Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 25 Issue: 2, 288 - 296, 15.04.2021


Supporting Institution

Çukurova Üniversitesi BAP Koordinatörlüğü

Project Number



  • [1] J.C. Hurlbut and G.S. Switzer, “Gemology,” A Wiley-İnterscience Publication, Jhon Wiley & Sons, USA, 137-139, 1979.
  • [2] M. Hatipoğlu, M.S. Kırıkoğlu, H.B. Buzlu, Y. Kibici and C. Helvacı, “Türkiye’deki süstaşlarının endüstriyel hammaddeler içerisindeki önemi.” 64 Uluslararası katılımlı Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı (25-29 Nisan) Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, Ankara, 203-204 (in Turkish), 2011.
  • [3] F. Forestier and B. Lasnier, “Découverte de niveaux d'amphibolite à pargasite, anorthite,corindon et sapphirine dans les chistes cristallins de la vallée du Haut Allier Existencedu faciès granulite dans le Massif Central Francais,” Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 23, 194–235, 1969.
  • [4] R.W. Hughes, “Corundum,” Northants, UK, Butterworth-Heinemann, 314 p, 1990.
  • [5] V. Garnier, G. Giuliani, H. Maluski, D. Ohnenstetter, T.P. Trong, V.H. Quang, L.P. Van, T.V. Van and D. Schwarz, “A Ar–Ar Age in phlogopites from marble-hosted ruby deposits in Northern Vietnam: Evidence for Cenozoic Ruby Formation,Virginie,” Chemical Geology, 188, 33– 49, 2002.
  • [6] G. Giuliani, J. Dubessy, D. Banks, H.Q. Vinh, T. Lhomme, J. Pironon, V. Garnier, P.T. Trinh, P.V. Long, D. Ohnenstette and D. Schwarz, “CO2–H2S–COS–S8–AlO(OH)- Bearing Fuid Inclusions In Ruby From Marble-Hosted Deposits in Luc Yen area, North Vietnam,” Chemical Geology, 194, 167–185, 2003.
  • [7] I.A. Mumme, “The World of Sapphires. Mumme Publications,” Victoria, Australia, 11-12, 1988.
  • [8] R.W. Hughes, “Ruby & Sapphire,” Boulder, CO, RWH Publishing, 512 p, 1997.
  • [9] C. Simonet, “Géologie des gisements de saphir et de rubis-L'exemple de la John Saul Ruby Mine, Mangare, Kenya,” Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Nantes, France, 349 p, 2000.
  • [10] R.W. Hughes, W. Manorotkul, and E.B. Hughes, “Ruby & Sapphire,” Lotus Publishing, Bangkok, 816 p, 2017.
  • [11] M. Çelik and N. Karakaya, “Sistematik Mineraloji,” Bizim Büro Basımevi, Konya. 71-72, 274-276 (in Turkish), 1998.
  • [12] C. Simonet, J.L. Paquette, C. Pin, B. Lasnier and E. Fritsch, “The Dusi (Garba Tula) Sapphire Deposit, Central Kenya –– a Unique Pan-African Corundum-Bearing Monzonite,” Journal of African Earth Sciences, 38, 401–410, 2004.
  • [13] C. Simonet, E. Fritsch and B. Lasnier, “Classification of Gem Corundum Deposits Aimed Towards Gem Exploration,” Ore Geology Reviews, 34, 127–133, 2008.
  • [14] D. J. Content, “Ruby, Sapphire & Spinel,” Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, Belgium, 2 vol., VIII+452 p, 2016.
  • [15] J.F. Halford-Watkins, “The Book of Ruby & Sapphire (Ed. R.W. Hughes),” RWH Publishing, 434 p, 2012.
  • [16] W. Ranson, J. Garihan and K. Ulmer, “Metamorphic reactions in ruby-corundum amphibolite from the Chunky Gal Mountain mafic-ultramafic complex, Clay County, North Carolina,” Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America 24, 265, 1992.
  • [17] R. Webster, “Gems. Their Sources, Descriptions and Identification,” Archon Books, London, 54-75, 1970.
  • [18] M. Hatipoğlu, R. Şanal and C. Helvacı, “İşlenmiş doğal ve yapay yakutlardaki (kırmızı korundum) tanımsal özelliklerinin immersiyonoskop ve FT-IR kullanılarak gemolojik incelemesi,” 69. Uluslararası katılımlı Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı (11-15 Nisan) Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, Ankara, 314-315 (in Turkish), 2016.
  • [19] Y. Yılmaz, “New evidence and model on the evoluation of the southeast Anatolian Orogen,” Geological Society of America Bulletin, 105, 251-71, 1993.
  • [20] Y. Yılmaz, E. Yiğitbaş and Ş.C. Genç, “Ophiolitic and metamorphic assemblages of southeast Anatolia and their significance in the geological evolution of the orogenic belt,” Tectonics, 12, 1280-1297, 1993.
  • [21] O. Parlak, T. Rızaoğlu, U. Bağcı, F. Karaoğlan and V. Höck, “Tectonic significance of the geochemistry and petrology of ophiolites in southeast Anatolia, Turkey,” Tectonophysics, 473(1), 173-187, 2009.
  • [22] M. Yıldırım and Y. Yılmaz, “Güneydoğu Anadolu Orojenik Kuşağının Ekaylı Zonu,” TPJD Bülteni, C:3/I, 57-73 (in Turkish), 1991.
