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Yıl 2009, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 129 - 135, 01.12.2009


Özet: Bu çalışmada, Usnea longissima liken türünde taşıt trafiğin sebep olduğu kurşun
(Pb) kirliliği araştırıldı. Liken örnekleri farklı trafik yoğunluğuna sahip bölgelere
yerleştirildi. 45. günün sonunda, toplanan örneklerdeki kurşun miktarları Optik
Emisyon Spektrometre tarafından belirlendi. Örneklerdeki kirlilik değerleri sırasıyla
Şehir Girişi > Sanayi Bölgesi > Devlet Hastanesi Önü > Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Bahçesi
> Sağlık Yüksek Okulu Bahçesi > Gaziler Mahallesi > Giresun Kalesi şeklinde
bulundu. Sonuçlar, kurşun kirliliğinin trafik yoğunluğuna bağlı olarak arttığını gösterdi.
Ayrıca, Usnea longissima türünün kurşun kirliliğinin belirlenmesinde biyolojik bir
belirteç olarak kullanılabileceği tespit edildi.

Anahtar kelimeler: Kurşun kirliliği, optik emisyon spektroskopisi (ICP-OES), Usnea


Abstract: In this study, lead (Pb) pollution caused by vehicle traffic was investigated
by using Usnea longissima lichen species hanged to different regions of Giresun
province center. The lichen samples were hanged to regions having different traffic
density. The amounts of lead in the samples collected at the end of 45 days were
determined by Optical Emission Spectrometer. The pollution values of the samples
were found in the order of City-entrance > Industrial Region > Front of State-hospital >
Garden of Science and Art Faculty > Garden of Health High Scholl > Gaziler District >
Giresun Castle. The results showed that the lead pollution in the lichen samples
increased depending on the traffic density. In addition, it was defined that the Usnea
longissima species can be used to determine the lead pollution as a biological indicator.

