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Manyetik alanın organizma üzerindeki biyolojik etkileri

Year 2006, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 38 - 41, 20.04.2009


SüleymanDemirel Üniversitesi

Manyetik alanın organizma üzerindeki biyolojik etkileri

M. Fehmi Özgüner, Hakan Mollaoğlu


Son yirmi yıldır manyetik dalgaların insan sağlığına zararlı etkilerinin olup olmadığı tartışılmaktadır. Radyofrekans dalgası oluşturan kaynaklar arasında radarlar, mobil telefonlar, radyo ve televizyon yayınları, tıbbi ve endüstriyel uygulamalarda kullanılan çeşitli aletler sayılabilir. Çeşitli biyokimyasal çalışmalarda birçok enzimin yapı ve fonksiyonlarının, ayrıca bazı hücre organellerinin yapı ve fonksiyonlarının radyofrekans dalgalarına bağlı olarak bozulduğu bildirilmektedir. Yapılan çalışmaların bazılarında kanser riskinin de manyetik alan maruziyeti sonrasında arttığı bildirilmektedir. Radyofrekans dalgası yayan aletler arasında cep telefonlarının da önemi büyüktür. Cep telefonu kullanımının hızla yaygınlaşmasından dolayı cep telefonları ve onların baz istasyonlarından yayılan radyofrekans dalgaları giderek artan ölçüde geniş kitleleri ilgilendirmektedir. Cep telefonlarının yaydığı radyasyonun oksidatif stres aracılığıyla zararlı etkilere neden olabileceği düşünülmektedir.

Anahtar kelımeler: manyetik alan, zararlı etki


Bıologıcal effects of magnetıc fıeld on organısm

In the last twenty years, it has been discussing frequently whether there are any harmful effects of magnetic fields on human health. Radiofrequency sources are radars, mobile phones, radio and television broadcasting, devices used in medical and industrial applications. It is reported that, in various biochemical studies structure and function of many enzyme and cell organelles impaired depend on radiofrequency fields and even increase cancer possibility after magnetic field exposure in some studies. Among radiofrequency emitting devices, there is a great importance of cellular phones. Because of rapidly spread of using cellular phones, radiofrequency wave emitted from cellular phones and their base stations arising interest crowd of people. It is considered that radiations emitted from cellular phone cause harmful effects through oxidative stress.

