Due to the harmful effects of ionizing radiation, shielding has become a crucial topic for radiation protection. Finding effective, non-toxic and low-cost shielding materials is imperative in ensuring the safety of individuals exposed to ionizing radiation. Whether a material is effective in shielding against radiation depends on the linear attenuation coefficient. In this study, linear attenuation coefficients were calculated using the MCNPX code for energy values of 81 keV (Ba-133), 140 keV (Tc-99m), 662 keV (Cs-137), 1173 keV, and 1332 keV (Co-60) by incorporating Bentonite Clay (BC) nanoparticles and micro-sized particles as additives into a Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) matrix. BC particles with a density of 50% were added to the PVA matrix using LAT and U cards. Simulations were performed with a mono-energetic source emitting 107 particles and a narrow beam geometry, and the counts of particles with diameters of 50 nanometers and 50 micrometers were calculated using the F4 tally. When the results obtained from the simulation were compared, it was observed that as the diameters of the added particles decreased, their effectiveness in radiation shielding increased for each energy value. Among them, the 50 nm BC particles added at a rate of 50% in PVA showed the highest effect at 1332 keV, with a 9.5% increase compared to 50 µm BC particles.
M. Asgari, H. Afarideh, H. Ghafoorifard, E. A. Amirabadi, ‘‘Comparison of nano/micro lead, bismuth and tungsten on the gamma shielding properties of the flexible composites against photon in wide energy range (40 keV–662 keV)’’, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 53, 4142-4149, 2021.
S. Nambiar, J. T. W. Yeow, ‘‘Polymer-Composite Materials for Radiation Protection’’, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 4, 5717−5726, 2012.
C. Song, J. Zheng, QP. Zhang, YT. Li, YJ. Li, Y. Zhou, ‘‘Numerical simulation and experimental study of PbWO4/EPDM and Bi2WO6/EPDM for the shielding of γ-rays’’, Chinese Physics C, 40(8), 089001, 2016.
Y. Dong, SQ. Chang, HX. Zhang, C. Ren, B. Kang, MZ. Dai, YD. Dai, ‘‘Effects of WO3 Particle Size in WO3/Epoxy Resin Radiation Shielding Material’’ Chinese Physics Letters, 29(10), 108102, 2012.
H.O. Tekin, V.P. Singh, T. Manici, ‘‘Effects of micro-sized and nano-sized WO3 on mass attenauation coefficients of concrete by using MCNPX code’’, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 121, 122-125, 2017.
H. Alavian, H. Tavakoli-Anbaran, ‘‘Study on gamma shielding polymer composites reinforced with different sizes and proportions of tungsten particles using MCNP code’’, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 115, 91–98, 2019.
Y. Karabul, O. İçelli, ‘‘The assessment of usage of epoxy based micro and nano-structured composites enriched with Bi2O3 and WO3 particles for radiation shielding’’, Results in Physics, 26, 104423, 2021.
I. Z. Hager, Y. S. Rammah, H. A. Othman, E. M. Ibrahim, S. F. Hassan, F. H. Sallam, ‘‘Nano-structured natural bentonite clay coated by polyvinyl alcohol polymer for gamma ray attenuation’’, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics. 13, 141–153, 2019.
M. M. Bani-Ahmad, N. Z. N. Azman, J. N. Z. Jasmine, H. M. Almarri, M. Alshipli, M. R. Ramzun, ‘‘Radiation attenuation ability of bentonite clay enriched with eggshell as recyclable waste for a physical rradiation barrier’’, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 201, 110484, 2022.
R. S. Özakar, M. Kara, A. Maman, ‘‘Preparation, characterization, and radiation absorption study of bentonite clay included soft chewable lozenge formulations’’, Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology 1(3), 54-59, 2020
M. Elsafi, Y. Koraim, M. Almurayshid, F. I. Almasoud, M. I. Sayyed, I. H. Saleh, ‘‘Investigation of Photon Radiation Attenuation Capability of Different Clay Materials’’, Materials. 14, 6702, 2021.