Key words: Usnea longissima, Lead (Pb) pollution, optical emission spectrometer


  • ASLAN A, BUDAK G, KARABULUT A, 2005. The amounts Fe, Ba, Sr, K, Ca and Ti in some lichens growing in Erzurum province (Turkey). Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 88, 423–431.
  • BARGAGLI R, MONACI F, BORGHINI F, BRAVI F, AGRONELLI C, 2002. Mosses and lichens as biomonitors of trace metals. A comparison study on Hypnum cupressiforme
  • and Parmelia carperata in a former mining district in Italy.
  • Environmental Pollution, 116, 279–287.
  • BEEBY A, 2001. What do sentinels stand for?. Environmental Pollution, 112, 285–298.
  • BROWN G, BRINKMANN K, 2004. Heavy metal tolerance in Festuca ovina L. from contaminated sites in the Eifel Mountains, Germany. Plant and Soil, 143, 239– 247.
  • ÇAVUŞOĞLU K, 2002. İğde (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) yapraklarında kurşun (Pb)
  • yoğunluğunun araştırılması. S.D.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6, 191–196.
  • ÇAVUŞOĞLU K, ÇAKIR Ş, KIRINDI T, 2006. Kırıkkale İlinin çeşitli bölgelerinde yol
  • kenarlarından toplanan P. nigra (J.F. Arnold) subsp. nigra var. caramanica (Loudon) Rehder türündeki kurşun (Pb) kirliliğin araştırılması. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 11, 11–25.
  • ÇAVUŞOĞLU K. ÇAKIR ARICA Ş, 2007. Pinus nigra (Arnold) subsp. nigra var. caramanica (Loudon) Rehder. türünün yapraklarındaki kurşun (Pb)
  • kirliliğinin araştırılması. Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi, 64, 34–40.
  • ÇAYIR A, COŞKUN M, ÇOŞKUN M, 2007. Determination of Atmospheric Heavy Metal Pollution in Canakkale and Balikesir Provinces Using Lichen (Cladonia rangiformis) as a Bioindicator. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology l, 79, 367–370.
  • HALE ME, 1983. The Biology of Lichens, Edward Arnold, London, pp. 190.
  • HARRISON RM, LAXEN DPH, WILSON SJ, 1981. Chemical association of lead, cadmium, copper and zinc in street dust and roadside soils. Environmental Science
  • HOILAND K, OFTEDAL P, 1980. Lead-Tolerance in Deschampsia flexuosa from a Naturally Lead Polluted Area in S Norway. Oikos, 34, 168-172.
  • KARADEMİR M, TOKER C, 1995. Ankara’nın bazı kavşaklarında yetişen çim ve bitkilerde Kongresi
  • LeBLANC F, RAO DN, 1973. Evaluation of the pollution and drought hypotheses in relation to lichens and bryophytes in urban environments. Bryologist, 76, 1–19.
  • MATTHES U, FEIGE GB, 1983. Ecophysiology of lichen symbioses. In: LANGE OL, NOBEL PS, OSMOND CB & ZIEGER H(Eds.) Physiological plant ecology III. Responses to the chemical and physiol environment. Encyclopaedia Plant Physiology 12C, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 423–467
  • NASH TH, 1996. Lichen Biology. Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 154– 180.
  • NAYAKA S, UPRETI DK, GADGIL M, PANDEY V, 2003. Distribution pattern and heavy metal accumulation in lichens of Bangalore city with special reference to
  • Lalbagh Current Science, 84, 674–680.
  • NG OH, TAN BC, OBBARD JP, 2005. Lichens as bioindicators of atmospheric heavy metal pollution in singapore. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 123: 63–74.
  • NIMIS PL, 1990. Proceeding of a Workshop on Indicators and Indices. In: COLOMBO AG & PREMAZZI G (Eds.), JRC Ispra, EUR 13060 EN, pp. 93– 126.
  • OTNYUKOVA T, 2007. Epiphytic lichen growth abnormalities and element concentrations as early indicators of forest decline. Environmental Pollution, 146, 359–365.
  • PASQUALINI V., ROBLES C, GARZINO S, GREFF S, MELAU AB, BONIN G, 2003. Phenolic compounds content in Pinus halepensis Mill. Needles: a bioindicator of air pollution. Chemosphere, 52, 239–248.
  • PUCKETT KJ, 1988. Lichens, Bryophytes and Air Quality. In: NASH TH & WIRTH V (Eds.),
  • RANA T, GUPTA S, KUMAR D, SHARMA S, RANA M, RATHORE VS, PEREIRA BMJ, 2004. Toxic effects of pulp and paper-mill effluents on male reproductive organs and some systemic parameters in rats. Environmental Toxicology and
  • Pharmacology, 18, 1–7.
  • SHY CM, 1990. Lead in petrol the mistake of the XXth. Rapp Trimest Statist Sanit Mond, 43, 168–176.
  • SUZUKI K, YABUKI T, ONO Y, 2008. Roadside Rhododendron pulchrum leaves as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution in traffic areas of Okayama, Japan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 149, 133-141
  • SZCZEPANIK K, BIZIUK M, 2003. Aspects of the biomonitoring studies using mosses and lichens as indicators of metal pollution. Environmental Research, 93, 221– 230.
  • TOKER MC, 1988. Uptake of lead by barley (Hardeum distichon L.) roots and its relation
  • URSINYOVA M, HLADIKOVA V, UHNAK J, KOVACICOVA J, 1997. Toxic Doga: Turk Biyoloji Dergisi, 12, 128–133. elements in environmental samples from selected regions in Slovakia. Bulletin Environmental Contamination Toxicology, 58, 985–992.
  • YUN M, LONGERICH HP, WADLEIGH MA, 2003. The determination of 18 trace elements in lichens for atmospheric monitoring using inductively coupled plasma–mass
  • Spectroscopy, spectrometry. 48, 171–180.
Yıl 2009, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 129 - 135, 01.12.2009