  • [23] Ş. C. Genç, E. Yiğitbaş and Y. Yılmaz, “Berit Metaofiyolitinin Jeolojisi,” A. Suat Erk Jeoloji Sempozyumu, bildiriler, 37-52 (in Turkish), 1993.
  • [24] A. Önal, “Polat-Beğre (Doğanşehir) Çevresindeki Magmatik Kayaçların Petrografik ve Petrolojik Özellikleri,” Doktora Tezi, Fırat Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Elazığ, 159 p. (in Turkish), 1995.
  • [25] A. Önal and A.F. Bingöl, “Geochemical Characterisation and Petrogenesis of the Polat Granitoid in Eastern Taurus Belt, Turkey,” Journal Geological Society of India, 56, 235-251, 2000.
  • [26] A. Önal and M. Beyarslan, “Doğanşehir (Malatya) Civarındaki Ofiyolitik Kayaçların Jeolojik ve Petrografik Özellikleri,” S.Ü .Müh. Fak Derg., 16, 2, 67-75 (in Turkish), 2001.
  • [27] A. Uygun and E. Solakoğlu, “Pütürge (Malatya) Masifindeki Pirofillit Yataklarının Jeolojisi ve Kökeni,” MTA Dergisi, 123-124, 13-19 (in Turkish), 2002.
  • [28] F. Karaoğlan, “Günedoğru-Beğre (Doğanşehir-Malatya) Arasında Yüzeyleyen Tektonomagmatik Birimlerin Petrografisi ve Jeokimyası,” Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Çukuruova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana, 120 p. (in Turkish), 2005.
  • [29] O. Parlak, “Geodynamic significance of granitoid magmatism in the southeast Anatolian Orogen: Geochemical and geochronological evidence from Göksun-Afşin (Kahramanmaraş, Turkey) Region,” International Journal of Earth Sciences, 95, 609- 627, 2006.
  • [30] F. Karaoğlan, O. Parlak, A. Robertson, M. Thöni, U. Klötzli, F. Koller and A.I. Okay, “Evidence of Eocene high-temperature/ high-pressure metamorphism of ophiolitic rocks and granitoid intrusion related to Neotethyan subduction processes (Doğanşehir area, SE Anatolia),” Geological Society, London, Special Publications 372, 249- 272, 2013.
  • [31] A.M. Ay, M. Hatipoğlu, H. Günel, S. Kılınçarslan and T. Velioğlu, “Doğanşehir (Malatya) yakut oluşumlarının yayılımının tespiti ve oluşum kökenine ait yaklaşımlar,” 66 Uluslararası katılımlı Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı (1-5 Nisan) Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, Ankara, 222-223 (in Turkish), 2013.
  • [32] İ. Kaydu, “Malatya ve Çevresindeki Süstaşı Oluşumlarının Mineralojik, Jeokimyasal İncelemesi Ve Gemolojik Özellikleri,” Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana, 135 p. (in Turkish), 2014.
  • [33] T. Velioğlu and Y.K. Kadıoğlu, “Yakut oluşumları ile ilgili kaya grupları: Doğu Anadolu, Türkiye,” Değerli ve Yarı değerli Taşlar Çalıştayı (9-10 Aralık), Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, Istanbul, 119-125 (in Turkish), 2015.
  • [34] H. Günel, K. Sözeri, E. Duran, H. Gençoğlu, E. Sarıfakıoğlu, T. Velioğlu and N. Çevik, “Ekinözü (Kahramanmaraş) bölgesindeki korund oluşumları ve süstaşı olarak kullanılabilirlikleri,” 70. Uluslararası katılımlı Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı (10-14 Nisan) Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, Ankara, 124-125 (in Turkish), 2017.
  • [35] A. Mercierl, M. Rakotondrazafy and B. Ravolomiandrinarivo, “Ruby mineralization in Southwest Madagascar,” Gondwana Research, 2, 3, 433-438, 1999.
  • [36] A. Mercierl, P. Debat and J.M. Saul, “Exotic origin of the Ruby Deposits of the Mangari area in SE Kenya,” Ore Geology Reviews, 14, 83–104, 1999.
  • [37] V. Garnier, G. Giuliani, D. Ohnenstetter, A.E. Fallick, J. Dubessy, D. Banks, H.Q. Vinh, T. Lhomme, H. Maluski, A. Pêcher, K.A. Bakhsh, P.V. Long, P.T. Trinh and D. Schwarz, “Marble-hosted ruby deposits from Central and Southeast Asia: Towards a new genetic model,” Ore Geology Reviews, 34, 169–191, 2008.
  • [38] I. Graham, L. Sutherland, K. Zaw, V. Nechaev and A. Khanchuk, “Advances İn Our Understanding Of The Gem Corundum Deposits Of The West Pacific Continental Margins İntraplate Basaltic Fields,” Ore Geology Reviews, 34, 200–215, 2008.
  • [39] A.F.M. Rakotondrazafy, G. Giuliani, D. Ohnenstetter, A.E. Fallick, S. Rakotosamizanany, A. Andriamamonjy, T. Ralantoarison, M. Razanatseheno, Y. Offant, V. Garnier, H. Maluski, C. Dunaigre, D. Schwarz and V. Ratrimo, “Gem corundum deposits of Madagascar: A review,” Ore Geology Reviews, 34, 134-154, 2008.
  • [40] T.F. Yui, K. Zaw and C.M. Wu, “A Preliminary stable isotope study on Mogok Ruby, Myanmar,” Ore Geology Reviews, 34, 192–199, 2008.
  • [41] P. Game, “Zoisite amphibolite with corundum from Tanganyika,” Mineralogical Magazine 30, 456–466, 1955.