F. Sallam, E. Ibrahim, S. Hassan, A. Omar, ‘‘Shielding properties enhancement of bentonite clay nano particles coated by polyvinyl alcohol polymer’’, Research Square, 2021.
T. S. Gaaz, A. B. Sulong, M. N. Akhtar, A. A. Kadhum, A. B. Mohamad, A. A. Al-Amiery, ‘‘Properties and Applications of Polyvinyl Alcohol, Halloysite Nanotubes and Their Nanocomposites’’, Molecules. 20, 22833–22847, 2015.
M. Aslam, M. A. Kalyar, Z. A. Raza, ‘‘Polyvinyl Alcohol: A Review of Research Status and Use of Polyvinyl Alcohol Based Nanocomposites’’, Polymer Engineering and Science, 58, 2119-2132, 2018.
G. B. Pour, L. F. Aval, M. Mirzaee, ‘‘Flexible graphene supercapacitor based on the PVA electrolyte and BaTiO3/PEDOT:PSS composite separator’’, Journal of Materials Science:Materials in Electronics, 29, 17432–17437, 2018.
L. F. Aval, M. Ghoranneviss, G. B. Pour, ‘‘High performance supercapacitors based on the carbon nanotubes, graphene and graphite nanoparticles electrodes’’, Heliyon, 4, e00862, 2018.
L. Chang, Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, J. Fang, W. Luan, X. Yang, W. Zhang, ‘‘Preparation and characterization of tungsten/epoxy composites for γ-rays radiation shielding’’, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 356–357, 88-93, 2015.
S. Malekie, N. Hajiloo, ‘‘Comparative Study of Micro and Nano Size WO3/E44 Epoxy Composite as Gamma Radiation Shielding Using MCNP and Experiment’’, Chinese Physics Letters, 34, 108102, 2017.
F. Kazemi, S. Malekie, M. A. Hosseini, ‘‘A Monte Carlo Study on the Shielding Properties of a Novel Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA)/WO3 Composite, Against Gamma Rays, Using the MCNPX Code’’, Journal Of Biomedical Physics & Engineering, 9(4), 465-472, 2019.
S. El-Fiki, S. U. El Kameesy, D. E. El. Nashar, M. A. Abou- Leila, M. K. El-Mansy, M. Ahmed, ‘‘Influence of Bismuth Contents on Mechanical and Gamma Ray Attenuation Properties of Silicone Rubber Composite’’, International Journal of Advanced Research, 3, 1035-1039, 2015.
H. O. Tekin, V. P. Singh, U. Kara, T. Manici, E. E. Altunsoy, ‘‘Investigation of Nanoparticle Effect on Radiation Shielding Property Using Monte Carlo Method’’, CBU Journal of Science, 12 (2), 195-199, 2016.
R. Bagheri, A. K. Moghaddam, H. Yousefnia, ‘‘Gamma Ray Shielding Study of Barium–Bismuth–Borosilicate Glasses as Transparent Shielding Materials using MCNP-4C Code, XCOM Program, and Available Experimental Data’’, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 9, 216-223, 2017.
MCNPX 240, Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code System for Multiparticle and High Energy Applications (Sep 2004). Bibliographic information available from INIS: http://inis.iaea.org/search/search.aspx?orig_q=RN:39098954 Available on-line: http://www.nea.fr/abs/html/ccc-0715.html
K. Verdipoor, A. Alemi, A. Mesbahi, ‘‘Photon mass attenuation coefficients of a silicon resin loaded with WO3, PbO, and Bi2O3 Micro and Nano-particles for radiation shielding’’, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 147, 85–90, 2018.
J. K. Shultis, R. E. Faw, ‘‘An MCNP Primer’’, Dept. of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506.
M. Vhahangwele, G. W. Mugera, N. Tholiso, ‘‘Defluoridation of drinking water using Al3+-modified bentonite clay: optimization of fluoride adsorption conditions’’, Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 96(9), 1294-1309, 2014.
