Conference Paper
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Left pulmonic recess hematoma compressing pulmoner truncus

Year 2014, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 23 - 25, 12.03.2014


Left pulmonic recess hematoma compressing pulmoner truncusThe fluid-filled recesses which occured by pericardial cavity might mimic various mediastinal patologiessuch as lymphadenopathy. Therefore, it is necessary to know normal anatomy and appearance of pericardialrecesses to prevent misdiagnoses. Our aim is to present a left pulmonic recess hematoma, its secondary effectand review the radiological features of pericardial recesses

Left pulmonic recess hematoma compressing pulmoner truncusThe fluid-filled recesses which occured by pericardial cavity might mimic various mediastinal patologiessuch as lymphadenopathy. Therefore, it is necessary to know normal anatomy and appearance of pericardialrecesses to prevent misdiagnoses. Our aim is to present a left pulmonic recess hematoma, its secondary effectand review the radiological features of pericardial recesses


  • Vesely TM, Cahill DR. Crosssectional anatomy of the pericardial sinuses, recesses and adjacent structures. Surg Radiol Anat 1986; 8: 221–27.
  • Broderick LS, Brooks GN, Kuhlman JE. Anatomic Pitfalls of the Heart and Pericardium. RadioGraphics 2005; 25: 441–53.
  • O'Brien JP, Srichai MB, Hecht EM, Kim DC, Jacobs JE. Anatomy of the Heart at Multidetector CT: What the Radiologist Needs to Know. Radiographics 2007; 27: 1569-82.
  • Karaman CZ, Taþkýn F, Çildað B, Ünsal A. Rutin toraks BT incelemesinde süperior perikardiyal boþluk posterior bölümünün görülebilirliði. Tüberküloz ve Toraks Dergisi 2007; 55(3): 253-8.
  • Levy-Ravetch M, Auh YH, Rubenstein WA, Whalen JP, Kazam E.CT of Pericardial recesses. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1985; 144(4): 707-14.
  • Aronberg DJ, Peterson AR, Glazer HS, Sagel SS. The superior sinus of the pericardium: CT appearance. Radiology. 1984; 153(2): 489-92.
  • Batra P, Bigoni B, Manning J, Aberle DR, Brown K, Hart E, et al.Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Thoracic Aortic Dissection at CT Angiography. RadioGraphics 2000; 20: 309–20.
  • Shanmugam G, Mckeown J, Bayfield M, Hendel N, Hughes C. False Positive Computed Tomography Findings in Aortic Dissection. Heart Lung and Circulation 2004;13: 184-7.
  • Groell R, Schaffler GJ, Reinmuller R. Pericardial S i n u s e s a n d R e c e s s e s : F i n d i n g s a t Electrocardiographically Triggered Electron Beam CT. Radiology 1999; 212: 69-73.
  • Kodama F, Fultz PJ, Wandtke JC. Comparing thin- section and thick-section CT of pericardial sinuses and recesses. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2003; 181(4):1101- 8.
  • Basile A, Bisceglie P, Giulietti G, Calcara G, Figuera M, Mundo E, et al. Prevalence of "high-riding" superior pericardial recesses on thin-section 16-MDCT scans. 2006; 59(2): 265-9.
  • Kubota H, Sato C, Ohgushi M, Haku T, Sasaki K, Yamaguchi K.Fluid collection in the pericardial sinuses and recesses. Thin-section helical computed tomography observations and hypothesis. Invest Radiol. 1996; 31(10): 603-10.
  • Ozmen CA, Akpinar MG, Akay HO, Demirkazik FB, Ariyurek M. Evaluation of pericardial sinuses and recesses with 2-, 4-, 16-, and 64-row multidetector CT. Radiol Med. 2010; 115(7): 1038-46.