Mineralogical And Gemological Characteristics Of Metaophiolite Hosted Corundum (Malatya-Türkiye)

Year 2021, Volume: 25 Issue: 2, 288 - 296, 15.04.2021


The corundum is found in the rocks of the Berit metaophiolite in Eastern Anatolia, near Doğanşehir a province of Malatya. Metaophiolitic rocks consist mainly of garnet metagabbro, granulite, amphibolite, mylonitic amphibolite, garnet amphibolite, amphibole schist, pyroxenite, mylonitic pyroxenite, orthopyroxenite, harzburgite, serpentinized dunite and diorite units. Corundum occurrences are mostly found in pyroxenites, amphibolites, peridotites and granulites. Their colors change in range between reddish pink, pink and light pink. They are usually in structure of translucent, vitreous and sometimes cracked. They are seen scattered or clustered together inside the rocks in which they are found. The size of their crystals ranges from 0.5 cm to 10 cm and their euhedral crystals are observed in pseudohexagonal form. As a result of the petrographic examinations, it was observed that pyroxene, amphibole, garnet and plagioclase minerals accompanied with the corundum. The samples of the rocks containing the corundum has qualifications which will be as an object of gemstone and ornament by means of cutting and shining. Large specimens of corundum can be processed alone. Samples, being as scattered and small granules inside the rock can be processed together with the host rock. In the processed samples, it was obtained patterns like the samples of corundum with zoisite which were in great demand in the world gemstone market.