Key words: Magnetic field, harmful effects


  • Þeker S, Çerezci O. Radyasyon Kuþatmasý: Elektriðin ve nükleer enerjinin saðlýðýmýza etkileri. Boðaziçi Üniversitesi Yayýnevi. Ýstanbul, 2000
  • Hyland GJ. Physics and biology of mobile telephony. Lancet 2000;356(9244):1833-36
  • Lai H, Singh NP. Melatonin and a spin-trap compound block radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in rat brain cells. Bioelectromagnetics 1997;18:446-54
  • Robison JG, Pendieton AR, Monson KO, Murray BK, O’neill KL. Decreased DNA repair rates and protection from heat induced apoptosis mediated by electromagnetic field exposure. Bioelectromagnetics 2002;23(2):106-12
  • Blank M, Soo L, Lin H, Henderson AS, Goodman R. Changes in transcription in HL-60 cells following exposure to alternating currents from electric fields. Bioelectrochem Bioenerg 1992;28:301-9
  • Blank M, Goodman R. Do electromagnetic fields interact directly with DNA? 1997;18(2):111-5
  • Garaj-Vrhovac V, Fucic A, Horvat D. The correlation between the frequency of micronuclei and specific chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes exposed to microwave radiation in vitro. Mutation Res 1992;281(3):181-6
  • Maes A, Verschave L, Arroyo A, DeWagter C, Vercruyssen L. In vitro cytogenetic effects of 2450 MHz waves on human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Bioelectromagnetics 1993;14:495-501
  • Yasser M. Moustafa, Randa M. Moustafa, A. Belacy, Soad H. Abou-El-Ela, Fadel M. Ali. Effects of acute exposure to the radiofrequency fields of cellular phones on plasma lipid peroxide and antioxidase activities in human erythrocytes. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2001;26:605-8
  • Lary JM, Conover DL, Foley ED, Hanser PL. Teratojenic effects of 27.12 MHz radiofrequency radiation in rats. Teratology 1982;26:299-309
  • Zmyslony M, Jajte JM. The role of free radicals in mechanisms of biological function exposed to weak, constant and net magnetic fields. Med Pr 1998;49(2):177-86
  • Berman E, Carter HB, House D. Observations of Syrian hamster fetuses after exposure to 2450-MHz microwaves. J Microwave Power 1982,17:107-12
  • Balcer-Kubiczek EK, Harrison GH. Neoplastic transformation of C3H/10T1/2 cells following exposure to 120-Hz modulated 2.45-GHz microwaves and phorbol ester tumor promoter. Radiat Res 1991;126(1):65-72
  • Hardell L, Hallquist A, Mild KH. Mobile phones and the risk of brain tumours. Lancet 2000; 356(9244):1837- 1840
  • Somosy Z. Radiation response of cell organelles. Micron 2000;31:165-81
  • Allis JW, Sinha-Robinson BL. Temperature-specific inhibition of human cell Na+/K+ ATPase by 2450 MHz microwave radiation. Bioelectromagnetics 1987;8:203-7
  • Lotz WG, Podgorski P, Temperature and adrenocortical responses in rhesus monkeys exposed to microwaves. J Appl Physiol 1982;53(6):1565-71
  • Dasdag S, Ketani MA, Akdag Z, Ersay AR, Sari I, Demirtas OC, et al. Whole-body microwave exposure emitted by cellular phones and testicular function of rats. Urol Res 1999;27(3):219-23
  • Kang GH, Lee CH, Seo JW, Sung RH, Chung YH, Lee SK, et al. In-vivo study on the harmful effect of the extremely low frequency unipolar pulsating magnetic field in mice. Korean Med Sci 1997;12(2):128- 34
  • Hossmann KA, Hermann DM. Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation of Mobile Phones on the Central Nervous System. Bioelectromagnetics 2003;24:49-62
  • Reiser HP, Dimpfel W, Schober F. The influence of electromagnetic fields in human brain activity. Eur J Med Res 1995;1:27-32
  • Mann K, Roschke J. Effects of pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields on human sleep. Neuropsychobiology 1996;33:41-7
  • Borbely AA, Huber R, Graf T, Fuchs B, Gallmann E, Achermann P. Pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic field affects human sleep and sleep electroencephalogram. Neurosci Lett 1999;275:207- 10
  • Krause CM, Sillanmaki L, Koivisto M, Haggqvist A, Saarela C, Revonsuo A, et al. Effects of electromagnetic field emitted by cellular telephones on the EEG during a memory task. NeuroReport 2000;11(4):761-4
  • Braune S, Wrocklage C, Raczek J, Gailus T, Lucking CH. Resting blood pressure increase during exposure to radio-frequency electromagnetic field. Lancet 1998;351:1857-8
  • Reiter RJ. Oxidative processes and antioxidative defense mechanisms in the aging brain. FASEB Journal 1995;9(7):526-33
  • Reiter RJ. Melatonin in the context of the reported bioeffects of environmental electromagnetic fields. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 1998;47:135- 42
  • Özgüner F, Kerman M, Delibaþ N, Gültekin F. The relationship of age related decrease in melatonin with oxidative damage and mental status. Biomed Res 2000;11(1):61-5
  • Martinez Soriano F, GimenezGonzalez M, Armanazas E, RuizTorner A. Pineal ‘synaptic ribbons’ and serum melatonin levels in the rat following the pulse action of 52-Gs (50-Hz) magnetic fields: an evaluative analysis over 21 days. Acta Anat 1992;143:289-93
  • L. Vollrath, R. Spessert, T. Kratzsch, M. Keiner, and H. Hollmann. No Short-Term Effects of High- Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on the Mammalian Pineal Gland. Bioelectromagnetics 1997;18(5):376-87
  • Özen Þ. Mikrodalga frekanslý EM radyasyona maruz kalan biyolojik dokularda oluþan ýsýl etkinin teorik ve deneysel incelenmesi. Doktora Tezi. Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Elektronik ve Haberleþme Y Müh, 2003
Year 2006, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 38 - 41, 20.04.2009



