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A Systematic Review on (p,α) Cross Section Data at the Energy of 17.9 MeV

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2, 382 - 390, 25.11.2022


Nuclear cross section data are needed in various applications such as radiation therapy, astrophysics, radioisotope production, fusion and fission. The systematics play a very important role in determining cross sections on neutron- and proton-induced reactions at incoming energies of which there are no experimental values. So, empirical systematics have been extensively used at present in the studies on cross section calculations. In this paper, we proposed empirical cross section formulas considering Q–value dependence on (p,α) reactions at proton energy of 17.9 MeV. The present formulas including Coulomb and odd-even effects are based on the statistical theory. In addition, these formulas are a modification to the Levkovskii’s original asymmetry parameter formulas for neutron induced reactions and the Tel et al.’s empirical formulas for proton reactions. Fitting parameters of formulas were determined by least-squares fitting to experimental excitation function data. It is seen that new empirical formulas give good fits with (p,α) experimental cross section values in the literature at 17.9 MeV.


  • S. M. Qaim, “Radiochemical determination of nuclear data for theory and applications,” J. Radioanal. Nucl. Ch., 284, 489-505, 2010.
  • M. Yiǧit, E. Tel, and A. Kara, “Deuteron induced (d,p) and (d,2p) nuclear reactions up to 50 MeV” J. Fusion Energ., 32, 362-370, 2013.
  • E. Tel, S. Akça, A. Kara, M. Yiğit, and A. Aydın, “(p,α) reaction cross sections calculations of Fe and Ni target nuclei using new developed semi-empirical formula,” J. Fusion Energ., 32 (5), 531-535, 2014.
  • M. Yiğit, “Analysis of cross sections of (n, t) nuclear reaction using different empirical formule and level density models,” Appl. Radiat. Isotopes, 139, 151-158, 2018.
  • A. Kara, M. Yiğit, T. Korkut, and E. Tel, “Cross section calculations of neutron induced reactions on 124,126,128,134,136 Xe,” J. Fusion Energ., 34 (4), 882-886, 2015.
  • E. Tel, M. Yiğit, and G. Tanır, “Cross sections calculations of (d, t) nuclear reactions up to 50 MeV,” J. Fusion Energ., 32 (2), 273-277, 2013.
  • M. Şekerci, H. Özdoğan and A. Kaplan, “Effects of combining some theoretical models in the cross-section calculations of some alpha-induced reactions for natSb,” Appl. Radiat. Isotopes, 186, 110255, 2022.
  • H. Özdoğan, Y. A. Üncü, O. Karaman, M. Şekerci, and A. Kaplan, “Estimations of giant dipole resonance parameters using artificial neural network,” Appl. Radiat. Isotopes, 169, 109581, 2021.
  • M. Yiğit, “Analysis of the reaction Q-value effect using newly evaluated empirical formulas of (n,2n) cross sections near 14.6 MeV,” Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 29 (02), 2050005, 2020.
  • M. Yiğit, “New semi-empirical formulae for (n, d) cross sections at 14–15 MeV,” Appl. Radiat. Isotopes, 176, 109894, 2021.
  • M. Yiğit and E. Tel, “A systematic study for cross sections on (d, 2n) nuclear reactions between 11.57 and 18.91 MeV,” J. Fusion Energ., 35 (3), 585-590, 2016.
  • M. Yiğit and E. Tel, “A study on empirical systematic for the (d,n) reaction cross sections at 8.6 MeV,” Kerntechnik, 79 (6), 488-493, 2014.
  • H. Özdoğan, Y. A. Üncü, M. Şekerci, and A. Kaplan, “Mass excess estimations using artificial neural networks,” Appl. Radiat. Isotopes, 184, 110162, 2022.
  • E. Tel, E. G. Aydın, A. Aydın, and A. Kaplan, “Application of asymmetry depending empirical formulas for (p,na) reaction cross-sections at 24.8 and 28.5 MeV incident energies,” Appl. Radiat. Isotopes, 67, 272–276, 2009.
  • E. Tel, E. G. Aydın, A. Aydın, A. Kaplan, M. H. Bölükdemir, and Ş. Okuducu, “Investigation of coulomb and pairing effects using new developed empirical formulas for proton-induced reaction cross sections,” Phys. Atom. Nucl+, 73, 412–419, 2010.
  • C. H. M. Broeders and A. Yu. Konobeyev, “Systematics of (p,n) reaction cross-section,” Radiochim Acta, 96, 387, 2007.
  • M. Yiğit, “New empirical formulae for (n, t) cross sections at 14.6 MeV,” Appl. Radiat. Isot. 128, 307-310, 2017.
  • S. Fan, X. Shi, F. Yan, H. Zhang, and Z. Zhao, “A systematics to investigate the (n,α) cross section with energy below 20 MeV based on the evaporation and exciton models,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 147, 63-72, 2004.
  • V. N. Levkovskii, “Exp. Theor,” Phys. Sovyet Physics Journal, 18, 213, 1964.
  • C. H. M. Broeders and A. Yu. Konobeyev, “Systematics of (p,a) (p,na), and (p,np) reaction cross-sections,” Appl. Radiat. Isotopes, 65, 1249–1264, 2008.
  • M. Yiğit, "A new empirical formula for cross-sections of (n,na) reactions," Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 29 (08), 2050062, 2020.
  • M. Yiğit and E. Tel, "Cross section systematics of (d, p) reactions at 8.5 MeV," Nucl. Eng. Des., 280, 37-41, 2014.

