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Year 2007, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 241 - 252, 01.12.2007


Özet: Rijit yarı-düzlem üzerine oturmuş öngerilmeli şerit plağın zorlanmış titreşim probleminin üç boyutlu doğrusallaştırılmış elastodinamik teorisi çerçevesinde matematik formülasyonu verilmiştir. Bu formülasyona karşılık gelen sınır-değer probleminin varyasyonel ifadesi oluşturulmuştur. Bu ifadede yer alan fonksiyonelin birinci varyasyonunun sıfıra eşitliğinden -virtüel iş prensibi esasında uygun denklem ve sınır koşullarının elde edilmesi ispat edilmiştir. Daha sonra bu koşullardan yararlanılarak şerit levhanın kapsadığı bölge sonlu elemanlara bölünerek problemin sonlu eleman ( SE ) modellemesi yapılmıştır.
Anahtar kelimeler. Elastodinamik denklemleri; Ön gerilme; Harmonik yük; Zorlanmış titreşim; Sonlu elemanlar yöntemi.
Mathematics Subject Classifications (2000): 35A15, 65N30


  • AKBAROV, S.D., OZISIK, M., 2003, The influence of third-order elastic constants to the generalized Rayleigh wave dispersion in a pre-stressed stratified half-plane, International Journal of Engineering Science, 41, 2047-2061.
  • CHERKAEV, A., CHERKAEV, E., 2003, Calculus of Variations and applications, Lecture Notes.
  • GUZ, A.N., 1986a, Elastic Waves in a Body with Initial Stresses, I.General Theory, Naukova Dumka, Kiev.
  • GUZ, A.N., 1986b, Elastic Waves in a Body with Initial Stresses, II.Propagation Laws, Naukova Dumka, Kiev.
  • GUZ, A.N., 2002, Elastic waves in bodies with initial (residual) stresses, International Applied Mechanics, 38, 35-78.
  • MATNIAK, S.V., 2003, On Rolling rigid cylinder along a band with initial stresses, International Applied Mechanics, 39(3), 81-87.
  • OZISIK. M., AKBAROV, S.D., 2003, Rayleigh wave propagation in a half-plane covered with a prestressed layer under complete and incomplete interfacial contact, Mechanics of Composite Materials, 39, 177-182.
  • RUDNITSKY, V.B., DIKBTARYARUK, N.N., 2002, Initially stressed elastic strip strengthened by elastic stringers, International Applied Mechanics, 38, 81-87.
Year 2007, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 241 - 252, 01.12.2007



  • AKBAROV, S.D., OZISIK, M., 2003, The influence of third-order elastic constants to the generalized Rayleigh wave dispersion in a pre-stressed stratified half-plane, International Journal of Engineering Science, 41, 2047-2061.
  • CHERKAEV, A., CHERKAEV, E., 2003, Calculus of Variations and applications, Lecture Notes.
  • GUZ, A.N., 1986a, Elastic Waves in a Body with Initial Stresses, I.General Theory, Naukova Dumka, Kiev.
  • GUZ, A.N., 1986b, Elastic Waves in a Body with Initial Stresses, II.Propagation Laws, Naukova Dumka, Kiev.
  • GUZ, A.N., 2002, Elastic waves in bodies with initial (residual) stresses, International Applied Mechanics, 38, 35-78.
  • MATNIAK, S.V., 2003, On Rolling rigid cylinder along a band with initial stresses, International Applied Mechanics, 39(3), 81-87.
  • OZISIK. M., AKBAROV, S.D., 2003, Rayleigh wave propagation in a half-plane covered with a prestressed layer under complete and incomplete interfacial contact, Mechanics of Composite Materials, 39, 177-182.
  • RUDNITSKY, V.B., DIKBTARYARUK, N.N., 2002, Initially stressed elastic strip strengthened by elastic stringers, International Applied Mechanics, 38, 81-87.
There are 8 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Mustafa Eröz

Publication Date December 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


IEEE M. Eröz, “RİJİT ZEMİN ÜZERİNE OTURMUŞ ÖNGERİLMELİ PLAĞIN ZORLANMIŞ TİTREŞİM PROBLEMİNİN SONLU ELEMAN MODELLENMESİ”, Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Arts and Science Journal of Science, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 241–252, 2007, doi: 10.29233/sdufeffd.134630.