Project Number



  • [1] J.C. Hurlbut and G.S. Switzer, “Gemology,” A Wiley-İnterscience Publication, Jhon Wiley & Sons, USA, 137-139, 1979.
  • [2] M. Hatipoğlu, M.S. Kırıkoğlu, H.B. Buzlu, Y. Kibici and C. Helvacı, “Türkiye’deki süstaşlarının endüstriyel hammaddeler içerisindeki önemi.” 64 Uluslararası katılımlı Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı (25-29 Nisan) Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, Ankara, 203-204 (in Turkish), 2011.
  • [3] F. Forestier and B. Lasnier, “Découverte de niveaux d'amphibolite à pargasite, anorthite,corindon et sapphirine dans les chistes cristallins de la vallée du Haut Allier Existencedu faciès granulite dans le Massif Central Francais,” Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 23, 194–235, 1969.
  • [4] R.W. Hughes, “Corundum,” Northants, UK, Butterworth-Heinemann, 314 p, 1990.
  • [5] V. Garnier, G. Giuliani, H. Maluski, D. Ohnenstetter, T.P. Trong, V.H. Quang, L.P. Van, T.V. Van and D. Schwarz, “A Ar–Ar Age in phlogopites from marble-hosted ruby deposits in Northern Vietnam: Evidence for Cenozoic Ruby Formation,Virginie,” Chemical Geology, 188, 33– 49, 2002.
  • [6] G. Giuliani, J. Dubessy, D. Banks, H.Q. Vinh, T. Lhomme, J. Pironon, V. Garnier, P.T. Trinh, P.V. Long, D. Ohnenstette and D. Schwarz, “CO2–H2S–COS–S8–AlO(OH)- Bearing Fuid Inclusions In Ruby From Marble-Hosted Deposits in Luc Yen area, North Vietnam,” Chemical Geology, 194, 167–185, 2003.
  • [7] I.A. Mumme, “The World of Sapphires. Mumme Publications,” Victoria, Australia, 11-12, 1988.
  • [8] R.W. Hughes, “Ruby & Sapphire,” Boulder, CO, RWH Publishing, 512 p, 1997.
  • [9] C. Simonet, “Géologie des gisements de saphir et de rubis-L'exemple de la John Saul Ruby Mine, Mangare, Kenya,” Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Nantes, France, 349 p, 2000.
  • [10] R.W. Hughes, W. Manorotkul, and E.B. Hughes, “Ruby & Sapphire,” Lotus Publishing, Bangkok, 816 p, 2017.
  • [11] M. Çelik and N. Karakaya, “Sistematik Mineraloji,” Bizim Büro Basımevi, Konya. 71-72, 274-276 (in Turkish), 1998.
  • [12] C. Simonet, J.L. Paquette, C. Pin, B. Lasnier and E. Fritsch, “The Dusi (Garba Tula) Sapphire Deposit, Central Kenya –– a Unique Pan-African Corundum-Bearing Monzonite,” Journal of African Earth Sciences, 38, 401–410, 2004.
  • [13] C. Simonet, E. Fritsch and B. Lasnier, “Classification of Gem Corundum Deposits Aimed Towards Gem Exploration,” Ore Geology Reviews, 34, 127–133, 2008.
  • [14] D. J. Content, “Ruby, Sapphire & Spinel,” Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, Belgium, 2 vol., VIII+452 p, 2016.
  • [15] J.F. Halford-Watkins, “The Book of Ruby & Sapphire (Ed. R.W. Hughes),” RWH Publishing, 434 p, 2012.
  • [16] W. Ranson, J. Garihan and K. Ulmer, “Metamorphic reactions in ruby-corundum amphibolite from the Chunky Gal Mountain mafic-ultramafic complex, Clay County, North Carolina,” Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America 24, 265, 1992.
  • [17] R. Webster, “Gems. Their Sources, Descriptions and Identification,” Archon Books, London, 54-75, 1970.
  • [18] M. Hatipoğlu, R. Şanal and C. Helvacı, “İşlenmiş doğal ve yapay yakutlardaki (kırmızı korundum) tanımsal özelliklerinin immersiyonoskop ve FT-IR kullanılarak gemolojik incelemesi,” 69. Uluslararası katılımlı Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı (11-15 Nisan) Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, Ankara, 314-315 (in Turkish), 2016.
  • [19] Y. Yılmaz, “New evidence and model on the evoluation of the southeast Anatolian Orogen,” Geological Society of America Bulletin, 105, 251-71, 1993.
  • [20] Y. Yılmaz, E. Yiğitbaş and Ş.C. Genç, “Ophiolitic and metamorphic assemblages of southeast Anatolia and their significance in the geological evolution of the orogenic belt,” Tectonics, 12, 1280-1297, 1993.
  • [21] O. Parlak, T. Rızaoğlu, U. Bağcı, F. Karaoğlan and V. Höck, “Tectonic significance of the geochemistry and petrology of ophiolites in southeast Anatolia, Turkey,” Tectonophysics, 473(1), 173-187, 2009.
  • [22] M. Yıldırım and Y. Yılmaz, “Güneydoğu Anadolu Orojenik Kuşağının Ekaylı Zonu,” TPJD Bülteni, C:3/I, 57-73 (in Turkish), 1991.
  • [23] Ş. C. Genç, E. Yiğitbaş and Y. Yılmaz, “Berit Metaofiyolitinin Jeolojisi,” A. Suat Erk Jeoloji Sempozyumu, bildiriler, 37-52 (in Turkish), 1993.