17.9 MeV’lik Enerjide (p,α) Tesir Kesiti Verileri üzerine Sistematik Bir İnceleme

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2, 382 - 390, 25.11.2022


Radyasyon tedavisi, astrofizik, radyoizotop üretimi, füzyon ve fisyon gibi çeşitli uygulamalarda nükleer tesir kesiti verilerine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Sistematikler, deneysel değeri olmayan gelme enerjilerde nötron ve protonla oluşturulan reaksiyon tesir kesitlerinin belirlenmesinde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Bu yüzden, ampirik sistematikler günümüzde tesir kesiti hesaplamaları üzerine çalışmalarda yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, 17.9 MeV'lik proton enerjisinde (p,α) reaksiyonları üzerine Q-değeri bağımlılığını göz önünde bulundurarak ampirik tesir kesiti formülleri önerdik. Coulomb ve tek-çift etkileri dahil eden mevcut formüller istatistiksel teoriye dayanmaktadır. Ek olarak, bu formüller, Levkovskii'nin nötron kaynaklı reaksiyonlar için orijinal asimetri parametre formüllerinin ve Tel ve arkadaşlarının proton kaynaklı reaksiyonlar için ampirik formüllerinin bir modifikasyonudur. Formüllerin fit parametreleri deneysel uyarılma fonksiyonu verilerinin en küçük kareler fit işlemi tarafından belirlendi. Yeni ampirik formüllerin, 17.9 MeV'de literatürdeki (p,α) deneysel tesir kesiti değerleri ile iyi uyum sağladığı görülmektedir.