Year 2014, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 23 - 25, 12.03.2014


Perikardiyal kavitenin oluşturduğu reses ve sinüslerdeki sıvı, başta lenf nodları olmak üzere birçok mediastinal patolojiyi taklit edebilmektedir. Bu nedenle reses ve sinüslerin radyolojik özelliklerinin bilinmesi mediastinal lezyonların ayırıcı tanısında önem taşımaktadır. Amacımız bu olguda sol pulmoner reses hematomu ve bunun ikincil etkisini sunmak ve perikardiyal reseslerin radyolojik özelliklerini gözden geçirmektir.Perikardiyal resesler, perikardiyal kavitenin kalp tabanýndaki büyük damarlar ile seröz perikardium arasýndaki uzanýmýyla oluþan potansiyel boþluklardýr. Ýlk kez 1986da sistematik olarak tanýmlanmýþ ve isimlendirilmiþtir (1). Reseslerde toplanan sývýnýn oluþturduðu görünüm zaman zaman mediastinal-hiler
lenf nodlarý, kitle ve aortik diseksiyonu taklit edebilir. Son yýllarda geliþen hýzlý ve çok kesitli bilgisayarlý tomografi (ÇKBT) teknolojisi ile artan yüksek temporal ve uzaysal rezolüsyon sayesinde resesler ve bu lokalizasyondaki patolojiler daha kolay ayýrt edilebilir hale gelmiþtir.


  • Vesely TM, Cahill DR. Crosssectional anatomy of the pericardial sinuses, recesses and adjacent structures. Surg Radiol Anat 1986; 8: 221–27.
  • Broderick LS, Brooks GN, Kuhlman JE. Anatomic Pitfalls of the Heart and Pericardium. RadioGraphics 2005; 25: 441–53.
  • O'Brien JP, Srichai MB, Hecht EM, Kim DC, Jacobs JE. Anatomy of the Heart at Multidetector CT: What the Radiologist Needs to Know. Radiographics 2007; 27: 1569-82.
  • Karaman CZ, Taþkýn F, Çildað B, Ünsal A. Rutin toraks BT incelemesinde süperior perikardiyal boþluk posterior bölümünün görülebilirliði. Tüberküloz ve Toraks Dergisi 2007; 55(3): 253-8.
  • Levy-Ravetch M, Auh YH, Rubenstein WA, Whalen JP, Kazam E.CT of Pericardial recesses. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1985; 144(4): 707-14.
  • Aronberg DJ, Peterson AR, Glazer HS, Sagel SS. The superior sinus of the pericardium: CT appearance. Radiology. 1984; 153(2): 489-92.
  • Batra P, Bigoni B, Manning J, Aberle DR, Brown K, Hart E, et al.Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Thoracic Aortic Dissection at CT Angiography. RadioGraphics 2000; 20: 309–20.
  • Shanmugam G, Mckeown J, Bayfield M, Hendel N, Hughes C. False Positive Computed Tomography Findings in Aortic Dissection. Heart Lung and Circulation 2004;13: 184-7.
  • Groell R, Schaffler GJ, Reinmuller R. Pericardial S i n u s e s a n d R e c e s s e s : F i n d i n g s a t Electrocardiographically Triggered Electron Beam CT. Radiology 1999; 212: 69-73.
  • Kodama F, Fultz PJ, Wandtke JC. Comparing thin- section and thick-section CT of pericardial sinuses and recesses. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2003; 181(4):1101- 8.
  • Basile A, Bisceglie P, Giulietti G, Calcara G, Figuera M, Mundo E, et al. Prevalence of "high-riding" superior pericardial recesses on thin-section 16-MDCT scans. 2006; 59(2): 265-9.
  • Kubota H, Sato C, Ohgushi M, Haku T, Sasaki K, Yamaguchi K.Fluid collection in the pericardial sinuses and recesses. Thin-section helical computed tomography observations and hypothesis. Invest Radiol. 1996; 31(10): 603-10.
  • Ozmen CA, Akpinar MG, Akay HO, Demirkazik FB, Ariyurek M. Evaluation of pericardial sinuses and recesses with 2-, 4-, 16-, and 64-row multidetector CT. Radiol Med. 2010; 115(7): 1038-46.
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Case Reports

Arzu Canan

Sıddıka Sezgin Halıcıoğlu This is me

Şerife Altunrende This is me

Safiye Gürel This is me

Publication Date March 12, 2014
Submission Date December 17, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 21 Issue: 1


Vancouver Canan A, Sezgin Halıcıoğlu S, Altunrende Ş, Gürel S. PULMONER TRUNKUSU BASILAYAN SOL PULMONER RESES HEMATOMU. Med J SDU. 2014;21(1):23-5.


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