M.J. Berger, J.H Hubbell, S.M. Seltzer, J. Chang, J.S. Coursey, R. Sukumar, D.S. Zucker, K. Olsen, XCOM: Photon Cross Section Database. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Published 2010. Available online: http://physics.nist. gov/xcom.
I. I. Bashter, ‘‘Calculatıon of Radıatıon Attenuatıon Coeffıcıents For Shıeldıng Concretes’’, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 24 (17), 1389-1401, 1997.
Year 2024,
Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 63 - 74, 27.05.2024
M. Asgari, H. Afarideh, H. Ghafoorifard, E. A. Amirabadi, ‘‘Comparison of nano/micro lead, bismuth and tungsten on the gamma shielding properties of the flexible composites against photon in wide energy range (40 keV–662 keV)’’, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 53, 4142-4149, 2021.
S. Nambiar, J. T. W. Yeow, ‘‘Polymer-Composite Materials for Radiation Protection’’, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 4, 5717−5726, 2012.
C. Song, J. Zheng, QP. Zhang, YT. Li, YJ. Li, Y. Zhou, ‘‘Numerical simulation and experimental study of PbWO4/EPDM and Bi2WO6/EPDM for the shielding of γ-rays’’, Chinese Physics C, 40(8), 089001, 2016.
Y. Dong, SQ. Chang, HX. Zhang, C. Ren, B. Kang, MZ. Dai, YD. Dai, ‘‘Effects of WO3 Particle Size in WO3/Epoxy Resin Radiation Shielding Material’’ Chinese Physics Letters, 29(10), 108102, 2012.
H.O. Tekin, V.P. Singh, T. Manici, ‘‘Effects of micro-sized and nano-sized WO3 on mass attenauation coefficients of concrete by using MCNPX code’’, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 121, 122-125, 2017.
H. Alavian, H. Tavakoli-Anbaran, ‘‘Study on gamma shielding polymer composites reinforced with different sizes and proportions of tungsten particles using MCNP code’’, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 115, 91–98, 2019.
Y. Karabul, O. İçelli, ‘‘The assessment of usage of epoxy based micro and nano-structured composites enriched with Bi2O3 and WO3 particles for radiation shielding’’, Results in Physics, 26, 104423, 2021.
I. Z. Hager, Y. S. Rammah, H. A. Othman, E. M. Ibrahim, S. F. Hassan, F. H. Sallam, ‘‘Nano-structured natural bentonite clay coated by polyvinyl alcohol polymer for gamma ray attenuation’’, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics. 13, 141–153, 2019.
M. M. Bani-Ahmad, N. Z. N. Azman, J. N. Z. Jasmine, H. M. Almarri, M. Alshipli, M. R. Ramzun, ‘‘Radiation attenuation ability of bentonite clay enriched with eggshell as recyclable waste for a physical rradiation barrier’’, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 201, 110484, 2022.
R. S. Özakar, M. Kara, A. Maman, ‘‘Preparation, characterization, and radiation absorption study of bentonite clay included soft chewable lozenge formulations’’, Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology 1(3), 54-59, 2020
M. Elsafi, Y. Koraim, M. Almurayshid, F. I. Almasoud, M. I. Sayyed, I. H. Saleh, ‘‘Investigation of Photon Radiation Attenuation Capability of Different Clay Materials’’, Materials. 14, 6702, 2021.
F. Sallam, E. Ibrahim, S. Hassan, A. Omar, ‘‘Shielding properties enhancement of bentonite clay nano particles coated by polyvinyl alcohol polymer’’, Research Square, 2021.
T. S. Gaaz, A. B. Sulong, M. N. Akhtar, A. A. Kadhum, A. B. Mohamad, A. A. Al-Amiery, ‘‘Properties and Applications of Polyvinyl Alcohol, Halloysite Nanotubes and Their Nanocomposites’’, Molecules. 20, 22833–22847, 2015.
M. Aslam, M. A. Kalyar, Z. A. Raza, ‘‘Polyvinyl Alcohol: A Review of Research Status and Use of Polyvinyl Alcohol Based Nanocomposites’’, Polymer Engineering and Science, 58, 2119-2132, 2018.