  • [24] A. Önal, “Polat-Beğre (Doğanşehir) Çevresindeki Magmatik Kayaçların Petrografik ve Petrolojik Özellikleri,” Doktora Tezi, Fırat Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Elazığ, 159 p. (in Turkish), 1995.
  • [25] A. Önal and A.F. Bingöl, “Geochemical Characterisation and Petrogenesis of the Polat Granitoid in Eastern Taurus Belt, Turkey,” Journal Geological Society of India, 56, 235-251, 2000.
  • [26] A. Önal and M. Beyarslan, “Doğanşehir (Malatya) Civarındaki Ofiyolitik Kayaçların Jeolojik ve Petrografik Özellikleri,” S.Ü .Müh. Fak Derg., 16, 2, 67-75 (in Turkish), 2001.
  • [27] A. Uygun and E. Solakoğlu, “Pütürge (Malatya) Masifindeki Pirofillit Yataklarının Jeolojisi ve Kökeni,” MTA Dergisi, 123-124, 13-19 (in Turkish), 2002.
  • [28] F. Karaoğlan, “Günedoğru-Beğre (Doğanşehir-Malatya) Arasında Yüzeyleyen Tektonomagmatik Birimlerin Petrografisi ve Jeokimyası,” Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Çukuruova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana, 120 p. (in Turkish), 2005.
  • [29] O. Parlak, “Geodynamic significance of granitoid magmatism in the southeast Anatolian Orogen: Geochemical and geochronological evidence from Göksun-Afşin (Kahramanmaraş, Turkey) Region,” International Journal of Earth Sciences, 95, 609- 627, 2006.
  • [30] F. Karaoğlan, O. Parlak, A. Robertson, M. Thöni, U. Klötzli, F. Koller and A.I. Okay, “Evidence of Eocene high-temperature/ high-pressure metamorphism of ophiolitic rocks and granitoid intrusion related to Neotethyan subduction processes (Doğanşehir area, SE Anatolia),” Geological Society, London, Special Publications 372, 249- 272, 2013.
  • [31] A.M. Ay, M. Hatipoğlu, H. Günel, S. Kılınçarslan and T. Velioğlu, “Doğanşehir (Malatya) yakut oluşumlarının yayılımının tespiti ve oluşum kökenine ait yaklaşımlar,” 66 Uluslararası katılımlı Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı (1-5 Nisan) Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, Ankara, 222-223 (in Turkish), 2013.
  • [32] İ. Kaydu, “Malatya ve Çevresindeki Süstaşı Oluşumlarının Mineralojik, Jeokimyasal İncelemesi Ve Gemolojik Özellikleri,” Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana, 135 p. (in Turkish), 2014.
  • [33] T. Velioğlu and Y.K. Kadıoğlu, “Yakut oluşumları ile ilgili kaya grupları: Doğu Anadolu, Türkiye,” Değerli ve Yarı değerli Taşlar Çalıştayı (9-10 Aralık), Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, Istanbul, 119-125 (in Turkish), 2015.
  • [34] H. Günel, K. Sözeri, E. Duran, H. Gençoğlu, E. Sarıfakıoğlu, T. Velioğlu and N. Çevik, “Ekinözü (Kahramanmaraş) bölgesindeki korund oluşumları ve süstaşı olarak kullanılabilirlikleri,” 70. Uluslararası katılımlı Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı (10-14 Nisan) Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, Ankara, 124-125 (in Turkish), 2017.
  • [35] A. Mercierl, M. Rakotondrazafy and B. Ravolomiandrinarivo, “Ruby mineralization in Southwest Madagascar,” Gondwana Research, 2, 3, 433-438, 1999.
  • [36] A. Mercierl, P. Debat and J.M. Saul, “Exotic origin of the Ruby Deposits of the Mangari area in SE Kenya,” Ore Geology Reviews, 14, 83–104, 1999.
  • [37] V. Garnier, G. Giuliani, D. Ohnenstetter, A.E. Fallick, J. Dubessy, D. Banks, H.Q. Vinh, T. Lhomme, H. Maluski, A. Pêcher, K.A. Bakhsh, P.V. Long, P.T. Trinh and D. Schwarz, “Marble-hosted ruby deposits from Central and Southeast Asia: Towards a new genetic model,” Ore Geology Reviews, 34, 169–191, 2008.
  • [38] I. Graham, L. Sutherland, K. Zaw, V. Nechaev and A. Khanchuk, “Advances İn Our Understanding Of The Gem Corundum Deposits Of The West Pacific Continental Margins İntraplate Basaltic Fields,” Ore Geology Reviews, 34, 200–215, 2008.
  • [39] A.F.M. Rakotondrazafy, G. Giuliani, D. Ohnenstetter, A.E. Fallick, S. Rakotosamizanany, A. Andriamamonjy, T. Ralantoarison, M. Razanatseheno, Y. Offant, V. Garnier, H. Maluski, C. Dunaigre, D. Schwarz and V. Ratrimo, “Gem corundum deposits of Madagascar: A review,” Ore Geology Reviews, 34, 134-154, 2008.
  • [40] T.F. Yui, K. Zaw and C.M. Wu, “A Preliminary stable isotope study on Mogok Ruby, Myanmar,” Ore Geology Reviews, 34, 192–199, 2008.
  • [41] P. Game, “Zoisite amphibolite with corundum from Tanganyika,” Mineralogical Magazine 30, 456–466, 1955.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects General Geology
Journal Section Research Articles

