Attention please!!!
It is extremely important and recommended that all authors who wish to submit an article to the “Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Arts and Science Journal of Science” carefully examine all the contents linked below.
All authors are expected to submit their articles knowing the purpose and scope, writing rules, ethical principles and publication policy of the journal. It is assumed that the aim and scope, writing rules and publication policy of the journal are accepted and known by all authors in a submitted article.
A total of three (3) files must be uploaded to the system for an article to be submitted. Click on the explanations to access the relevant documents. These;
These contents will assist the authors in the article submission process. In addition, if needed, it is recommended to review the
presentation file and
explanation videos prepared by DergiPark.
Authors are expected to submit only a single file in the “docx” office document format as the article file. Presentations made in other office document formats or PDF format will be returned to the corresponding author.