G. B. Pour, L. F. Aval, M. Mirzaee, ‘‘Flexible graphene supercapacitor based on the PVA electrolyte and BaTiO3/PEDOT:PSS composite separator’’, Journal of Materials Science:Materials in Electronics, 29, 17432–17437, 2018.
L. F. Aval, M. Ghoranneviss, G. B. Pour, ‘‘High performance supercapacitors based on the carbon nanotubes, graphene and graphite nanoparticles electrodes’’, Heliyon, 4, e00862, 2018.
L. Chang, Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, J. Fang, W. Luan, X. Yang, W. Zhang, ‘‘Preparation and characterization of tungsten/epoxy composites for γ-rays radiation shielding’’, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 356–357, 88-93, 2015.
S. Malekie, N. Hajiloo, ‘‘Comparative Study of Micro and Nano Size WO3/E44 Epoxy Composite as Gamma Radiation Shielding Using MCNP and Experiment’’, Chinese Physics Letters, 34, 108102, 2017.
F. Kazemi, S. Malekie, M. A. Hosseini, ‘‘A Monte Carlo Study on the Shielding Properties of a Novel Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA)/WO3 Composite, Against Gamma Rays, Using the MCNPX Code’’, Journal Of Biomedical Physics & Engineering, 9(4), 465-472, 2019.
S. El-Fiki, S. U. El Kameesy, D. E. El. Nashar, M. A. Abou- Leila, M. K. El-Mansy, M. Ahmed, ‘‘Influence of Bismuth Contents on Mechanical and Gamma Ray Attenuation Properties of Silicone Rubber Composite’’, International Journal of Advanced Research, 3, 1035-1039, 2015.
H. O. Tekin, V. P. Singh, U. Kara, T. Manici, E. E. Altunsoy, ‘‘Investigation of Nanoparticle Effect on Radiation Shielding Property Using Monte Carlo Method’’, CBU Journal of Science, 12 (2), 195-199, 2016.
R. Bagheri, A. K. Moghaddam, H. Yousefnia, ‘‘Gamma Ray Shielding Study of Barium–Bismuth–Borosilicate Glasses as Transparent Shielding Materials using MCNP-4C Code, XCOM Program, and Available Experimental Data’’, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 9, 216-223, 2017.
MCNPX 240, Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code System for Multiparticle and High Energy Applications (Sep 2004). Bibliographic information available from INIS: http://inis.iaea.org/search/search.aspx?orig_q=RN:39098954 Available on-line: http://www.nea.fr/abs/html/ccc-0715.html
K. Verdipoor, A. Alemi, A. Mesbahi, ‘‘Photon mass attenuation coefficients of a silicon resin loaded with WO3, PbO, and Bi2O3 Micro and Nano-particles for radiation shielding’’, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 147, 85–90, 2018.
J. K. Shultis, R. E. Faw, ‘‘An MCNP Primer’’, Dept. of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506.
M. Vhahangwele, G. W. Mugera, N. Tholiso, ‘‘Defluoridation of drinking water using Al3+-modified bentonite clay: optimization of fluoride adsorption conditions’’, Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 96(9), 1294-1309, 2014.
M.J. Berger, J.H Hubbell, S.M. Seltzer, J. Chang, J.S. Coursey, R. Sukumar, D.S. Zucker, K. Olsen, XCOM: Photon Cross Section Database. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Published 2010. Available online: http://physics.nist. gov/xcom.
I. I. Bashter, ‘‘Calculatıon of Radıatıon Attenuatıon Coeffıcıents For Shıeldıng Concretes’’, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 24 (17), 1389-1401, 1997.
T. Manici, G. Algün, N. Akçay, and B. Demir, “The Effect of Particle Size of Polyvinyl Alcohol/Bentonite Clay Mixture on the Radiation Shielding: A Monte Carlo Study”, Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Arts and Science Journal of Science, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 63–74, 2024, doi: 10.29233/sdufeffd.1371161.