İlkay Kaydu Akbudak This is me 0000-0003-0884-5991

Meltem Gürbüz 0000-0003-2501-0697

Zeynel Başıbüyük This is me 0000-0003-2845-148X

Murat Hatipoğlu 0000-0002-4345-9052

Ayten Öztüfekçi Önal 0000-0003-2185-4884

Fikret İşler This is me 0000-0002-5989-9618

Project Number MMF2011D9
Publication Date April 15, 2021
Submission Date November 7, 2019
Acceptance Date October 28, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 25 Issue: 2


APA Kaydu Akbudak, İ., Gürbüz, M., Başıbüyük, Z., Hatipoğlu, M., et al. (2021). Mineralogical And Gemological Characteristics Of Metaophiolite Hosted Corundum (Malatya-Türkiye). Sakarya University Journal of Science, 25(2), 288-296.
AMA Kaydu Akbudak İ, Gürbüz M, Başıbüyük Z, Hatipoğlu M, Öztüfekçi Önal A, İşler F. Mineralogical And Gemological Characteristics Of Metaophiolite Hosted Corundum (Malatya-Türkiye). SAUJS. April 2021;25(2):288-296. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.644002
Chicago Kaydu Akbudak, İlkay, Meltem Gürbüz, Zeynel Başıbüyük, Murat Hatipoğlu, Ayten Öztüfekçi Önal, and Fikret İşler. “Mineralogical And Gemological Characteristics Of Metaophiolite Hosted Corundum (Malatya-Türkiye)”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 25, no. 2 (April 2021): 288-96.
EndNote Kaydu Akbudak İ, Gürbüz M, Başıbüyük Z, Hatipoğlu M, Öztüfekçi Önal A, İşler F (April 1, 2021) Mineralogical And Gemological Characteristics Of Metaophiolite Hosted Corundum (Malatya-Türkiye). Sakarya University Journal of Science 25 2 288–296.
IEEE İ. Kaydu Akbudak, M. Gürbüz, Z. Başıbüyük, M. Hatipoğlu, A. Öztüfekçi Önal, and F. İşler, “Mineralogical And Gemological Characteristics Of Metaophiolite Hosted Corundum (Malatya-Türkiye)”, SAUJS, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 288–296, 2021, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.644002.
ISNAD Kaydu Akbudak, İlkay et al. “Mineralogical And Gemological Characteristics Of Metaophiolite Hosted Corundum (Malatya-Türkiye)”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 25/2 (April 2021), 288-296.
JAMA Kaydu Akbudak İ, Gürbüz M, Başıbüyük Z, Hatipoğlu M, Öztüfekçi Önal A, İşler F. Mineralogical And Gemological Characteristics Of Metaophiolite Hosted Corundum (Malatya-Türkiye). SAUJS. 2021;25:288–296.
MLA Kaydu Akbudak, İlkay et al. “Mineralogical And Gemological Characteristics Of Metaophiolite Hosted Corundum (Malatya-Türkiye)”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 25, no. 2, 2021, pp. 288-96, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.644002.
Vancouver Kaydu Akbudak İ, Gürbüz M, Başıbüyük Z, Hatipoğlu M, Öztüfekçi Önal A, İşler F. Mineralogical And Gemological Characteristics Of Metaophiolite Hosted Corundum (Malatya-Türkiye). SAUJS. 2021;25(2):288-96.


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