  • S. M. Qaim, “Radiochemical determination of nuclear data for theory and applications,” J. Radioanal. Nucl. Ch., 284, 489-505, 2010.
  • M. Yiǧit, E. Tel, and A. Kara, “Deuteron induced (d,p) and (d,2p) nuclear reactions up to 50 MeV” J. Fusion Energ., 32, 362-370, 2013.
  • E. Tel, S. Akça, A. Kara, M. Yiğit, and A. Aydın, “(p,α) reaction cross sections calculations of Fe and Ni target nuclei using new developed semi-empirical formula,” J. Fusion Energ., 32 (5), 531-535, 2014.
  • M. Yiğit, “Analysis of cross sections of (n, t) nuclear reaction using different empirical formule and level density models,” Appl. Radiat. Isotopes, 139, 151-158, 2018.
  • A. Kara, M. Yiğit, T. Korkut, and E. Tel, “Cross section calculations of neutron induced reactions on 124,126,128,134,136 Xe,” J. Fusion Energ., 34 (4), 882-886, 2015.
  • E. Tel, M. Yiğit, and G. Tanır, “Cross sections calculations of (d, t) nuclear reactions up to 50 MeV,” J. Fusion Energ., 32 (2), 273-277, 2013.
  • M. Şekerci, H. Özdoğan and A. Kaplan, “Effects of combining some theoretical models in the cross-section calculations of some alpha-induced reactions for natSb,” Appl. Radiat. Isotopes, 186, 110255, 2022.
  • H. Özdoğan, Y. A. Üncü, O. Karaman, M. Şekerci, and A. Kaplan, “Estimations of giant dipole resonance parameters using artificial neural network,” Appl. Radiat. Isotopes, 169, 109581, 2021.
  • M. Yiğit, “Analysis of the reaction Q-value effect using newly evaluated empirical formulas of (n,2n) cross sections near 14.6 MeV,” Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 29 (02), 2050005, 2020.
  • M. Yiğit, “New semi-empirical formulae for (n, d) cross sections at 14–15 MeV,” Appl. Radiat. Isotopes, 176, 109894, 2021.
  • M. Yiğit and E. Tel, “A systematic study for cross sections on (d, 2n) nuclear reactions between 11.57 and 18.91 MeV,” J. Fusion Energ., 35 (3), 585-590, 2016.
  • M. Yiğit and E. Tel, “A study on empirical systematic for the (d,n) reaction cross sections at 8.6 MeV,” Kerntechnik, 79 (6), 488-493, 2014.
  • H. Özdoğan, Y. A. Üncü, M. Şekerci, and A. Kaplan, “Mass excess estimations using artificial neural networks,” Appl. Radiat. Isotopes, 184, 110162, 2022.
  • E. Tel, E. G. Aydın, A. Aydın, and A. Kaplan, “Application of asymmetry depending empirical formulas for (p,na) reaction cross-sections at 24.8 and 28.5 MeV incident energies,” Appl. Radiat. Isotopes, 67, 272–276, 2009.
  • E. Tel, E. G. Aydın, A. Aydın, A. Kaplan, M. H. Bölükdemir, and Ş. Okuducu, “Investigation of coulomb and pairing effects using new developed empirical formulas for proton-induced reaction cross sections,” Phys. Atom. Nucl+, 73, 412–419, 2010.
  • C. H. M. Broeders and A. Yu. Konobeyev, “Systematics of (p,n) reaction cross-section,” Radiochim Acta, 96, 387, 2007.
  • M. Yiğit, “New empirical formulae for (n, t) cross sections at 14.6 MeV,” Appl. Radiat. Isot. 128, 307-310, 2017.
  • S. Fan, X. Shi, F. Yan, H. Zhang, and Z. Zhao, “A systematics to investigate the (n,α) cross section with energy below 20 MeV based on the evaporation and exciton models,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 147, 63-72, 2004.
  • V. N. Levkovskii, “Exp. Theor,” Phys. Sovyet Physics Journal, 18, 213, 1964.
  • C. H. M. Broeders and A. Yu. Konobeyev, “Systematics of (p,a) (p,na), and (p,np) reaction cross-sections,” Appl. Radiat. Isotopes, 65, 1249–1264, 2008.
  • M. Yiğit, "A new empirical formula for cross-sections of (n,na) reactions," Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 29 (08), 2050062, 2020.
  • M. Yiğit and E. Tel, "Cross section systematics of (d, p) reactions at 8.5 MeV," Nucl. Eng. Des., 280, 37-41, 2014.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Metroloji,Uygulamalı ve Endüstriyel Fizik
Bölüm Makaleler

Mustafa Yiğit 0000-0002-7456-7742

Hüseyin Dönmez Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-8156-2715

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Kasım 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

IEEE M. Yiğit ve H. Dönmez, “A Systematic Review on (p,α) Cross Section Data at the Energy of 17.9 MeV”, Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Arts and Science Journal of Science, c. 17, sy. 2, ss. 382–390, 2022, doi: 10.29233/sdufeffd.1169140.