  • Þeker S, Çerezci O. Radyasyon Kuþatmasý: Elektriðin ve nükleer enerjinin saðlýðýmýza etkileri. Boðaziçi Üniversitesi Yayýnevi. Ýstanbul, 2000
  • Hyland GJ. Physics and biology of mobile telephony. Lancet 2000;356(9244):1833-36
  • Lai H, Singh NP. Melatonin and a spin-trap compound block radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in rat brain cells. Bioelectromagnetics 1997;18:446-54
  • Robison JG, Pendieton AR, Monson KO, Murray BK, O’neill KL. Decreased DNA repair rates and protection from heat induced apoptosis mediated by electromagnetic field exposure. Bioelectromagnetics 2002;23(2):106-12
  • Blank M, Soo L, Lin H, Henderson AS, Goodman R. Changes in transcription in HL-60 cells following exposure to alternating currents from electric fields. Bioelectrochem Bioenerg 1992;28:301-9
  • Blank M, Goodman R. Do electromagnetic fields interact directly with DNA? 1997;18(2):111-5
  • Garaj-Vrhovac V, Fucic A, Horvat D. The correlation between the frequency of micronuclei and specific chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes exposed to microwave radiation in vitro. Mutation Res 1992;281(3):181-6
  • Maes A, Verschave L, Arroyo A, DeWagter C, Vercruyssen L. In vitro cytogenetic effects of 2450 MHz waves on human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Bioelectromagnetics 1993;14:495-501
  • Yasser M. Moustafa, Randa M. Moustafa, A. Belacy, Soad H. Abou-El-Ela, Fadel M. Ali. Effects of acute exposure to the radiofrequency fields of cellular phones on plasma lipid peroxide and antioxidase activities in human erythrocytes. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2001;26:605-8
  • Lary JM, Conover DL, Foley ED, Hanser PL. Teratojenic effects of 27.12 MHz radiofrequency radiation in rats. Teratology 1982;26:299-309
  • Zmyslony M, Jajte JM. The role of free radicals in mechanisms of biological function exposed to weak, constant and net magnetic fields. Med Pr 1998;49(2):177-86
  • Berman E, Carter HB, House D. Observations of Syrian hamster fetuses after exposure to 2450-MHz microwaves. J Microwave Power 1982,17:107-12
  • Balcer-Kubiczek EK, Harrison GH. Neoplastic transformation of C3H/10T1/2 cells following exposure to 120-Hz modulated 2.45-GHz microwaves and phorbol ester tumor promoter. Radiat Res 1991;126(1):65-72
  • Hardell L, Hallquist A, Mild KH. Mobile phones and the risk of brain tumours. Lancet 2000; 356(9244):1837- 1840
  • Somosy Z. Radiation response of cell organelles. Micron 2000;31:165-81
  • Allis JW, Sinha-Robinson BL. Temperature-specific inhibition of human cell Na+/K+ ATPase by 2450 MHz microwave radiation. Bioelectromagnetics 1987;8:203-7
  • Lotz WG, Podgorski P, Temperature and adrenocortical responses in rhesus monkeys exposed to microwaves. J Appl Physiol 1982;53(6):1565-71
  • Dasdag S, Ketani MA, Akdag Z, Ersay AR, Sari I, Demirtas OC, et al. Whole-body microwave exposure emitted by cellular phones and testicular function of rats. Urol Res 1999;27(3):219-23
  • Kang GH, Lee CH, Seo JW, Sung RH, Chung YH, Lee SK, et al. In-vivo study on the harmful effect of the extremely low frequency unipolar pulsating magnetic field in mice. Korean Med Sci 1997;12(2):128- 34
  • Hossmann KA, Hermann DM. Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation of Mobile Phones on the Central Nervous System. Bioelectromagnetics 2003;24:49-62
  • Reiser HP, Dimpfel W, Schober F. The influence of electromagnetic fields in human brain activity. Eur J Med Res 1995;1:27-32
  • Mann K, Roschke J. Effects of pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields on human sleep. Neuropsychobiology 1996;33:41-7
  • Borbely AA, Huber R, Graf T, Fuchs B, Gallmann E, Achermann P. Pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic field affects human sleep and sleep electroencephalogram. Neurosci Lett 1999;275:207- 10
  • Krause CM, Sillanmaki L, Koivisto M, Haggqvist A, Saarela C, Revonsuo A, et al. Effects of electromagnetic field emitted by cellular telephones on the EEG during a memory task. NeuroReport 2000;11(4):761-4
  • Braune S, Wrocklage C, Raczek J, Gailus T, Lucking CH. Resting blood pressure increase during exposure to radio-frequency electromagnetic field. Lancet 1998;351:1857-8
  • Reiter RJ. Oxidative processes and antioxidative defense mechanisms in the aging brain. FASEB Journal 1995;9(7):526-33
  • Reiter RJ. Melatonin in the context of the reported bioeffects of environmental electromagnetic fields. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 1998;47:135- 42
  • Özgüner F, Kerman M, Delibaþ N, Gültekin F. The relationship of age related decrease in melatonin with oxidative damage and mental status. Biomed Res 2000;11(1):61-5
  • Martinez Soriano F, GimenezGonzalez M, Armanazas E, RuizTorner A. Pineal ‘synaptic ribbons’ and serum melatonin levels in the rat following the pulse action of 52-Gs (50-Hz) magnetic fields: an evaluative analysis over 21 days. Acta Anat 1992;143:289-93
  • L. Vollrath, R. Spessert, T. Kratzsch, M. Keiner, and H. Hollmann. No Short-Term Effects of High- Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on the Mammalian Pineal Gland. Bioelectromagnetics 1997;18(5):376-87
  • Özen Þ. Mikrodalga frekanslý EM radyasyona maruz kalan biyolojik dokularda oluþan ýsýl etkinin teorik ve deneysel incelenmesi. Doktora Tezi. Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Elektronik ve Haberleþme Y Müh, 2003
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Reviews

Fehmi Özgüner This is me

Hakan Mollaoğlu This is me

Publication Date April 20, 2009
Submission Date April 20, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 13 Issue: 1


Vancouver Özgüner F, Mollaoğlu H. Manyetik alanın organizma üzerindeki biyolojik etkileri. Med J SDU. 2009;13(1):38-41.


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