23] Ozdemir Z, Interaction Fluide Structure et Analyse sismique pour les déformations non linéaires de réservoirs. These pour obtenir le grade de, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille Laboratoire de Mécanique de Lille (UMR CNRS 8107)
  • [24] Jacobsen L S. Impulsive hydrodynamics of fluid inside a cylindrical tank and of fluid surrounding a cylindrical pier. Bull Seismol Soc Am, 1949, 39(3): 189–204
  • [25] Kuan, Siew Yeng. Design, Construction and Operation of the Floating Roof Tank. Course ENG 4111 and ENG 4112 Research Project, University of Southern Queensland Faculty of Engineering and Surveying.
  • [26] Bedri R, Al-Nais M O. Pre-stressed Modal Analysis Using Finite Element. Package ANSYS’ Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, 3401
  • [27] Kalogerakou M E, Maniatakis C A, Spyrakos C C, Psarropoulos P N. Seismic response of liquid-containing tanks with emphasis on the hydrodynamic response and near-fault phenomena. Eng Struct, 2017, 153: 383–403
  • [28] Priestley M J N, Wood J H, Davidson B J. Seismic design of storage tanks. Bull NZ Natl Soc Earthq Eng, 1986, 19(4): 272–284.
  • [29] Barros R C. Determination of seismic design envelopes of bottom supported tanks by distinct FEM analyses. In: Proc. of the 6 Congresso Nacional de Sismologia e Engenharia Sismica. Guimaraes, 2002.
  • [30] Task Committee on Seismic Evaluation and Design of the Petrochemical Committee of the Energy Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Guidelines for seismic evaluation and design of petrochemical facilities. 2nd ed. Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2011.

Effects of The Shell Thickness On The Directional Deformation And Buckling On The Cylindrical Steel Water Tanks Under The Kobe Earthquake Loading

Year 2019, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 269 - 281, 01.04.2019


Cylindrical steel storage tanks are widely used for the storage of various liquids, industrial chemicals and firefighting waters. They have been used for cooling purposes in nuclear power plants in recent years. Liquid-storage tanks have many different configurations; however, in this study, cylindrical ground-supported liquid steel tanks were preferred because of their simplicity in design and construction as well as their efficiency in resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic applied loads, when compared with other configurations. If liquid steel tanks are damaged in an earthquake, they can also cause great financial and environmental damage with their hazardous chemical contents. These tanks may be exposed to some damages such as elephant-foot buckling, diamond-shape buckling, overturning and uplifting during earthquakes. Dimensions of cylindrical open-top, flat-closed and torispherical-closed top tanks were determined for 3D-finite element method (FEM) models in an ANSYS workbench software. This article focuses on the seismic-activity-resistant ground-supported cylindrical (vertical) steel storage liquid tanks. Seismic analyses were conducted under Kobe earthquake loads. The frequency values calculated with API 650 were verified with the FEM model results. Directional deformation, buckling results were presented for both impulsive and convective regions. According to API 650 standard, the tank shell thickness is 6 mm. Simulations were performed with 4 mm and 8 mm shell thickness for tanks. In this study, directional deformation and buckling were observed with simulations made by choosing the shell thickness under (4 mm) the standard and above (8 mm) the standard, unlike the approaches in the literature. As a result, it was observed that the 8 mm shell thickness determined above the standard increased the deformation in the flat-closed tank. In addition, torispherical dome-shaped tanks have been observed to lower directional deformation and buckling in any case. The differences obtained are detailed with