  • ASLAN A, BUDAK G, KARABULUT A, 2005. The amounts Fe, Ba, Sr, K, Ca and Ti in some lichens growing in Erzurum province (Turkey). Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 88, 423–431.
  • BARGAGLI R, MONACI F, BORGHINI F, BRAVI F, AGRONELLI C, 2002. Mosses and lichens as biomonitors of trace metals. A comparison study on Hypnum cupressiforme
  • and Parmelia carperata in a former mining district in Italy.
  • Environmental Pollution, 116, 279–287.
  • BEEBY A, 2001. What do sentinels stand for?. Environmental Pollution, 112, 285–298.
  • BROWN G, BRINKMANN K, 2004. Heavy metal tolerance in Festuca ovina L. from contaminated sites in the Eifel Mountains, Germany. Plant and Soil, 143, 239– 247.
  • ÇAVUŞOĞLU K, 2002. İğde (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) yapraklarında kurşun (Pb)
  • yoğunluğunun araştırılması. S.D.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6, 191–196.
  • ÇAVUŞOĞLU K, ÇAKIR Ş, KIRINDI T, 2006. Kırıkkale İlinin çeşitli bölgelerinde yol
  • kenarlarından toplanan P. nigra (J.F. Arnold) subsp. nigra var. caramanica (Loudon) Rehder türündeki kurşun (Pb) kirliliğin araştırılması. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 11, 11–25.
  • ÇAVUŞOĞLU K. ÇAKIR ARICA Ş, 2007. Pinus nigra (Arnold) subsp. nigra var. caramanica (Loudon) Rehder. türünün yapraklarındaki kurşun (Pb)
  • kirliliğinin araştırılması. Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi, 64, 34–40.
  • ÇAYIR A, COŞKUN M, ÇOŞKUN M, 2007. Determination of Atmospheric Heavy Metal Pollution in Canakkale and Balikesir Provinces Using Lichen (Cladonia rangiformis) as a Bioindicator. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology l, 79, 367–370.
  • HALE ME, 1983. The Biology of Lichens, Edward Arnold, London, pp. 190.
  • HARRISON RM, LAXEN DPH, WILSON SJ, 1981. Chemical association of lead, cadmium, copper and zinc in street dust and roadside soils. Environmental Science
  • HOILAND K, OFTEDAL P, 1980. Lead-Tolerance in Deschampsia flexuosa from a Naturally Lead Polluted Area in S Norway. Oikos, 34, 168-172.
  • KARADEMİR M, TOKER C, 1995. Ankara’nın bazı kavşaklarında yetişen çim ve bitkilerde Kongresi
  • LeBLANC F, RAO DN, 1973. Evaluation of the pollution and drought hypotheses in relation to lichens and bryophytes in urban environments. Bryologist, 76, 1–19.
  • MATTHES U, FEIGE GB, 1983. Ecophysiology of lichen symbioses. In: LANGE OL, NOBEL PS, OSMOND CB & ZIEGER H(Eds.) Physiological plant ecology III. Responses to the chemical and physiol environment. Encyclopaedia Plant Physiology 12C, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 423–467
  • NASH TH, 1996. Lichen Biology. Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 154– 180.
  • NAYAKA S, UPRETI DK, GADGIL M, PANDEY V, 2003. Distribution pattern and heavy metal accumulation in lichens of Bangalore city with special reference to
  • Lalbagh Current Science, 84, 674–680.
  • NG OH, TAN BC, OBBARD JP, 2005. Lichens as bioindicators of atmospheric heavy metal pollution in singapore. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 123: 63–74.
  • NIMIS PL, 1990. Proceeding of a Workshop on Indicators and Indices. In: COLOMBO AG & PREMAZZI G (Eds.), JRC Ispra, EUR 13060 EN, pp. 93– 126.
  • OTNYUKOVA T, 2007. Epiphytic lichen growth abnormalities and element concentrations as early indicators of forest decline. Environmental Pollution, 146, 359–365.
  • PASQUALINI V., ROBLES C, GARZINO S, GREFF S, MELAU AB, BONIN G, 2003. Phenolic compounds content in Pinus halepensis Mill. Needles: a bioindicator of air pollution. Chemosphere, 52, 239–248.
  • PUCKETT KJ, 1988. Lichens, Bryophytes and Air Quality. In: NASH TH & WIRTH V (Eds.),
  • RANA T, GUPTA S, KUMAR D, SHARMA S, RANA M, RATHORE VS, PEREIRA BMJ, 2004. Toxic effects of pulp and paper-mill effluents on male reproductive organs and some systemic parameters in rats. Environmental Toxicology and
  • Pharmacology, 18, 1–7.
  • SHY CM, 1990. Lead in petrol the mistake of the XXth. Rapp Trimest Statist Sanit Mond, 43, 168–176.
  • SUZUKI K, YABUKI T, ONO Y, 2008. Roadside Rhododendron pulchrum leaves as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution in traffic areas of Okayama, Japan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 149, 133-141
  • SZCZEPANIK K, BIZIUK M, 2003. Aspects of the biomonitoring studies using mosses and lichens as indicators of metal pollution. Environmental Research, 93, 221– 230.
  • TOKER MC, 1988. Uptake of lead by barley (Hardeum distichon L.) roots and its relation
  • URSINYOVA M, HLADIKOVA V, UHNAK J, KOVACICOVA J, 1997. Toxic Doga: Turk Biyoloji Dergisi, 12, 128–133. elements in environmental samples from selected regions in Slovakia. Bulletin Environmental Contamination Toxicology, 58, 985–992.
  • YUN M, LONGERICH HP, WADLEIGH MA, 2003. The determination of 18 trace elements in lichens for atmospheric monitoring using inductively coupled plasma–mass
  • Spectroscopy, spectrometry. 48, 171–180.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

IEEE K. Kınalıoglu, “TAŞITLARIN SEBEP OLDUĞU KURŞUN (Pb) KİRLİLİĞİNİN USNEA LONGISSIMA ACHARIUS KULLANILARAK ARAŞTIRILMASI”, Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Arts and Science Journal of Science, c. 4, sy. 2, ss. 129–135, 2009.