  • [1] Bayraktar A, Sevim B, Altunışık A C, Türker T. Effect of the model updating on the earthquake behavior of steel storage tanks. J Constr Steel Res, 2010, 66: 462–468
  • [2] F.H. Hamdan, Seismic behaviour of cylindrical steel liquid storage tanks, J. Constr. Steel Res. 53 (3) (2000) 307–333.
  • [3] M.A. Haroun, G.W. Housner, Earthquake response of deformable liquid storage tanks, J. Appl. Mech. Trans ASME 48 (2) (1981) 411–418.
  • [4] B. Hunt, N. Priestley, Seismic water-waves in a storage tank, B Seismol. Soc. Am. 68 (2) (1978) 487–499.
  • [5] Y. Tang, Dynamic-response of tank containing 2 liquids, J. Eng. Mech. ASCE 119 (3) (1993) 531–548.
  • [6] A.S. Veletsos, Y. Tang, H.T. Tang, Dynamic-response of flexibly supported liquid storage tanks, J. Struct. Eng. ASCE 118 (1) (1992) 264–283.
  • [7] Houser, G. W.,“Earthquake Pressures on Fluid Containers”, Eighth Technical Report under Office of Naval Research, Project Designation No. 081 - 095, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, pp. 02-16, Aug.-1954
  • [8] Housner G W. Dynamic pressures on accelerated fluid containers. Bull Seismol Soc Am, 1957, 47(1): 15–35
  • [9] Housner G W. The Dynamic Behavior of Water Tanks. Bull Seismol Soc Am, 1963, 53(2): 381–387
  • [10] Malhotra P K, Wenk T, Wieland M. Simple Procedure for Seismic Analysis of Liquid-Storage Tanks. Struct Eng Int, 2000, 10(3): 197–201
  • [11] Sunitha K R, Jacob B. Dynamic Buckling Of Steel Water Tank Under Seismic Loading. International Journal of Civil Engineering (IJCE), 2015, 4(6): 81–90
  • [12] Mohamadshahi M, Afrous A. General considerations in the seismic analysis of steel storage tanks. Journal of Scientific Research and Development, 2015, 2(6): 151–156
  • [13] Brebbia C A, Popov V, Popov V. Thirty-third international conference on Boundary Elements and Other Mesh Reduction Methods XXXIII. Southamption: Wit Press, 2011,286, web link:
  • [14] Naghdali H, Hamid K, Masoud G, Ehsan A, Navid K. Comparison of API650-2008 provisions with FEM analyses for seismic assessment of existing steel oil storage tanks. J Loss Prevent Proc Ind 2013;26(4).
  • [15] J.M. Spritzer, S. Guzey, “Review of API 650 Annex E: Design of large steel welded abovegroundstorage tanks excited by seismic loads”, Thin-Walled Structures 112 (2017) 41–65, 2017.
  • [16] S. Nicolici, R.M. Bilegan, “Fluid structure interaction modeling of liquid sloshing phenomena in flexible tanks”, Nucl. Eng. Des. 258 (2013) 51–56.
  • [17] Mahmoud R. Maheri, M.E. Karbaschi, M. Mahzoon, “Analytical evaluation of dynamic characteristics of unanchored circular ground-based steel tanks”, Thin-Walled Struct. 109 (1) (2016) 251–259.
  • [18] M. Ormeno, T. Larkin, N. Chouw, “The effect of seismic uplift on the shell stresses of liquid-storage tanks”, Earthq. Eng. Struct. D 44 (12) (2015) 1979–1996.
  • [19] H. Nemati, G. Ghanbari, “Buckling Pressure In Double Wall Cryogenic Storage Tank By Fem”, Emirates Journal for Engineering Research, 19 (1),43‐48 (2014) (Regular Paper)
  • [20] Lindie Brewer. U.S. Geological Survey, Buckled Water Tank Lifted Off Base By Landers Earthquake,, available date: 15.05.2018
  • [21] Spritzer J M, Guzey S. Nonlinear numerical evaluation of large open-top aboveground steel welded liquid storage tanks excited by seismic loads. Thin Wall Struct, 2017, 119: 662–676
  • [22] American Petroleum Institute (API) Standard, 650, Welded steel tanks for oil storage, 12th Ed., American Petroleum Institute, 2013
  • [23] Ozdemir Z, Interaction Fluide Structure et Analyse sismique pour les déformations non linéaires de réservoirs. These pour obtenir le grade de, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille Laboratoire de Mécanique de Lille (UMR CNRS 8107)
  • [24] Jacobsen L S. Impulsive hydrodynamics of fluid inside a cylindrical tank and of fluid surrounding a cylindrical pier. Bull Seismol Soc Am, 1949, 39(3): 189–204
  • [25] Kuan, Siew Yeng. Design, Construction and Operation of the Floating Roof Tank. Course ENG 4111 and ENG 4112 Research Project, University of Southern Queensland Faculty of Engineering and Surveying.
  • [26] Bedri R, Al-Nais M O. Pre-stressed Modal Analysis Using Finite Element. Package ANSYS’ Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, 3401
  • [27] Kalogerakou M E, Maniatakis C A, Spyrakos C C, Psarropoulos P N. Seismic response of liquid-containing tanks with emphasis on the hydrodynamic response and near-fault phenomena. Eng Struct, 2017, 153: 383–403
  • [28] Priestley M J N, Wood J H, Davidson B J. Seismic design of storage tanks. Bull NZ Natl Soc Earthq Eng, 1986, 19(4): 272–284.
  • [29] Barros R C. Determination of seismic design envelopes of bottom supported tanks by distinct FEM analyses. In: Proc. of the 6 Congresso Nacional de Sismologia e Engenharia Sismica. Guimaraes, 2002.
  • [30] Task Committee on Seismic Evaluation and Design of the Petrochemical Committee of the Energy Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Guidelines for seismic evaluation and design of petrochemical facilities. 2nd ed. Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2011.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Civil Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Ali İhsan Çelik 0000-0001-7233-7647

Mehmet Metin Köse 0000-0002-7462-1577

Tahir Akgül 0000-0003-4826-9212

Ahmet Celal Apay This is me 0000-0003-4826-9212

Publication Date April 1, 2019
Submission Date May 15, 2018
Acceptance Date November 29, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 23 Issue: 2


APA Çelik, A. İ., Köse, M. M., Akgül, T., Apay, A. C. (2019). Effects of The Shell Thickness On The Directional Deformation And Buckling On The Cylindrical Steel Water Tanks Under The Kobe Earthquake Loading. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 23(2), 269-281.
AMA Çelik Aİ, Köse MM, Akgül T, Apay AC. Effects of The Shell Thickness On The Directional Deformation And Buckling On The Cylindrical Steel Water Tanks Under The Kobe Earthquake Loading. SAUJS. April 2019;23(2):269-281. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.423872
Chicago Çelik, Ali İhsan, Mehmet Metin Köse, Tahir Akgül, and Ahmet Celal Apay. “Effects of The Shell Thickness On The Directional Deformation And Buckling On The Cylindrical Steel Water Tanks Under The Kobe Earthquake Loading”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 23, no. 2 (April 2019): 269-81.
EndNote Çelik Aİ, Köse MM, Akgül T, Apay AC (April 1, 2019) Effects of The Shell Thickness On The Directional Deformation And Buckling On The Cylindrical Steel Water Tanks Under The Kobe Earthquake Loading. Sakarya University Journal of Science 23 2 269–281.
IEEE A. İ. Çelik, M. M. Köse, T. Akgül, and A. C. Apay, “Effects of The Shell Thickness On The Directional Deformation And Buckling On The Cylindrical Steel Water Tanks Under The Kobe Earthquake Loading”, SAUJS, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 269–281, 2019, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.423872.
ISNAD Çelik, Ali İhsan et al. “Effects of The Shell Thickness On The Directional Deformation And Buckling On The Cylindrical Steel Water Tanks Under The Kobe Earthquake Loading”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 23/2 (April 2019), 269-281.
JAMA Çelik Aİ, Köse MM, Akgül T, Apay AC. Effects of The Shell Thickness On The Directional Deformation And Buckling On The Cylindrical Steel Water Tanks Under The Kobe Earthquake Loading. SAUJS. 2019;23:269–281.
MLA Çelik, Ali İhsan et al. “Effects of The Shell Thickness On The Directional Deformation And Buckling On The Cylindrical Steel Water Tanks Under The Kobe Earthquake Loading”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 23, no. 2, 2019, pp. 269-81, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.423872.
Vancouver Çelik Aİ, Köse MM, Akgül T, Apay AC. Effects of The Shell Thickness On The Directional Deformation And Buckling On The Cylindrical Steel Water Tanks Under The Kobe Earthquake Loading. SAUJS. 2019;23(2):269-81.


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